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Voice Real (121) - Meditation promotes Health -by Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj ( Babuji )
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Meditation promotes Health :
A man has said, that the, some doctor in Europe. I write it, I don't know whether to Mrs. Davies or somebody there, (Hindi: What was it? A doctor Gupta ?) A: (Hindi: A doctor asked you about something.) B: Yes. Something, Mrs. Davies has written probablyˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ That such and such doctor, very highly learned lady she was, such a doctor has said that meditation, produces diseases and so on, and ... and sometime a man becomes mad and so on. And it is some ? scientifically he has proved that blood goes in this way and that way, and that I don't understand what was there. I wanted to see that book but there is no good library here in Shahjahanpur. Then I wrote, myself, (Hindi: I said), "Look here. Thoughts are controlled, they are minimized, and if thought after thought we make, and what is the result? We consume blood". You consume blood, by thoughts also. So when thoughts are controlled you preserve that, that blood for the other work. So you, look here, this is ? brings you health. And they ? they are
satisfied, of course, quite out of question. When thoughts are controlled you preserve that blood for your health. A man who is very anxious, and you give him bread and butter and cheese and so many things, he will not be healthy. Because what he . . . ., more than that he consumes. And moreover, anxieties are removed, you preserve the blood. So it gives the health, gives you health also, but this system only, to my knowledge. And she admitted, "Yes, quite correct". B: Taking so many philosophies, there are 6, 7 schools of philosophy. But Raj Yoga is not touched, for, clear the course. For there is no research, that is the difficulty. A: (Hindi: Hasn't there been any research?). B: And time has changed, I'm telling you. According to the time, we should proceed. Now I'm telling you in Gita, a medi..., meditation is prescribed and that is right, here, meditation on here. Agya-chakra, - what you call - Cavernous Plexus but I tell no about it. That is prescribed, but how to do it? The way is not given. I talked with Mrs. Davies about it. Of course Christ has said very good things. Here in India saints also have said very good things. But what is the method, of having it? You say that you don't speak lie. Say that, I myself, that I must not speak lie. And I'm in habit of it. So how to control it? There should be way for it. That is the difficulty everywhere. And she acknowledged, "Yes, it is correct". And in Sahaj Marg, way of doing is also there.
A: Yes. B: It is not a way of praising, but way of doing. A: What is the difference Master between meditating on this point and the heart? B: Oh yes, heart is the nucleus of the human body. And it functions, it pumps out blood also. So when we are in meditation, or in the thought of God, now that affects the heart also. So cleaning is needed for your purpose, better for the heart. And blood moves into the body,... with that idea. So it brings piety. So I think of
this, and Raj Yoga the same method is given, meditation on the heart. The second comes in the Gita by Krishna. He prescribed it, but what is the way for it?
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