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Das Fitnessmagazin

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zu müde, um ins Fitness-Training zu gehen? Keine Lust auf Radfahren oder Joggen? Zu wenig Kraft in den Armen oder Beinen oder ein paar Gramm zu viel auf der Waage? Alles kein Problem, denn es gibt ja "Das Fitnessmagazin". Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie, wann, wo und womit man sich am besten fit hält - dann hören Sie rein in "Das Fitnessmagazin".
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Cuestionando los dogmas sobre Salud y Fitness para mejorar de verdad tu cuerpo. Hablamos de Dietas, de Ayuno Intermitente, de Entrenamientos Funcionales, de Psicología y en definitiva de Salud Global… con detalle y con verdaderos expertos
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, Justin Andrews, Doug Egge

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitne ...
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forever young - Ernährung, Bewegung, Denken, Gesundheit und Fitness

Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz ist praktizierender Internist, Molekularmediziner und Gastroenterologe. Mit über 50 veröffentlichten Buchtiteln ist er Deutschlands meistgelesener Arzt und mit seinen News auf erreicht er täglich tausende von Menschen. Ausgewählte News gibt es hier im Podcast nun auch zum Hören. Sprecher ist der Podcaster Ralf Bohlmann.
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FitnessFAQs Podcast


Get bigger, stronger and smarter with FitnessFAQs. Your host Daniel Vadnal is a Physiotherapist from Australia with more than 15 years of calisthenics experience. Guests include experts Dr Mike Israetel, Ben Patrick, Jeremy Ethier, Kinobody, The Bioneer, Alpha Destiny, Strength Side, Bill Maeda, Marcus Filly, Calisthenic Movement and more. Exercise can be complicated. This podcast will help.
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Being over 40 can make getting healthy and fit much harder. The 40+ Fitness Podcast is designed to address various health, fitness, and nutrition topics with you in mind. Your hosts, Allan Misner & Rachel Everett want to encourage, educate and entertain you as you travel on your health and fitness journey. Lose weight over 40. Get fit over 40.
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En el podcast semanal de Fitness en la Nube podrás escuchar todos los consejos y todas las estrategias para que consigas tus objetivos en el gimnasio. No dejes de entrenar y no dejes de mejorar! Si quieres que resuelva tus dudas, puedes contactar conmigo y las responderé en el siguiente programa. Puedes preguntar todo lo que se te ocurra, dudas con los ejercicios, la alimentación… Te ayudaré y te daré mi opinión sincera para que consigas todos tus objetivos. Únete a las ondas de Fitness en l ...
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Smart Fitness and Food Radio | Ernährung, Training, Lebensmittel, Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Gesundheit

Marc Drossel - Wöchentliche Episoden mit dem gesunden Wissen! Inspiriert d

Smart Fitness and Food Radio ist DER Podcast für jeden der endlich in Form kommen, gesünder leben, oder einfach seinen Horizont erweitern möchte! Egal ob Mann, Frau, groß, klein, dick, dünn, jung, alt, aktiv, oder träge. Du suchst nach dem leicht anwendbarem Wissen gepaart mit der extra Portion Motivation für eine bessere Gesundheit und einer besseren Figur, z.B. auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, beim Sport oder beim Kochen? Dann ist Smart Fitness and Food Radio der richtige Podcast für dich! In unter ...
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Smartare Fitness Podden

Presenteras av Certan

Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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Join author, fitness professional, and healthy living blogger, Gina Harney, as she shares expert interviews and tips that you can implement right now. This podcast is health, fitness, nutrition, beauty, and lifestyle advice, delivered by your internet BFF. If you're looking to create your healthiest, happiest life, this is the podcast for you. INSTAGRAM: @fitnessista Shownotes:
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Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern mit einem guten Gefühl. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf maximale Fitness mit minimalem Stressfaktor? Schon über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise meh ...
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Fitness Confidential

Vinnie Tortorich

Fitness and weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, the author of the best-selling book "Fitness Confidential", dispels the widespread mistaken beliefs regarding weight loss and exercise and teaches us how to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lives. Using his 35 years of experience in the fitness and weight loss industry in Hollywood combined with an absolute commitment to good health, Vinnie has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world lose hundreds of thousands of unhealthy ...
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Fitness M/K

Anders Nedergaard, Podads

Fitness M/K er Danmarks første og største podcast om sports, fitness og træning. Den startede som podcast hos det nu hedengangne Radio24syv, men Fitness M/K lever videre som uafhængig podcast. Følg med PhD Anders Nedergaard aka Dr. Muskel ind i træningens verden, hvor vi snakker sportsvidenskab, bodybuilding, fitness, ernæring, sportsernæring og underlige sportsgrene. Kroppen og alle de ting vi gør ved den for at gøre den større, mindre, hurtigere, vildere farligere har altid fascineret menn ...
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Za Hranicí Fitness

Charlie a Gárl

Karel Mencl a Karel Ticháček, dva hlasy, které již čtvrtým rokem tvoří podcast Za Hranicí Fitness. Každý druhý týden přinášíme našim posluchačům nové epizody, ve kterých se zaměřujeme na širokou škálu témat. Ať už je to zdraví, cvičení, strava, suplementace, psychika nebo biohacking, vždy se snažíme přinést nejen naše osobní zkušenosti, ale také nejnovější vědecké poznatky.
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Talking Elite Fitness

Tommy Marquez & Sean Woodland

CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.
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Fit, gesund und voller Energie – auch in den Wechseljahren! 💪 In meinem Podcast erfährst du, wie du deinen Körper und Geist in Bestform bringst, trotz Hormonschwankungen, Bauchfett oder Muskelabbau. Denn die Wechseljahre, Menopause oder Midlife Crisis ist nicht das Ende, sondern der Anfang eines starken, neuen Kapitels. Ich bin Mimi Lawrence, Fitness- und Gesundheitsexpertin, und ich unterstütze dich mit kostenlosen Tipps, die wirklich funktionieren: Bauchfett loswerden, Muskelmasse aufbauen ...
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Think Fitness Life

Matt Gluckman & Eric Menchi

Find Fitness Freedom! Interviews from Fitness Experts and individuals with personal transformation stories. Gain knowledge and insight to overcome obstacles and live your best fitness life! Visit for more Information on Programs & Coaching
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Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, ...
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Fitness in Philosophy

James Fitzgerald and Robby Gustin

The Fitness in Philosophy podcast is dedicated to discussing the intersection between concepts in philosophy and their connection with fitness. Each episode we talk about a particular philosophical concept like autonomy, knowledge, virtue, or truth and discuss how that idea connects with coaching fitness, participating in fitness as an individual, and fitness culture at large. It's hosted by OPEX Fitness Founder James Fitzgerald and Philosophy PhD/(soon to be) OPEX CCP Coach Robby Gustin.
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That Fitness Couple

Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski

"Resistance training, meat-eating, and God-fearing” fitness duo Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski break down the science of exercise and a (mostly) carnivore diet, among other fitness and health-related topics. With a conversational tone and a healthy dose of humor, they provide listeners with insights and solutions to complex fitness topics in a simple, clever, and always entertaining way. A PURE PHYSIQUE PODCAST
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This podcast tackles all aspects of fitness with the clear objective of trying to explain them in the most simplistic way possible. I am a very strong believer that all aspects of fitness are extremely over complicated so hopefully these episodes will help you see how easy it really is.
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The Lens On Fitness podcast is a fitness podcast with a difference. Designed to help you overcome some of the physical and mental challenges that may crop up. Especially as you try to navigate your way through your fitness journey and work towards becoming a better version of you. Intro music credits - Artist - Lakey Inspired Track - Chill Day
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Per Mattsson

Bli en lyckligare och effektivare ledare, företagare, person genom bättre vanor! I den här podden pratar vi ledarskap, produktivitet, träning och mindset på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt. Per Mattsson är rektorn som blev gymägare, business mentor, fotbollstränare och mindset coach. Ta del av vinnande vanor och strategier som gör dig till en vinnare.
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Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
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show series
In dieser Podcastfolge spreche ich über die hormonellen Unterschiede zwischen Männer und Frauen und was Frauen laut aktueller Datenlage bei ihrer Trainingsplanung beachten sollten. Teilt diese Folge gerne auf Instagram oder in deinem Netzwerk! Enjoy :) Supplements: ► Maximal mögliche Rabatte mit dem Code "SMARTFITNESS" auf alle Supplements von www.…
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In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three reasons why staying in shape is easier than getting into shape. (2:09) The first lesson in understanding women. (21:27) The cost of temptation and fame. (23:20) Challenging carbon dating. (35:13) One of the BIGGEST investments in improving y…
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Episode 2582 - On this Friday's show, Vinnie Tortorich welcomes Dr. Chris Palmer, and they discuss the increase in mental health disorders, how diet affects the brain, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Diet Aff…
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Feeling foggy, anxious, or low-energy? Discover how your hormones, brain health, and daily habits might be holding you back. Chalene sits down with Dr. Daniel Amen, renowned psychiatrist and brain health expert, to discuss the profound connection between hormones, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Together, they explore how changes in hormone…
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How to say “NO”… Guilt Free? “No” is a full sentence and you do not have to explain why you say it – HOW? How to stop accepting, going and doing stuff that wastes YOUR time, to please other people?Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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Sitting too much can be dangerous. But, doing something about it can be hard. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about the challenges of moving away from a sedentary lifestyle. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a donation through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Fitness Habit That Lasts Learn mo…
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How to Prioritize Fitness in a Busy Schedule? Got a packed day? Fitness can fit in! Here’s how: 1️⃣ Set a time—Make it non-negotiable. Even 10-15 min counts!2️⃣ Morning moves—Knock it out early, before distractions pile up.3️⃣ Use short workouts—AMRAPs, EMOMs, kettlebell circuits; high intensity, low time.4️⃣ Sneak in activity—Take the stairs, stre…
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The past week has been full of new information on what we can expect in 2025. The World Fitness Project revealed the structure of its planned competitive season for the new year and CrossFit released details of the Community Cup. Sean, Tommy and Lauren tell us what they like about each one, what may be a problem, and what questions they still have …
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This episode is brought to you by Jeannie Kulwin Coaching! Sign up for Jeannie’s 24 Hour Stress Detox Listen to Jeannie’s healing journey here: Learn more about her 1:1 coaching program here www.jea…
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Hoy hablo con el Dr. Javier Romero, de ROC Clinic, sobre la salud de la próstata:- Funciones de la próstata.- Problemas más comunes.- Hiperplasia benigna de próstata: causas, síntomas, tratamientos...- Cáncer de próstata: prevalencia y síntomas.- Cribado / Screening de cáncer de próstata: PSA, resonancia, biopsias...- Puntuación de Gleason para eva…
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Send us a text Oof, body image struggles - it's a doozy, isn't it? We've all been there, staring in the mirror, wondering 'what happened?' But my friend, the path from shame to self-acceptance is one we can walk together. In this episode, I'm diving deep into the world of body positivity, sharing practical strategies to shift your mindset from 'ugh…
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Danmarks stærkeste mænd. I slutningen af oktober blev Danmarks Stærkeste Mand afholdt i Svendborg. Fitness M/K har besøg af to af vinderne. Danmarks stærkeste mand fra overall-klassen, Mikkel Leicht, og Lars Besand, vinder af vægtklassen under 105 kg. Hvis du er vokset op i 80’erne og 90’erne vil du måske huske stærkmandskonkurrencerne fra DR og TV…
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🔍 Discover Your Fitness Personality Type. Take the Quiz Connect with ‘THAT FITNESS COUPLE’ 📱 IG:@thatfitnesscouplepodcast 📽️ YouTube: That Fitness Couple 🌐 Website: 👕 Get your PURE PHYSIQUE Swag: & Corrie-Beth Lipowski
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Esta popular expresión tiene su origen en una maniobra militar a cargo de Alejandro Magno, que cuando desembarcó con sus tropas en la costa fenicia observó que sus enemigos le triplicaban en número y que su tropa se veía derrotada antes de pisar el campo de batalla. Inmediatamente mandó quemar todas las naves. Mientras su flota ardía, Alejandro Mag…
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Episode 321 of the Football Fitness Federation Podcast is with the Founder of Soccer Herformance Ellie Maybury⁣⁣We discussed:⁣▫️Future of Performance Support⁣▫️Champions of the Women’s game⁣▫️Resource Limited vs High Resource Environments⁣▫️Skills developed across Sports/Industries⁣& more!⁣⁣You can follow Ellie on Instagram @soccerherformance⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣…
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This week we look back at 2024 with Travis Owles. Travis is an accomplished HYROX racer but he is also known for taking on various challenges such as a 24 hour HYROX and a mile of burpee broad jumps. We consider these challenges and perhaps more importantly consider what he has learned along the way which may help HYROX athletes of all abilities. F…
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Přejeme příjemný poslech! Naši tvorbu můžeš podpořit nákupem suplementů Za Hranicí Fitness, využitím slevového kódu při nákupu u našich partnerů, nebo také sdílením, či recenzí na Apple Podcastech. Děkujeme! Suplementy Za Hranicí Fitness najdeš na: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Na celém e-shopu můžeš využít kód…
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This week's coaching session focuses on the importance of planning ahead when it comes to your meals. How can we develop more consistency and really start to own our Monday through Friday? Meal prep...... Join Thorne Client invite list by emailing me Leave me a Google Review here Follow on IG here
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On episode 673 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Tom Mouland (aka Tom the Trainer) and discuss how you can optimize your physique when you're over 40. You can find the full show notes at
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Struggling to stay active as the days get shorter and colder? In this episode, we explore how Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can impact your mood, energy, and motivation—and share practical ways to keep moving, stay consistent, and feel your best all winter long.
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In dieser Episode geht es um die Kunst der schnellen Erholung – besonders in stressigen Zeiten wie der Vorweihnachtszeit. Wir kennen das alle: Geschenke kaufen, den Weihnachtsbaum schmücken, die Familie versorgen und dazu der ganz normale Alltag. Kein Wunder, dass Erholungsphasen oft zu kurz kommen! Doch was passiert, wenn der Stress überhandnimmt …
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Ratgeber Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Hier kostenlos laden. „Wer sich gesund ernährt, benötigt keine Nahrungsergänzungsmittel“, hört man oft. Andererseits wächst der größtenteils unregulierte Markt mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln stetig. Niels Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Arzt für Sport- und Ernährungsmedizin, über das Für- und Wider von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln…
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This week's Addicted to Fitness features a discussion on how healthly habits can help you manage the holiday season. Nick and Shannon describe how they are going to use working out and mindful eating to manage the stress commonly associated with the holiday season. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast. Give it a listen and let us …
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In this episode of The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we had the privilege of hosting special guest Kerri Walsh. Kerri is an expert and leader in AI-powered fitness innovation. She’s passionate about how technology is transforming fitness into a more accessible and effective experience for everyone. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.c…
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Here are the five things you'll learn from this episode of The Business of Fitness Podcast: The five essential objectives every fitness business must meet to succeed. Why failing to create value turns your business into a hobby. How ineffective marketing leads to your business becoming a flop. The risks of undercharging and failing to deliver value…
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This podcast episode dives into the importance of building sustainable habits as we approach the New Year. Liam emphasises the launch of a habits challenge for gym members in January, focusing on foundational practices that support long-term health and fitness goals. He acknowledges the common tendency to seek quick fixes and extreme diets, advocat…
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¡Buenas, a todos! Hoy os traigo el tricentésimo quincuagésimo octavoprograma de la sección que comenzamos en la radio local hace un tiempo y que hemos denominado Es Saludable, en el programa Es la Mañana de León, Astorga y La Bañeza en EsRadio. IMPORTANTE Y DE INTERÉS PARA VOSOTROS También lo tenéis en Youtube ( ):
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If running your health business seems so hard and you’re busy plugging holes, fixing leaks only to realize you’ve got another hole in the roof, this is for you. The single most important question to ask… and it’s not … how much do you want to make, or do you want to coach high ticket offers vs big groups of people who pay you less… The single most …
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To submit a question for us to answer on the podcast, go to To subscribe to The Better Brain Fitness newsletter and get our Guide and Checklist to essential blood tests and nutrients, go to: To learn more about how you can boost brain fitness with neuroscience-based musical instruction, head to brainjo…
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In this episode James and Robby discuss the connection between the concept of tolerance and fitness. At base level, tolerance is defined as: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviors that one does not necessarily agree with So, how does this relate to fitness/health? There are so many fitness and nutrition fads, cleanses a…
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Anna J. Williams, a seasoned athlete and author, shares her passion for fitness and healthy aging on the "Six Weeks to Fitness" podcast. Her book, "Effective Exercises for Seniors 60 Plus," is a testament to her belief that age is just a number. Anna's journey into fitness began as a teenager, inspired by a hurtful comment about her weight. This mo…
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Hostage Tape is a brand of sleep tape and nasal strips designed to improve sleep quality. The tape is designed to be worn over the mouth during sleep, encouraging nasal breathing and reducing snoring. The improved sleep quality has been helping athletes, specifically UFC fighters improve their recovery and overall performance. We sit down with Alex…
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Back with a new episode (finally). In this one I ranted about a few different fitness / weight loss topics and had the craic for over an hour. I'm using a new thing to record it and it can write my show notes for me, so below is AI telling you what the episode is about. In this episode of the Sean Casey Fitness Podcast, Sean shares a candid life up…
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Bauchmuskel-Übungen und Hantel-Training für daheim - auf Instagram macht Fitness-Coach Chris Krömer seine Eltern fit / Für mehr Lebensqualität - warum ein Muskelaufbau im Alter besonders wichtig ist / Hobby-Horsing - wie aus einem Kinderspiel ein Trend-Sport geworden ist / Fitness-Tipps von Profi-Fußballerin Lena Oberdorf vom FC Bayern München // B…
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28 januari kör jag igång nästa start av mina 28-dagarsutmaningar. 28 Hard 28 Happy 28 Golden Hour Challenge 1: Disciplin och mindset 2:Vanor och handlingar som gör dig lyckligare 3: Struktur och disciplin som ökar din produktivitet Välj din utmaning, investera 280:-, uppgradera dig själv!Per Mattsson
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