29 Could practising gratitude make you a happier person?
Manage episode 440512618 series 3545245
I invite you to contemplate this question for a moment: What is the biggest cause of unhappiness?
Maybe you say a lack of money, a lack of a loving partner, a lack of a body you can feel proud of when you look in the mirror, a lack of some other thing you so desperately want…
In my experience, the biggest cause of unhappiness is a lack of gratitude.
So many people fall into the pattern of taking life - and everything in it - for granted. Instead of focusing on all they do have, they focus on all they don’t have. Thinking that if they just get more of what they want, then they’ll be happy.
But life doesn’t work that way.
All you need to do to feel happy, is to be grateful. And that’s something every single one of us can do.
Today on I Love Me the Podcast, you’ll learn that practising gratitude doesn’t need to be an arduous task. You don’t need to write out gratitude lists every day… Nope. Being grateful can be one of the easiest, and quickest ways of living happily right now.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.22 When Manifesting becomes a way of life. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/07/31/ep-22-when-manifesting-becomes-a-way-of-life/
Dr. Masaru Emoto website where you can see pictures of his water crystals:
My favourite books by Dr Masaru Emoto are The Healing Power of Water and The Miracle of Water.
Money and Me course: https://gettingnaked.com.au/money-and-me/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
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