Bruce Greenwood (The Fall Of The House of Usher) stars in this horror thriller podcast. A detective investigating a bizarre serial killer stumbles upon a conspiracy by a thousand-year-old vampire to return humanity to its "superior" primal capabilities.
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Are you a fan of Game of Thrones? Never read the books? No problem! Check out this podcast where the host, Liz, discusses about some of the things you missed out from the books! If you're interested in this podcast or the fandom, check out the website ( to find out more! Sign up to the newsletter for the latest updates to the podcast or website. Artwork by Art - Music by Cloud Road Music -
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The Primal Podcast (previously known as 5 Minute Body) is hosted by Rina Ahluwalia, who has over 25 years of experience in the medical industry. The health podcast discusses root-cause healing including nutritional protocols like the Carnivore Diet to fix inflammation, hormonal dysregulation, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and mental health disorders. Learn More:
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スキマ時間に刺さる厳選ニュース🎧NIKKEI PODCAST(日経ポッドキャスト)の番組「日経プライムボイス」毎週木曜配信!専門メディアの編集長6人が週替わりでイチ押し記事をお届けします。 【NIKKEI PODCAST】 日経電子版Podcastポータルサイト: Xアカウント:@nikkeipodcast ( Instagramアカウント:@nikkeipodcast(
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A Primeira Vez: um programa de entretenimento para toda a família. Com Daniel Carapeto, Pedro Alves e Rui Iggy. Também disponível no YouTube.
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UOL Prime tem diversas temporadas com o melhor do jornalismo do UOL. Temporada 4. "UOL Prime", apresentado por José Roberto de Toledo, tem novos episódios às quintas-feiras. O jornalista conversa com repórteres que revelam detalhes e bastidores das reportagens publicadas em UOL Prime --área com notícias exclusivas e o melhor do jornalismo do UOL. Temporada 3. “Brennand” revela áudios inéditos de um dos processos mais detalhados contra o empresário Thiago Brennand –inclusive com admissão de e ...
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One of the “most helpful plain-English resources for investors who want to demystify exchange-traded funds” – Bloomberg BusinessWeek
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Ouça as três principais notícias do dia em apenas dez minutos. Episódios de segunda a sexta disponíveis antes das seis da manhã. Apresentação Frederico Goulart.
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Midnight Horror Stories by Your new sleep paralysis pals. Daily doses of spooky fiction & bone-chilling true crime, served with a side of existential dread. Tune in—we promise these tales will haunt your brain longer than that weird noise in your attic. Sweet dreams… or not."
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Gustavo Carvalho entrevista pessoas para quem a comédia é paixão e profissão. Por vezes abre a porta a conversas sobre outros temas culturais que o entusiasmam, seja sobre teatro, música, digital, televisão ou cinema. A comédia, a arte e a cultura que estão para acontecer, todas as terças-feiras no Humor À Primeira Vista.
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Repàs a La Llista de Primera Fila amb en Marc Clapés. Dues hores de novetats i amb els èxits més importants del moment.
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Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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Suchende im Dickicht von Organisation und Wertschöpfung.
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Jumpstart your Amazon bookselling business. Join us biweekly, as we answer listener questions, cover all the important concepts you will need to understand when starting your Amazon bookselling Journey
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Podcast da Primeira Igreja Batista em Londrina, seja bem vindo e que Deus abençoe sua vida.
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Some of the good stuff from Prospector's morning show on ROCK 107 in Scranton PA!. Interviews, stupid things he talked about and other silliness.
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Juanma Rodríguez toma los mandos de la noche en esRadio en un programa deportivo distinto con información y mucha opinión.
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Welcome to Prime Factors where we review each UK Prime Minister from Robert Walpole to Keir Starmer. We discuss their biography, highs and lows, and then rate them on a scale designed by a 10-year old before awarding the ultimate prize: Are they ”Known” or an ”Ice Cream Cone”? Some dads build a treehouse with their kid. We’re doing a history podcast.
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With a career spanning over 40 years in both retail and wholesale furniture and mattress industries, Pete Primeau shares his insights on sales & marketing. Regularly joined by guests from a variety of industries, this show is not just for those in the mattress and furniture business - but for any business owner or sales professional.
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#ElComentario es una editorial quincenal donde la directora de Mexicanos Primero Jalisco, Itzia Gollás, habla en Notisistema sobre los retos, noticias y temas relevantes para la educación porque #AprenderImporta.
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An introspective podcast on cultural self reflection and the human experience, as told by a primate. — Featuring conversations that explore a multitude of topics including: culture, community and society.
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Spreading information and inspiration about holistic health for individuals, families, and the culture.
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Join venture capital firm Prime Movers Lab as we dive deep into the most exciting advances in breakthrough science and technology with the founders, researchers, and prime movers who are working to transform billions of lives.
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Podcasts del programa Vostè primer - Hora a Hora
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De dilluns a divendres de 8:30h a 9:00h, a la Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa. Un repàs a l’actualitat més destacada de la nostra ciutat així com dels temes més importants d’arreu. Presentat per Francesc Novell. Autor: Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa/
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A camera is just a tool, but spend enough time with photographers, and you’ll see them go misty-eyed when they talk about their first camera or a small, fast prime that they had in their youth. Prime Lenses is a series of interviews with photographers talking about their photography by way of three lenses that mean a lot to them. These can be interchangeable, attached to a camera, integrated into a gadget. I’m interested in the sometimes complex relationship we have with the tools we choose, ...
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Podcast about Craft Beer. I talk to guests from around the craft beer community - not just breweries. There will also be chances to WIN beer from some of the guests, so subscribe to be kept up-to-date!
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A show covering the 50th anniversary of SNL.
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NFL Primeira Descida é o podcast semanal do em parceria com a NFL Brasil com análises, informações e tudo o que acontece na principal liga de futebol americano, cada dia mais popular também no Brasil.
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The 5-Minute PRIME podcast from helps busy professionals master personal finance and real estate investing with quick, actionable tips. Build wealth, stay consistent, and take steps toward financial freedom - one episode at a time.
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Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain Dale’s book The Prime Ministers: Three Hundred Years of History. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne and Henry Pelham to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, these podcasts provide a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements. Season Two, gives the same treatment t ...
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Jim Disador, the 58 year old rookie has come out of retirement to get into the podcast game with some help from his kids.
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O futebol feminino ganha um novo espaço de destaque no zerozero. O "Primeiro as Senhoras" é um novo podcast de análise e debate aos temas mais prementes do futebol feminino nacional, com olhar ainda para as portuguesas lá fora. Andreia Araújo é o moderador e conta com a companhia de Daniel Sousa e Renato Soares.
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Primal Diet – Modern Health combines the best of Natural Health and the Paleo Diet in one terrific show. Host Beverly Meyer offers a wealth of information on food, hormones, supplements, sleep, neurotransmitters, and more, often with great guests. She is a Clinical Nutritionist in practice since 1985. Beverly has worked actively on her own health since the 1970's. Find her popular blog at
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Você quer conhecer histórias transformadoras? Conhecer pessoas que superaram o medo e foram atrás de seus sonhos? Então o “45 Do Primeiro Tempo” é o seu podcast. Toda semana um papo muito legal com pessoas que se reinventaram, que foram em busca de mais propósito e que tem muito a nos ensinar.
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Prime Time is a casual history Rexy-Pod ranking all the British Prime Ministers from Robert Walpole to the modern day. On our way, we'll tell the story of this nation, cast judgement on our forebears, and explore some of the weird, wonderful, and time-worn bits of modern British Politics that are still around today. @primetime_cast For bonus episodes and our Discord, join us on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Somatic Primer Podcast promotes a cross discipline of somatic dialogues that strive to discover the common threads that run through them all. The Somatic Primer Podcast hosts interdisciplinary conversations from experts in their fields and sharing those ideas within the larger somatic community.
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“Mundo corporativo, gestão de projetos, nerdices, curiosidades, tecnologia e muita paixão pelo velho e bom bate-papo de cafezinho. Chega aí!”
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Primal Shift is about helping you achieve optimal health by bridging the gap between ancestral living and the demands of modern society. We’ll talk about every aspect of a healthy life, including sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management, environmental toxins, hormesis, belonging and tribalism, and reconnecting with nature. Get ready to unlock the transformative power of nature as the ultimate biohack, revolutionize your health and reconnect you with your primal self. Each episode is sho ...
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Pra tudo se tem uma primeira vez. Essa é a nossa!
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Join Primal Health Coach and Mum Helen Marshall as she delves into the health journeys of real people with real stories about real food. Soak up the actionable tips on how to make your primal journey more doable and sustainable. Reclaim your health by getting back to the foods we evolved and thrive on as species. Goodbye deprivation and chronic cardio and hello intuitive eating and go with the flow workouts.
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Dexter and Shannon Cearley host The Cearley Cultivation Podcast. In each episode Dexter brings different topics and the two discus the topics relevance to society at large and how it can be used to analyze our lives as individuals living in a post modern world
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How much of yourself can you give away before there's nothing left to give? Regina Prime follows the search for a 21st Century urban explorer who stumbles onto a disturbing discovery while vlogging an abandoned scientific research facility. This centuries-spanning story explores the sacrifices people make in order to leave an imprint on the world, even if it means hurting others along the way.
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Darrer vol a Formentera es un programa d’IB3 Ràdio, la ràdio autonòmica de les Balears. Amb Vicent Tur, Alex Berlanga i Pablo Morganti.
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Ryan McGee and Mike Ryan discuss SNL and other parts of pop culture.
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Podcast de temas humanísticos variados. Historia, filosofía, política, religión... Desde un punto de vista divulgativo.
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Três notícias em 10 minutos: Congresso ajusta prioridades na volta do carnaval e foca na votação do orçamento; governo reúne ministros e empresários para discutir preço dos alimentos; sob as benção de Laíla, Beija-Flor conquista seu décimo quinto título no carnaval carioca. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Entrevistam Antoni Tur Serra, patró major de la Confraria de Pescadors d'Eivissa per parlar de la nova edició de la Fira des Gerret que tindrà lloc aquest dissabte a Santa Eulària.
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Entrevistam Neri Díaz, organitzadora de la tercera edicio del Dones Fest que tindrà lloc aquest diumenge a la sala Es Gremi de Mallorca.
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Quem gosta de um cafezinho já percebeu que o preço subiu - e muito - nas prateleiras dos supermercados. Mas até quando os consumidores devem sentir os efeitos dessa inflação? O repórter Graciliano Rocha conversou com o apresentador José Roberto de Toledo neste novo episódio do podcast UOL Primesobre os principais motivos que levaram à alta do café.…
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Fala pessoal! Vocês tão bão? No episódio de hoje, vamos compartilhar algumas aplicações práticas com IA na Gestão de Projetos. Imagina que estamos começando um projeto novo: que tipo de ferramentas e prompts podemos usar pra nos ajudar a elaborar um escopo inicial mais certeiro? Podemos fazer cotações e estimativas de prazo também? E análise de ris…
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El Primer Palo (05/03/2025): Programa completo; El Barcelona gana en Lisboa y toma ventaja
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1:30:00Tertulia con Paco Rabadán, Jose Miguélez y Alfredo Somoza
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JULIO CESAR (Primer parte)
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1:05:57Primera parte de una semblanza de Julio César con la participación de Jordi Cerdà.
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アバターを操作して、メタバース(仮想空間)で様々なゲームが遊べる「Roblox(ロブロックス)」が世界を席巻しています。ゲームを作ることも、買い物をすることもできる革新的なプラットフォームは「ゲーム版YouTube(ユーチューブ)」とも呼ばれます。特徴やリスクをNIKKEI Digital Governanceの中西豊紀編集長が解説します。 スキマ時間に刺さる音声コンテンツNIKKEI PrimeVOICE(日経プライムボイス)は専門メディア編集長6人がイチ押し記事をお届けします。 日経プライムボイスは毎週木曜配信。公式SNS「日経ポッドキャスト」から #プライムボイス で感想をお寄せください。 ■NIKKEI Digital Governance編集長 中西豊紀 大阪で流通と電機、東京では…
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Beer Prime - Episode 107 - Bianca Road Brew Co.
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1:06:48EPISODE 107: BIANCA ROAD BREW CO. // In the latest episode I headed into London to sit down with Bianca Road Brew Co owner/founder Reece Wood, in their Bermondsey taproom. We talk about their beginnings in their eponymous home street, before necessity made them move. There's also talk of Cease and Desists, being welcome into the Beer Mile fold, and…
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Anything you may have missed from this morning's show.Prospector
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Dimecres 05/03/25 - 13 h
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Testosterone is the engine of vitality and the foundation of muscle growth, energy, focus and resilience. Unfortunately, modern life can make it hard to maintain optimal levels, due to factors like poor diet, chronic stress and environmental toxins that can disrupt production at every step of the process. In this episode, we break down how testoste…
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How does storytelling become resistance? On this episode of The Social Primate, Eddie Aguirre sits down with Xitlalic Guijosa-Osuna to talk art, poetry, and the power of storytelling. From capturing everyday dichos through Tarjetitas con Amor to amplifying Southeast LA’s voice through poetry, she shares how creativity becomes resistance. She reflec…
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Entrevistam Damià Verdera, nou president del Club Nàutic d’Eivissa que enguany celebra el seu centenari.
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Entrevistam Edu Soto, actor i humorista català que estarà dissabte al Teatre de Calós, a Ciutadella, presentant el seu monòleg ‘Más vale solo que ciento volando’.
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El Primer Palo (04/03/2025) Programa completo; el Madrid toma ventaja (2-1)
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1:29:59Tertulia con María Trisac, Paul Tenorio y Alfredo Somoza.
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Roxanna Islam, Head of Sector & Industry Research at VettaFi, weighs in on a groundbreaking private credit ETF, Nvidia’s influence on semiconductor ETFs, and the latest surrounding crypto ETF filings.ETF Prime
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Ryan McKee, Head of Emerging Product Specialists at Fidelity, highlights recent ETF trends, discusses key considerations with active management, and shares insights into advisor portfolio construction.ETF Prime
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Fidelity’s Ryan McKee highlights recent ETF trends, discusses key considerations with active management, and shares insights into advisor portfolio construction. VettaFi’s Roxanna Islam weighs in on a groundbreaking private credit ETF, Nvidia’s influence on semiconductor ETFs, and the latest surrounding crypto ETF filings.…
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In this episode we discuss some product categories you can look at to expand to in your Bookselling Business Get Unlimited Email support for starting your business visit Need Inventory? Check out one of a kind inventory sourcing method for any book seller. Visit…
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Dimarts 04/03/25 - 13 h
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Entrevistam Joan Mayans, escriptor eivissenc que acaba de publicar el llibre ‘Pensa un desig’.
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Especial ao vivo com Guilherme Duarte: “Há stand-up comedians muito bons em bares, mas não têm nenhuma estratégia digital e não conseguem vender 100 bilhetes. Se calhar são melhores do que outros que enchem ...
Se no início queria ser um humorista das crónicas e dos blogues, em 2025 Guilherme Duarte já vai para o quarto espetáculo de stand-up comedy. Em “Por Falar Noutra Coisa” deu os primeiros passos; em “Só de Passagem” refletiu sobre a morte; em “Limbo” desceu ao inferno; e agora apresenta “Matrioska”. Uma tour com 23 datas, em 20 cidades diferentes, p…
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El Primer Palo (03/03/2025) Programa completo; Derbi madrileño a cuchillo
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1:29:17Tertulia con Sergio Valentin, Israel Iñiguez y Rodrigo Marciel
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Juanma Rodríguez le dedica su comentario al CTA
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El Primer Palo (03/03/2025): Football is coming home; los duelos europeos Real Madrid - Atlético
Dani Blanco repasa, a un dia de la eliminatoria de Champions, los duelos europeos entre los dos equipos de la capital
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Com Daniel Carapeto, Pedro Alves e Rui Iggy. Ideia: Rui Iggy Realização: Rodrigo Bonito Edição: Daniel Carapeto Grafismos: Rui Iggy Música: Som: Rui Bonifácio Luz: Rui…
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Thinking of selling your house? Should you list it publicly on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service), or take the "secret" route with an off-MLS deal? On this episode of the 5-Minute PRIME Podcast, , host Martin Maxwell dives into the data – revealing a billion-dollar difference in seller outcomes. We explore the pros and cons of each approach, drawin…
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Dilluns 03/03/25 - 13 h
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Entrevistam Chiara Oliver, cantant menorquina que presentarà el seu disc ‘La libreta rosa’ al Trui Teatre el proper 22 de març.
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Episode Summary: In this episode, we explore the powerful connection between decluttering your space and achieving weight loss success. Our environment shapes our mindset, habits, and overall well-being. By organizing our physical surroundings, we create space for better decisions, healthier choices, and a calmer mind. Tune in to discover how a clu…
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In this episode, we welcome Aimee Griffiths, a seasoned expert in the bedding industry with over two decades of experience. As a passionate sales leader and advocate for health and wellness, Aimee is on a mission to revolutionize sleep and help people live better lives. As founder of Rise Lifestyle, she curates luxury home products that optimize re…
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Gluten-safe kissing is important to talk about. If you’re sensitive to gluten, what happens when a kissable partner has eaten pizza or had a beer lately? How careful do we need to be? Can we get “glutened” from kissing? Several studies show that proteins from foods can linger in the mouth several hours after consumption. Some mouths clear them fast…
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Iain Dale talks to the host of the Chinese Whispers podcast about the life and rule of President Xi Jinping of China. Signed copies of THE DICTATORS can be ordered here
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Hablamos de Guillermo de Ockham, de su famoasa "navaja", del nominalismo y todo lo relacionamos con Venecia y su "nobleza" monetarista y conspiradora.
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Ryan and Mike are back after a long, post-SNL 50th Anniversary content hangover that may or may not have carried over into the content of this week's episode. This was a complicated one to unpack for sure! If you seek additional entertainment, join the others that have already subscribed to our Patreon! We will be posting both SNL and non-SNL conte…
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Ryan and Mike are back after a long, post-SNL 50th Anniversary content hangover that may or may not have carried over into the content of this week's episode. This was a complicated one to unpack for sure! If you seek additional entertainment, join the others that have already subscribed to our Patreon! We will be posting both SNL and non-SNL conte…
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Prime Lenses Episode 51 - Jessica Kosmack
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1:07:00Jess is a Canadian photographer, my second one of those in fact, whose work I came across via the brilliant I Dream of Cameras. She has shot Formula 1 on film and has a love of fixed lens medium format, something which if the rumours are true, could make a comeback some time this year. I was delighted to talk to someone who thinks carefully about d…
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These steps are easy, simple and accessible. More importantly, they work. You're going to want to listen to this episode and give this strategy a try! If you have questions, find me on Instagram and let me know! Subscribe to EB's YouTube channel! Live show coming soon!
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Primera Llista - 1 març 2025
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1:59:33Primera Llista amb Marc Clapés Amb la col·laboració de Pol Angelats Les 40 cançons de la setmana en 120 minuts
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Divendres 28/02/25 - 13 h
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Join us as we delve into a chilling experience that unfolded at an old gas station in Columbus, Ohio. Our speaker recounts a tense encounter with a stranger that left them feeling uneasy and anxious. Discover how quick thinking and a bit of deception helped them navigate a potentially dangerous situation and the lessons learned about personal safet…
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Moraes reage a Trump; técnicos do Ibama e Petrobras em lados opostos; Carnaval e Oscar embalam brasileiros
Três notícias em 10 minutos: Alexandre de Moraes reage a post do governo Trump e defende soberania do país; técnicos do Ibama recomendam veto a estudo sobre exploração de petróleo na margem equatorial; brasileiros vão as ruas pra curtir o carnaval embalado pela expectativa de vitória no Oscar. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Serge Rehem - “A vida é um grande compartilhar”
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1:14:01Serge Rehem tem certeza de uma coisa: o tempo é o nosso bem mais precioso e desperdiçá-lo com coisas que não nos fazem mais sentido é deixar a vida escapar em sua plenitude. Depois de viver uma crise profissional do auge da sua carreira, ele encontrou no peregrinar um caminho para recalcular sua rota de vida e entender que a jornada em si é mais va…
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In this chilling episode, we dive into the harrowing experiences of two families confronted by the sinister forces lurking in seemingly idyllic cornfields. The first tale follows a frantic mother searching for her son, Luke, who goes missing during an innocent game of hide and seek. As she navigates the towering stalks, she encounters a shadowy fig…
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In this spine-chilling episode, we dive into the eerie memories of a group of thrill-seeking kids from a small town, where cornfields loom large and secrets lie hidden. Led by the daring Connor, the friends embark on a fateful night adventure into Mr. Wilkins' cornfield, rumored to be haunted. As they delve deeper, playful banter turns to chilling …
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