Today is Fri-YAY November 8th. On today's show: Word of the day, "RUDE" //: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines: offensively impolite or ill-mannered: **Quote of the day: This post may contain affiliate links *There is a difference between expressing your opinion and being rude." **Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength." Food news and new music Fri-YAY. Before the music segment, where I will be going over the list, "Bestselling bands of the '80s, then and now." Remember to check out our friends' podcasts: "Squats and Thoughts; a health and nutrition show with Dena Jo." Coffeyville Department of Meme's - FB & Merchandise: DaGrayArea - Society, News Free Association Podcast (radioprojects Dennis Barker) Music, News Podbean Podcast Nation on Facebook - promote your podcasts **Self-improvement Daily -Brian Ford - Self Improvement SLACKER82ALPHA PODCAST - News SouthOzMan - Real, Raw & Revised Media - Down Under The Beans and Weenies - Variety **The Low Standards and Pours Musicast - A mindful musical hip trip into a memory of unguarded chords The Mindset Mentor - Rob Dial - Self Improvement The Rocking Al Show - Self Improvement The Why Run! Podcast - Society, Personal Development - check her out on Youtube WKOP- The Wrong Kind of Podcast - Society Thank you all for your continued love, support and love! If you are not already following, please hit that follow button. You can now download on Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Samsung Podcast & Player FM Now. Thank you for your support and love and remember, "AAAAAAWWWWWW, Be the reason someone smiles today, let your smile change the world and do not let the world change your smile!" **For the above sound clips and songs, we don't own the rights to them, but are using them in compliance to Fair Use. Parody & Educational. Please check out more episodes, thank you. Much Love, Dena Jo aka DJ Pebbles **Please check out my new podcast, "Squats and Thoughts; a health and nutrition show with Dena Jo."…