Resources: Find your local ag extension office – follow the link for your state and select the county that is closest to you! They are there to help you out, don’t hesitate to contact them with questions. - UofA Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines – many helpful guides for all types of ag work, including animal handling and relevant tasks. – NFMC & NCCRAHS Needlestick Prevention resources – fact sheets, videos, and more about needlestick prevention. – UMASH Right from the Start – check out the outline for each topic for information on animal; topics cover beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, sheep, swine, and horses - UTHCT Safe Livestock Handling Flyer and the Safe Livestock Handling Checklist – CS-CASH - If you are interested in QPR training, visit: Sign up for the AgriSafe newsletter: View upcoming webinars: - Directed by Laura Siegel Hosted by Linda Emanuel Edited by Matt McKenney for Special Guest: Dr. Aaron Yoder…