It's just me, Jose, talking to people I find interesting about the stuff that interests me. The stuff tends be parapolitics, political philosophy, and political commentary
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Storytelling and inspiration-filled podcast for the young at heart!
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En podcast om film, tv-serier och annat skoj!
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Join Joseph Scott Morgan every week as he explores a world that not many have had a chance to visit, the realm of death. Jo Scott will lead listeners on a journey through the blood soaked death scenes of America and then into the autopsy room to fully understand the science behind each case. Jo Scott is one America’s leading experts on applied forensics and is regularly featured on ‘Crime Stories with Nancy Grace’, ‘The Piketon Massacre’, Court TV and more. Theme Music: Audio Network
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Tune in to the St. Josemaria Institute Podcast to fuel your prayer and conversation with God. On our weekly podcast we share meditations given by priests who, in the spirit of St. Josemaria Escriva, offer points for reflection to guide you in your personal prayer and help you grow closer to God. The meditations are typically under 30 minutes so that you can take advantage of them during your time of prayer, commute, walk, lunch, or any time you want to listen to something good. The St. Josem ...
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In the Deeper Podcast, Sophie has raw and open conversations to deeply bridge the conversation between masculine and feminine If you want to learn more about Sophie's work, check out or
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Série contendo as conversas especiais e com destaque, nas manhãs com José Candeias, enquanto Portugal se prepara para mais um dia.
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More and Better Life!
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Formula 1 - novinky, analýzy, debriefingy, VIP rozhovory a hlavne celá československá formulová rodina na jednej trati.
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Author, Broadcaster, Prophetic Voice
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The world of investing is no longer boring. We explore timeless wealth creation principles, current news and drama, as well as commentary and reaction from members of the community.
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Podcasts del programa Versió RAC1 - Ciència, amb Josep Corbella
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Longer Tables with José Andrés explores how food shapes the world and makes us who we are In each episode, José talks to friends from worlds of culinary and creative arts, politics and media to show listeners a new side of the most fascinating people on the planet: Who taught them to cook? What do they crave when times are hard? What do their food stories reveal about their lives? José also takes listeners into his home kitchen and answers their burning culinary questions. New episodes drop ...
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Las claves del día para estar informado durante la madrugada y hasta las 10 h.
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As novidades da literatura, os últimos lançamentos e eventos, além de dicas de boas leituras.
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Allkonstbyxan Josefin Johansson slår sina påsar ihop med lyssnarfavoriten Rasmus Persson och tillsammans skapar dom en kärleksfull podd för dina öron. Det blir som vanligt roligt, personligt och mycket genant. Välkomna! I denna feeden släpps avsnitt en gång i månaden. Vill du höra alla avsnitt får du prenumerera på
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Welcome to the new San Jose Hockey Now Podcast! Sheng Peng and Keegan McNally will talk all things San Jose Sharks every week with guests from all over the world of hockey.
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To Educate, Inspire and provoke a Transformation.
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poetry written from the inside of bars served raw and unedited from the moment crafted. ...drinkin' proofs and writin' truths...
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An official podcast of the Joseph Campbell Foundation and the MythMaker Podcast Network that unearths little-heard talks from Joseph Campbell and examines their context and meaning. Hosted by Brad Olson, PhD.
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Te comparto en 3min el Evangelio y la homilía diaria. juanjpaniagua @pjuanjpaniagua
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Homilies preached by priests and deacons at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Libertyville, IL
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Discover your personality type free: Get the How to Type yourself course free here! Test, Blog, YouTube, Coaching, Member, and Discord links:
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Podcasts of Homilies
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All San Jose Sharks games can be heard on the Sharks+SAP Center App, online at, or on our terrestrial radio affiliates near you. On-air credit for highlights: Sharks Audio Network.
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Listen to Dr. Mercola’s Weekly Podcast, as the legendary natural health pioneer continues to lead you on your journey towards optimal health.
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Jose Zaragoza new home for mixes.
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Direito, Tecnologia e Informação nas redes sociais.
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The impact of Joseph Smith’s life has been debated for decades. Listen as prophets, apostles, professors, and historians discuss the life of Joseph Smith and add their personal witnesses that he was God’s servant. This unique account commemorates the 174th anniversary of the Prophet’s martyrdom.
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Ha’amek Davar - Netziv by Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph
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Retrouvez chaque semaine l'analyse d'une actualité européenne avec Joséphine Staron, Directrice des études et des relations internationales du think tank Synopia. Titulaire d'un doctorat en philosophie politique (Sorbonne Université), ses recherches portent sur la solidarité et la cohésion dans l’Union européenne et croisent plusieurs disciplines (philosophie, science politique et sociologie notamment).
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Sharing Anointed Apostolic Preaching from recent messages to old favorites that have come across the Pulpit of First Church San Jose.
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Um bate-papo com o espírito daquela conversa do cafezinho no escritório: da política ao futebol, com muito humor e ironia.
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Joseph A. Pipa Jr.' on SermonAudio.
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Joseph Clough, a British Celebrity Hypnotist and Bestselling Hay House Author. He lives in San Diego, California. He struggled with "Imposter Syndrome", worry and doubts for 18 years and overcame it with what you are about to experience. With over 19,000,000+ downloads/views and listened to in 157 countries around the world, now is your time to achieve success...because you deserve it. Disclaimer: By using Joseph Clough's free or paid work you expressly agree that your use of this App is at ...
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Join Cup Crazy Sharks fans Aaron James, Tyler Castillo and Mike Hahn for the ultimate Sharks hockey podcast! Every week, we break down San Jose hockey action, react to Bay Area hockey headlines, and share stories of the fan experience that you can only get from inside the heart of Sharks Territory - the Shark Tank! Frostbitten is the exclusive hockey podcast featuring team coverage delivered by the Bay Area natives and lifelong San Jose Sharks fans. Presented by Shark City Hockey: Your go-to ...
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I’m your personal Mentor! A Mentor is needed whenever creativity needs a jump start and effort needs to be sustained. I help people discover and fulfill their dreams in practical step by step ways with a wealth of information, experience and intuition to take you through to your goal.
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Listen to the weekly message from Tekoa Church. We're a church start up in San Jose, CA. Connecting people to God to find and live out their purpose.Find Your People-Find Your Place-Find Your Purpose
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Welcome to the official page of Apostle Joseph Mintah. Apostle Joseph Mintah has been called with a mandate to reach, disciple, equip and release the younger generation in the End Time Harvest. Through his teaching of the word, healing, deliverance and declarations, the power of God has transformed many lives. Apostle Joseph Mintah is the Head Pastor of Torchworld Ministries and founder and leader of All For Christ Youth Mission and an encompassing network of ministries.
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La Jungla Radio Show, en La Jungla Radio, con José Antonio Abellán.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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What Does Ex-Panthers Assistant GM Steve Werier Think of Sharks’ Rebuild? | E81
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2:02:33The San Jose Hockey Now Podcast is sponsored by Bring Hockey Back! Let’s talk about the state of the San Jose Sharks’ rebuild, post-Trade Deadline! Steve Werier, former Florida Panthers assistant general manager, who now writes for Puckpedia, joins us to share his thoughts. (58:13) But before we get to Steve, let’s talk about the latest Sharks news…
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NWJ 474- The Morning Dump: Yemen Signal Chat Leak, Rothchild's are Feds, Odyssey Network, & More
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1:57:01Time Stamps: 4:00 - Going on Jake Shields' Podcast! 34:00 - Cain Velasquez Case 40:30 - Yemen Signal Chat Leak 1:17:15 - Rothchild Palace as Intel Location 1:23:00 - Odyssey Network Welcome to The Morning Dump, where we dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool of current events, conspiracy, and everything in between. Join us for a no-holds-barr…
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Thank you for joining us online! For more information and to connect with us, use the links below: Instagram: Tekoa Church meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30am 2175 Lincoln Ave San Jose, CA 95125Tekoa Church
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O trio do Hora de Expediente comenta o afastamento do assistente de arbitragem Claiton Timm, do Rio Grande do Sul, após denúncias de assédio sexual, na primeira rodada do Brasileirão Feminino A1.
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En el libro sobre el crimen de José Bretón "no se tiene en cuenta el derecho a la intimidad"
Hoy nos preguntamos si la Justicia debería paralizar el libro 'El Odio', de Luisgé Martín, en el que se narra el asesinato a los hijos de Ruth Ortiz cometido por José Bretón. La editorial Anagrama también ha decidido parar la distribución del libro, cuya publicación estaba prevista para el 26 de marzo. En 'Las Mañanas de Josep Cuní' el catedrático …
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03-22-25 Barclay Goodrow EN Goal SJ 3 BOS 1 by San Jose SharksSan Jose Sharks
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José Godoy comenta 'A senhora Pylinska e o segredo de Chopin', novela em que o escritor Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt narra os inusitados métodos de ensino de sua professora de piano, que terão efeito duradouro em sua trajetória como artista.
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176: Jose Zaragoza - The Hype Sessions Volume # 176
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1:12:27The latest show is here, and it's a hot one! some awesome tunes on this one, check it out!! Tracklist: Joe Bermudez & Paloma Rush - Stop Juwan Rates - Oh Yeah Katermurr - Let’s Dance Jordi Cabrera - Why Do I Still Angelo Ferreri & Walter G - Sunset Bar Julian Ross - The Feel Good Sessions (Nu Ground Foundation Remix) Kiko Martinez & Pink Coffee - S…
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Seth Shoemake - Strengthen My Hands - 2-2-25
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OUÇAM O NETOCAST 1567 DE 18 03 2025 - Projeto quer punir extorsão praticada por flanelinhas (Fonte: Revista Oeste) - COLABORADORES: EMPORIUM DO BACALHAU e M.A.M. LÍDER - APOIA.SE DO NETOCAST: - PICPAY DO NETOCAST: @netocast - (Musics by: PDInfo .com, Incompetech .com, bensound .com, danosongs .com e Youtube .com, https:// …
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If you like Longer Tables' exploration of food and culture, we know you'll enjoy Everything Happens. Hosted by Duke Professor Kate Bowler, an expert in the stories we tell about success, failure, suffering, and happiness, this podcast offers deep, insightful conversations. After surviving Stage IV cancer, all Kate wants to do is talk to funny and w…
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Jessie Marie Peterson, 31, an attorney with Type One Diabetes is admitted to the hospital for a diabetes related illness. Two days later she calls her mother around 2:30pm and asks her to come pick her up and take her home. When her mother shows up two-hours later, she is told that Jessie Marie Peterson checked herself out of the hospital, Against …
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Federación Internacional de Atletismo regulará la participación de sus pruebas de atletas trans a través de una prueba genética, un test de saliva, al que tendrán que someterse obligatoriamente las atletas y que determinará si son o no biológicamente femeninas. Ante esta polémica en el mundo del deporte, han estado debatiendo en Las Mañanas de R…
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Ione Belarra vaticina que no habrá PGE esta legislatura porque "el PSOE no se atreve a llevarlos": "Su único socio sería el PP y no se quieren exponer, van a ir de tapadillo"
Pedro Sánchez comparece este miércoles en el Congreso de los Diputados para informar sobre el aumento del gasto en defensa demandado por la Unión Europea. La secretaria general de Podemos, Ione Belarra, sostiene que el aumento del gasto militar supondrá recortes y que la gente va a vivir peor, por lo que considera que el presidente del Gobierno "se…
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Hoy hace 30 años del día en que siete países europeos decidieron derribar las barreras físicas que los separaban y abrir sus fronteras interiores, naciendo el espacio Schengen de libre circulación de personas, bienes y servicios, que hoy comprende a 29 países de la zona. Este aniversario coincide con las advertencias de la UE en materia bélica, pid…
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Más vegetales, menos carne y pocos ultraprocesados: la clave para llegar saludables más allá de los 70
Las mañanas de RNE con Josep Cuní se fija, en la noticia científica, en el último estudio sobre nutrición que publica Nature Medicine, comandado por investigadores de la Universidad de Harvard, la Universidad de Copenhague y la Universidad de Montreal, que afirma que la dieta más adecuada para llegar sanos (mental, cognitiva y físicamente) más allá…
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Alcoy celebra la primera edición de Dènou, Semana del Diseño y la Innovación , en una ciudad con importante herencia industrial. Exposiciones, encuentros profesionales y charlas completan una programación pensada también para impulsar el talento joven que se está formando en la Escuela de Arte y Diseño de Alcoy. Se amplía así la oferta y la experie…
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Las mañanas de RNE - Josep Cuní - Tercera hora - 26/03/25
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Las mañanas de RNE - Josep Cuní - Segunda hora - 26/03/25
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Thank you for joining us today! Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Z
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Las mañanas de RNE - Josep Cuní - Primera hora - 26/03/25
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Story at-a-glance Photobiomodulation therapy utilizes specific light wavelengths — including 660 nanometers (nm), 850 nm and 1,050 nm — to stimulate biological processes, each offering unique tissue penetration and therapeutic benefits The optical window (600 to 1,100 nm) allows effective light penetration into tissues by avoiding absorption from h…
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Story at-a-glance Women with moderate triclosan exposure face up to 2.33 times greater breast cancer risk Triclosan, found in 75% of Americans' urine, is readily absorbed through skin and commonly appears in antibacterial products, cosmetics and even clothing, making its way into blood, breast milk and the food chain Exposure to environmental chemi…
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Story at-a-glance Nail growth slows by 50% over a lifetime, making it a reliable indicator of overall aging and metabolic health Aging nails become brittle, thickened, and dull due to changes in keratin structure, decreased blood circulation and nutritional deficiencies If you have poor circulation or a metabolic issue like hypothyroidism, your nai…
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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‘what buries’ (from dead bird) keep bones in palms anything other you are a liar silence is violence too dirt for the flower shelter for its seed aren’t we all in love with someone else faked until time comes due and what flees from breast we cannot cage despite the sorrow and all the aching what buries does not keep dirt what buries does not keep …
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Join Joseph Z in this insightful broadcast as he discusses the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Learn about the importance of this concept and how it can impact your life. Joseph explains that victories are won in stages, referencing Mark 4:2-19 to illustrate how God’s word works in the hearts of people. He clarifies that God's word produc…
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Jared Ondrea, 22, and Deshea Butler, 35, are both living in a halfway house in South Carolina when Marc-Anthony Cantrell is placed in the home. Jared Ondrea goes missing and a search fails to find the young man who was trying to learn to live on his own as an adult. Five months later, Deshea Butler goes missing, and this time when police begin sear…
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In our meditation of the week: Fr. Peter Armenio reflects on the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent and how they teach us to see that God approaches us first because he eminently wills our happiness-- a happiness that begins here on earth because of his liberation. Fr. Peter begins by recounting the familiar story of how Moses encountered God th…
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