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Stabile Seitenlage

Stabile Seitenlage

Philosophieren bedeutet Irren vorwärts und genau das tun wir in diesem Podcast. Wir sprechen über alles was uns so umtreibt, hin und wieder nutzen wir auch Bücher als Gesprächsgrundlage. Politik, Zeitgeschehen, Weltliteratur und auch uns selbst nehmen wir dabei nicht allzu ernst. Aus Berlin senden wir mit unserem kleinem Piratensender raus in die Welt. Wenn dir die Show gefällt empfehle uns gerne weiter oder schreib uns. Bis dahin bleib stabil! Pelle & Tobi stabile.seitenlage.podcast@gmail.c ...
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Stabby Stabby

Greg, Eric and Dan

Part Mystery Science Theater 3000, part dark-back-room-at-the-blockbuster, join Greg, Eric, and Dan who pass their time trapped in a mysterious underground VHS rental store watching obscure horror, exploitation, video nasties, or whatever else catches their attention. Ranked #11 best horror film podcast globally, we laugh, share beers, and break down under-seen gems scene by scene, all while being monitored by a magical anthropomorphic mole man. Next movie announced every Wednesday, new epis ...
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Stab in the Back

Stab In The Back

Dive into the dark world of true crime with us! Every week Benton & Anna review a case introduced to us by the campy world of true crime television documentaries. Watch with us as we have as much to say about the crime as we do about the production values.
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STAB! Comedy Theater

STAB! brings together writers, stand ups and other regional gems to partake in a darkly intelligent live comedy panel show. Described as "Incisive wit that cuts to the bone." by the Sacramento News and Review, STAB's! off-beat format allows panelists 24 to 48 hours to create their own unique takes on various random prompts. Ranging from the online dating profile of The Virgin Mary to the tourism guide of Super Mario Brothers Level 1-1, STAB! is a celebration of all things everything; it's li ...
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The Stable Management Podcast brings you a real-world look into the areas of horse farm management that you love (or hate!) most, such as stall bedding, farm equipment, and pasture maintenance. During each bi-monthly episode, we’ll be joined by an expert guest who shares their experiences with and perspectives on an important stable management topic.
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Die Wochendämmerung - Der stabile Wochenrückblick

Katrin Rönicke und Holger Klein (hauseins)

Immer wenn die Woche dämmert, kramen Holger Klein und Katrin Rönicke die bemerkenswertesten und auch die weniger beachteten Nachrichten der Woche noch einmal hervor und unterfüttern sie mit zusätzlicher Recherche, Einordnung, einer ordentlichen Portion Meinung und Interviews. Außerdem jede Woche dabei: Sham Jaff mit einem Blick über den Tellerrand der weißen, deutschen Medien. Jens Ohrenblicker mit einem Limerick der Woche und ein Faktencheck von Nándor Hulverscheidt oder Katharina Alexander.
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O intuito do StabaCast é trazer discussões abordadas dentro do universo da medicina a partir da visão de um estudante formando seu conhecimento.
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StabbyQuest is a story-focused, actual-play tabletop roleplaying game podcast. A ram's head necklace. A spool of thread. A long-dead legend. How are they connected, and what does their arrival mean for Sandpoint, nay, for Golarion? Find out, in StabbyQuest!
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The Stable Cyclist

John Peter

The Stable Cyclist is a place where we gather to talk about bikes (mostly MTB), mentality and Mental Health. Come with as the host JP, invites you in to conversations with people he’s met over the years. We won’t have stories about how to train or how to win a bike race here. Instead we’ll hear about what goes on in these athlete’s minds and sometimes we’ll even dive into the deep end of the pool and talk about mental health
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Stable Connections the Podcast

Shonna Berk

Do you ever wonder how someone got to where they are? How they overcame struggles or who some of their inspirations might have been along the way? Stable connections is my quest in flipping the conversation to focus more on the things we have in common as individuals, as well as a community. This podcast offers a space for personal perspective and creates room for both the speaker and the listener to share, learn, and process together. Each person featured is asked "What is something you'd l ...
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Strava group: Open Strava Group: John's one of the most successful online running coaches on the planet. He has a background in journalism and is the founder of Stazza's Stable: a global running community. John coaches a broad range of runners: beginners through elites (national, European, and Olympic standard). He cuts through the flummery, misinformation, and plethora of platitudinous pap pushed out by influencers. In an ent ...
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Smooches & Stabs

Smooches & Stabs

This podcast joins two authors – one who wears rose-colored glasses (Author Pepper Basham) and the other who has a more shadowy view (Author Jaime Jo Wright) – who put a romantic or suspenseful spin on historical stories or modern-day movies.
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La Cohorte, c’est un podcast dédié aux freelances qui veulent structurer leurs petites entreprises. 🤝 Mon objectif, c’est de t’aider à passer de 😨 « C’est génial d’être freelance mais je ne suis pas sûr-e d’arriver à vivre de mon activité » à 💪 « J’ai construit quelque chose de solide qui va me permettre de vivre comme j’en ai envie et de me projeter dans l’avenir » ! ⛰️ Tu souhaites franchir ce cap au plus vite ? Alors je te donne rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi! Dans chaque nouvel épisode ...
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alles stabil

Alexandra Stanić

"alles stabil" ist ein Podcast von Journalistin Alexandra Stanić. Von Politik bis Popkultur: Dieser Podcast kritisiert, kommentiert und bleibt stabil. Alexandra Stanić beschäftigt sich in ihrer Arbeit mit sozialer Gerechtigkeit, mentaler Gesundheit und Sexualität. Manche kennen sie vielleicht wegen der Im Zentrum-Diskussion zu Rammstein oder wegen ihrer „Warum ich Österreich hasse“-Kolumne. Bei alles stabil spricht sie aus queerer, migrantischer Sicht mit Special Guests über eine gerechtere ...
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Ticket Stabbers

Jarrett Stieber

Ticket Stabbers is a restaurant podcast by restaurant people for restaurant people. recorded at work after dinner service ends, our podcast offers a glimpse into the life of service industry professionals' lives, the way we talk to each other and how we view our day to day interactions with our coworkers and guests.
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Wound and Stab

Wound & Stab

Teylor Smirl and John Holt ask you to read along as they explore books that challenge. We align our thinking with Kafka when he said “I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound or stab us. If the book we're reading doesn't wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we reading for?" Tune-in each week for a lively discussion of books followed by conversation with guests from all backgrounds who share their experiences and enrich the reading.
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Lisa Kestel & Mira Müller-Steinmann

Mit viel Humor und Know-How gibt es hier alles rund um Miras und Lisas Leben mit Pferden- mit allen Höhen und Tiefen, immer ehrlich und authentisch und vor allem immer pro Pferd. Artgerechte Haltung, viel Liebe und Fairness sind für die beiden Reiterinnen das A und O - von der Aufzucht bis zur schweren Klasse. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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STAB! Cuts

John Ross and Jesse Jones

It's like the STAB! Podcast, except small and easier to swallow. It's STAB! Cuts! STAB! brings together writers, stand ups and other regional gems to partake in a darkly intelligent live comedy panel show. Described as "Incisive wit that cuts to the bone." by the Sacramento News & Review, STAB's! off-beat format allows panelists 24 to 48 hours to create their own unique takes on various random prompts. Ranging from the online dating profile of The Virgin Mary to the tourism guide of Super Ma ...
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Strong & Stable

Strong & Stable

Deezer’s political comedy podcast Strong & Stable is back! Hosts David Schneider and Ayesha Hazarika are here to provide a little light relief as the world goes to hell in a handcart. New episodes on Friday, and listen on Deezer for exclusive content on Monday.
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Anna van Aken

'The podcast about the not so ordinary'. Onze podcast is een afstammeling van een project begonnen in 2022 over interactieve technologie. Deze podcast praten we over alles sex en taboe, van uitgaansleven tot sociale media en de rol van dat in ons seksuele leven. Deze podcast is gebaseerd op onderzoeken en heeft gasten die alles vertellen over hun ervaringen over de bepaalde topics. De wereld veranderd constant, vroeger zal er nooit iemand hebben gepraat over maar iets wat te maken met seksue ...
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Stäblein & Müller

Simon Stäblein & Jan C. Müller

Hinter dem Namen könnte man auch eine Elektroinstallationsfirma vermuten, vielleicht ein neues Modelabel oder ein Keramikmanufakturstartup aus Berlin-Mitte – es ist aber der neue Podcast von Nightwash-Moderator Simon Stäblein und Comedy-Autor Jan C. Müller. Ein Familienvater mit Metalhintergrund und ein Vollblut-Millennial packen aus. Was sie trennt : Fast 10 Jahre, der Klamottenstil und ihre sexuellen Vorlieben. Was sie eint: Mittelschweres ADHS, Interesse an (fast) allem und jedem, ein Fai ...
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Stabled but Unstable

Eve Theoret & Olivia Guilbault (Horse)

Stabled but Unstable is an equestrian podcast where we spill the tea. Two professionals giving you their insight on the equestrian industry and sharing their funny story. Don’t take us too seriously but take our advice; we’ve seen a lot of shit! Could contain some strong language and brutal honesty. Be aware unstable friends.
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Two Stable Geniuses

Two Stable Geniuses

Craving some real news in an echo chamber with intelligent people who “get it”!? Two Stable Geniuses probes today’s turbulent and often maddening political landscape, giving you new perspectives, thoughtful discussion and digestible knowledge as this ship of fools sails on… Disclaimer: although geared toward liberal audiences, conservatives are more than welcome!
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The Art of Stability

Rusty McKie

On The Art of Stability, join host Rusty McKie and friends as they discuss navigating the instability of life and what it takes for them to stay grounded in Christ so they can go the distance in life and work.
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The Blue Stable

The Blue Stable

Welcome to The Blue Stable! Colts Content made by Colts Fans for Colts Fans. Check out The Official Colts Podcast of FanSided! Established April of 2021
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show series
Hey, Backstabbers! Welcome to our 4th annual Folie à Deux episode. As it is our 4th time around, please indulge us as we play fast and loose with the topic. First, Benton tells of the infamous torture and murder of Sylvia Likens. Then, Anna gives us a look at the shared psychosis of the Tromp family in southeastern Australia. Finally, the two get c…
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Rasta Rob has not had a bowel movement in 11 days — how on earth is he still up for the Monster Air award?!In non-Highway news, Mikey and Buck discuss the swell heard 'round the world in New Jersey and another semi-relevant one on the Gold Coast. Back to excrement, we speak with Chris Papaleo (aka Salty Beards) who roasted covid surfers so hard on …
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In this questionably useful episode of the STAB! show, twice sticky host Jesse Jones welcomes a chafed panel of Kameron Schmid, Sean Crandall, & Tyler Kinney to share their three CBRs, nine topical haiku about the panel’s feelings about the holiday season, recipes for someone who fake laughs way too much, someone who has all … Continue reading »…
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Mon loulou de Poméranie, tu veux commencer à vendre? Mieux connaître ton client-cible? Obtenir des références et étoffer ton portfolio? Alors créé une offre “Pied dans la porte”! Je t’explique comment faire dans cette MM. Si tu as des questions, envoie-moi un mp sur Linkedin 😉. À très vite, Marine 🤘 Soutiens La Cohorte (et fais ma journée 🤩) en t’a…
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Pour jauger la croissance d’un enfant, facile, on prend un mètre et on le mesure ; Pour évaluer la croissance économique, facile, on calcule le PIB; Et pour estimer la croissance d’une solo entreprise, on regarde si son chiffre d’affaires augmente? D’après moi, c’est trop réducteur, dans cette MM, je t’explique pourquoi, je te propose d’autres indi…
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The story so far: Three friends are trapped in an underground movie rental store managed by a magical anthropomorphic mole man, have adventures, and watch movies to pass the time and figure ways out of predicaments. Dan wakes up with a new ailment, and we decide that the only way to cure him is to watch the 1994 shot-on-video film Savage Harvest...…
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Diesmal mit: Einer bitteren Schokoladen-Nachricht, verschiedenen Durchsagen, der Farce im Oval Office, den Folgen für Europa, dem grünen Merz, einem Told-You-So-Tanz von Holger, dem Sondervermögen, dem Staatsstreich in den USA, Autos als Waffe, Sham Jaff Anzeige: Die Wochendämmerung wird euch Präsentiert von Polarstern - 100% echter Ökostrom aus de…
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Déjà 100 Minutes Marine! Si tu savais mon nougat, ce n’était pas gagné d’avance cette histoire. Aujourd’hui, je te raconte ce qui m’a menée à créer ce format. Je t’explique ce qui fonctionne et ce qu’il faut encore améliorer. Bon, je compte sur toi me dire si tu aimes ou non les MM et me faire des suggestions! (Pour me répondre, envoie-moi un mp su…
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Ben Talks for over an hour about most of his games for the year. we cover some GAMA news, and Ryan and Tim are along for the Ride. Get Tickets to Rocky Top Game Con 2025! Sliwoski, Ben Fowler, Tim Hannon, Will Hime
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Dis-moi mon bouchon: comment préfères-tu être perçu-e par tes clients et tes prospects? a) Comme un prestataire, disponible à la demande, qui fait ce qu’on lui demande de faire? b) OU comme un partenaire, qui résout des problèmes et qui contribue à la croissance de leur entreprise? “Facile Marine, réponse b…” Bon, alors il est temps de construire t…
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"ChatGPT ne me donne pas une réponse magique, mais il m’aide à structurer ma réflexion et à prendre du recul.” ✒️Le thème de ce nouvel épisode: discuter avec chatgpt et prendre, plus vite, plus sereinement, des décisions stratégiques ✨Mon invitée pour en parler: Mélanie, experte en podcast marketing et freelance depuis 2019. Elle a décidé d’intégre…
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Die Schulhof Bullies Trump und Vance nehmen Selenskyi im Oval Office in den Schwitzkasten und an der Playa del Gaza spielen die Kinder im Schatten der goldenen Donald-Statue. Wat soll man sagen der Peacemaker hat die Welt im Griff. Darauf wird mit einem Monster Energy angestoßen. Eins zu Love für den Wahnsinn...…
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In case it's not clear from the recording, Tom destroyed his voice. Games we played: 3:57 - Res Arcana (2019, Thomas Lemann, Sand Castle) 7:15 - Die Macher (1986, Karl-Heinz Schmiel, Spielworxx) 13:45 - Cat Blues (2024 og1998, Reiner Knizia, Bitewing) 18:58 - Letter Tycoon (2015, Brad Brooks, Breaking Games) 100 games before you die: 23:01 - Magic …
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Mon bourgeon, arrête tout ce que tu fais et dis-moi: quelles étapes as-tu franchies récemment? “Rien de particulier Marine…” Mais si, tu as forcément accompli plein de choses (repenche toi sur ce que tu as fait hier, pour commencer) et il FAUT célébrer ces petites victoires! Je t’explique pourquoi c’est important dans cette MM. 🍾🎆Viens, on fait la …
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Ma poulette à roulette, quelle part de ton temps consacres-tu à l’acquisition de nouveaux clients? “Euh, Marine, je ne sais pas trop…” (Pour me répondre pour de vrai, envoie-moi un mp sur Linkedin 😉) Bon, je te recommande de faire ce petit calcul, pour le mois de février par exemple. ⚠️ Tu risques d’avoir un choc (si tu es comme la majorité d’entre…
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The story so far: A year after being trapped in a magical underground movie rental store. Eric is back, Dan and Greg are recovering from their fungal adventures, and it’s time to get weird. This week, the boys pry open their peepers and glue them to Anguish (1987), a mind-melting horror trip directed by Bigas Luna and starring Zelda Rubinstein and …
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In this episode, Tanja Bornmann, owner of Academic Equitation in Canada, explains what researchers know about how horses perceive humans and what humans can do to better understand their horses. She describes how horses react to specific human facial expressions and vocal tones, whether horses can demonstrate preferences in their life and work, and…
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"It just goes to show how sad of a place the surf industry is in."That was Mateus Herdy, mid-Stab-Highway, as he and Ben Gravy lovingly roasted each other for the umpteenth time about their divergent paths to surfing success. The argument began when Mateus mocked Ben for dressing "like a ten year old", to which Ben responded, "It must be really har…
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Diesmal: Das Fyre-Festival, die neue Weltordnung, der Ukraine-US-Deal, Donald Trump, Friedrich Merz (so als Personen), die kleine Anfrage der Union, Stimmenwanderung und -verluste, die Linke, Sham Jaff zur PKK, Österreich. Links und Hintergründe Die skurrile Nachricht Wikipedia: Guardian: https://www.theg…
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Mon étoile de mer, regarde sur ton bureau: est-ce qu’il y a un objet parle de l’entrepreneur-e que tu es? (Pour me répondre, envoie-moi un mp sur Linkedin 😉) Dans cette MM, je te raconte ma passion (un poil voyeuriste) pour ces petits bidules qui te représentent. Et je te parle de mes bidules à moi en espérant que ça te donne envie de me répondre. …
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In this episode of The Stable Cyclist Podcast, I sit down with Nina Machina, pro bike racer and social media influencer, to discuss her remarkable journey. Nina shares her experience rising to social media stardom in 8th grade and how the sudden attention shaped her identity and mental health. We explore her efforts to transition into the pro cycli…
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Mon brugnon, je lis partout des posts d’entrepreneurs qui présentent leur chiffre d’affaires qu’elles/ils visent et le CA qu’elles/ils ont réalisé. Comme si c’était le seul indicateur qui nous éclairerait sur les performances de nos petites entreprises… Pour moi, il y a plein d’autres chiffres à surveiller, des chiffres qui te parleront à toi, et q…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai publié pour la première fois le 16 octobre 2024. « A partir du moment où tu es entrepreneur.e, la question de la retraite, c’est à toi de la prendre en main et de te demander : ‘Comment je fais pour bâtir un patrimoine pour assurer mes vieux jours ?’ » ✒️Le thème de ce nouvel épisode: Bâtir sa sécurité fin…
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Wer nicht wählt, wählt rechts! Um sicher zu gehen sind trotzdem alle rechten brav zur Wahl gegangen - es lebe die Demokratie! Was wir davon halten wissen wir nicht ganz genau und verlieren uns in der Ambivalenz zur Wahl, dem Kapitalismus und uns selber. Manchmal sollte man vielleicht auch einfach mit seiner Meinung hinterm Berg halten, oder doch ni…
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If we ever get into professional wrestling, let's call ourselves The Reverse Draft and The Steam Roller. Have we already forgotten Jimmy Carter?!?! Try not to blink as we absolutely derail into rulebooks and forget to talk about the actual game we played. Games we played: 4:18 - Village (2011, Inka & Markus Brand, Stronghold) 10:49 - The Castles of…
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Aujourd’hui, ma pupuce, je partage avec toi deux contenus avec des tips en or pour t’aider à transformer tes prospects en clients. Le carousel de Laetitia: Comment gérer les 15 objections qui bloquent vos ventes (🎁Bonus: l’épisode de Laetitia dans La Cohorte: Répondre à l’objection “C’est trop cher”) La newsletter de Romain, celle de mi-février, in…
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Have you ever wondered if the roller coaster your'e on is safe? That is the theme of this week's episode, and you'd be surprised how often the answer is no!. First, Anna shares some information about theme park accidents and the various injuries that can occur any day, and Benton tells the tale of the tragic death of Deborah Stone. Then, Anna relay…
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Lester talks to us about losing both his parents at a young age, why he was so drawn to horses and cattle, multiple people who took a chance on him, and what he does now. Episode Sponsors:
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The story so far: A year after being trapped in a magical underground movie rental store, Eric has been missing for 2 weeks and Greg and Dan are beginning to fall apart without him. This week, join most of the boys as we drive a flaming FBI van into the gasoline-soaked heart of 1997's The Rage. It's got cars, car guts, Gary Busey, hundreds of cops …
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Ma coccinelle, aujourd’hui, on va bosser sur ton client-cible. Je t’entends rechigner mais, crois-moi, cela vaut le coup de se repencher sur le sujet. Figure-toi que, 9 fois sur 10, quand je demande à un-e collègue: "Alors ma pépite de chocolat, c'est qui ton client cible?". J'obtiens une réponse trop floue. Or pour avoir un flux de clients/mission…
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Just because it's impressive, doesn't mean we need to care — at least that's what Big Dick Power Surfer believes. In this ep of The Drop, Buck and Mikey C discuss the recent events at Nazaré and Micronesia, and where they fit within the greater competitive surfing landscape. Also, the surf sin returns for a brief yet embarrassing stint.…
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Diesmal: Birkenstock-Update, skurrile Nachricht, Extremismus, Wahlempfehlung, Friedrich Merz, Sicherheitskonferenz in München, neue Weltordnung, Studien und Migrationspolitik, Generation Z, Sham Jaff zu Sudan, Populismus und Norwegen. Links und Hintergründe Die skurrile Nachricht Das Ding:…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai mis en ligne le 22 novembre 2024. --- Mon rubis, aujourd’hui, je te parle de la ligne de conduite qui m’évite bien des déconvenues. Je ne mets du temps et de l’énergie que dans les projets “ricochets”. 🎤Et toi, tu arrives à maîtriser le temps et l’énergie que tu mets dans tes projets? Tu essaies aussi de f…
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In this aggressive episode of the STAB! show, blinking host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of wankers Mikhail Chernyavsky, Carissa Edwards & Jack Marie to share their three takes on HRH, pick-up lines to and from a medicine cabinet, laundromat, & a needy attention starved couch, new breakfast cereals themed around a calm, rational, level … Continue r…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai mis en ligne le 28 novembre 2024. --- Une MM très costaude (ça se dit?) aujourd’hui! Dedans, je te raconte comment j’ai appris à gérer les prospects qui me disent “c’est trop cher”. Tu me donneras tes tips de négociation à toi? Pour me répondre, envoie-moi un mp sur Linkedin ou laisse-moi un mot sur le 📞ré…
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Come have some fun with the Will, Tim, and Ben as we talk about Will's Skirmish event fun, Tim's misadventures not playing Legion, and Ben's woes assembling new Crab droids for his quarterly legion play at Cherokee this weekend. Come for the fun, but stay for the love on this episode of the STABcast.!…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai mis en ligne le 4 décembre 2024. “Je me suis créé une option de ne pas travailler. Quand je suis en mission, je me sens donc vraiment libre” ✒️Le thème de ce nouvel épisode: l'investissement comme source de revenu complémentaire ✨Mon invitée pour en parler: Saibatou J’ai dressé le portrait de Saibatou il y…
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In this very Mommy, very Hatty episode of the STAB! show, object of rage and host Jesse Jones welcomes a fan favorite panel of Dayna Bryant, Cierra Ramirez & Jeff Brown to share their three LMGTFYs, nine pieces on the bathroom wall of the Holiday Season, recipes for someone who just knows how to push … Continue reading »…
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Die Ritter von trauriger Gestalt nehmen Platz am Stammtisch und bewerten das Quadrell bei RTL - wer könnte dies besser als Frau Keluduwig, die Tante vom Schrottplatz, Ruth Moschner und der Traumtänzer Lambi? Zum Glück sind zumindest wir uns unserer Inkompetenz bewusst und werten den Affenzirkus mit wenig fundiertem Wissen trotzdem noch auf. Was RTL…
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If Ed Sheeran were ever to listen to an episode, this is the one. He'd learn all about loving the shape of games (although only a few dexterity games push and pull via magnets). Unrelated, if somebody could get me a bottle of Ed Sheeran's flesh-colored promotional Heinz bottle I would absolutely adore that. No, I won't let the ketchup inside of it …
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This week Paul Evans and Stace G breakdown all the contest news live from the Surf Abu Dhabi Pro along with all the happenings on Was Filipe hard done by? Is Caity Simmers leagues ahead? Did Paul Evans get a wave and completely blow it? Find out the answers to all of this and more in today's show!…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai mis en ligne le 5 décembre 2024. --- Ma loutre de mer, je déteste quand on me demande: “Et toi, tu fais quoi?”. Autant te dire que j’ai longtemps souffert lors de évènements de networking. Mais j’ai mis au point la technique du contre-pitch. Et toi, tu t’en sors comment quand on te demande de te présenter?…
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♻️Cet épisode est une rediffusion, je l'ai mis en ligne le 16 décembre 2024. --- Arrêtons de nous emballer pour les revenus passifs ma fraise des bois! Je te propose à la place d’avoir en ligne de mire les revenus “je le vaux bien”. Je t’explique dans cette MM. Faudra que tu me dises où tu en es, toi, avec les revenus passifs? ça y est, tu as des 💶…
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The story so far: Three friends are trapped in an underground movie rental store managed by a magical anthropomorphic mole man, have adventures, and watch movies to pass the time and figure ways out of predicaments. Eric is missing, Moleman is to blame, and Dan and Greg kick off year 5 with a little hoedown of their own! While discussing podcast po…
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In this gut busting episode of the STAB! show, quacked up host Jesse Jones welcomes a fatty liver panel of Suzette Veneti, Leo Antolin & Connor Martin to share their three takes on PSIA, bootlegs of 16 Candles, Runaway Bride, & Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, closing arguments in defense of basicness, being kinda mid … Continue reading »…
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In this episode of The Stable Cyclist Podcast, I finally sit down with the white whale—Scott McGill. Having had all the other Bonk Bros hosts on the show, it was only a matter of time before I tracked Scott down for an interview and landing him warranted an EMERGENCY POD. A professional road racer and one of the original voices of Bonk Bros, Scott …
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In this episode, Carey Williams, PhD, equine extension specialist and professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, explains the problems, dangers, and horse health concerns associated with mud on horse farms. She also describes how barn managers can prevent or minimize mud occurrence, the importance of resting pastures (and how to …
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