Interviews with creators making cool things in Laravel
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Lara Trump talks with celebrities, politicians, and other Americans with a story to tell.
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The Laravel News Podcast brings you all the latest news and events related to the Laravel PHP Framework
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weekly radio show at zenFM
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Shiri ne da ke tattaunawa mai zurfi a kan batutuwan da suka shafi al'umma kai-tsaye, da nazari a kan tasirin da za su iya yi, da nemo hanyar magance ko kauce wa illolin da za su iya hifarwa bayan jin ta-bakin wadanda abin ya shafa.
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The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion.
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Con Luis Lara como comandante, David Gallardo como sobrecargo y la música de Calambres súbete a un recorrido fantástico por la risa, el humor más ingenioso y las entrevistas más originales. Canal Sur Radio | Domingos, justo después de la medianoche.
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Här hör du berättelser inifrån skolan. Vuxnas och barns tankar om det som berör och engagerar. Angeläget för pedagoger och alla som intresserar sig för livet i skolan.
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Hallo! Selamat mendengarkan. Aku laras, suka bersuara dan mudah - mudahan bisa bermanfaat☺
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New podcast weblog
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Suno or batao Kya krna ha
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Your Brew of Business Wisdom - Coffee N5 is your ultimate guide to running, growing, and scaling a successful business in today’s competitive landscape. Hosted by award-winning marketing strategist Lara Schmoisman—a Forbes Next 1000 honoree and LA Times Inspirational Women finalist—this Podcast is your secret weapon for actionable strategies, insider tips, and real-world success stories. Every episode dives into the tools, tricks, and tactics that help businesses thrive, featuring insights f ...
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Jornalista pela Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei Mestranda em Comunicação pela Universidade Paulista
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Användbara tips och goda råd för att göra ditt jobbliv lite bättre. Erfarna experter ger förslag på lösningar och berättar vad som gäller enligt lagar och avtal för dig som arbetar i skolan eller förskolan.
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The Laravel Community getting together discussing development and life using the world's best framework, Laravel.
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Berbagi Bersama 😊
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Informações e análises dos principais campeonatos estaduais, nacionais e internacionais de basquete.
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Setiap orang memiliki semestanya sendiri dan ini adalah Semestaku, Semesta Larasati. Find me on Tumblr: Nb: tidak ada iklan, karena apa yang aku bagi adalah tulus tidak perlu dimonetize :)
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Pourquoi l'Arabe, apprendre par la pratique, devenir arabophone, podcast de Pierre Godbille du site Bonne écoute ! :) ________ Suggestions : via les mails du site, sur les plateformes audios ou sur la page facebook de l'institut Pierre l'Arabophone.
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Conteúdos originais em podcast da Página Laranja. Entretenimento, cultura, tecnologia, música, mundo geek e cotidiano. Fique por dentro para acompanhar as novidades! Siga a gente nas redes sociais: - -
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Podcast dos Intervenientes Diretos do Basquetebol. Tentar tirar o máximo de cada entrevistado e daí tirar algo que possamos utilizar no nosso dia-a-dia.
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Läraren Lenas poddar Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Inspiring messages hosted by motivational blogger La’Ray Renee aka the Blog Queen, P.I.N.K Tea Chronicles is a sassy taste of a motivational message or "cup of tea" for the modern female audience to relate to.
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Séries de cours pour apprendre l'arabe facilement ! Du vocabulaire du quotidien, des règles simples et utiles, des conseils et astuces pour étudier efficacement, ...
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Welcome to the Hannah LaRae podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Sharing God's Word from a Covenant view on everything we say and do.
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Habla sobre información variada Cover art photo provided by David Monje on Unsplash:
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En ljuduppföljning av tidningen Vi Lärare. Vi Lärare ges ut av Sveriges Lärare och riktar sig till alla medlemmar.
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Listen to the audio and visual video for “Are You Down” on YouTube. On ALL Major platforms! Connect w/ LaRae Everywhere:
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Everything women’s health in under 15 minutes by an experienced naturopathic doctor and bestselling author of the books Period Repair Manual, Hormone Repair Manual, and Metabolism Repair for Women. Simple explanations for topics such as PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal birth control, and more. For more, visit
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Aus einem Leben mit Visionen. Als Generalist beschreibe ich die Welt aus meinen Augen. Wir beleuchten verschiedenste Themen und widmen uns den modernen Gegebenheiten der Welt. Ein bunter Mix aus vielen Geschichten.
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Im Larasch-Podcast widmen sich Alexander Pohle und Markus Rautenberg mit wechselnden Gästen den unterschiedlichsten Themen rund um den Laufsport. Egal ob Olympiateilnehmer oder Hobbyläufer, Mittelstrecke oder Marathon, Trainingspläne oder Ernährungsstrategien: Im Larasch-Podcast finden alle Themen ihren Platz, ohne dabei den Fokus auf den Laufsport zu verlieren.
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You want real??Lets get real, I’m going to be taking about subjects that play on my mind and the things I think feel in situations that I have been in or have gone through. So let’s get in to. 🕊✌🏾
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Um casal de brasileiros morando nos EUA compartilha sua rotina, dicas de saúde, alimentação, receitas e curiosidades sobre a terra do tio Sam.
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Vanessa Lara
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Hi. I see you found my podcast! Welcome! Super excited to have you onboard. Fasten your seat belt, Relax and allow me as your host ride you on an adventurous feel good podcast! You'll love it here! Let's get random with Lara! Thanks for being here. x For more satisfaction ⤵️
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Aquí te comparto mis pensamientos más íntimos, me desnudo para ayudarte y poder compartir contigo un poco de mis vivencias y locuras.
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of mice and men summary Cover art photo provided by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash:
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Lessons with Lara is about getting short tidbits on anything music related. Expect to learn things about piano, music, musicians and inspiration among other pearls of musical wisdom.
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LaRadio te acompaña, llega a donde vayas; LaRadio trae hasta ti toda la información y la mejor música... en la casa, en el auto, en el trabajo; LaRadio está contigo, inspirando un mundo mejor! Con sólo apretar un botón, LaRadio está contigo, te conecta con el mundo y con todo lo que te interesa. LaRadio va a donde quiera que estés. La Radio te entretiene, te informa... LaRadio... Inspirando un mundo mejor!
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Taylor Otwell gives a weekly behind the scenes update on what's happening in the Laravel ecosystem.
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Podden som ger dig nyckelinsikter från aktuella och lärorika böcker. Få en summering av en ny fackbok och lyssna till författarnas egna tankar och reflektioner. Den snabbaste vägen att ta del av böckerna du inte hinner läsa. Intervjuare är Fredrik Hillerborg. Instagram: Hemsida: Support till showen Bli medlem på Patreon: så får du tillgång till ex ...
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Entérate de los principales hechos en Córdoba, el caribe y Colombia, somos el Diario Digital líder en nuestra región, con 6 años contando historias, 6 años a tu lado, siempre informando.
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Hi. Im Courtney LaRea and this podcast is about having the tough conversation about spiritual matters regarding worship "When We Worship" and everyday living as a single mom raising boys "A Single Mothers Heart".
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This podcast will tackle about the teaching world--classroom and ESL, life in the province, life lessons, love, interests, culture, volunteering and community. Let's learn from each others' life experiences and be inspired. Let your voice be heard! 🤴👸🗣️📣
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L’araignée du soir est une série de soirées rassembleuses durant lesquelles des artistes de la parole racontent des récits personnels et partagent un vécu. La série est imaginée et animée par Jean Fred, et produite par la Maison des arts littéraires de Gatineau.
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Pianist Lara Downes takes you along on her artistic journey.
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 107 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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Boken heter "Skuggspel - Om dold påvekan på politiken" och gäst är författaren Mats Engström. Sverige har länge varit känt för demokrati och öppenhet. Men idag får vi internationell kritik för hemlighetsmakeriet bakom politiska beslut. Förändringar som angår oss alla drivs igenom utan offentlig debatt, helt enkelt eftersom påverkan sker i tysthet. …
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Canal Sur Radio y Television
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*moods* by Lara Potthoff @ TOPzen Radio 20.03.2025
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Відтворити пізніше
1:00:00Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 20. march 2025 Peace Exists Here - Max Cooper Good Day - Liam Thomas RITUAL (nothing is lost) - Jon Hopkins Pimento Groove - Anil Chawla & Dale Anderson …
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Send us a text In this episode of Coffee N° 5, host Lara Schmoisman sits down with Lena Moriarty, Head of Marketing at eTail, to uncover the latest trends in retail, e-commerce, and technology. From AI-driven personalization to video content dominance, Lena shares key insights on how brands can stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Tune…
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A duk lokacin da aka ce lokutan bukukuwa sun karato, akan samu sauyi a dukkan alamura. Daya daga cikin irin wadannan sauyi da ake samu shine na farashin kayayyakin masarufi. A wasu lokuta, akan samu tashin farashin irin wadannan kayayyaki, a wasu lokutan kuma akasin haka. Shirin Daga Laraba na wannan makon zai tattauna ne kan farashin kayayyakin ma…
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Gold Gate Capital's Andrew Eaton joins me to discuss the BRICS nation, the benefits of gold and silver, his charity work, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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In this episode of the Laravel Podcast, host Matt Stauffer chats with Joe Tannenbaum, Laravel’s Open Source Engineering Team Lead, about his unconventional journey from acting to web development. They dive into his contributions to the Laravel VS Code Extension, the evolution of Inertia 2.0, and the complexities of managing open source projects at …
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JT Mestdagh joins me to discuss his upcoming book "No Bad Days", overcoming health issues, taking on insane challenges, living life to the fullest, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 106 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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A karshe dai hasashen da wasu ke yi a Ribas ya tabbata, inda Shugaban Kasa Bola Ahmed Tinubu ya ayyana dokar ta-baci, ya dakatar da zababben gwamnan da mataimakiyarsa, da ma ''yan majalisar dokokin jihar. Sai dai bayan ayyana wannan doka da shugaban kasar ya yi 'yan Najeriya da dama suna ta bayyana ra’ayoyinsu kan wannan lamari. Yayin da wasu suke …
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The Post Millennial's Libby Emmons and The Daily Caller's Mary Rooke joins me to discuss the Joe Biden's auto-pen, the latest from Canada, fixing the DOJ, raising military standard, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.…
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Boken heter "Ansvar och ansvarsutkrävande : institutioner, regler, processer" och gäst är författaren Richard Sannerholm. Att kunna utkräva ansvar av den offentliga makten är en förutsättning för en demokratisk rättsstat. Samtidigt är det svårt att överblicka hur ansvarsutkrävandet faktiskt ser ut. I boken ges en överblick hur stat och kommun, poli…
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Canal Sur Radio y Television
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Annemarie Wiley joins me to discuss leaving the Democrat party, surviving the Real Housewives world, joining President Trump in the White House, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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*moods* by Lara Potthoff @ TOPzen Radio 13.03.2025
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Відтворити пізніше
1:00:00Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 13. march 2025 Imelda (Peter Sandberg Rework) - Douran Acacia - orbit, Post Meridiem & Parra for Cuva Dreamscape (feat. Juani) - Emiliano Secchi Lykke- K…
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Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community. This episode is sponsored PropelAuth - make authentication your advantage - and CodeRabbit - cut code review time and bugs in half with AI-driven, contextual feedback. Show links Temporary Context Scope in Laravel 12.1 Livewire 3.6 Released Laravel…
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 105 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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Send us a text In this episode of Coffee N° 5, host Lara Schmoisman sits down with Ewelina Aiossa, an expert in scientific and clinical beauty with over 15 years in the industry. From working with leading dermatologists and cosmetic chemists to navigating clinical research and product development, Ewelina shares invaluable insights on how skincare …
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Bayan dunbum falala, da yawan samuwar ibadun dake kara kusanta bayi ga ubangijin su, da azumin watan ramadana ke zuwa dashi kamar yadda malamai suka saba fada mana, Hakazalika Kuma a watan na Ramadan dai na zuwa da wata alada mai dimbin tarihi dake debe wa alumma musamman na arewacin Najeriya kewa. Wannan aladar itace ta tashe da ake fara yinta da …
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Breitbart's Alex Marlow and PragerU's Franklin Camargo join me to discuss Trump's SOTU, Biden's auto-pen scandal, Love is Blind, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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In this episode of the Laravel Podcast, host Matt Stauffer sits down with Tony Lea, an open-source developer at Laravel, to dive into a range of topics. They explore the future of Laravel’s starter kits, the impact of community contributions, and the latest developments in Laravel Cloud. Tony also shares his journey into programming, his work on La…
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Boken heter "Reklam och propaganda under svenskt 1930-tal" och gäst är författaren Elin Gardeström. 1930-talet var en intressant tidsperiod när det kommer till reklam och propaganda. Då blev reklam ett nytt modernt fenomen som förknippades med visionära förhoppningar. Det hette att reklamen skulle tjäna samhället och bygga framtiden. Men också lära…
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Canal Sur Radio y Television
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Michael Franzese joins me to discuss his time in prison, finding his faith, turning his life around, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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*moods* by Lara Potthoff @ TOPzen Radio 06.03.2025
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Відтворити пізніше
1:00:00Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 06. march 2025 Live - Koresma Ataraxia - PALLADIAN Unanswered - Chris Zippel & Marcus Loeber Youth Echoes - Wiljan La Hormiga - Niklas Paschburg Emeralds…
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 104 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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Kowane Musulmi da yadda yakan shiga watan Ramadana – wani kan shiga da shiri, wani kuma da shiririta. Sai dai wasu watan kan zo musu da kalubale – ba don sun shirya mishi b aba kuma don sun gaza shiryawa. Wani rukunin wadannan mutane shi ne na zawarawa, wadanda galibi ba su da masu agaza musu. Shirin Daga Laraba na wannan makon zai yi nazari ne a k…
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Sabrina Kosmas and Chrissy Clark join me to discuss Trump's speech tonight, Gavin Newsom's new podcast, Tim Walz for President, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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Send us a text On this episode of Coffee N° 5, Lara chats with Nyakio Grieco, founder of Thirteen Lune and Relevant, about reshaping beauty retail. Learn how inclusivity, storytelling, and innovation are redefining the industry. Don’t miss this deep dive into the future of beauty! We'll talk about: How Nyakio Grieco went from beauty founder to reta…
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Boken heter "Fortsatta band - om hur människor lever med sina döda" och gäst är författaren Annika Jonsson. Fortsatta band är ett relativt nytt perspektiv på sorg och relationen till människor som dött ifrån oss. Synsättet normaliserar de sörjandes upplevelser av att närstående som har dött kan fortsätta vara närvarande på olika sätt. Genom exempel…
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Canal Sur Radio y Television
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Megyn Kelly joins me to discuss the wild 2024 election, saying goodbye to Joy Reid's show, the future of the Democrat party, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 27. febuary 2025 Southern Coastline (Awakened Souls) - CVOIA Aevorin - Tepon Snowed In - Liam Thomas Deep Breath - Tim Angrave Temptation - Emiliano Secc…
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Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community. This episode is sponsored CodeRabbit - cut code review time and bugs in half with AI-driven, contextual feedback. Show links Laravel 12 is Now Released Getting to Know Laravel's New Starter Kits Introducing Laravel Cloud Fusion Developer Preview is…
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 103 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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A duk lokacin da aka ɗaura aure, wata addu’a da ’yan uwa da abokan arziki kan yi ita ce “Allah Ya kawo ƙazantar ɗaki”. A al’adance, ɗaya daga cikin manyan dalilan yin aure shi ne samun haihuwa. Sai dai a wasu lokuta, wasu mazan kan nuna a fili ba su da muradin hakan. Shirin Daga Laraba na wannan makon zai yi duba ne kan waɗannan mazan da ba sa son …
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The Federalist's Brianna Lyman and The Daily Caller's Mary Rooke joins me to discuss the Democrats still sexualizing kids, every Democrat in California blaming one another for wildfire response, keeping men out of women's sports, DOGE update, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for…
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Send us a text On this episode of Coffee N° 5, Lara chats with Wayne Liu, CEO of Perfect Corp, about how AI is revolutionizing the beauty industry. Learn how virtual try-ons, AI-powered skin analysis, and digital fashion are shaping the future of beauty and retail. Don’t miss this deep dive into beauty tech innovation! We'll talk about: How AI is t…
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Steve Bauman talks with us about his newest package, ImapEngine, which provides a simple API for managing mailboxes -- without the PHP extension. ## Show Links * * * * *…
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In this episode of the Laravel Podcast, host Matt Stauffer sits down with Chris Sev, Laravel's new Director of Developer Relations, to explore his background and the evolving role of DevRel. They dive into exciting updates in the Laravel ecosystem, including the launch of Laravel Cloud, new starter kits, the VS code extension, and the redesigned La…
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Boken heter "Konsten att gå till doktorn - och gå därifrån med dina frågor besvarade" och gäst är författaren Rita Fernholm. Hur du och dina närstående agerar i er kontakt med vården kommer påverka vilken vård ni får. Den här boken är därför tänkt som en guide, som hjälper dig att reda ut hur du bäst går till doktorn - och går därifrån med dina frå…
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mindmelody# compiled by Lara Potthoff 022025
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:00:00Send us a text mindmelody# compiled by Lara Potthoff ≈dance, house, minimal≈ …nightlights… 022025 ________________________________________________________________ days becoming longer, nights shorter. tender awakenings. with: Alex Kiss Nicky Elisabeth Bruno Andrada Jon Gurd & Reset Robot Solanca & Natascha Polké Marsh & Volen Sentir Tim Green Kamil…
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Former Democrat Lindy Li joins me to discuss giving up on the Democrats, the drama of the 2024 election on the Democrat side, the political future of Kamala Harris, AND MUCH MORE! #TheRightView Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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*moods* by Lara Potthoff @ TOPzen Radio 20.02.2025
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:00:00Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 20. febuary 2025 Pure - Blackbird Lakelectric - Jens Buchert Mind Unfolded - Tom Day & John Pattern Calico- Haux Shadow to Light - Amethystium Letters (H…
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I'm taking questions from friends and…not friends all across the internet. Join us for Episode 102 and leave a comment with a question you’d like answered in future episodes! Support the show: See for privacy information.The Right View with Lara Trump
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We are joined by Jason McCreary (JMac) to discuss the upcoming release of Laravel 12, the importance of small improvements in the framework, and the role of Laravel Shift in making our lives easier. Show Links…
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