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First off – sorry for the delay in this podcast! We have had a few unexpected things pop up on as and we had to react to those problems in real time. So this was posted about 5 days later than we would have hoped. Michelle and I were interviewed by Revealing our Stories America a local nonprofit we are working with to help educators teach REAL hist…
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In light of recent attacks on women and non-men people, in this episode we explore the call for better men. We talk about what men can do to help with reproductive human rights, we look at how to be better feminists. Most men I think are just at a loss of what to do or how to help – them men good enough to want to at least. So this episode is a man…
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Good day, Inclusive Activists! I hope today’s podcast is interesting for you. Today I am the guest interview for and with a former client Limbach/Harper with their Associate Vice President of Learning and Engagement Katie Mistry! The major reason for this interview was to get some insights into the June 2nd Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and to lea…
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In today’s podcast, we start to unpack the idea of Speciesism and how social hierarchies hurt not just all living beings but also tacitly endorses the suffering of human beings lower on the social caste. What is Speciesism? Lets go to wikipedia for more! Speciesism (/ˈspiːʃiːˌzɪzəm, -siːˌzɪz-/) is a term used in philosophy regarding the treatment o…
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Hello – getting this podcast posted in the NICK of time! But I have been working with this idea and concept for the past 6 weeks and I have been learning more about this practice. And since its blessing me I think it can bless you too! We will talk about what Attraction is and how it works. What it is and what it isn’t. The three major components a…
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Welcome to March’s Podcast and for this month we have a guest – a rare occurrence indeed. Martin X Henson is part of the BMEN project and he joins inclusive activism today! A bit about Martin X Henson – Martin has spent the last ten years advocating for Black lives, addressing the systemic issues that affect Black and marginalized groups through bo…
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Today’s podcast is getting a sense of what is your center? Are you partner-centered, are you family-centered, are you money-centered, are you possession-centered, worst of all, are you self-centered? In the podcast, we learn we must be value and principle-centered in universal valued and honest all serving value-centered. Everything else is to buil…
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Todays Podcast is really unpacking Gratitude and Abundance. We will look at many different ways we can start to define Gratitude – 10 different definitions in fact. Then we start to better understand what Gratitude and invoke within us – Catharsis and Reciprocity. We see how Gratitude can begin to rewire our brains and help us with 9 wonderful amaz…
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Well Hello – Inclusive Activism Podcast Fans – its has been a moment – I do apologise for being gone in Oct. But I am back in Nov and I am all but certain to be good to go in Dec and Jan due to the opportunity of Winter Break! This podcast is on the concept of Being in Proper Relations with all things. It relates to inclusive activism by understand…
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Todays Podcast will look at how our family and how our background shapes how we look for and seek out intimacy in others. We need to be mindful of how our trauma from the past informs and repeats possible patterns of traumatization in the future. We will talk about the patter of High and Low Attachment Anxiety. As well as the patterns of High and L…
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Well HELLO! It has been a moment – I took a bit of a summer sabbatical but I am back now. New News – going forward the podcast will update and publish monthly now to give a bit more life balance for me as your one and only in this effort. Today we talk about labels! Are labels good – well sorta yeah in a way – they comprise the slices of us that ma…
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Interview About Implementing Indigeneity Workshops
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1:06:43Todays podcasts is a rebroadcast podcast of an interview done with Eddie Webb with their New Media Lab Experience at Mesa Community College. In this podcast we learn about the work happening in Fall 21 with a series of virtual workshops on how to implement more indigenous practices in the spaces and places we work! PC to Host Indigeneity Workshops …
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In todays podcast we take a deep dive into the ideas that make me a me and you a you! We cannot understand anything without understanding ourself first! We look at the need for an accurate self concept – we have to own really who we are right now and stop pretending to be what we are not putting effort into being or becoming. We look at the need fo…
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Today we unpack the concept of perspective. For it is only through the lens of our own perspective that we have the ability or capacity to experience the world. We will look at the FACT that for YOU or someone else – your perspective IS your experience of reality. That is it – its all of it you cannot experience something outside your perspective. …
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In today’s podcast we welcome Anti-Racism expert Daryl Davis. Mr Davis has made as a part of his life goal to prove you cannot hate someone you do know know. To this end Mr Davis has befriended many current and former self avowed white supremacists (KKK members or Neo-Nazis). And to that end he has also been gifted 20+ former Klan members robes as …
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In today’s podcast we will look at how to set and enforce personal and relational boundaries with others. We all know about the concept of “house rules” the guides and expectations that help us get a sense what we should and should not do in a space. Boundaries work the same way with people! For this podcast is was guided and inspired by an article…
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In this episode we will examine the idea that we literally “pay” to things with our focus, with our listening, and with our attention. This attention and our sense of focus is vied for with millions to billions of dollars as our time and attention is SO precious and valuable. We look at the hard truth of the fact that if we are REALLY honest we don…
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In this podcast we will look at the idea that we need to own the responsibility to be our best self. In our Heart first, then in changing what we think and believe, then speaking that belief (or Be-life) into being. It starts by creating the new opportunity of a new reality into being within us just by dwelling on what we want to be, what type of p…
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This week we have yet another interview with our good friends at the Inclusive AF podcast Jackye Claton and Katee Van Horn. Both are Diveristy Inclusion and Equity Experts! This roundtable discussion will touch on the highlights and low lights of what is is like to “do the work” day in and day out. We talk about ideas relating to reverse racism, no…
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In this podcast and the next we will look at the cultural concepts of Indigenization. We will talk about Indigenization, What is it? (systems of nonviolence, no harm, non-marginalization, and non-exploitation). How each of us has been helped by Indigenization and Indigenous Thinking. This podcast attempts to help us unpack what I feel the antithesi…
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Welcome to the New Gregorian Year 2021 – or I as am calling it 2020 the bad extended mix. In this podcast and the next we will look at the cultural concepts of Colonization and Indigenization. This podcast will reflect on the events of Dec 6th. From a Native Lens with our thoughts and feelings on the matter. We will talk about Colonization, What is…
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Todays podcast looks deeply at the idea of what is the enemy. Is enemy the best word to use when working against others for the acknowledgement of humanity? Is opponent better or does that still imply the person is the problem. Does opposition work better to focus on the forces not the people. This podcast will look at how it is SO easy to see the …
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In recognition of International Kindness Day. We look at the true earth shaking Power In Kindness. We talk about how Kindness needs some reframing as it gets a bad rap for being weak or naive. It is very strong and a powerful force for change! We talk about the vitality of Kindness due to our mirror neurons and oxytocin boost which can later lead t…
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Election Day 2020 is almost here. In this podcast I share a few thoughts on our local election. I talk about the need to get some food, and resources together in the next few days – just in case things get wonky. I talk about the need to get your ballot physically to the ballot box or vote in person (most vote my mail is not assured to get in by no…
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Hey all today we are going to unpack the idea of Deep Canvassing. Inspired by this article https://callhub.io/deep-canvassing/ Deep canvassing stems from a simple idea; you can change minds through conversations. Canvassers use this method to engage voters in a conversation and get them to a mutual understanding by providing alternative perspective…
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In this podcast we will analyze thoughts on why people have such a hard time just saying and agreeing with Black Lives Matter. And why they are SO insistent on the message All Lives Matter. The secret is we will in a society that honestly values life very little. And due to the normalization of death and that some lives matter and other lives don’t…
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In this podcast we breakdown another parable idea on what lessons are embedded in boats, and airplanes. How can we look at the idea of difference in consideration of an items intended purpose and see its inherent value in its differences? We will look at how the pressures of a situation keep us afloat. We will look at how movement and pressure can …
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Todays Podcast is “Why Poor White People have a harder Time Seeing White Privilege” We will go over – white racial privilege does exists We will also talk about what is “assumed” as parts of being a white person in society – that really is not always the true experience We will talk about how if you are not doing what is assumed in all parts of whi…
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Hey all so this is our final podcast of season one folks. Its been wonderful for Calvin and I to share our thoughts and ideas with you everyone. In this our final podcast of our first (hopefully not final season) Calvin the Drapetomaniac and Rowdy the Inclusive Activist introduce the idea of Social Centric Communalism (NOT communism NOT Socialism) …
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In today’s podcast we explore the idea of “truth” what is it. What is subjective truth or what is true for me. How can at times subjective truths widen and are shared with others? What is objective truth – those real hard undeniable truths – that we can pretend don’t exist – but like gravity we do so at our own peril. What are universal truths – to…
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Calvin and Rowdy give you a retrospective out their lives to give you a sense of the humans behind the process. Many times either Calvin or Rowdy have been a bit too deified or seen as more than the simple humans they are – this podcast puts that notion to bed with times we made mistakes. How we learned and grow. And the simple steps we take daily …
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As it so happens there have been and email here and there. A DM here and there, and lots of comments as feedback. And silly me didn’t consider podcasting them all as I thought they were all just to me rather than the seeds of a dialog that are beginning to emerge from Inclusive Activism and Emerging Evolution. So here it is our first Questions and …
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Counsel Culture is more transformational than Cancel Culture. In this episode we will look at how I should have been canceled in the past with SEVERAL examples BUT we will learn how Counsel Culture made me redeemable! We examine the problematics of Cancel Culture and deconstruct it as a tool of whiteness and colonial thinking special thanks to Mich…
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Too often it appears we get caught up in the either or paradigm. It is very important to note no one on either side of a issue is actually completely right. AND too often no one on either side is really truly on the side of us as the people. And no one is really committed to living in an eco-centric way centering the earth and our community in a wa…
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In this story for today we look at some of the macro systems we are seeing with the pandemic and attempt to make a parable – a fable – an indigenous tale out of what we are seeing with the current pandemic. When I envisioned this I was trying to do a form of sense-making of the pandemic, the economic recession/potential depression (finally was righ…
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Simply put the stories we tell and choose to add the power of our belief in create our worlds. This is why we must be clear and show where we want to go and what we want to do when we tell our stories. Think about our words Believe is so much like BE-LIVE, same with Belief is so akin to BE-LIFE. See how powerful our words can be when we act as thou…
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For today’s podcast Calvin the Drapetomanic and Rowdy the Inclusive Activist look at the Numbing Trap. Right now life is VERY hard. And it is so easy to just reach for a stiff drink or smoke up and check out. But Numbing is a lot wider than that too – its over-eating or eating food that hurts your body, its video game addition, gambling, and porn. …
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For Today’s podcast we look at the idea of evil. The idea of the evil in the world and how easy it is to see the evil in others. I will talk about how much violence I am harboring within myself in light of current events. I am thinking about what it is doing within me and how I am feeling carrying it. We look at how my violence might against one of…
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Today we look at our different viewpoints or frame around constant pain. We look at others Pain from a bewildered standpoint. We look at the pain of those we have grown numb to over time. And we look at our own choice to remain in the Pain of the Same – rather than engage in the Pain of Change. If you want to connect with The Inclusive Activism Pod…
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In this podcast – Calvin the Drapotmaniac and Rowdy the Inclusive Activist start to break down the idea of Thinking Seven Generations back and Seven Generations Forward. What does it mean to think in a more timeless frame? How can we better appreciate all of the work done for us and the shoulders of greatness we stand upon to live the lives we do? …
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In this podcast – Calvin the Drapotmaniac and Rowdy the Inclusive Activist start to break down the idea of Thinking Seven Generations back and Seven Generations Forward. What does it mean to think in a more timeless frame? How can we better appreciate all of the work done for us and the shoulders of greatness we stand upon to live the lives we do? …
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For todays Inclusive Activism Podcast we look at the concepts of Spectrums of things. And the idea that to get where you want to go – we must embrace starting and being at the place we want to be the least first. But it is also a crucial and integral part of getting to the places we want to be the most. Since this is a new podcast please rate us an…
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Today on the Emerging Evolution Podcast Rowdy the Inclusive Activist and Calvin the Drapetomanic continue our deep dive into the impacts of Historical Trauma and look at how it effects Perpetrators! We will break up the historical trauma series looking at the Affected, the Perpetrators, and the Bystanders for this three part series. Since this is a…
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On today’s Podcast we examine the idea that God’s only correct pronouns must be We/Us. First we look at evidence of this in monotheistic religions, then we look at it from descriptions of how God is described, lastly we look at this truth from a scientific lens! When we started I thought the correct pronouns were they – but as it turns out we too a…
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In todays podcast we talk about the challenge of being and indigenous person on Thanksgiving. We talk about the true history of the holiday the one time celebration and the remembering of the massacre. We talk about my current struggles to how the Native History Appreciation Month ends with this day. We talk about how I currently choose to navigate…
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