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Svante Randlert

#Chefssnack - podden som snackar med Sveriges vassaste chefer. Syftet är att inspirera samt ge verktyg och konkreta tips till hur du blir en bättre chef och ledare.
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Svensk Chefsförening

Chefspodden tar upp aktuella chefs- och ledarskapsfrågor ur ett professionsperspektiv. I podden medverkar forskare, debattörer, chefer och specialister inom olika områden. Chefspodden produceras av Svensk Chefsförening, Akademikerförbundet SSRs chefsverksamhet. Programledare är Hanna Broberg, chefsstrateg.
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Chefs Without Restaurants

The Chefs Without Restaurants Network

Join Chris Spear as he interviews food and beverage entrepreneurs who've taken a unique path in the culinary world. His guests include caterers, research chefs, personal chefs, cookbook authors, food truck operators, farmers, and more – all individuals who've paved their own way in the culinary world. With over 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry, including his own personal chef business, Perfect Little Bites, Chris is dedicated to helping others grow and succeed in the food a ...
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Der wöchentliche Podcast "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache" ist eine Plattform, auf der verschiedene Experten aus der Welt der Digitalisierung & Cybersecurity zusammenkommen, um über aktuelle Themen, Trends und praktische Anwendungen zu sprechen. Der Gastgeber Nico Werner lädt dazu Freunde, Kollegen oder gleichgesinnte aus allen Branche ein, um Ihre Erfahrungen und Meinungen zu teilen und um aktuelle Themen rund um Digitalisierung, Cybersecurity, OT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Informationssicherh ...
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Andrew Talks to Chefs

Andrew Friedman

Our top chefs, as you’ve never heard them before. Author Andrew Friedman, one of the nation's chief chroniclers of professional kitchen life, interviews a diverse cross-section of the best and biggest names in the business, bringing his personal relationships and industry knowledge to bear in coaxing personal and professional revelations from his guests.
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Der Interview-Podcast von CHEFS CULINAR setzt auf Begegnungen mit wirklich außergewöhnlichen Menschen aus der Welt der Betten, Teller und Töpfe. Dafür treffen Andreas Möcker und Ulf Tietge an ihrem Tisch für Drei auf smarte, clevere und mitreißende Typen und sprechen über so ziemlich alles, was die Branche bewegt: neue Ideen, unmögliche Gäste, kleine Fehler und tolle Erfahrungen. Tisch für Drei – immer #lemodemo auf Sendung, am letzten Montag des Monats!
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Chefs on the Pass

Phil Street

Welcome to "Chefs on the Pass - The Craft Guild of Chefs Official Podcast," where culinary excellence collides with laid-back conversation and a side order of humour. Join us as we take you into the heart of the Guild, offering an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the world of professional cooking and everything around it. Each episode, our host—an industry veteran with a knack for keeping things fun—chats with renowned chefs, rising culinary stars, and experts from the Craft Guild of Che ...
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Das Thema Digitalisierung wird in der Schweiz oft missverstanden. Manchmal gar komplett verdrängt. Nicht alle werden mit diesem Thema warm. Andere hingegen sind bereits mitten drin. Sie sind Vorreiter für eine ganze Generation. Mutig genug, den Schritt zu wagen. Führungskräfte aus kleinen und grossen Unternehmen der Schweiz zeigen, wie Sie das Thema der Digitalisierung anpacken. Branchenübergreifend und ungeschönt.
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Visions chefspodd


Att vara chef ska vara roligt och utvecklande. Visions chefspodd ger dig inspiration i din roll som ledare och hjälper dig hitta nya lösningar. Våra erfarna gäster delar med sig av tankar och konkreta tips som kan stötta dig i din arbetsvardag.
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Chef's Diary

Chef Angela

Hi I'm Chef Angela from Pink Sugar Black Salt Kitchen and this audio podcast is inspiring, fresh, fun and of course about FABULOUS FOOD, topped with my experiences as a chef, wife, mom, and entrepreneur, along with behind the scenes stories, creative influences, my recipes for the kitchen and for life. Listen while you cook, relax, work or just being creative in your own way.
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The Chef's Notes Podcast

The Chef's Notes Podcast

The Chef's Notes Podcast is all about food! This companion podcast to shares recipes, cooking tips, stories and more. Entertaining. Informative. And, Delicious. When you need a recipe, think Chef's Notes. Ranked 9th in Top 20 Chef Podcasts by
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¿Sabes lo que comes? Yo hay muchas veces que yo no...así que como soy bastante curioso, en este podcast voy a ir hablando sobre las cosas que investigue de alimentación y salud. Pero no te lo tomes en serio....Nada es verdad, nada es mentira, todo depende del color del cristal con el que se mira!!!
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Chefs de Mission

Dag en Nacht Media

Voor de leukste Olympische Spelen ooit! Nynke de Jong en Willem Dudok bekommeren zich als Chefs de Mission van sportkijkend Nederland over de bankzitter en zorgen voor de optimale voorbereiding op Olympische Zomerspelen in Parijs. Iedere donderdag in je podcastapp.
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Chefs & Lambos

Chef David Hill

The Podcast where Chefs and Cars come together! Whether you want to hear about chefs managing Covid times, discuss really fun cars... or hear about how Chef David Hill was able to purchase a Lamborghini because of his success during Covid... This is the podcast for you! Questions? Want to be interviewed on the podcast? Email
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The Chef’s Corner

Ashley Benton

A funny witty show about food and its relation to everyday living . Food is a intimate thing that joins the masses or separates the masses. Chefs are a very interesting group of people that have a lot to say in a nonconformist way! Tune in and listen from a Chefs point of view.. Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Galliani on Unsplash:
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Chef's Dream - The SCAFA Podcast

SCAFA Culinary School

Chef's Dream reveals what life is like for students at SCAFA - the School of Culinary & Finishing Arts in Dubai - the largest vocational culinary institute in the Middle East and South Asia. Follow them during 13 weeks of intensive training to become professional chefs. Start your own journey by visiting
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Host Kurt Huffman, the owner of ChefStable discusses what prime cost is and how to use it to grow your food business. We talk about the start of his company, the secret ingredient to a successful restaurant and what differentiates ChefStable from other restaurant groups. ChefStable which partners with chefs to design, build, and operate restaurants. They invest in chefs who have shown a commitment to their craft, and whose food reflects their passion and talent. They take care of all of the ...
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Chefs Table

Chefs Table

Listen in on Chef Edward Shortsleeve, CEC as he talks about various topics in the culinary world. A culinary school educator with over 20 years of teaching gives a unique perspective and depth of knowledge not always found in other podcasts. Visit the Chefs Table Podcast Facebook page at , Chefs Table Podcast on Instagram at If you learned a little something new today and want to donate to the podcast: https://paypa ...
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No one tells you how life will be after starting your own Restaurant. My uncensourced truth along with candid interviews with my friends ... Funny, sad and true story of how life is really like when married to a Chef. #married2Chef #confessions
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Chefs VS. Obesity

LaQuincy Gilmore

LaQuincy Gilmore, the CEO/Founder of G-Powered Kitchen welcomes you to Chefs VS. Obesity, where we talk about the future of culinary nutrition, and culinary entrepreneurship. Make sure to write notes when listening to this podcast, you will learn the game and how to make serious health choices from the PRO's. Get our merch at: Support this podcast:
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Chef's in Plauderlaune

Maria Thorwartl und Jürgen Schieh

Willkommen bei "Chefs in Plauderlaune", dem Podcast für alle, die sich für das Leben als Unternehmer:in interessieren! Wir sind zwei leidenschaftliche Unternehmer:innen, die alle 14 Tage ihre Erfahrungen, Geschichten und Einsichten teilen. In unserem Podcast sprechen wir offen und ehrlich über: Erfolge: Was hat uns zum Erfolg geführt? Welche Strategien und Taktiken haben wirklich funktioniert? Misserfolge: Was sind unsere größten Fehler und was haben wir daraus gelernt? Wir teilen unsere tie ...
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La fabrique des chefs

France Musique

Comment devient-on un grand chef d'orchestre ? La direction d'orchestre s'enseigne-t-elle ? Par quels circuits le jeune chef -le seul musicien qui ne puisse travailler son instrument à la maison- doit-il passer pour devenir un maestro ? Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Sport City Chefs

Sport City Chefs

The Sport City Chefs are a collaborative group of sports connoisseur's hailing from various parts of North America, dicing up relevant topics across all sports in the Kitchen with fresh perspectives & diverse outlooks. From New York, down to Florida, out to Chicago, across California & up to Canada, Sport City brings total coverage to a new level! Check out for host bio's & more information. Don't forget to subscribe to us on iTunes anytime for free! Thanks for listeni ...
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Chef's Story

Heritage Radio Network

Dorothy Cann Hamilton is the Founder & CEO of the International Culinary Center (founded as The French Culinary Institute in 1984). A respected leader in the education and culinary worlds, Ms. Hamilton is past Chairman of the James Beard Foundation, was the IACP’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2013 and in 2015 was awarded the Legion of Honor from the French government and was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Entrepreneurs by Babson College. She is a mentor for business accelerator Fo ...
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Chef’s Playa

ChefMartin Merc

Unedited, Unscripted and Unstructured discussions of my Nudist Lifestyle, travels, thoughts, sharing of my food recipes. I'm a Nudist/Naturist who happens to be a Chef, traveler, adventurer, so you see why I cook only wearing my apron, Cowboy boots and my Cowboy hat; hell, why not do both Chef and a Nudist. I'm a Nudist yet society still frowns on it so I'm trying to share a little of my lifestyle. I'm living life my way and so far its been a hell of ride; loving everyday! Support this podca ...
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Plant Gourmet: Conversations with the chefs creating the finest plant-based cuisine

Plant Gourmet: Rob Laing talks to the chefs creating the best plant-based food, whether you call that vegan, vegetarian or vegetable-forward, this is the show for those interested in good food, health, trends in culinary and hospitality, the environment,

Rob Laing talks to the chefs creating the best plant-based food. Whether you call that “vegetable-forward”, “plant-based cuisine” or just good food, the trend is undeniable and goes beyond being vegan or vegetarian. Plant Gourmet talks to these chefs in detail on topics like running plant-based restaurants, recipes and menu development, food issues, health and diet, the environment, animal rights, ingredients, suppliers, the food scene, new technology, culinary and hospitality trends and more.
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show series
Adam Leonti discusses his New England upbringing, time cooking in Philly and living overseas, and the series of New York City projects that have led to his current success at Cucina Alba in NYC's Chelsea neighborhood. Huge thanks to Andrew Talks to Chefs’ presenting sponsor, meez, the recipe operating software for culinary professionals. Meez power…
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John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse are joined by Dan Barber, Executive Chef and Co-Owner of Blue Hill at Stone Barns and Co-Founder of Row 7 Seed Company, to dive into the transformative world of produce and seeds. Dan explains why exceptional produce begins with a great seed, sharing insights into innovative creations like the cross between an …
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Vor 50 Jahren hat sich ein Bub aus der Steiermark aufgemacht in die weite Welt – heute ist er eine lebende Legende: Johann Lafer! Am Tisch für Drei mit Andreas Möcker und Ulf Tietge teilt er seine Erfahrungen aus einem halbes Jahrhundert am Herd.Vor 50 Jahren hat sich ein Bub aus der Steiermark aufgemacht in die weite Welt – heute ist er eine leben…
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This month, we welcomed the dynamic Louise Wagstaffe to the Chefs on the Pass Podcast. In this engaging episode, Louise shares her fascinating journey from the bustling kitchens of fine dining restaurants to the strategic halls of food manufacturing, and eventually establishing her own successful business, Delicious by Design. Explore the delightfu…
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Want the INSIDE SCOOP on building and growing a food business? Subscribe to our newsletter. This week on Chefs Without Restaurants, we celebrate two major milestones: our 250th episode and five years of podcasting. To mark the occasion, we’re joined by one of the most iconic figures in the culinary world, Jacques Pépin. Chef Pépin shares insights f…
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While he was in NYC for the Fancy Food Show in June, Chef Paul Bertolli made time to sit down with Andrew to discuss his varied and textured culinary career, which has included time as chef of Chez Panisse and then Oliveto, authoring or co-authoring books such as Chez Panisse Cooking and Cooking By Hand, and founding the salumi and charcuterie comp…
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It's been a busy year for Jeremy Salamon. The chef and owner of Brooklyn's Agi's Counter came out with his first cookbook, Second Generation: Hungarian and Jewish Classics Reimagined for the Modern Table, and is readying his next restaurant, Pitt's, for its imminent launch. Earlier this fall, Andrew dropped into Agi's Counter and chatted with Jerem…
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Erweitere dein Wissen über die Karrieremöglichkeiten in der Cybersecurity mit „Cybersecurity ist Chefsache“. In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um den Vertrieb, die interne Ausbildung und den Lebenszyklus der Cybersicherheit. Gastgeber Nico Werner spricht mit Fabian Böhm, Managing Director von Teal Technology Consulting GmbH, über die essenziellen He…
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Following a college-age shift from music to cooking, Nick Tamburo trained in some notable kitchens in the US and Europe, and served in chef positions within the Momofuku group and Claud. In late August, he launched his first restaurant of his own, Smithereens, in downtown Manhattan. The restaurant serves Nick's take on coastal New England cuisine a…
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While in New York City this September, Lisa Dahl--the prolific Sedona, Arizona chef and restaurateur--made time to visit with Andrew for a very personal conversation about her unique life and career path. Lisa wasn't always bound for the pro kitchen. She harbored dreams of singing, and worked for a time in fashion. But once she found her way to Sed…
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This fall, at the Roots Conference held at The Chef's Garden's Culinary Vegetable Institute in Milan, Ohio, Farmer Lee Jones (he of the signature denim overalls and red bowtie) sat down with Andrew to discuss a few key issues covered at the conference--regenerative farming, vegetables as preventative medicine, and the future of the industry. Huge t…
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Chef Tyler Akin has a bona fide hit on his hand with Philly's newish Bastia restaurant, where he presents his spin on Mediterranean cuisine. Back in the spring, before the restaurant launched, Tyler sat down with Andrew for a conversation about his career so far, and about the restaurant as it was being developed. Along the way, they get into the n…
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While visiting New York City recently, Jon Templin, of Butternut Sustainable Farm, sat down with Andrew to discuss the importance of chef-farmer relationships, why they're worth nurturing, and how both parties can get the most out of them. (Jon is one of the farmers profiled in Andrew's most recent book, The Dish, which is how they know each other.…
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Erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen über die Zukunft des Pentestings mit der neuesten Episode von Cybersecurity ist Chefsache! Diesmal spricht Nico Werner mit Martin Haunschmid, Geschäftsführer der Adversary GmbH, über die spannenden Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen von AI im Pentesting. Inhalte der Episode: Automation vs. Menschlichkeit: Wo AI Prozesse er…
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Chef, author, and legendary raconteur Alexander Smalls makes his long-delayed debut on the pod. The occasion of the interview is his newest book The Contemporary African Kitchen: Home Cooking Recipes from the Leading Chefs of Africa. With that as a starting point, during a visit at Alexander’s home in Harlem, Alexander shares the story of his young…
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One of our favorite guests, and one of Andrew's favorite people in the industry, the singular Nok Suntaranon, proprietor and chef of Philly's excellent Kalaya restaurant, returns to the pod to discuss her new cookbook, Kalaya's Southern Thai Kitchen. Huge thanks to Andrew Talks to Chefs’ presenting sponsor, meez, the recipe operating software for c…
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In der neuesten Episode des „Mythenknacker Podcast“ sprechen Nico Werner und Dave Wollmann über einen weitverbreiteten Mythos: „Ist das iPhone wirklich sicherer als Android?“ Unsere Hosts nehmen euch mit auf eine spannende Reise durch Designphilosophien, Datenschutzstrategien und Sicherheitsansätze von Apple und Google. Themen der Episode: Betriebs…
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In this special episode, Andrew makes his first-ever visit to the legendary Peter Luger Steakhouse in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where he sits down with Peter Luger VP Daniel Turtel, a key officer and voice for the iconic establishment. Over a classic Luger’s lunch, they discuss the history and enduring allure of this quintessential New York instituti…
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Pastry chef Clarice Lam is out with a new cookbook this fall--Breaking Bao; 88 Bakes and Snacks from Asia and Beyond. The book is a fun and energetic mingling of sweet and savory offerings that reflects her own background and travels, and the breadth of what a pastry chef might prepare in a restaurant. She recently sat down with Andrew in Brooklyn,…
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We've all heard of the Twelve Days of Christmas, but this is ridiculous: We're dropping an episode every weekday between now and December 25, as we try to share all the interviews Andrew has banked in 2024 before the year draws to an end. This Andrew Talks to Chefs December Marathon is brought to you by The Dish, Andrew's most recent book, which ju…
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John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse are joined by Albert Straus, Founder and CEO of Straus Family Creamery, to explore the rich history and sustainable practices of this pioneering organic dairy company. Albert shares how his parents, Bill and Ellen Straus, inspired his commitment to organic farming and environmental stewardship. Learn how Straus…
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Erweitere dein Wissen über Karrierewege in die Cybersecurity mit "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache". In der aktuellen Folge begrüßt Nico Werner Isabel Höhn, die aktuell im internen Security-Team von Hays arbeitet. Isabel spricht über ihren beeindruckenden Quereinstieg in die IT-Sicherheit – von der Personalvermittlerin hin zu ihrer Rolle im Cybersecurit…
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Join John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse as they chat with Lynn Giacomini Stray, Co-Owner and COO of Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co., a family-run company rooted in tradition and innovation. Lynn shares the inspiring story of Point Reyes, co-owned by her and her three sisters, and the journey of turning their family business into a renowned chee…
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Erweitere dein Wissen über Cyber-Resilienz mit "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache". In der neuesten Episode begrüßt Nico Werner den Experten Frank Schwaak, Field CTO EMEA bei Rubrik. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie, wie Unternehmen ihre Resilienz gegenüber Cyberangriffen stärken können und welche Rolle innovative Backup- und Recovery-Strategien dabei spielen. T…
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Vi sänder ut en repris av detta mycket vällyssnade och uppskattade avsnitt med den nu bortgångne Pehr G Gyllenhammar – en av svenskt näringslivs verkliga giganter. Pehr G (PG) Gyllenhammar tog Juristexamen från Lunds universitet 1959 och fick tog sig an rollen som Biträdande jurist vid advokatfirman Mannheimer och Zetterlöf i Göteborg. Fram till 19…
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In der neuesten Episode des „Mythenknacker Podcast“ sprechen Nico und Dave live von der it-sa 2024 über die größten Mythen und Missverständnisse der IT-Sicherheit. In dieser Spezialfolge erfahrt ihr: Warum Technik allein nicht ausreicht und der Mensch der entscheidende Faktor bleibt. Ob der Inkognito-Modus wirklich für Privatsphäre sorgt – oder nur…
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John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse are joined by Janne Rasmussen, Marketing Manager for Cypress Grove Chevre, to explore the unique world of goat milk. Janne dives into Cypress Grove’s celebrated goat cheese lineup, including fan favorites like Humboldt Fog and Truffle Tremor. They discuss the distinct differences between goat’s milk and cow’s m…
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Erweitere dein Wissen zur digitalen Sicherheit mit „Cybersecurity ist Chefsache“! In dieser Episode begrüßt Nico Werner Dr. Tim Sattler, CISO, und Uwe Kolk, CIO bei Jungheinrich, die Einblicke in ihre eng verzahnte Zusammenarbeit geben. Gemeinsam zeigen sie, wie eine transparente Kommunikation und ein wertebasiertes Management die Basis für eine er…
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Join Chris Spear in this episode as he interviews Joe Yonan, the acclaimed food and dining editor of The Washington Post and celebrated cookbook author. Joe’s latest work, Mastering the Art of Plant-Based Cooking, redefines plant-based food, focusing on creating flavorful and approachable dishes without dietary labels or limitations. Together, they…
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Michael Mina, whose hospitality group boasts about two dozen restaurants across the United States (and one in the UAE), trained in New York City. But he hadn't opened a restaurant in Manhattan ... until this summer when he and his team launched Bourbon Steak on Central Park South. On the occasion of the opening, Michael sat down with Andrew for a c…
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Join John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse as they explore the world of goat cheese with Francois Challet, Head Cheesemaker at Laura Chenel. Francois shares the inspiring story of Laura Chenel, who founded her namesake company in 1979 and became a true pioneer in the American cheese industry by introducing high-quality goat cheese to the U.S. marke…
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Erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen über die wichtigsten IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen mit "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache". In der neuen Episode spricht Nico Werner mit Florian Bogner, Inhaber von Bee Security, über die essenziellen Schritte zur Verbesserung der Unternehmenssicherheit. Florian erläutert anschaulich, wie Unternehmen mit einfachen Mitteln und ohne hohe…
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In der neuesten Episode von „Mythenknacker Podcast“ sprechen Nico Werner und Dave Wollmann über den Mythos, dass Macs sicherer sind als Windows-PCs. Viele Menschen glauben, dass Mac-Systeme aufgrund ihrer Architektur und Marktanteile besser vor Angriffen geschützt sind – doch die Realität sieht komplexer aus. Die beiden diskutieren den weitverbreit…
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Join Andrea and special guest host Michele Glancey from Chef's Warehouse for a delicious dive into the world of artisanal cheese with Matt Brown, head cheesemaker at Cowgirl Creamery. In this episode, Matt shares the story behind Cowgirl Creamery, founded in California in 1997 by Sue Conley and Peggy Smith. He discusses Cowgirl Creamery’s unwaverin…
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Erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen über die Rolle von Cybersecurity in der Versicherungsbranche mit „Cybersecurity ist Chefsache.“ In der aktuellen Episode ist Dr. Arne Barinka, Vorstandsmitglied der RheinLand Versicherungsgruppe, zu Gast. Im Gespräch beleuchtet er, wie Cybersicherheit strategisch im Unternehmen verankert wird, um die Vertrauensbasis mit den…
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In this episode, Chris Spear chats with Heidrun Metzler, a passionate baker and author of German Heritage Baking. With recipes that include everything from Apple Strudel to Black Forest Cake, Heidrun's cookbook is a true labor of love that has been over ten years in the making. She dives into her family's baking legacy and her journey to adapt trad…
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Send us a text In this conversation, Chef Angela interviews Sarah Metzger about her plant-based lifestyle and her journey to veganism. They discuss the misconceptions about vegan baking and the importance of indulgence in vegan desserts. Sarah emphasizes the need to focus on the why behind vegan baking and not to compromise on taste and indulgence.…
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In this episode of Ingredient Insiders, John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse sit down with Elias Cairo, co-founder of Olympia Provisions, the pioneering American charcuterie company he started with his sister Jess. Elias takes us through his inspiring journey, from his teenage years as an avid snowboarder to training as a chef in Switzerland, wher…
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Erweitere dein Wissen über Verhandlungen mit Cyberkriminellen in der neuesten Episode von Cybersecurity ist Chefsache. In dieser Folge spricht Nico Werner mit Ann-Katrin Lange, CEO der cycura GmbH, über den richtigen Umgang mit Erpresserschreiben und die Herausforderungen in Verhandlungen mit Cyberkriminellen. Erfahre, warum Verhandlungen oft sinnv…
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Bettina Tietjens größte Leidenschaft? Natürlich das Campen! In dieser Folge spricht sie über das Campen, das Kochen, das Fernsehen. Und die gibt vieles preis: über ihre eigenen vielen prominenten Gäste, ihre Erlebnisse und ihr soziales Engagement.Was Orlando Bloom, Chris Hemsworth und Bettina Tietjen gemeinsam haben? Alle sind sie begeisterte Campe…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Mythenknacker Podcast" sprechen Nico Werner und Dave über die Mythen rund um Antivirensoftware. Viele Menschen glauben, dass Antivirensoftware allein ausreicht, um gegen alle Bedrohungen gewappnet zu sein – doch dem ist nicht so. Sie beleuchten, warum polymorphe Malware klassischen Antivirus-Lösungen überlegen ist und w…
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Guest Orry Shand, Executive Chef at Ontier, National Chef of the Year 2024, and mentor to young chefs. Episode Overview In this inspiring episode of Chefs on the Pass, Phil dives deep into the culinary world with the distinguished Executive Chef Orry Shand, the 2024 National Chef of the Year. Discover the rich tapestry of Orry's journey, from his e…
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In this episode, Chris Spear chats with cookbook author Ben Mims about his new book, Crumbs. The conversation delves into the cultural history of cookies, what defines a cookie, and Ben's research process for compiling recipes from around the world. They discuss holiday cookie exchanges, ingredient nuances, and advice for aspiring cookbook authors.…
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Hur kan du som chef ge hjärnan de bästa förutsättningarna för att prestera och må bra? I det här avsnittet av Chefspodden möter vi Ulrika Ahlqvist från Hjärnberikad, som delar med sig av sin expertis om hur hjärnan fungerar och vad du kan göra för att stärka både din egen och dina medarbetares mentala hälsa. Från fysisk aktivitet till rätt kost – h…
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Forskarna Susanna Alexius och Janet Vähämäki har skrivit om biståndvärldens mätande och effekterna av styrning och uppföljning i boken Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureacracy? Och det är nog många i olika delar av framför allt offentlig sektor som känner igen de avvägningar och problem som de båda beskriver.…
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Join hosts John and Andrea from Chef's Warehouse for a special episode of Ingredient Insiders featuring Josh Archibald, Executive Chef of Culinary Development at Tillamook County Creamery Association. In this episode, they dive into Tillamook’s rich history as a farmer-owned cooperative with over 100 years of commitment to producing high-quality da…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache" begrüßt Nico Werner Swantje Westpfahl, Direktorin des Institute for Security and Safety an der Hochschule Mannheim. Sie gibt tiefe Einblicke in den neuen AI Act der Europäischen Union und erläutert, wie dieser die Nutzung und Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz regelt. Ein zentrales Them…
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Erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen über Cyber-Krisenmanagement mit "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache". In der neuesten Episode begrüßt Nico Werner Sebastian Dännart, Director IT Security Consulting bei INFODAS. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie die essenziellen Schritte, die IT-Leiter und CISOs unternehmen sollten, um auf IT-Notfälle vorbereitet zu sein. Zentrale Themen d…
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In this solo episode, host Chris Spear shares some exciting updates and future plans for the Chefs Without Restaurants podcast. As the show approaches its 250th episode and five-year anniversary, Chris reflects on the incredible journey and announces a brief hiatus to focus on a new project. You'll learn about his upcoming podcast, Personal Chef Bu…
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Send us a text In this conversation, Chef Angela and Carolina Baez discuss their shared love for pizza and their journeys as coaches and artists. They explore the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and self-care in finding and living one's purpose. Carolina shares her experience of feeling stuck and unfulfilled in her corporate career and h…
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