Um podcast sobre temas de saúde, analisados de forma simples e descomplicada. De quinze em quinze dias, à segunda-feira, a médica de família Margarida Santos convida especialistas das mais diferentes áreas para falar sobre doenças comuns, dúvidas recorrentes, e sobretudo para desmistificar ideias erradas e preconceitos na área da saúde.
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Die Sendung zum Mitnehmen
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Die kompakte Tageszusammenfassung des Deutschlandfunks am Abend: wir beleuchten alle wichtigen Entwicklungen in Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Sport.
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Get a whole new perspective on markets with our series of podcasts featuring aberdeen investment trust managers from around the world.
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En serie for deg som liker å nerde på de små og store spørsmålene innen vitenskap. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Análise das novidades dos cenários econômicos brasileiro e mundial. De segunda a sexta.
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Espaço de discussão sobre assuntos polêmicos, sempre apresentando ponto e contraponto
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We are a Full Gospel church in Aberdeen, SD in the United States.
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You get to listen to the full audio of service in your ear
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Sermons by Aberdeen Baptist Church
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Hart aber fair
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Sermons from Sunday services at Hebron Evangelical Church, Aberdeen Main Bible teaching by Jonny Gilmour and Willie Harrison
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Idriss Aberkane, né le 23 mai 1986, est un conférencier et essayiste français. Médiatisé pour ses conférences de développement personnel, il publie en 2016 un essai à succès : Libérez votre cerveau!
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Seja bem-vindo! A Universidade Aberta, a única instituição pública de ensino a distância em Portugal, partilha com o público as suas opiniões, histórias e novidades através de uma série de podcasts, selecionados especialmente para si. A Universidade Aberta sempre na rota da inovação do ensino digital. Mais informações em
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Celebrity Maps to Success... people living their dream... the paths they took to get there
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Sovereign Grace Sermon Podcasts
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Omroep Abe is de podcast over SC Heerenveen van de Leeuwarder Courant. Clubwatcher Sander de Vries en analist Jan Vlap bespreken wekelijks de actualiteiten en achtergronden bij de club.
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Aktuelles und Hintergrnde zu Entwicklungen und Themen des Tages aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft in Berichten und Kommentaren.
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Vemos la tecnología desde otro angulo, no preguntes cual no vale la pena . Si queres colaborar con el show, que mejor que por paypal.
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La Jungla Radio Show, en La Jungla Radio, con José Antonio Abellán.
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Relevant and inspiring talks from Abergavenny Baptist Church Pastor - Mike Orsmond
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Das gute Wort zum Feierabend auf NDR 1 Welle Nord mit den Wünschen für einen "Gesegneten Abend". Von Sylt oder Tönning, Kiel oder Amrum kommt die Andacht als harmonischer Tagesabschluss. Täglich um 19.04 Uhr begleiten wir Sie mit einer Andacht in den Abend - ermutigend, persönlich, aktuell, politisch, tröstend. Sonnabends gibt's den "Gesegneten Abend" bereits vor dem Kirchengeläut im Lande um kurz vor 18.00 Uhr.
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Na Antena 1, a opinião dos ouvintes conta e é na Antena Aberta que pode, todos os dias, dizer o que pensa sobre o tema proposto. De segunda a sexta às 11h com António Jorge.
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Denk an drei gute Typen. Dann denk an Themen aus dem Leben. Popkultur, Ernährung, Freizeit, Hobbies, Alles. Dann haste uns.
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New podcast “Rabbit Hole Sessions with Abe Ovadia” is a podcast where jazz guitarist Abe Ovadia dives deep into the unexpected stories, techniques, and philosophies of music, exploring how creative paths unfold and intersect. Join Abe as he goes down the rabbit hole with fellow musicians and creative minds, uncovering insights and inspiration for musicians and enthusiasts alike.
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King's Church Aberdeen is a church that seeks to equip and empower its people, the local community and areas beyond. Our mission is to reach out into our community, reach up to God, and reach into our destiny. We hope you'll be blessed by the sermons on our podcast.
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Sermons from Trinity Church Aberdeen. To find out who we are and what we believe, visit : “Upbeat Party” by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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You have purpose… It’s our desire to see you discover the wonder of a deep relationship with the Father. We believe that you were created with a beautiful, God given purpose, and our mission is to encourage, equip, and empower you to walk in the destiny that’s been set before you. Visit to learn more about our ministry.
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Exploring cinema and creative work that's a departure from what is normal. Radical art 4ever.
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Weekly Podcast From The Junction Church
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A weekly(ish) take on the Dons’ universe. Discussion, reaction and the occasional interview with former players. Surprisingly good guests.
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Der Podcast direkt von der Therapie-Couch. Ob Beziehungsfragen, Selbstzweifel oder Bindungsangst: In jeder Folge behandelt die Bestsellerautorin und Psychologin Stefanie Stahl ein spezifisches Problem mit echten Klient*innen – darunter Prominente, Paare und ganz "Normalgestörte". Mit ihrer 30-jährigen Therapieerfahrung erkennt sie rasch das zugrundeliegende Problem und zeigt Lösungswege auf, die auch dir helfen werden, dich selbst und andere besser zu verstehen. Komm mit auf Steffis Couch! S ...
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Get cutting-edge insights from world-class leaders in health, fitness, longevity, entrepreneurship, music and brain science. In-depth interviews with 400+ world-renowned experts including James Clear, Dr. Casey Means, Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Mark Hyman, Robb Wolf, Dr. Jack Kruse, Nir Eyal, Tony Horton, Dr. John Gray, Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes, JP Sears, and many more. Originally launched in 2012 with the tongue-in-cheek title, The Fat-Burning Man Show, this podcast hit #1 in Health in 8 countrie ...
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We are an evangelical church associated with the Baptist Union of Scotland and situated in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland. Our worship services, fellowship opportunities, outreach programmes and courses to aid lifelong maturity are driven by our central passion: to make, mature and mobilise followers of Jesus Christ from the whole city.
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Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a weekly podcast dedicated to providing a discussion about the newest film release of the week. Join friends, Aaron and Abe, along with the possible inclusion of some special guests, as they have plenty of fun in examining and critiquing the latest in newly released flicks. If you have an hour to kill…
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Bienvenidos a este maravilloso mundo, aquí solo hay un objetivo, el de disfrutar de la música.Mostraremos los últimos ritmos del momento y conseguiremos poner banda sonora a tu dia a dia. Una banda sonora que te acompañe en tus recuerdos y vivencias , momentos que a partir de ahora se convertirán en música y música que te hará revivir momentos. Este Podcast nace con el único objetivo de conseguir hacerte disfrutar, porque si tu sonríes a tu circulo tu circulo sonreirá y esa cadena será impos ...
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Medizinische Themen des Alltags - allgemeinverständlich, fundiert, aktuell: Der Medizin am Abend Podcast begleitet die beliebte Vortragsreihe, in der renommierte Chefärztinnen und Spitzenforscher der Heidelberger Universitätsmedizin über den Stand der Wissenschaft und aktuelle Entwicklungen in ihrem Fach informieren. Von der Krankenhausreform und Fachkräftemangel über KI-gestützte Roboterchirurgie bis hin zu Viralen Gefahren für Individuen und die Gesellschaft: Es ist viel Bewegung im Gesund ...
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This is my very first podcast. Quite sloppy but hope you Enjoy !
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Come on down the rabbit hole with us as we answer real questions from visitors to President Lincoln’s Cottage that we wish we could spend a half hour answering. We always start with Lincoln and the Cottage, but we often end up in unexpected places… Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pastor sênior da Paz Church São Paulo. Abe é autor de vários livros, idealizador e gestor da Visão MDA, pregador e palestrante internacional. É apaixonado pelo avanço do Reino de Deus e pela salvação de vidas. Saiba mais:
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Du bist gerade von zu Hause ausgezogen und weißt zwar, was lecker schmeckt, aber nicht wie man´s kocht? Du musst deine Küche mit den notwendigen Werkzeugen bestücken und dabei auf den Preis achten? Dein Partner hat dich verlassen und seine ganzen Kochkünste mitgenommen und jetzt musst du an den Herd? Oder beschäftigst du dich auch einfach gern mit allen Thematiken rund um Kochen und Küche? Dann würde ich mich freuen, wenn du diesem Podcast dein Vertrauen schenkst…
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Anita Hofmann ist zu Gast im Podcast und stellt uns ihr erstes Soloalbum vor. Wie sich der musikalische Neuanfang anfühlt, warum sie große Zweifel hatte und wie es ihr nun geht, erzählt uns die Sängerin. Auch ihre Biografie ist ein großes Thema - ganz offen spricht sie hier über ihre Magersucht, Fremdbestimmung und schwierige Zeiten. Zudem geht es um ihre große Liebe zum Tanzen, ihren Sportwahn und das Ukulele spielen.
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On this episode, we’re joined by the extraordinary Szymon Mika — a guitarist whose melodic phrasing, technical brilliance, and emotional depth have captivated legends like Peter Bernstein and Lage Lund. From winning major international competitions to performing alongside jazz greats like Avishai Cohen and Joshua Redman, Szymon’s journey is as insp…
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Out Now 615: Snow White
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1:36:24This week’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe has princess problems. Tony Award-winning producer Maxwell Haddad and Amber Coates join Aaron to discuss Disney’s live-action remake of Snow White. Hear what this group has to say about this updated musical fantasy starring Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot. Plus, there’s plenty of time for other movie chatter, trai…
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For this episode, we're talking about a question asked by a college student hoping to make contemporary political connections. Along the way we learn the difference between agrarian, republican, socialist, and democrat, hear some of Lincoln's speeches, and discuss the process of unionization here at the Cottage. Guests: Harold Holzer Sean Griffin H…
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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Em que tema devem os partidos foca-se durante a campanha eleitoral?
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Nuno Sousa, docente do Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Aberta, fala-nos acerca do conceito da Cidade de 15 Minutos.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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Freedom Church Aberdeen Campus
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Ob man ein erfülltes Leben führt, ist keine einfache Frage, aber eine wichtige, findet Stefan Geiser.
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Our guest today is saxophonist and composer Jon Gordon, a native New Yorker whose career spans decades of remarkable collaborations and accolades—including winning the Thelonious Monk International Jazz Saxophone Competition. With credits alongside legends like Phil Woods, Maria Schneider, Aretha Franklin, and Jimmy Cobb, Jon has performed at major…
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Heinlein, Stefan, Informationen am AbendHeinlein, Stefan
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Welcome to Rabbit Hole Sessions, where we explore the lives of today’s most vibrant jazz artists. Our guest is trumpeter Greg Glassman, a Brooklyn native and longtime fixture of the New York City jazz scene. A student of greats like Marcus Belgrave and Clark Terry, Greg has toured the world with a wide range of projects—from Burning Spear to Taylor…
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O que revela o excedente orçamental?
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Carlos Alberto Sardenberg fala sobre a nova estimativa do Banco Central que previu um crescimento da economia brasileira para abaixo de 2% em 2025. Para Sardenberg, o relatório do BC destoa do comentário feito ontem pelo ministro Fernando Haddad e pelo vice-presidente Geraldo Alckmin, ambos dizendo que esperavam surpresas positivas para a inflação …
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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Today’s guest is Greg Lewis, a powerhouse keyboardist and organist rooted in New York City’s vibrant jazz, blues, and funk scenes. A master of the Hammond B3, Greg brings his singular voice to the music of Thelonious Monk on his acclaimed debut Organ Monk. With deep influences ranging from Larry Young to Sly Stone, and a résumé that includes collab…
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Mit Klemmbrett und Pässen trickst er die Nazis aus. Sebastian Fiebig erzählt von Raoul Wallenberg.
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Today’s guest is pianist Michael Kanan, a Boston native whose lyrical touch and deep roots in the jazz tradition have made him a sought-after accompanist and bandleader. From touring the world with the legendary Jimmy Scott and Jane Monheit to recording with Kurt Rosenwinkel and leading his own trio, Michael’s career bridges tradition and innovatio…
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Barenberg, Jasper, Informationen am AbendBarenberg, Jasper
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Joining us is Clovis Nicolas, a French bassist originally from the Ivory Coast whose career has taken him from philosophy studies to sharing the stage with legends like Brad Mehldau and Herbie Hancock. A Juilliard alum and Ron Carter protégé, Clovis has become a vital presence on the New York jazz scene, with acclaimed recordings on Sunnyside Recor…
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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Manifestations historiques et décisives en Israël ! | Idriss Aberkane avec Meron Rapoport
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Відтворити пізніше
1:35:45RÉSERVEZ votre CONSULTING stratégique avec Idriss Aberkane, avant que les créneaux disparaissent 👉 Écrivez-moi à pour toute demande commercial. #idrissaberkane #Israel #Gaza
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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La Jungla de Jose Antonio Abellán, en La Jungla Radio. El desayuno más salvaje, cada mañana en La Jungla Radio con José Antonio Abellán, de 6 a 11h.
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