Short Summary of Torah Ohr Daf 54 - How to Experience Elokus
Manage episode 315295030 series 3010073
Finishing Parshas Shmos w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstein from Chicago, IL
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- Yaakov= Maaseh Hamitzvos, Limmud Hatorah. Yisroel= the Gilui Elokus that happens as a result.
- “lchol tichla raisi ketz, rechavah mitzvosecha meod”: the degree to which the Neshemam can experience Elokus, either in this world or even in Gan Eden, is limited (lichol tichle=kalos hanefesh…). But Mitzvos allow for an infinit expression of Elokus in this world and in the Neshama (rechavah…).
- “habaim yesharesh Yaakov”: this posuk was said in reference to Yaakov’s descent into Mitzrayim. In order for there to be a “flowering” of Yaakov/Yisroel, i.e. a tangible Gilui Elokus from our Mitzvos, there must first be merirus, Galus, as there was in Mitzrayim (after which we received the Torah) and as there will be by Moshiach (were we will receive the deepest levels of Torah).
- This explains why Yaakov is related to Briah and Yisroel to Yetzirah: Briah=Chomer=Choshech; Yetizirah= Tzurah= Or. Although Yisroel represent that which is more accessible (Gilui/Tzurah), Yaakov represent that which is less accessible because it comes from a higher level in Elokus.
- Mitzvos allow the Neshama to achieve that which is beyond its own natural capacities.
- To experience the Elokus imbedded in Mitzvos, one needs to Daven properly.
- Galus is a necessary stage for Geulah.
Biur al Hanal
- “gimmel ksharim.. Yisroel b’Oraysah v’Oraysah b’Kudsha Brich Hu”. In this version of this passage, Torah is seen as being higher then the BN”Y. Torah is called Kalah, Tevuah (Lechem, Yayin, Shemen).
- “Or zaruah latzaddik”: now, the Gilui Elokus of Mitzvos is not revealed. But it will be when Moshiach comes, and that will be the source from Techias Hameisim (Makkif Harachok)
- Mitzvos are currently like clothing (levushim) in that they conceal the Elokus they contain. But when Moshiach comes they will be like fruit; their latent Elokus will be apparent.
- “l’chol tichleh raisi ketz…”: the knowledge of Hashem achieved by Malachim and Neshamos is limited, but Mitzvos allow one to reach the Infinite aspect of Hashem.
- On the one hand, Neshamos are greater then Torah/Mitzvos, because they allow the Mitzvos to produce fruit (Gilui Elokus). On the other hand, Torah is higher than Neshamos, as it is what allows Neshamos to connect tot eh highest levels of Elokus.
- Only the Neshama is a proper soil in which the Mitzvos can produce fruit.
- The difference between Makkif Hakarov and Makkif Harachok.
Tosefes Biur
- Mitzvos are compared to vegetative/human seed(s), and Neshamos to the earth/womb. A seed contains the entirety of its fruit/child in potential, in such a way that none of their qualities are visible. However, through planting/gestation, the seed is able to manifest itself; all its latent qualities can develop and become actual and apparent. The blooming process also allows for an additional quality/quantity of growth not found in the original seed.
- So too by Mitzvos: they are performed with physical things, yet they possess the deepest levels of Elokus (Kesser= Tarach Amudei Or =Yesod d’A”K= Malchus d’Ein Sof) which are “compressed” to be able to be in this world. And through our performance of the Mitzvos, their Elokus can bloom, and in a way that is higher than Neshamos themselves.
- Now, Mitzvos draw down from Makkif Hakarov. By Moshiach, their relation to Makkif Harahock will be revealed.
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