Join Rabbi Shmuel Weinstein as we explore one insight from the Project Likkutei Torah Daf Yomi cycle each day as it applies to our avodas hatefillah (prayer). Episode sponsorships are available by visiting .
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The new "DACH" Yomi learning program for Chassidus! Learn one daf per day plus an extra daf on Shabbos in order to finish the entire Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah of the Baal HaTanya in one year. Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah is considered the "Oral Torah" of Chassidus and a vital way to get a B'kius in the gamut of Chassidus Chabad. To provide vital support for our project, visit .
continue reading The new Daf Yomi learning program for Chassidus! Learn one daf per day plus an extra Daf on Shabbos in order to finish the entire Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah of the Baal HaTanya in one year. Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah is considered the "Oral Torah" of Chassidus and a vital way to get a B'kius in the gamut of Chassidus Chabad. This project is sponsored in part by a generous donation from Rabbi Meyer and Shandel Gutnick.
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Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) is an allegory of the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People written by King Solomon. The first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, delivered chassidic discources on verses throughout Shir Hashirim, which were later recorded and published in his famed work, "Likkutei Torah" in 1848 by his grandson, the Tzemach Tzedek. Here for the first time, we present these discourses explained in plain English, easy-to-digest, 30-40 minute classes, covering ...
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Join us as we complete the entire Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, aka the Ba'al HaTanya in just 3 years. Affectionately referred to by many as "The Chassidishe Parsha", these discourses allow one to get a fundamental grasp on the entirety of Chabad Chassidic thought that pertains to any given Parsha, Holiday, or Shir HaShirim. Rabbi Avraham Katz brilliantly divides the entire work so that each week one is able to learn at least one discourse that relates to the ...
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Rabbi Wager Chassidus Shiur on the Maamer Ani LeDodi from Likkutei Torah.
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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לריח שמנים טובים, שמן תורק שמך, על כן עלמות אהבוך (ג, ב)ע"י ירידת הנשמה למטה נעשה ירידה צורך עלי', ע"י התעוררות רחמים רבים על הריחוק, וזהו כי בועליך עושיך, שבכח בחי' הרחמנות לפתוח גם את הלב האטום כבתולה. אך הנשמות שאינם בגוף נקראים עלמות (אל תקרי עלמות אלא עולמות) וזהו שמן תורק שמך על כן עלמות אהבוך, שגם הנשמות שלמע…
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Various Distinguished Maggidei Shiur
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Various Distinguished Maggidei Shiur
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities. ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities. ★ Support this podcast ★Various Distinguished Maggidei Shiur
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities. ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Various Distinguished Maggidei Shiur
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Various Distinguished Maggidei Shiur
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Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Visit for more resources and information. Support the show ( ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Shmuel Weinsein
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Visit for more resources. להבין שרשי הדברים הנ"ל (נח, ב) מצרים הוא בחי' מיצר מי, וקאי על מיצר הגרון, שפרעה עומד על היאור, דהיאור הוא ההמשכה ממוחין שמצמצמם בגרון לפני שבא למדות, ואזי ישנו פרעה אותיות הערף הרוצה לינק משם, ויציאת מצרים הוא יציאת המוחין ממיצר הגרון להתפשט בלב ובכל הגוף.וביאר הדברים הנה כשהשכל בא במדות הוא מ…
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Visit for more resources. להבין שרשי הדברים הנ"ל (נח, ב) מצרים הוא בחי' מיצר מי, וקאי על מיצר הגרון, שפרעה עומד על היאור, דהיאור הוא ההמשכה ממוחין שמצמצמם בגרון לפני שבא למדות, ואזי ישנו פרעה אותיות הערף הרוצה לינק משם, ויציאת מצרים הוא יציאת המוחין ממיצר הגרון להתפשט בלב ובכל הגוף.וביאר הדברים הנה כשהשכל בא במדות הוא מ…
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Please visit us at for more resources and partnership opportunities. ★ Support this podcast ★Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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“Vayomer Hashem el Moshe v’el Aharon kach es matecha…” Q1: What is the inner meaning of the staff and the snake? Q2: Why was this the first miracle performed by Moshe? It says that the BN”Y “emptied Mitzrayim”, which according to Kabbalah means that they elevated all of the nitzotzos that were in Mitzrayim. The basic idea of nitzotzos is that just …
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“Vayomer Hashem el Moshe v’el Aharon kach es matecha…” Q1: What is the inner meaning of the staff and the snake? Q2: Why was this the first miracle performed by Moshe? It says that the BN”Y “emptied Mitzrayim”, which according to Kabbalah means that they elevated all of the nitzotzos that were in Mitzrayim. The basic idea of nitzotzos is that just …
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Torah Ohr Daf 56 - What can WE do that Avraham Avinu Couldn't? w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
“Vaeirah el Avrham…”: Shaddai= the contemplation which leads to spiritual emotions (the Avos). Although this level of Hashem was revealed to the Avos (and is an aspect of our current avodah), “ushmi Havayeh lo nodaati lahem”. The avos performed the Mitzvot with great emotion, and yet it is this emotion that allows them to remain, in some way, indep…
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Short Summary Of Torah Ohr Daf 55 - Beginning Parshas Va'eira w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
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With Rabbi Choni Friedman from Pittsburg, PA Support us here Visit for more resources לריח שמניך טובים שמן תורק שמך על כן עלמות אהבוך (ב, ד)יין הוא בחי' ההתבוננות שפועל אהבה ויראה. ובני ישראל נקראים כלה כד קבילת דכר, אך מי שלבו אטום כבתולה שאינו מתפעל באהוי"ר הוא בחי' עלמות.והעצה שיהי' עלמות אהבוך הוא בחי' התורה בחי' שמ…
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Finishing Parshas Shmos w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstein from Chicago, IL Visit for more resources Yaakov= Maaseh Hamitzvos, Limmud Hatorah. Yisroel= the Gilui Elokus that happens as a result. “lchol tichla raisi ketz, rechavah mitzvosecha meod”: the degree to which the Neshemam can experience Elokus, either in this world or even in…
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