King Biscuit Time, the longest running daily blues radio show in the United States, was first broadcast by KFFA Radio on November 21, 1941. Since then, the program has become world renown. In 1990 the program began broadcasting from a remote studio at the Delta Cultural Center. Catch "Sunshine" Sonny Payne broadcasting live from the Visitors Center each day from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. You never know who you might see when you stop in to see the live broadcast. Live music and entertaining guests ...
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August 31, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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August 26, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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August 24, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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August 21, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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August 20, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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August 19, 2015 - King Biscuit Time Broadcast by King Biscuit TimeKing Biscuit Time
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