You’ve Got a Voice, Kid! Use It! Youth podcasters explore, create, and advocate. More at
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト) ~あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間~ 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 野村高文(音声プロデューサー/Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) 東京大学文学部卒。PHP研究所、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループを経て、2015年にNewsPicksに入社。NewsPicksアカデミア マネージャー、編集部デスク、音声事業プロデューサーなどを歴任。2022年に独立し、Podcastレーベル「Choronicle(クロニクル)」を設立。これまで手掛けたPodcastに「NewsPicksニュースレター」「a scope 〜リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる〜」など。現在、Audibleで「The Reading List」「みんなのメンタールーム」を配信中。TBSラジオ「テンカイズ」にレギュラー出演中。旅と柴犬とプロ野 ...
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英語を学ぶだけではなく、外国人と実際に話せるようになりたいと思っていませんか? アメリカのボストン出身のアーサー先生と一緒に、あなたがすぐに使える英語のコミュニケーションを身につけましょう!このポッドキャストではアメリカ人が実際に使う英語に限らず、すぐに実践できるコミュニケーションのコツや外国人と話す方法をたくさん学びます。ですので、初心者から上級者までレベルに関わらず、すぐに外国人と話せるようになります。アーサー先生と一緒に英コミ(英語コミュニケーション)を学びましょう
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Podcast by Cornerstone Connection
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Carnegie Connects is our premier virtual event series hosted by Aaron David Miller. Every other week, he tackles the most pressing foreign policy issues of the day in conversations with journalists, policymakers, historians, and experts.
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Capital Connections Podcast
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Former drug trafficker and standup comedian Johnny Mitchell takes you inside the world of drugs, crime, prison, and the politics of the War on Drugs.
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A heritage radio station covering Bridgeport and greater Fairfield County. This podcast focuses on the communities, people and news for your neighborhood.
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A new look at New England, as hosts Travis Poppleton and Terrance Abney discuss what it’s like to experience moving to the Northeast. Whether you’re planning to visit or relocate to this bucolic part of the world, the Connecticut Show will help you navigate the in’s and out’s.
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Episodes for The Connection with Marty Moss-Coane
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Welcome to the connector podcast, an ongoing conversation connecting FinTechs, banks and regulators worldwide. Join CEO and founder Koen Vanderhoydonk as you learn more about the latest available trends and solutions in the markets.
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Inspiring the next generation of Embedded Systems talent
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Podcast by Connect Songdalen
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Programa dedicado al análisis de los juegos de mesa.
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El Podcast de Juegos de mesa
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Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection, discusses social issues, media awareness, and interviews community leaders and newsmakers live. Teresa reports on news throughout the Catholic community and how we can make a difference.
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Connecticut East This Week is a weekly news podcast covering the stories and community of Eastern Connecticut
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The Eternal Connection Podcast
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Evan Dawson talks about what matters to you on Connections. Do you have a story that needs to be shared? Pitch your story to Connections. For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with a link to the episode.
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Welcome to Connected! This podcast will highlight a community of people that help break the stigma of mental health through stories.
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Critters, Companions, Commerce, & Agriculture: Casual yet intelligent conversation connecting topics for Rural, Suburban and Urban listeners.
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On this show, you'll hear short, outcome-focused stories about modern professionals who invest in connecting with other humans – to increase business success, career growth, and personal happiness. Have a story to share? Visit
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A Podcast connecting gravel cyclists to where they ride through stories about culture, history, people and places.
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A Christ-centered parenting community that is grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed. Welcome!
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Connecting you, the listener, with all the current news that Winnipeg has to offer.
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Staying connected around the world by reading together.
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Be enriched with life-giving, relevant messages by our lead pastors Deryck & Stacy Frye and other guest speakers at Connect Church in Ashland, MA!
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Two lawyers talk about technology.
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Chaque jour, le producteur de l’émission "Le Meilleur des Mondes", décortique une actualité du secteur du numérique et des nouvelles technologies dans le cadre des "Matins". Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Weekly Sermons from Connect Church
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Bem-vindos ao Life Connection, obrigado por sua audiência. Sou advogado e pastor pós-graduado em história do cristianismo antigo pela Universidade de Brasília. Me dedico a trazer mensagens diárias, bíblicas, curtas, não dogmáticas, sem preconceitos religiosos, sobre o amor e a graça de Jesus Cristo. Acredito que sua fé será fortalecida para vencer quaisquer desafios que se apresentarem em sua vida!
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Podcast by João Augusto Wojcicki
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Sean and Rose...married cohosts.... talk F1...2025 prediction and Australian GP.
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Continuing the work of Jesus. Access and download our audio sermons.
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A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Thursday at 1:45pm. And join us for French Connections Plus on the last Thursday of the month at 4:15pm.
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In each episode of Connected With Latham, we discuss ideas, developments, and trends shaping the global economy.
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Hosted by OAR FM's Community Connector Arina Aizal every Friday 10am. Connecting Cultures Features is a show by, for and about the beautiful and diverse multicultural people of Dunedin and New Zealand.
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Connection Pointe Christian Church sermons
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Welcome to the North-South Connection podcast network! Established shows and new content coming at you regularly!
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Connecting nonprofits to the community... the United Way Community Connections Show is the place to learn about the MANY fantastic nonprofits serving Greater Nashua.
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Vanessa Baldwin and Heather Crimson explore quantum biological healing including circadian rhythm, mitochondrial function, homeopathy and challenge the conventional paradigm!
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A podcast for the busy instructional coach
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Et si on parlait tech, digital, data et IA, mais en toute simplicité pour mieux comprendre ? Dans chaque épisode de ce podcast, un sujet est décrypté pour mieux comprendre la tech, le digital, leurs enjeux, leurs codes, leurs opportunités. Pour suivre les actualités de ce podcast, abonnez-vous gratuitement à la newsletter écrite avec amour et garantie sans spam Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Listen to VLGA Connect for news and interviews relating to the local government sector in Victoria.
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Connecting Filmmakers, Producers and other Creatives. Hosted by Alexander Blackburn & Ian Rayburn
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durée : 00:02:52 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - Dans 48 heures, l'éditeur français présentera le quatorzième volet de sa saga "Assassin's Creed", une sortie sous haute tension pour une entreprise qui enchaine les crises.France Culture
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Faut-il avoir peur des robots… ou de ceux qui les contrôlent ?
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1:35:45Derrière l’évolution fulgurante de l’intelligence artificielle et des robots se cache une question aussi vieille que la science-fiction : faut-il en avoir peur ? Mais à bien y regarder, le véritable danger ne viendrait-il pas de nous-mêmes ? Une illusion d’intelligence Contrairement aux craintes véhiculées par des œuvres comme Terminator ou Black M…
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#98: Kristine Kennedy: Healing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
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1:12:48Send us a text Today Vanessa interviews Kristine Kennedy, who is healing her MCAS with Homeopathy & quantum lifestyle practices and now studying to be a homeopath as well! Her mission is to bring homeopathy into every household, empowering people to take control of their health, treat themselves and their families safely, and access a vibrant futur…
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Host Paul Pacelli opened another week on "Connecticut Today" pointing out the hypocrisy of majority Democrats in Hartford when it comes to lowering state electric bills (00:38). Greenwich GOP State Sen. Ryan Fazio joined us to discuss last week's committee votes regarding bills to try and lower electricity rates for Connecticut consumers (15:26). W…
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In the second hour of "Connections with Evan Dawson" on March 17, 2025, we talk with members of Reconnect Rochester about their efforts to encourage people to depend less on cars.Evan Dawson, Megan Mack, Julie Williams
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In the first hour of "Connections with Evan Dawson" on 3/17/25, we talk with economist Eric Morris about how tariffs could affect the economy, and how AI could effect the local job market.Evan Dawson, Megan Mack, Julie Williams
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 竹村由紀子(報道ディレクター/映像作家) ▼Podcast「世界のクリエイティブ思考」×「ニュースコネクト」コラボイベント https://op…
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"A vitória de Deus é certa, mas nossa fé determina o quanto dela experimentaremos." – Oswald Chambers "Então ele ordenou: 'Abram aquela janela oriental', e ele a abriu. Então ele disse: 'Atirem!' Então ele atirou uma flecha. Eliseu proclamou: 'Esta é a flecha doSenhor, uma flecha de vitória sobre a Síria, pois vocês conquistarão completamente os ar…
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"Deus usa o pouco que temos para fazer muito mais do que podemos imaginar." – Corrie Ten Boom "Então Eliseu lhe disse: 'O que devo fazer por você? Diga-me, o que você tem em casa?' E ela disse: 'Sua serva não tem nada em casa, exceto uma botija de azeite.' Então ele disse: 'Vá, peça emprestadas vasilhas de todos os lugares, de todos os seus vizinho…
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"A obediência a Deus nos coloca em uma posição de bênção, onde Ele nos faz cabeça e não cauda." – Joyce Meyer "Emprestarás a muitas nações, mas não tomarás emprestado. E o Senhor te porá por cabeça e não por cauda; estarás somente em cima, e não embaixo…" – Deuteronômio 28:12–13
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"Deus é o dono de tudo, e Ele cuida daqueles queconfiam nEle." – Billy Graham "Pois meu é todo animal da floresta, e o gado sobre milhares de colinas." – Salmo 50:10
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"As bênçãos de Deus não são apenas materiais; elas são espirituais e eternas, preparadas para nós desde a fundação do mundo." – Charles Spurgeon "Bendito seja o Deus e Pai de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, que nos abençoou com todas as bênçãos espirituais nas regiões celestiais em Cristo." – Efésios 1:3
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"Deus não nos dá apenas o necessário; Ele nos dá tudo o que precisamos para viver uma vida plena e significativa." – Rick Warren "Aquele que nem mesmo a seu próprio Filho poupou,antes o entregou por todos nós, como nos não dará também com ele todas as coisas?" – Romanos 8:32
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"A vida abundante que Jesus promete não é sobre riquezas materiais, mas sobre a plenitude de viver em Sua presença." – Dietrich Bonhoeffer "O ladrão não vem senão para roubar, matar e destruir. Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham em abundância." – João 10:10
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"Deus não apenas supre nossas necessidades, mas faz isso de maneira abundante e além do que podemos imaginar." – John Piper "E Jesus tomou os pães e, tendo dado graças, repartiu-os pelos discípulos, e os discípulos pelos que estavam assentados; e semelhantemente dospeixes, quanto quiseram. E, quando estavam fartos, disse aos seus discípulos:Recolhe…
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"Agraça de Deus é como o oceano: você pode ver onde ela começa, mas não onde elatermina." – D.L. Moody "Porque todos nós recebemos da sua plenitude, e graça sobre graça." – João 1:16,NVI
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"Deus não nos dá o que podemos suportar; Elenos ajuda a suportar o que nos dá." – C.S. Lewis "Ora, àquele que é poderoso para fazer infinitamente mais do que tudoquanto pedimos ou pensamos, conforme o seu poder que em nós opera." –Efésios 3:20
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In the second hour of "Connections" on 3/14/25, guest host Eric Logan sits down with Matthew Doward, founder of A Horse's Friend, to discuss his efforts to make horses more accessible to everyone.Julie Williams
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In the first hour of "Connections" on 3/14/25, guest host Eric Logan is joined by two local clinicians to discuss the use — and issues impeding the use — of cannabis in medicine.Julie Williams
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The Connector Podcast - DFS Digital Finance Summit - Navigating Europe's Regulatory Landscape: A Conversation with Philippe from Simont Braun
The regulatory pendulum in European fintech isn't swinging toward deregulation as dramatically as some might have expected. Philippe from Simont Braun law firm cuts through the noise to explain what's happening in the European regulatory landscape. Despite widespread speculation following the European Commission's 2025 work program announcement, ma…
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See for privacy information.Cornerstone Connection
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There is a special election on April 22nd to fill the 113th state representative seat in Hartford. This seat covers Shelton and we met the Republican candidate vying for the position, Amy Romano. IMAGE CREDIT: Melissa SheketoffWICC
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A Waterbury woman is accused of holding her stepson hostage in her home for over two decades while starving him. While the investigation is still fresh and ongoing, the details police have shared about the 32-year-old victim details a gruesome and horrific trauma he’s left with. So how can people with such severe trauma recover and find a healthy p…
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Westport Republican First Selectwoman Jen Tooker is running for governor. Tooker made the announcement earlier this month and becomes the first candidate to formally declare for the 2026 campaign for governor. Incumbent Ned Lamont has not revealed whether he will be seeking a third four-year term. We spoke with Tooker about her plans for the state …
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Welcome to WWE WAR: Wrestling Above Replacement! JT, Marcus & Producer Tim are breaking down each WWE "season" and giving a comprehensive by the numbers breakdown of each PPV event using a specific set of metrics. In this episode, the boys kick off the 1987-1988 WWE PPV season with a deep statistical dive on Survivor Series 1987. They also continue…
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durée : 00:03:14 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - Après sept mois d'assignation à résidence en France, le cofondateur de la sulfureuse messagerie Telegram, Pavel Durov a pu s'envoler vers Dubaï. Une affaire riche en mystères.France Culture
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In this episode of the Connected Families podcast, we explore how to calm a dysregulated child with insights from Certified Connected Families Parent Coaches Alan and Corrie Thetford. Together they share how they evolved from demanding immediate calm to modeling self-regulation, creating playful learning opportunities, and viewing emotional outburs…
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 新井里菜(オーディオジャーナリスト) 音声ドキュメンタリー「越境家族 - Transnational Family」 野上さんご出演回「S01E10 // 海外移住で「変わるもの・変わらないもの」 ▼支援プログラム「Chronicleサポーター」については、こちらを…
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Connecticut State Senator Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox joins Bill for this week's show.WICC
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What a race! Rose and Sean review the Formula One Australian Grand Prix. Review of the race overall, the many DNFs, and the results!Rose
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Virginia's BIGGEST Cocaine Kingpin Exposes The REAL Story Behind Pusha T, Pharrell, & The Clipse
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2:59:02In this explosive interview, Anthony "Geezy" Gonzalez, former cocaine trafficker turned successful entrepreneur takes us behind the scenes of the illegal hustle happening behind the scenes with rap group Clipse. From running the streets of Virginia Beach alongside hip-hop legends like Pusha T to managing Clipse and touring with icons like 50 Cent a…
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In your moment of surrender, how do you find the courage to step out? Pastor John finishes our series Breakthrough, where we explore how surrendering in obedience leads to deeper trust in God’s provision. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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RelationSHIFTS | Confronting the Crowd | Pastor Steve Steer by Connect ChurchConnect Church
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Journey to the Cross // Wilderness Wanderings by Connect Church SAConnect Church SA
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Long before Igor Stravinsky’s celebrated ballet of 1910, the Firebird legend had for years haunted Russian art and music as a figure of irrepressible and unattainable beauty.
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Luke 14: 15-24 Matthew 11: 28-29 Matthew 16: 24 Matthew 25: 34 John 6: 60-71 Luke 9: 57-62
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【PR】NordVPN 下記のリンクからお申し込みいただくと、サブスクリプション費用が大幅割引!さらに今なら4か月分が延長されます。30日間の全額返金保証もあるので、この機会にぜひお試しください。 ▼詳細はこちらから ▼クーポンコード newsconnect *クーポンコードはチェックアウト時にご入力ください *上記URL経由では自動でクーポンが反映されます ***** News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただ…
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The Mike Cerulli Show - March 15, 2025
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