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Want to make your product stand out in a crowded market? It all starts with great positioning. I’m April Dunford, the expert high-growth tech companies go to when they have a positioning problem. With over two decades of experience as a startup executive and consultant, I have positioned and re-positioned hundreds of products and companies. Using my battle-tested methodology, I'll teach you the nitty-gritty of positioning so that you can unlock better marketing and sales performance. If you' ...
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Apron Talks

Apron Talks

Welcome to Apron Talks, the wrestling podcast featuring exclusive interviews with the biggest stars from present, past and future of this wonderful world! Hosted by Luca Carbonaro
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Join renowned angler April Vokey as she explores fishing, hunting, foraging and homesteading through intimate, face-to-face conversations with some of the outdoor world's most influential people. Her intense curiosity drives her to take a behind-the-scenes, vulnerable and honest approach with her guests that often ends up uncovering never-before-heard stories. An Anchored Outdoors production.
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The Dr. April Jasper Show

Dr. April Jasper

It is 2025 and we are all faced with the challenge of continuing to build stronger and more productive practices while still enjoying every day. In this podcast we will have relevant conversations geared toward eye-care providers today. I am joined by my husband and business partner David Jasper and together with our guests we will discuss hot topics, practice management tips, patient care moments and vendor vignettes. For more resources from Dr. Jasper visit us at https://ome.optometricmana ...
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Who doesn’t want a better life? April Osteen Simons, shares positive, hope-filled, practical insight on becoming a better YOU in every area of your life--mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. If you want this year, this week, this day to be happier, healthier, more successful and better than it’s ever been, this podcast is for you!
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Listen through the King James Bible four times in a year (about an hour a day). Each daily episode contains chapters from the Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, and the New Testament. Narrated by Dan Wagner. Copyrighted by audioscriptures.org. Used with permission. To create a custom listening schedule please visit audiobiblepodcast.com.
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Tchê Aprochega

Gustavo Tsukida

Conversa descontraída com convidados e amigos, sobre os mais variados e polêmicos assuntos, da criação do mundo até onde o pensamento alcança, puxa o banco e Tchê aprochega!! Deixe dicas e sugestões pelo email : tcheaprochega1@gmail.com
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Curso Aprovação Já

Aprovação Já

O Curso Aprovação Já dá várias dicas para os vestibulandos manterem-se equilibrados emocionalmente para atingirem sua aprovação no vestibular de seus sonhos! Ingrid Martins trabalha com vestibulandos há mais de 15 anos e sabe que para ser aprovado é preciso muito mais que QI.
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The INSIDE STORY takes you behind the curtain to bring you some of the biggest success stories of entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and change makers.... the men & women who have walked through fire and come out on the other side brighter. How did they get there? What were some of their biggest hurdles? Be ready to hear it all. We’ll also be discussing the power of Story along the way, and how you can harness the power of your own journey to propel forward into new heights and fulfillment. Hos ...
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It’s a dreary February in post-World War I London when Mrs. Wilkins spots an advertisement in The Times for a small Italian castle for rent in April. She sees another member of her women’s club, Mrs. Arbuthnot, reading the same advertisement and manages to convince her that the two of them should rent it. Both are miserable and lonely in their marriages. They can’t afford the cost of the villa, San Salvatore, on their own and must advertise for two others, eventually recruiting an elderly wi ...
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Apron Work Podcast

Apron Work Podcast

Are you a fan of wrestling but tired of listening to the same old weekly recap show? Then join two lifelong wrestling fans in Respass and Carlos each week as they cover relevant, intriguing, and, at times, seemingly random topics in the world of wrestling. If you‘re looking for a different kind of wrestling podcast that will entertain and inform in a semi-unconventional and uncensored way, this show is for you!
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Neste podcast, vou compartilhar as estratégias para minha aprovação no concurso para Auditor do TCU, com 5.000 inscritos para 9 vagas, assim como as que usei para ajudar na aprovação de mais de 600 candidatos nos variados concursos. Aqui, aprendizagem acelerada com planejamento de estudos se encontram para a sua aprovação!
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Aprovado com Modificação Podcast

Aprovado com Modificação Podcast

O podcast Aprovado com Modificação é um podcast onde designers se reúnem para conversar sobre os diversos assuntos do dia a dia da profissão, sempre com um tom informativo e muito descontraído. Trazendo sempre um humor e descontração nos perrengues que passamos diariamente na nossa profissão.
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show series
Host: Philipp Loser Gast: Moritz Marthaler Produktion: Mirja Gabathuler Mehr zum Thema: Von «Auf und davon» bekommt die Schweiz einfach nicht genug Unser Tagi-Spezialangebot für Podcast-Hörer:innen: tagiabo.ch Habt ihr Feedback, Ideen oder Kritik zu «Apropos»? Schreibt uns an podcasts@tamedia.chMoritz Marthaler, Mirja Gabathuler, Philipp Loser
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Omeko "Meko" Glinton is a renowned Bahamian fly-fishing guide with over two decades of experience. Beginning his professional journey at the age of eighteen, Meko has established himself as one of the premier bonefish guides in the world. In 2024, Meko was featured in the film Meko, which highlights the impacts of climate change on the livelihoods …
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For many adopted persons, the journey to understanding identity and belonging is filled with complexities, questions, and the need for community. In this episode, host April Dinwoodie is joined by Tracie Carlson, a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and fellow adopted person, to explore how growing up adopted shaped their identities and how …
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In today’s episode, I explore the frustrating yet common issue of competitors making false or exaggerated claims about their products. In this episode, I answer the question: When you want to discuss your differentiated product or service, what do you do if you’ve got a competitor who lies that they too have the same product or service, when in fac…
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Ein neues KI-Modell aus China hat diese Woche eingeschlagen wie der Blitz. Der Aktienkurs amerikanischer Chiphersteller ist eingebrochen, die Investoren sind nervös. Die neue künstliche Intelligenz heisst Deepseek. Was sie auszeichnet: Die Entwicklung war viel günstiger als bei ähnlichen Modellen aus dem Westen wie beispielsweise Chat-GPT. Was kann…
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Winning at parenting isn’t about perfection—it’s about connection. It’s about building trust, fostering open conversations, and creating a space where kids feel safe to share their thoughts and emotions. It’s about learning how to listen, how to respond with empathy, and how to navigate the ups and downs of family life together. When families impro…
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17’000 Straffälle sind an Schweizer Gerichten offen. Die Justizbehörden kommen nicht mehr hinterher. Die Betroffenen warten oft jahreland auf ein Urteil – und Täterinnen und Täter erhalten durch die langen Wartezeiten am Ende oft tiefere Strafen oder kommen straffrei davon. Es geht dabei nicht nur um Bagatellen, sondern um Gewaltdelikte, Betrug ode…
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In this episode, Dr. John J. McSoley and I take a trip down memory lane, reflecting on the past, sharing valuable life lessons, and looking ahead to the exciting opportunities on the horizon. Tune in for a heartfelt conversation with one of the most skilled glaucoma specialists I know—this is one you won’t want to miss!…
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In this episode, we will dive deeper into the benefits of strawberries and how you can use them in your every day routine! Click this link to book an appointment with me, order a children's book, or have access to anything discussed in the podcast! Don't forget to follow the show! By automatically downloading new episodes, you help make my podcast …
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Daniel D., ein junger Schweizer, radikalisiert sich. Er reist für die radikalislamische Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat IS nach Syrien – und plant, sich als Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft zu sprengen. Dazu kommt es nie. Daniel D. fällt auf britische und Schweizer Agenten herein, wird verhaftet und sitzt nun seit Jahren in einem nordsyrischen…
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Vor genau 80 Jahren, am 27. Januar 1945, wurde das Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager Auschwitz in Polen befreit. Nazideutschland hatte hier die grösste Vernichtungsfabrik der Menschheit errichtet: Über eine Million Menschen wurden in Auschwitz getötet, darunter 900’000 Jüdinnen und Juden. Bis heute ist der Ort ein Mahnmal für das, was Menschen …
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Im katholischen Bistum Lugano arbeitet jetzt wieder ein offizieller Exorzist. Mit Gebeten, Kruzifixen, Weihwasser und Beschwörungsformeln befreit er Menschen von Dämonen. Er tut das nach der katholischen Lehre des «Rituale Romanum aus dem Jahr 1614. Sie dient bis heute als Grundlage dafür, festzustellen, ob jemand vom Bösen besessen ist. Die Praxis…
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Rick Hinderer is a world-renowned knife maker celebrated for his innovative designs and precision craftsmanship. Starting as a firefighter and EMT, Rick combined his firsthand knowledge of tactical needs with his passion for design to create high-quality knives built for real-world functionality. Founder of Hinderer Knives, his knives are a favorit…
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Diese Woche treffen sich in Davos Staatschefinnen und Spitzenpolitiker, Wirtschaftsbosse und fast der vollzählige Bundesrat am Weltwirtschaftsforum WEF. Wie jedes Jahr steht das Treffen im Zeichen der globalen Grosswetterlage: Es findet in der Woche statt, in der Donald Trump als US-Präsident die Geschäfte übernahm – und die Weltmacht wirtschaftlic…
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Sharing your story can feel uncomfortable—believe me, I know! It’s a vulnerable act that often pushes us far outside our comfort zones. But I’ve learned that stepping into this discomfort is exactly what allows us to create connection, inspire others, and fulfill a bigger purpose. If you’ve ever hesitated to share your story because it feels scary …
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Inga Kösters Agenda ist voll. Die Überstunden häufen sich – und an Ferien ist kaum mehr zu denken. Die Psychotherapeutin betreibt gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann, einem Psychiater, eine Praxis im Berner Oberland. Und sagt, sie könne den vielen Anmeldungen von Jugendlichen, Kindern und ihren Eltern für einen Therapieplatz kaum mehr gerecht werden. So warte…
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Bei «Alles klar, Amerika?, dem USA-Podcast des Tages-Anzeigers, ordnen Auslandchef Christof Münger und USA-Korrespondent Fabian Fellmann die Inauguration Donald Trumps ein und diskutieren die wichtigsten Fragen dazu: Was will Trump mit dieser Flut von Erlassen erreichen? Was geschieht nun mit Migranten, die versuchen, in die USA zu gelangen? Wie er…
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Sie sprechen Englisch und verdienen viel Geld in der Schweiz: Etwa 50’000 gut ausgebildete Expats kommen jedes Jahr in die Schweiz. Besonders in Städten sind die Zuzügerinnen und Zuzüger sicht- und spürbar. Wie sie in der Schweiz leben, sich bewegen und sich mehr oder weniger integrieren, das ist ein häufiges Thema von Kontroversen unter Einheimisc…
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Make the decision that you're not going back to things that no longer serve you so you can be open to the NEW and NEXT thing God has for your life. Thank you for listening! You can watch this episode on my YouTube channel. For weekly inspiration and info on my events, speaking and more, let's connect HERE. Follow me! ⭐️ Instagram ⭐️ Facebook ⭐️ Twi…
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Donald Trump wird heute – vier Jahre nach dem Sturm auf Kapitol – erneut den Schwur auf die Verfassung abgeben. Bei einer Zeremonie vor Tausenden Gästen aus aller Welt wird er zum zweiten Mal als Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vereidigt. Nach einem feierlichen Marsch zum Weissen Haus will Trump sofort die ersten Dekrete unterschrei…
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