Here, we don't just talk about it, we Be About It! In Zen Nation, through meditation and contemplation, we will tap into our peace of mind, tranquility, love, and joy that will assist us in enriching our lives, Body, Mind & Spirit! Please join us here Monday Mornings in Zen Nation! Be Blessed! Namaste'
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Here in Zen Nation, Let's Not Just Talk About It, Let's Be About It! This contemplation/meditation will be about power. There are times in our lives when more power and strength are needed, to accomplish a task, to endure a situation, or to see the desired goal through to the end. We may have to dig deep to find the Power necessary to endure. Let’s…
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Lets not just Talk About It, Lets Be About It! This Contemplation/ Meditation allows us to explore a peaceful setting in our mind’s eye!
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This contemplation/meditation assists us in exploring Unity!
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This Meditation will assist us with eliminating negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
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How are we responding daily to life, what are our major contributions are we contributing to Love, fear, joy, anger, hate,drama, peace, or confusion. There are a lot of things we can contribute in this life and often it more than just one thing, but what is our intention? Let’s explore our intentions!…
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In this meditation, we will imagine walking through a labyrinth. Our brain resembles a labyrinth and each section of our brain is responsible for functions and when we Consciously utilize these functions we can increase joy and peace.
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We last explored some values, values such as wisdom peace generosity justice self-respect wealth and freedom, or whatever your values are. If we say we value something we should spend some time cultivating and promoting that value. If we had all the time we needed to cultivate what we truly valued, what would that look like? This is a meditation th…
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This is a meditation that will assist us in exploring what we truly value. There are many things that we can value in this life! We must take the time to truly evaluate what is important to us. Which one of these would you say you value most? Wisdom, Peace, Generosity, Justice, Self-Respect, Wealth, or Freedom. Or perhaps there’s something else you…
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The Principle we will focus on this week is Peace Do you have Peace of Mind? It is almost impossible to have peace of mind if we do not take the time to rest our minds. Rest is synonyms with peace, the two go hand in hand. If you find yourself frazzled, confused, agitated or anxious try quieting and resting your mind a few moments each day and soon…
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Enhancing love in our lives is very important. Join us in this Meditation/Contemplation where we will focus on the principle of Love.
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Join Us On Where we continue to Enrich Our Lives, Body, Mind & Spirit!
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Enrich Your Life! Body, Mind & Spirit. Join Us On
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There is a law of attraction and repulsion are you consciously using it? Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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This episode is a Meditation/ Contemplation about allowing our Creators Love to cleanse our souls and expel our fears. Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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This Meditation / Contemplation encourages us to live our life radiantly. Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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This passage contains a great promise. It explains how to increase your good!
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Spending time in the presence of our Creator will renew our minds. The Word of the week is RENEW. Please contact me with the Anchor App to share if this contemplation Meditation benefited you. Be Blessed, Namaste. Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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This is about accepting the fact that we are Divine Beings on a pathway of endless self-expression and our Creator governs our life. Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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Are you aware of your heritage? We can sow seeds of thoughts into the absolute Mind and reap a great harvest. Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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Are you following your Creators Will or yours? Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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Welcome to Zen Nation. I am ZenDiva4U, the ambassador here. Join Us, Monday Mornings for peace, tranquility, love and joy! Be Blessed, Namaste' Enrich Your Life, Body, Mind & Spirit! Join Us On
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This is an episode about Trust. All we have to do is to, Trust our Creator, One Day At A Time. The question is do you Trust your Creator? How do you go about developing this Trust? Please leave a comment, answering these two questions... Thanks, Laura aka ZenDiva4U Ambassador of Zen Nation Enrich Your Life Join Us On…
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Word of the Week: Consciousness / What does it mean to you? This week, I invite you to relax in the presence of the Collective Consciousness. This includes your Higher Power (Infinite Intelligence). Enrich Your Life Join Us On
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