A Listener Supported Broadcast Ministry of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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A Listener Supported Broadcast Ministry of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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Listen to Rev. Kenneth Bomberger give meditations on the day’s scripture lessons.
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Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day's Daily Lectionary New Testament text.
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Wrestling With the Basics (WWB) a humorous approach to Bible Study hosted by Rev. John Lukomski and Rev. Matt Clark.
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Study the Lutheran Confession of Faith found in the Book of Concord with lively discussions led by host Rev. Brady Finnern, President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and guest LCMS pastors. Join us as these Christ-confessing Concordians read through and discuss our Lutheran doctrine in the Book of Concord in order to gain a deeper understanding of our Lutheran faith and practical application for our vocations.
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As you grab your morning coffee (and pastry, let’s be honest), join hosts Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth as they bring you stories of the intersection of Lutheran life and a secular world. Catch real-life stories of mercy work of the LCMS and partners, updates from missionaries across the ocean, and practical talk about how to live boldly Lutheran. The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at cuw.edu.
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Join the pastors and people of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, in an in-depth study of the book of Romans with Rev. Dr. David Smith, former senior pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Learn more about St. Paul’s Des Peres at stpaulsdesperes.org.
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Sharper Iron, hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel, looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen. Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where your investments help support the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit lcef.org.
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Thy Strong Word reveals the light of our salvation in Christ through study of God’s Word, breaking our darkness with His redeeming light. Each weekday, two pastors fix our eyes on Jesus by considering Holy Scripture, verse by verse, in order to be strengthened in the Word and be equipped to faithfully serve in our daily vocations. Thy Strong Word is hosted by Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN, and graciously underwritten by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
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Have you scrolled through your podcasts, searching for one that catches your ear - a place you can escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with your Lutheran sisters? Look no further! Join Sarah, Erin, Rachel, and Bri on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge, a podcast oasis for you, dear sisters, to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. And on the way out, we’ll check your lipstick. The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is produced by KFUO Radio and available wherever you get ...
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Challenge your theological synapses with Rev. Tyrel Bramwell, Pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Ferndale, CA, as he examines curious topics to excite the imagination, equip the mind, and comfort the soul with God’s ordering of the world in the Law and Gospel.
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World Lutheran News Digest is an audio news magazine bringing you a look at significant events in worldwide Lutheranism.
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The Student Union is a podcast for college students, as well as all those who work with, love, and care for them. Episodes explore diverse issues that college students face and offers ideas and support for everyone engaged in campus ministry in and around the collegiate community. The Student Union is produced by the LCMS Office of National Mission. To find more resources for campus ministry visit: lcms.org/campus-ministry
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250210131135-2025-02-10_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File There’s a certain kind of rage that comes from feeling like justice has been denied. We see it in the world today—outrage over corruption, frustration when the wicked seem to prosper, and the deep longing for wrongs to be made right. But wha…
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There’s a certain kind of rage that comes from feeling like justice has been denied. We see it in the world today—outrage over corruption, frustration when the wicked seem to prosper, and the deep longing for wrongs to be made right. But what happens when that thirst for justice turns into self-righteous fury? That’s where we find Zophar in Job 20.…
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What is Lutheran Mission - Australia (LM-A) and why did it begin? The Rev. Matt Anker, President of Lutheran Mission - Australia, joins Andy and Sarah to begin our series on Lutheranism in Australia, sharing a brief history of the Lutheran Church in Australia, the theological history leading to the Theses of Agreement, when it became clear a new mi…
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The book of 1 Samuel begins at a religious low point for Israel, when there was no king and everyone did what was right in his own eyes. The LORD began His work of calling His people back to Himself through the family of Elkanah. His wife Hannah suffered greatly from her barrenness, yet she prayed to the LORD for a child. Once Eli's initial assumpt…
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Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today's prayerful thought based on the day's Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short meditation on the day’s scripture lessons. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]…
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Today’s sermonette based on Mark 1:1-13 is by Rev. Robert Morris. This is a rebroadcast from February 10, 2016. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Prayer. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]
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Pastor David Smith leads a study on 2 Corinthians 11:7-33. Join the pastors and people of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, for weekly Bible study on Sunday mornings. Learn more about St. Paul’s Des Peres at stpaulsdesperes.org. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected].
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The AFLC and LCMS share several common Scriptural convictions: salvation in Christ alone, the inerrancy of Scripture, male-only pastors, the value of every human life, and conversion as being the work of the Holy Spirit. Yet, there are differences between them, which are manifested by the AFLC’s confessional subscription to only the Creed, Augsburg…
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This week's program looks at 1 John 4. What is the connection between "testing the spirits" and "loving one another"? Get ready to chuckle or even chortle with Pastor “Jolly” John Lukomski and Pastor Matt “Youngblood” Clark as they take a humorous approach to Bible Study. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]…
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"Personal foul: lack of exciting Super Bowl snacks, on the party host. Fifteen-yard penalty. Repeat snack production." Don’t want this party foul scenario to happen to you? Sarah, Erin, and Rachel are on your team, and they’ve got your back! In this week’s Iron Ladle Challenge, they’re offering a range of fun and tasty snacks that go way beyond piz…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250210131135-2025-02-10_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File There’s a certain kind of rage that comes from feeling like justice has been denied. We see it in the world today—outrage over corruption, frustration when the wicked seem to prosper, and the deep longing for wrongs to be made right. But wha…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/chapel/20250210112052-2025-02-10_Chapel.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on 2 Peter 1:16-21. >> The broadcast of chapel services is brought to you by LCMS International Mission and Ministry to Armed Forces. >> Learn more at international.lcms.org and lcms.org/armedforces. >>…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/coffee-hour/20250210134511-2025-02-10_CH.mp3 Download Audio File What is Lutheran Mission – Australia (LM-A) and why did it begin? The Rev. Matt Anker, President of Lutheran Mission – Australia, joins Andy and Sarah to begin our series on Lutheranism in Australia, sharing a brief history of the Lutheran Church…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/sharper-iron/20250210105553-2025-02-10_SI.mp3 Download Audio File The book of 1 Samuel begins at a religious low point for Israel, when there was no king and everyone did what was right in his own eyes. The LORD began His work of calling His people back to Himself through the family of Elkanah. His wife Hannah…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/sharper-iron/20250210104853-1and2SamuelPodcastIntro.mp3 Download Audio File “A Kingdom Unlike All the Nations” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through 1-2 Samuel. This time in Israel’s history has its highs and lows, but the LORD’s faithfulness never wavers. He provides His Word to be proclaimed faithful…
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"A Kingdom Unlike All the Nations” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through 1-2 Samuel. This time in Israel's history has its highs and lows, but the LORD's faithfulness never wavers. He provides His Word to be proclaimed faithfully through prophets like Samuel and Nathan. Even as princes like Saul and David sit on an earthly throne, the LORD …
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/oratio/20250210104217-2025-02-10_OR.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short medita…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/morning-prayer/20250210095049-MP_Feb_10.mp3 Download Audio File Today’s sermonette based on Mark 1:1-13 is by Rev. Robert Morris. This is a rebroadcast from February 10, 2016. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Prayer. S…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/stpaul-des-peres-bible-study/20250210114613-2025-02-09_SPBS.mp3 Download Audio File Pastor David Smith leads a study on 2 Corinthians 11:7-33. Join the pastors and people of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, for weekly Bible study on Sunday mornings. Learn more about St. Paul’s Des Peres at stpaulsd…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/concord-matters/20250207140440-2025-02-08_CM.mp3 Download Audio File The AFLC and LCMS share several common Scriptural convictions: salvation in Christ alone, the inerrancy of Scripture, male-only pastors, the value of every human life, and conversion as being the work of the Holy Spirit. Yet, there are differ…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/wrestling-with-the-basics/20250207135415-2025-02-08_WWB.mp3 Download Audio File This week’s program looks at 1 John 4. What is the connection between “testing the spirits” and “loving one another”? Get ready to chuckle or even chortle with Pastor “Jolly” John Lukomski and Pastor Matt “Youngblood” Clark as they…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250207121334-2025-02-07_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File “He opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God…” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). For centuries, these words have ignited fierce debate—who…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250207121334-2025-02-07_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File “He opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God…” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). For centuries, these words have ignited fierce debate—who…
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"He opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God..." (2 Thessalonians 2:4). For centuries, these words have ignited fierce debate—who is this figure, this Man of Lawlessness? The Reformers had no doubt: the papacy itself bore the mark of An…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/lutheran-ladies-lounge/20250207165437-LLL_Ep280.mp3 Download Audio File “Personal foul: lack of exciting Super Bowl snacks, on the party host. Fifteen-yard penalty. Repeat snack production.” Don’t want this party foul scenario to happen to you? Sarah, Erin, and Rachel are on your team, and they’ve got your bac…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/chapel/20250207120834-2025-02-07_Chapel.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Mark Wood gives today’s sermon based on Mark 10:13-16. >> The broadcast of chapel services is brought to you by LCMS International Mission and Ministry to Armed Forces. >> Learn more at international.lcms.org and lcms.org/armedforces. >> To l…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/coffee-hour/20250207114345-2025-02-07_CH.mp3 Download Audio File What does a second career journey from the music industry to pastoral ministry look like? The Rev. Paul Hemenway, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, OK, joins Andy and Sarah for our Set Apart to Serve series to talk about his life …
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What does a second career journey from the music industry to pastoral ministry look like? The Rev. Paul Hemenway, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, OK, joins Andy and Sarah for our Set Apart to Serve series to talk about his life prior to his journey to seminary, skills from the music industry that have translated into pastoral mini…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/sharper-iron/20250207113125-2025-02-07_SI.mp3 Download Audio File When envoys from Babylon come to Hezekiah in Jerusalem, he gives neither thanks nor glory to the LORD for the blessings He has so freely bestowed on Hezekiah. Instead, the king shows the Babylonians all the wealth he has, as if he has won it for…
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When envoys from Babylon come to Hezekiah in Jerusalem, he gives neither thanks nor glory to the LORD for the blessings He has so freely bestowed on Hezekiah. Instead, the king shows the Babylonians all the wealth he has, as if he has won it for himself. Isaiah confronts Hezekiah, revealing that the consequences for the king's actions will be exile…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/oratio/20250207134857-2025-02-07_OR.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short medita…
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Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today's prayerful thought based on the day's Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short meditation on the day’s scripture lessons. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/morning-prayer/20250207111829-MP_Feb_07.mp3 Download Audio File Today’s sermonette based on John 2:1-12 is given by Rev. Timothy Koch. This is a rebroadcast from February 7, 2017. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Praye…
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Today’s sermonette based on John 2:1-12 is given by Rev. Timothy Koch. This is a rebroadcast from February 7, 2017. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Prayer. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250206134235-2025-02-06_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File Put yourself in Job’s place. You’ve lost everything—your family, your home, your health. Your so-called friends surround you, not with comfort, but with accusations. And worst of all, you feel like even God has turned against you. That’s whe…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250206134235-2025-02-06_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File Put yourself in Job’s place. You’ve lost everything—your family, your home, your health. Your so-called friends surround you, not with comfort, but with accusations. And worst of all, you feel like even God has turned against you. That’s whe…
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Put yourself in Job’s place. You’ve lost everything—your family, your home, your health. Your so-called friends surround you, not with comfort, but with accusations. And worst of all, you feel like even God has turned against you. That’s where we find Job in chapter 19. He’s feeling battered, abandoned, and accused. Yet in the middle of his sufferi…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/chapel/20250206105052-2025-02-06_Chapel.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Colossians 4:2-6. >> The broadcast of chapel services is brought to you by LCMS International Mission and Ministry to Armed Forces. >> Learn more at international.lcms.org and lcms.org/armedforces. >…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/coffee-hour/20250206093151-2025-02-06_CH.mp3 Download Audio File National Lutheran Schools Week was January 26-31, and we’re celebrating with conversations featuring teachers and students! In Part 2, we hear from Laura Hanson (English Teacher and Choir Director) and students Mason and Linda from Lutheran High …
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National Lutheran Schools Week was January 26-31, and we're celebrating with conversations featuring teachers and students! In Part 2, we hear from Laura Hanson (English Teacher and Choir Director) and students Mason and Linda from Lutheran High School South in St. Louis, MO on what they love about their Lutheran education. Then, we hear from 4th g…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/sharper-iron/20250206091338-2025-02-06_SI.mp3 Download Audio File When Hezekiah became sick to the point of death, the LORD’s Word came to the King that he would die. Hezekiah responded by crying out to the LORD in prayer, and the LORD responded by mercifully extending Hezekiah’s life for another fifteen years…
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When Hezekiah became sick to the point of death, the LORD's Word came to the King that he would die. Hezekiah responded by crying out to the LORD in prayer, and the LORD responded by mercifully extending Hezekiah's life for another fifteen years. This gracious promise not only spared Hezekiah,but also sustained the line of the promised Messiah for …
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/oratio/20250206090649-2025-02-06_OR.mp3 Download Audio File Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short medita…
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Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today's prayerful thought based on the day's Scripture readings. Begin your morning in word and prayer with Rev. Kenneth Bomberger, who shares scripture, hymns, prayers, and texts for the day, and also gives a short meditation on the day’s scripture lessons. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/morning-prayer/20250206090110-MP_Feb_06.mp3 Download Audio File Today’s sermonette based on John 1:35-51 is given by Rev. Peter Ill. This is a rebroadcast from February 6, 2017. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Prayer.…
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Today’s sermonette based on John 1:35-51 is given by Rev. Peter Ill. This is a rebroadcast from February 6, 2017. Hear a guest pastor give a short sermonette based on the day’s Daily Lectionary New Testament text during Morning and Evening Prayer. Submit comments or questions to: [email protected]
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250205133347-2025-02-05_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File Have you ever poured out your heart to someone, only to be met with cold logic or worse—condescension? You’re searching for hope, but instead of compassion, you get a lecture. That’s exactly where we find Job in chapter 17. He’s worn down, c…
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https://kfuo-od.streamguys1.com/recast/thy-strong-word/20250205133347-2025-02-05_TSW.mp3 Download Audio File Have you ever poured out your heart to someone, only to be met with cold logic or worse—condescension? You’re searching for hope, but instead of compassion, you get a lecture. That’s exactly where we find Job in chapter 17. He’s worn down, c…
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