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Go Postal Podcast

Go Postal Podcast

Join Karla and Michael every Monday and Wednesday as they read crazy stories from our grab bag of fun peppered with history and fun facts from around the world! Send us yours and go postal! P.O. BOX 198514, Nashville, TN 37219, e-mail ([email protected]), or by Instagram/Twitter/Facebook (@gopostalpodcast)!
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show series
O come all ye faithful! Joyful and triumphant? We’ll see about that. Why don’t YOU see about that and join us for our Christmas Spectacular featuring the hilarious Jupiter Boys of… The Jupiter Boys Podcast! We hit all of the season topics, so sit back, grease up that Christmas goose, and spike that eggnog, ‘cause it’s Christmas y’all! Did you and y…
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O come all ye faithful! Joyful and triumphant? We’ll see about that. Why don’t YOU see about that and join us for our Christmas Spectacular featuring the hilarious Jupiter Boys of… The Jupiter Boys Podcast! We hit all of the season topics, so sit back, grease up that Christmas goose, and spike that eggnog, ‘cause it’s Christmas y’all! Did you and y…
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Welcome to our descent into madness. Stick with it, we get the episode started eventually! We just have to say “snow” 10 billion times first. We’re so sorry. But are we? Not really. Join us as we talk about different traditions and some hysterical blizzard-centric history! AND the countess returns to review a Christmas classic. Don’t forget! Our ep…
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Snuggle into those snuggies my loves, it’s an episode about snow! Join us as we freeze our tits and balls off in Antarctica and talk about blizzards! PSA! Part 2 will be released on Monday, December 10 and no episode parts will be released on Wednesdays, why? Because December is K-raaaaazy with a capital K! Have a vaguely snow related story? Want t…
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Join Karla and Michael this week as they continue their talk about SPACE! The final frontier? More like the final Fart-tier! We act like scientists. But in no way do we have science degrees. Learn about the Milky Way’s first observed interstellar guest, cosmonauts from the USSR, and facts about the making of “2001: A Space Odyssey”! Are you as spac…
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Forget the turkey - we’re American! Let’s show our consumerist spirit with Black Friday! Join us for part 2 of our Thanksgiving episode! Happy Thanksgiving, y’all and stay safe out there this Black Friday! #Glitterantics Got some ree-dick Black Friday stories? Send us yours! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos …
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It’s turkey time here at Go Postal! Unbuckle that belt, undo that button, and gobble up the Thanksgiving festivities as we talk about the holiday and the annual Thanksgiving Day parade! Send us a Glitter Bomb! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos from My Worst Date and Writing about Crime…
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Welcome to Part Two! We start off the episode with a thrilling rendition of “O Canada” and a vine reference lost on Karla. THEN we get down to elections, hysterical history, and movie reviews! Have an election story you’d like to share? Write us! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos from Point Blank and Getting …
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We’re back! You’re back! Thank you for coming back! This week’s theme is Elections! In an effort to make elections fun again, we talk about weird and well, different, elections from around the world. Have an election story you’d like to share? Write us! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos from Dumb and Busted a…
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Ghoooooooosssttttsssss! Is our continued theme in part two! We share more ghost stories, Karla shares some Hysterical History about Madame LaLaurie, and Michael reviews another obscure paranormal horror film! Have a supernatural encounter you’d like to share? Write us! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos from V…
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The episode you've all been waiting for! Okay, the episode WE'VE been waiting for. It's GHOSTS! We talk about all things haunted and spoopy - from Karla's experience ghost hunting to a haunted psychiatric institution from our own home town! And to shake it up, Karla shares 3 different stories pertaining to Boobs, Booze, and Bizzare. Have a supernat…
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CRYPTID MAINIA CONTINUES in this the second part of our Cryptids episode. We talk about more, you guessed it, cryptids! Particularly the Ogopogo, a vampire lost to history (or Melrose Place), and yet another review! This time of one of the most bonkers movies Michael has seen. Have a cryptic encounter you’d like to share? Write us! PO Box 198514 Na…
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Join us as we talk about cryptids! We discuss what they are, the study of them, and some of the, perhaps, lesser known crypts around the world. Karla shares BBBs from Katmandu!, the home of the Yeti! Have a cryptic encounter you’d like to share? Write us! PO Box 198514 Nashville, TN 37219 or at [email protected]! Promos from Jupiter Boys, K…
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This. Is. Part. Two. Of your exorcism. Possession is our theme this week! The power of Christ compels you to join us. We’ll be sharing stories about real-life Dr. Exorcists, Exorcists in front of and behind the camera, and dybbuks - those Jewish demons of yore. Have a creepy story you want to share? Write us! PO Box 198514, Nashville, TN 37219 or b…
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Welcome to our next second theme of this, the spookiest month of the year! Our theme this week…. DEMONIC POSSESSION! Sit back, grab your crucifix, and enjoy part one where we talk about the history of possession, different levels of possession, and a story about someone becoming possessed in a prison! Karla also shares her BBB’s about Vatican City……
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We continue our theme of Zombies, in this the second half of episode 32! BUT we start the episode with 2 listener letters - one from Betsy MF’in Ross! And then we dive head first into sea of brains where Michael shares more stories of “real life zombies”, Karla educates us on Marie Laveau, and [Rec] is reviewed! Have a spooky story or an answer to …
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Welcome to the first episode of October! We kick off the spooky season with an episode dedicated to all about Zombies! The history and science of zombies, real zombie stories, and BBBs about New Orleans await you in our creepy cabinet of curiosities! Want to share a spooky story? Write us! PO Box 198514, Nashville TN, 37219 or by e-mail gopostalpod…
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Welcome to part 2 of our Prison themed episode! Karla kicks off the episode with a rant about her struggles with texting curse words! Michael shares a story from an anonymous user that starts off one way, and does a complete 180! Karla then teaches us heathens about the legendary Al Capone and then welcomes the even more legendary Countess Cordelia…
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Our theme for this week! Prison! Which, as Michael says in the episode, we realize how touch prisons are in the States. That being said, we try to keep it light in this episode. Karla recounts her time as a haunt in her haunted house which then gives Michael a reason to learn you all about horror history! Also if you are in Denver, check out Pandem…
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Welcome to part 2 of Apocalypse! We start the show by discussing that quintessential Apocalypse movie, Labyrinth! That’s the go-to apocalypse, right? Karla’s voice is still halfway out the door because of her hauntings! Michael starts things off by sharing an excellent apocalypse story from Reddit user TheRest! Then, surprise! the apocalypse calls …
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Our theme this week: Apocalypse! Karla’s voice is like sweet, smooth, sandpaper - she’s just so into her possessed nun character! And with such a voice, Karla shares some great answers to last week’s random question! And thus the cult of food was born. We share some stories about people preparing for the apocalypse and a throwback to Burning Man st…
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Welcome to part two! If you forgot, our theme for the week is classic TV! Karla begins the episode by forgetting the word “Thesaurus”! Michael shares some conspiracy theories from some classic kid’s TV shows! Thanks, Screen Rant (https://goo.gl/C5jAX1)! Karla shares a Hysterical History about “Gilligan’s Island”! Full version of the original theme …
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Our theme for the week! Classic TV! Karla talks about her role in a local haunted house this spooky season, 2k18! We discuss the random question from last week, a story from Dave over at Selling Out Podcast, and life-saving footage from a TV show! Karla shares some BBB’s from Dallas! Article Michael referenced in the episode: https://goo.gl/6uAMLe …
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First of all, shout out to our listeners in Germany! Es tut mir sehr Leid für Karlas Deutsch! Karla gets on her soap box, for exactly what you think she would! We get a breaking news update from Burning Man! And an excellent story involving grilled cheeses and a certain dome! Karla finally gets her bicycle powered grilled cheese machine and teaches…
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So much is on the ‘genda today, so join us, dammit! Michael and Karla start off with that tired discussion of GIF vs. GIF! Karla has a cold and might die, tune in to find out! Karla shares some excellent answers from the Twittersphere to our random question from last week! Some of which baffle the both of us! Fuck you capitalism! Karla shares some …
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We turn our podcast into a Dinner theater for a hot minute featuring the Dowager countess, Michael! We read a postcard from a Mystery Sender - perhaps it was Betsy Ross! Karla is a legend, a legend killer!! Karla debuts the newly re-branded “Hysterical History” with none other than Nicolas Cage! Michael gets lost once again! It’s about time. Rando …
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We discuss some excellent tweets from y’all, most of which were in response to our random question of the week from last episode: What is the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street? Michael’s cat makes a semi-guest appearance! We get a postcard from Sharon in some caves, away from the Perseid meteor showers! Michael sh…
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Write us! PO Box 198514, Nashville TN 37219 or [email protected] We reveal that we are expanding our scope to just craaaazy/fun stories in general, as well as splitting our full show into multiple shorter shows! Karla shares her first skinny dipping experience with a beau we refer to as “Ohio”! Speaking of Ohio, Karla shares some BBB’s from…
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Karla gets catfished, calls him out, hosts 6 band members at her house, and finds out what a nunnery is! We go over Boobs, Booze, and Bizarre in Toronto and we call 1-800-O-CANADA! A discussion of terrible wedding circumstances is brought up! And speaking of weddings, we get some mail about Tinder dates, copulation in a refrigerator, a 5-day party …
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We’re back from our “summer lovin’” vacations (a day late, we’re sorry)! We talk about all of the random shit you are all used to at this point! We talk about the Kansas and Wyoming of Canada! David interrupts twice and we didn’t even edit it out! Michael baffles Karla with a Hedwig and the Angry Inch reference, that she eventually gets! Michael al…
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This week's episode proves that Lloydminster is anything but! We continue our series of MiniSodes, complete with Voice Memos from Karla documenting her travels across Canada! Even though those travels don't include Vancouver.... yet! Michael does a terrible, horrible, awful radio host impression and shares with you the weird, yet apropos history of…
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We release our first minisode! Because it’s summer, dammit and stuff is happening! Michael reads a news story about a crazy Uber ride (https://goo.gl/EdzTYV)! Karla gives us some great #tfln on Twitter and some stupid laws from around the US of A (https://goo.gl/tWFPjr)! Also, what is a bean whistle and better yet, what is an “A-Rated” film!?…
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Michael reveals that he hates Paris! Karla lists off some of her favorite #80sMovieMenus! To celebrate the birthday of America, we discuss Boobs, Booze, and Bizarre from Philadelphia! We get a look at Katherine’s drunken Amazon shopping list! We receive a postcard about flaky people and talk about America being drunk and invading places! Then Micha…
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We discuss our plans for firework peeping! Michael reads a story from an interesting username on Reddit! Karla does her BBB’s in Ottawa in honor of Canada Day! We talk about dairy vs. margarine then engage in a Canadian duel! We get more ER stories from Kim and Karla even shares one of her own! We get our first voice memo submission, from Kate none…
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We have another guest host on the show with a huge announcement! Karla furthers her lack of pop culture knowledge! We discuss baby names we came up with while drunk! Norma (our guest host) explains why monograms on baby stuff is so important in the south! Karla describes her time in a Birminghamingan speakeasy! Norma tells stories about “Swingin’ R…
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Michael has a *TRULY* Canadian experience! Karla has an uneventful week! Roman boobs, booze, and bizarre - with guest star: Audrey Hepburn! Qualis artifex pereo! At the 16:30 mark, Michael becomes slightly possessed! We get another story from Jenna on Meet Me in the Woods! Kim from People are Wild Podcast shares a story with us! Karla makes a “The …
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We lament the resurgence of 90s culture! Karla and Michael break up over Alien Ant Farm! Then quickly make up. We find out how Karla got Troll herpes and she explains her past exploits with statues! We use the word phallological way too much! And Michael can’t even say it correctly! A story is shared that involves drunkenly travelling 1,000 miles! …
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#YasBic! Karla has ants in her pants! Literally. Out-of-state che(ck)(que)s! We give beans to everyone! We realize how much Monty Python taught us! We find out Michael’s crush he would go straight for! (Hint: Rhymes with Helly Bluvall) We discus illegal laziness and Arcs de Triomphe made of baguettes! #TeamPineappleOnPizza! Karla becomes a model of…
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Karla tries to sing “Happy Birthday”! We talk about our lives filled with boating and leafy greens! Applause is for yourself and no one else! Karla gives some great BBB’s about Berlin! We get our very first “Two Truths and a Lie” story from Kate (Ignorance Was Bliss)! David sends us a card that then becomes reality! Cheyenne Mall as a modern perfor…
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Buckle in as we welcome our first guest EVER on the show - Kate from the podcast "Ignorance Was Bliss"! We discuss Yanny, Laurel, or another option! There is 'gifting of breasts'! We have multiple nude beach stories on opposite sides of the continent - both insane in their own right! You'll also hear two promos; one from Ignorance Was Bliss and one…
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Karla has brunch at Snow White's! We find out Michael has never seen 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'! Who knew that sometimes casserole dishes explode!? Karla tries to pronounce some crazy Wisconsin names and we also find out behind on the times she is! We then become a meditation podcast and then "get Schlitzed"!…
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Accidental texts such as "Bologna pony"! All of the talk of marriage! Bird Rock isn't for birds anymore! The Religion of Star Trek is born! We become bosom buddies! The new phrase "Ambulancing Reasons"! #Cursed, #Blessed's more attractive sibling!
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