A list of messages that have been presented during the "Heart Zone" radio program as heard on WCPA AM 900, Clearfield, Pennsylvania.
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THE TWILIGHT ZONE is a dramatic radio show hosted by STACY KEACH. Each hour-long show is a brand new production featuring today's top stars, performing a thrilling Twilight Zone Radio Drama.
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This is a NY Jets fan podcast put together by two Irish guy's Biff Sweeney & Richard Tinley.
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Check out recordings of games, coach's shows and features on WSLM SPORTS.
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Russell Brand presents Recovery Radio - an on-demand alternative to the conventional 'meeting' - on Zone 1 Radio - the community radio station for Central London. Russell Russell talks to real people with compelling stories of addiction, dependency and recovery about how they deal with becoming ‘clean’ and preventing relapses back into addiction.
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If we are going to have a proper understanding of our identity, we need to understand how God saw us before salvation from Ephesians 2:1-4.George Cannon
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We find in the scripture many promises that God will answer our prayers. Yet our personal experience shows a disconnect between the promises and the reality that most believers have experienced. Understanding the connection between our heart’s desires and the Lord will help us to understand the validity of his promises to us from Psalm 37:4.…
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While there is legitimate concern about the coming storm, there also needs to be an awareness of the calm after the storm that lasts for eternity from Revelation 21:1-22:5.George Cannon
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The Second Coming of Jesus Christ results a time of peace that mankind rejects and the final judgment from Revelation 20:1-15.George Cannon
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The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a culmination of God’s Chosen People crying out in desperation and defeat for deliverance from Zechariah 14:1-3 and Revelation 19:11-21.George Cannon
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In order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we need to understand what happens with believers before the End comes from Revelation 3:10.George Cannon
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In order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we need to understand that there are certain people who must emerge and certain things that must take place from Revelation 13:11-18.George Cannon
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In order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we need to understand what the scripture teaches about the coming leader who sets himself up as a god from 1 John 2 and 2 Thessalonians 2.George Cannon
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In order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we need to understand exactly what sets the time of Tribulation apart from what is currently happening in our world from Revelation 6.George Cannon
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It is easy to lose focus during the Christmas season. The positive and negative experiences of season can cause believers to lose sight of what is really important from Isaiah 9:1-7.George Cannon
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In order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we need to understand where does the End begin and who initiates it from Revelation 4 and 5.George Cannon
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Because we live in bewildering times, God’s people are stunned and confused by the events that are taking place around us. However, Jesus told us that these things should not catch us by surprise from Matthew 24:3-14.George Cannon
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Because we live in bewildering times, God’s people are stunned and confused by mixed messages concerning the Coming of Jesus Christ. However, believers have been given everything they need to know about the end from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.George Cannon
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Jesus illustrates that the level of gratitude to God is directly tied to the response to forgiveness from Luke 7:36-50.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are to deal with each other by putting the spiritual needs of others before their own freedom from Romans 14:13-23.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are to deal with each other by recognizing that each man is accountable to the Lord from Romans 14:1-12.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are again called to express that faith in through love toward others in these last days from Romans 13:8-14.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are called to express that faith in their actions toward their government from Romans 13:1-7.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are called to express that faith in their actions toward everyone including their enemies from Romans 12:14-21.George Cannon
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Having been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ, believers are called to express that faith in their actions toward each other from Romans 12:9-13.George Cannon
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There is a tendency to only think of our faith in individual terms. However, Faith is always seen in terms of community from Romans 12:3-8.George Cannon
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When you have made the decision to give yourself to God, there has to be concrete steps taken to express that commitment from Romans 12:2.George Cannon
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When you begin to grasp the reality of grace that the Lord has shown to believers, there has to be a decision from Romans 12:1.George Cannon
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Only God can take the rejection of one group of people and use it for the salvation of the rest of the world from Romans 11:11-24.George Cannon
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It is easy to be guided by wrong assumptions concerning the Lord and your standing with him and miss the reality of his grace from Romans 11:1-10.George Cannon
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The message of salvation to all requires that there are people who are willing to share it from Romans 10:13-21.George Cannon
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There is a major difference between gaining acceptance with God with your works and gaining it through faith in Jesus Christ from Romans 10:5-12.George Cannon
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It seems unfair that those who try to pursue God’s acceptance on their own terms must face the reality that it only come through faith in Jesus Christ from Romans 9:30-10:4.George Cannon
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While we wrestle with the reality of the Lord’s sovereignty over the affairs of humanity, it is easy to get it wrong about God from Romans 9:19-29.George Cannon
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With the realities of our current struggle and suffering, we need to rest in the hope that our new relationship with God is secure from Romans 8:28-39.George Cannon
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With the realities of our current struggle and suffering, we need to rest in the hope that something better is waiting for us from Romans 8:18-27.George Cannon
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Having been set free by the Spirit, we do not have to live fear and defeat since we have been adopted as the children of God from Romans 8:12-17.George Cannon
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Having been set free by the Spirit, we can now choose to live according to Spirit rather than live according to the sinful desires of our flesh from Romans 8:1-11.George Cannon
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While we have been freed from the bondage to sin, believers still find themselves engaged with an internal struggle against sin from Romans 7:13-25.George Cannon
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While we have been freed from the bondage to sin, believers must recognize that sin still has power to influence them from Romans 7:1-12.George Cannon
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Having been freed from the bondage to sin, believers must choose between continuing to live in freedom or returning to the slavery of sin from Romans 6:15-23.George Cannon
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The reality of grace in salvation and the freedom that it brings to every believer should stir us to live for Christ from Romans 6:12-14.George Cannon
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The reality of grace in salvation should cause us to change our thinking with regards to living in the new life versus living the old life from Romans 6:5-11.George Cannon
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The reality of grace in salvation causes some to develop wrong thinking concerning the issue of sin in our lives from Romans 6:1-4.George Cannon
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In order to understand our acceptance with God, we need to understand the free gift that Jesus gave us in order to remove the offense we carry from Romans 5:12-21.George Cannon
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On our own, we had not chance to gain acceptance with God. However, Jesus loved us and died for us from Romans 5:6-11.George Cannon
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God’s acceptance of us means more than just our identification as his children. His acceptance of us results in an immediate change in how that relationship with Christ is expressed from Romans 5:1-5.George Cannon
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In a world where we are used to rules that guide every aspect of our lives, it is hard to grasp that our ability to abide by the rules has no bearing on God’s acceptance of us from Romans 4:13-25.George Cannon
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Humanity operates with ingrained thinking that our efforts affect our acceptance with God. However, those efforts have no bearing on God’s acceptance of us from Romans 4:1-12.George Cannon
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Faced with the reality of plight that humanity faces, we are provided the opportunity for acceptance with God. The reality is that all human beings do not want God and act accordingly from Romans 3:21-31.George Cannon
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Its not long now till draft day and Iv got my good friend Glenn Naughton from Jets Nation Radio on to share some views on the draft and prospects. #NFZR #NFL #NYJETS #NYJ #Ireland #Americanfootball #football #NFLDraft Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesIan Sweeney
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Its two weeks before the draft and iv returned from some time out to talk about the Jets and the NFL Draft. Here is some of my thoughts on the Jets and some of the draft prospects i like. #NFL #NYJ #NFLDRAFT #Ireland #Football #NFZR Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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In order to understand why the righteous shall live by faith, you need to understand the dilemma that all humanity faces. The reality is that all human beings do not want God and act accordingly from Romans 3:9-20.George Cannon
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In order to understand why the “righteous shall live by faith, you need to understand the dilemma that all humanity faces. The third group facing peril are those who place their confidence in their religious actions from Romans 2:17-3:8.George Cannon
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It is easy to lose track of the reality that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Yet his resurrection insures our present condition and our future hope from 1 Corinthians 15:20-28.George Cannon
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