Reviewing and renewing Torah that we learned together at the Beachwood Kehilla.
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Rav Hirsch explains why laughter plays such a central role in Yitzchak's birth and beyond.Beachwood Kehilla
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The Kotzker asserts something significant about the Brachot promised to Avraham.Beachwood Kehilla
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Rav Elyashiv explains why, according to the Midrash, Noach was punished for running late.
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Why was Yosef deserving of such a Bracha? What is the significance of the unique phrase used to describe Hashem in the Bracha?
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A new read of an important Pasuk that supports the Jewish People's claim to Eretz Yisrael.
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Rav Moshe Tzvi Neriya describes an important mission of Am Yisrael embedded in a Pasuk in Kohelet.Beachwood Kehilla
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Is the Sukkah a proper symbol of protection?
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Rav Mordechai HaKohen introduces us to a new group of people that we meet on Yom Kippur and beyond.Beachwood Kehilla
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Rav Avigdor Miller explains the interesting timing of Hashem's rebuke of Moshe.Beachwood Kehilla
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Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm describes different ways to cry and what that means on Rosh HaShanah.
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The Shem M'Shmuel quotes the Alter Rebbe who explains the importance of a Brit and why it needed to be made at that point.Beachwood Kehilla
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The Chatam Sofer explains an interesting pattern of the Jewish People somehow being in Eretz Yisrael before they enter to Eretz Yisrael.
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The Or HaChaim HaKadosh based on the Zohar finds a metaphor for the month of Elul in our Parsha.
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Rav Ruderman asks why we learn about the Egla Arufa specifically in the middle of the Torah's discussion of war.Beachwood Kehilla
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Rav Meir Shapiro explains why a specific bird isn't Kosher.
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Rav Hirsch emphasizes the importance of the second Luchot containing the same as the first.
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The Baal HaTurim suggests an interesting idea as to what Moshe's final argument was to be granted entry into Eretz Yisrael.
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The Malbim suggests that Yeshayahu answers an important question in the Haftorah of Shabbat Chazon.
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Rav Elyashiv extracts a powerful message from a Midrash on our Parsha.Beachwood Kehilla
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Why does Hashem go out of His way to console the moon?Beachwood Kehilla
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Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm explains the importance of a surprising line in our Tefillot.Beachwood Kehilla
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The Bnei Yisrael are attacked and a hostage is taken. Their response is telling.Beachwood Kehilla
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Rav Yaakov Moshe Charlop helps us understand a strange exchange between Aharon, Moshe, and Hashem.Beachwood Kehilla
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Why did the Jewish People want to kill Yehoshua and Kalev?Beachwood Kehilla
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Moshe's words are edited. But what did he actually say?Beachwood Kehilla
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