Best practices for teachers who teach world languages on a cart. Examples in Spanish, Japanese, French, German, and Chinese.
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Teach to their eyes! How to make bad seating arrangements work for world language teachers on a cart
How can we teach to their eyes when they face the back of the room? We world language teachers need awesome seating arrangements for our students, but if we're on a cart, we are often stuck with bad ones, sometimes teaching to the backs of heads. What to do? Welcome to "Teaching World Languages on a Cart," the shortest podcast you'll ever love, wit…
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Teach a story when you aren't there! We world language teacher dread being absent because our substitute teachers usually can't teach our language. That's why we default to "culture" sub plans. When we're on a cart it's even worse because we can't leave things in the classroom to help kids have activities in the target language. But you can give th…
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