Was she the victim of foul play, an accident, or did she choose to disappear? In this episode of The Vanished, we retrace Diana’s last known movements, strange witness accounts, and the lingering mystery that has never been solved or.. was never meant to be solved.
Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast
Thomas Jefferson University
Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast is your connection to the academics of tomorrow, brought to you by Thomas Jefferson University. The stories are powered by our University’s experts, students, and community.
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Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence Cover art photo provided by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@mrthetrain
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It’s about Thomas Jefferson Cover art photo provided by John Bakator on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jxb511
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Thomas Jefferson and the topic of slavery.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio
Instituto Thomas Jefferson
Este Podcast contiene cápsulas y programas realizados por el ITJ (Instituto Thomas Jefferson) Campus Querétaro y Zona Esmeralda, que han sido transmitidos vía internet, en la estación del colegio: TJ Radio (http://bit.ly/itjradio).
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Welcome to the start of Jefferson’s third century. During our Bicentennial Year, we celebrated a lot of what got Jefferson to this point but as 2024 becomes 2025, attention now turns to our future. In this episode of the Thomas Jefferson News Podcast, we look at five exciting projects underway within the University’s College of Architecture and the…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

In an effort to fight inflation and protect the job market, the U.S. Federal Reserve central bank on September 18 announced it was cutting interest rates by half a percentage point. This was noteworthy as it represents the first rate cut since 2020, and it is not expected to be the last. In this episode of the Nexus podcast, we talk to Davinder “D.…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

In early May, the storied Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta – which is the nation's largest regular intercollegiate rowing event – will return to the region's waterways. From a competitive standpoint, last year brought a historic performance from the Rams women's rowing team. For the first time in program history, multiple boats medaled in a single Dad Va…
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Where in the world has Phil the Ram been? You may have noticed that the University’s loveably tough mascot hasn’t been on the sidelines or in the gyms for a good long while. Well, that’s come to an end! Today – at a pep rally for the playoffs-bound Rams’ women’s and men’s basketball teams – Phil re-emerged from what’s been a challenging few months …
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As the Jefferson family celebrates its Bicentennial year, we thought it was the perfect time to dig through the history books and examine famous “Firsts” from the University past be they locally, nationally or internationally. To be sure, Jefferson has improved lives in the region going into its third century in so very many ways. The 10 Jefferson …
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As the Jefferson family celebrates its Bicentennial year, we thought it was the perfect time to dig through the history books and examine famous “Firsts” from the University past be they locally, nationally or internationally. To be sure, Jefferson has improved lives in the region going into its third century in so very many ways. The 10 Jefferson …
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

In previous episodes of the Nexus Podcast, experts from across the University showcased how Jefferson trains students to focus on sustainable practices in the classroom and beyond. Those areas ranged from fashion-design students creating new garments from repurposed Converse sneakers and vintage gloves and the impacts of climate change and climate …
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The term “urban legends” often gets thrown around when talk turns to fantastical stories that veer more toward myth than reality. When it comes to Thomas Jefferson University, though, the phrase “hidden gems” better describes a litany of interesting features of our campuses often hiding in plain sight. For this episode of the Nexus Podcast, we delv…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

On June 16 and 17, the University’s Marcus Institute of Integrative Health will host its fourth annual Advances in Mind-Body Medicine conference to examine the emerging topic of how mind, body and spirit play important roles in one’s health. At the helm of the event – led by the first-ever department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

In a city in the throes of a debilitating opioid epidemic, faculty and students at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have undertaken a mission of awareness and education related to combatting overdoses and saving lives. It is a daunting task that requires an all-hands response to – in a true Jefferson sense – help improve lives. From the …
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

Sustainability is more than a catchphrase. The goal of helping future generations safely co-exist on, and with, Earth has become a way of life. It’s a tangible focus in a wide array of academic pursuits at the University as the topic itself is of utmost importance to students. With April serving as Earth Month – and April 22 deemed Earth Day – it’s…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

Back in March, a group of nine students from the University’s College and Architecture and the Built Environment boarded a plane for a long trek to Malawi, a landlocked nation in southeastern Africa. Under the guidance of Chris Harnish – associate professor of architecture specializing in healthcare design – they spent two weeks meeting with high-r…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

Among the many things that set Thomas Jefferson University apart in the higher-education world is its approach of instilling the humanities – or Nexus Learning – across all undergraduate programs. This can be seen through the Hallmarks Program for General Education, Humanities and Health offerings for health sciences majors, and the JeffMD program.…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

On a recent Tuesday afternoon at Raven Hub learning space, second-year students Corinn Mabry and Sofia Corcoran sat amid a group of 15 students to discuss the lofty challenge they’ve set before themselves. The duo is at the helm of a new student club dedicated to bringing a radio station (call letters: WPHU) back to Thomas Jefferson University. In …
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

When the University's Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities launched in January 2021, it marked the start of a multi-college effort to advance the development of the urban environment through collaboration across the architecture, design, engineering, health and science disciplines. In April, the Institute announced the first round of Smart & Heal…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

When people visit the University’s East Falls campus on tours, they hear about it from the RAMbassadors. When students talk amongst themselves, the topic comes up. When alumni look back on their time at the University, it's amongst the most common memories. We’re talking, of course, about Chicken Finger Thursday, which is the mouth-wateringly popul…
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Thomas Jefferson University News Podcast

Thomas Jefferson University’s Fashion Design Film takes students from the runway into digital longevity
For more than 20 years, the Thomas Jefferson University’s annual fashion show was the “hot-ticket” event for the fashion-design program. Mirroring industry trends, the end-of-year showcase has evolved into a Fashion Design Film that highlights students’ design processes, inspirations and backstories. We speak with program director Farai Simoyi, dea…
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Born in Russia, Thomas Jefferson University adjunct professor Aleksandr Kvasov has spent his professional life focusing on cross-cultural conflict resolution, peace psychology and global education. In this episode of The Nexus Podcast, he offers historical context to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and discusses what it could mean in the future globa…
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At Thomas Jefferson University, a team of industrial-design students have teams up with the Center for Autism and Neurodiversity in an effort to create neurodiverse friendly chairs for the Specialty Care Pavilion. In this inaugural episode of The Nexus Podcast, we embedded with the “neurodiverse furniture” team as they conceptualized, fabricated an…
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Thomas Jefferson and the topic of slavery.
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Thomas Jefferson talks about how the Declaration of Independence came about.
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Talks about the PWA that Franklin D Roosevelt proposed on the New Deal
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Por 7a. ocasión, el ITJ Querétaro realizó el TJ MUN, un encuentro con el modelo de la ONU en el que alumnos de otros campus, y de otros colegios, debaten posturas y llegan a acuerdos. TJ Radio transmitió, en vivo, el arranque de este gran evento.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Miss Jeanene is with us to tell the story of our school. She and her husband, Mr. Carvajal, had the dream of creating a school of academic excellence but also values. They decided to start a great adventure, and so today our boys studying to become great leaders.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

[ZE] Around the World “ Francia“
@ITJ_Radio - Ubicado en la zona occidental del continente europeo, goza de una gran popularidad como destino turístico debido a que su historia y gastronomía, se funden con el arte en una experiencia única, no por nada es conocida como “La ciudad del amor".
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

[ZE] Time Out “Medio Tiempo“
@ITJ_Radio - El equipo de @timeout_ze se despide de forma emotiva, con este cierre de temporada ¡Pero no se preocupen! regresan en enero, después de unas merecidas vacaciones, con grandes noticias y las mejores entrevistas del mundo deportivo.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - Isabella, Eli y Fer nos acompañan en este divertido cierre de temporada, con el que concluimos las transmisiones de este primer semestre escolar, ¡Y que mejor forma de hacerlo, hablando de las vacaciones!.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Montse, Ignacio y Federico son tres chicos que nos comparten qué significa para ellos la Navidad, cómo la celebran y, sobre todo, qué valores son los que más fortalecen en esta época. Seguramente tú te identificarás mucho con ellos.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - En esta época navideña, evidentemente muchos salimos a buscar el árbol que adornará nuestras casas; pero ¿es mejor usar un árbol natural o un árbol artificial? Escucha a Fabién e Isabella que te ayudarán a ver beneficios y contrariedades, para tomar la mejor decisión.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

[QRO] Los Niños Saben 2 dic 2015
@TJ_Radio - Hoy tenemos a tres chicas que ya han detectado que ¡la Navidad está cerca! Y es que Kendra, Elisa e Inés nos cuentan cómo se están preparando en casa para celebrar esta bella festividad, y que es lo que más les gusta. No te las puedes perder.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - Emiliano, Pau y Anahi vienen a compartirnos su emoción por las vacaciones de invierno y las fiestas de navidad, además nos dicen cómo celebran estas fechas de unión familiar.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - All over the world, children write to Santa Claus, letting him know what they would like for Christmas. Here are some tips from Vannesa, Joel and Sofi, for writing a really good letter.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Vamos a hablar de la cultura ambiental, como una verdadera postura para cuidar y proteger nuestro medio ambiente. Nuestras expertas del ITJ abordan, principalmente, las acciones que se realizan en el colegio para que desde muy pequeños los chicos tomen conciencia.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Roberto e Iván platican hoy con Clara Frank. Ella es una experta en la implementación de huertos urbanos orgánicos, en escuelas, empresas y hogares. Y nos habla del proyecto que se realiza en el ITJ para promover la sustentabilidad entre nuestros chicos.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

[QRO] Los Niños Saben 1 Dic 2015
@TJ_Radio - Diciembre ha llegado y cada vez está más cerca la Navidad. Así que Ana, André y Luis vienen a compartirnos su emoción por los adornos y luces que han observado en las calles; además, nos dicen cómo celebran estas fechas de unión famiilar.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - No hay duda que el efecto de la globalización ha influido en el patrón dietético del mundo, los carbohidratos proporcionan la principal y más barata fuente de energía en la alimentación de millones de personas, circunstancia que se ha asociado con un mayor consumo de azúcar…
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - El espíritu navideño nos hace sentirnos más cercanos a los demás y recuperar esa esencia infantil que dejamos a un lado el resto del año. Y qué mejor forma de hacerlo que reunir a toda la familia y escuchar a Patricio, Leo y Paula.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - Se acerca la navidad, época especial en la que regalar y dar amor sincero es lo mejor… a no ser que seas el Villano Robapuntos, cuyo principal interés es ver de que forma logra ganarle a Santiago, Diego y Alexa…
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - Buena parte de la tradición del árbol de Navidad se origina en una leyenda europea , que dice que para recompensar la bondad de unos ancianos, un árbol dio manzanas de oro y nueces de plata, este y otros mitos en este episodio...
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - Angelo, Mila y Luis Eduardo nos vienen a narrar con gran alegría y emoción como se acerca su fecha favorita, sobre todo por lo momentos en familia; ¡Navidad!
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@ITJ_Radio - La navidad se acerca y en TJ Radio lo celebramos recordando los mejores momentos con los pequeños sabios, que han estado ante nuestros micrófonos, con grandes experiencias que narrar, ¡No te lo pierdas!.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Como ya es tradicional, les tenemos un regalo de amor, imaginación y diversión: Lo Mejor del Año de los Niños Saben. Prepárense para un viaje mágico, durante el último semestre de 2015.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

@TJ_Radio - Hoy estamos de lujo, pues tenemos a dos chicas del equipo de baile y animación que resultó campeón, este fin de semana en Guadalajara, en el concurso Cop Brands, que es uno de los más importantes y que congrega a los campeones del país.
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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

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Instituto Thomas Jefferson (Podcast) - www.poderato.com/tjradio

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