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The Paulie & Tony Fusco Show


TWO-TIME WINNER: Best Sports Comedy in 2024 & 2025 Sports Podcast Awards... even though it's NOT A COMEDY | Official podcast of the Philadelphia Eagles, Phillies, Sixers and Flyers | “Incredibly entertaining... nails it perfectly" - BroBible
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Creé este podcast, porque es mi forma de mostrarles las personas que me inspiran, los que me hacen reír, y que aunque piensan diferente a mí, me enseñan a encontrarme y escuchándolos, vemos la vida desde otros ojos! Un espacio para "Desmadrarnos" y hablar sin filtros de todo aquello que nos hace crecer. Es un espacio para conectarnos y por medio de risas, y aveces llanto, inspirarnos! Es un espacio mucho más allá de la maternidad y con el corazón!
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The Pauline Chilton Show

Pauline Chilton

The Pauline Chilton Show is a podcast about business, real estate and lifestyle. Pauline Chilton, a Realtor and entrepreneur for 20 years, founder and Host of The Pauline Chilton Show, interviews entrepreneurs and inspiring individuals, covering a range of topics including success stories.
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Pauline-Rowson's Podcast

Pauline Rowson

Pauline Rowson is a Top 100 Amazon Bestselling crime author of the gripping, multilayered, entertaining crime, mystery, thriller novels featuring DI Andy Horton in the Solent Murder Mystery series; the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set atmospheric Inspector Ryga mysteries. Listen to extracts from Pauline Rowson's crime novels, and from her talks, plus articles and advice on writing crime fiction.
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Millerntalk - Die Seele des FC St. Pauli

Hamburger Abendblatt

"Millerntalk – Die Seele des FC St. Pauli": Tauche tief ein in die Welt des Kultvereins vom Millerntor! In unserem Podcast sprechen Carsten Harms, Rupert Fabig und Maximilian Bronner pünktlich zu jedem Heimspiel über alle wichtigen Themen rund um den FC St. Pauli. Von aktuellen Spielen und exklusiven Interviews bis hin zu spannenden Einblicken hinter die Kulissen und der einzigartigen Fankultur – bei uns kommt jeder St. Pauli-Fan auf seine Kosten. Egal, ob du eingefleischter Fan oder neugier ...
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Pauline Theology's Daily Devotional is a short devotional Paul does everyday where you can listen in on what God is speaking to him daily. He briefly goes through a book of the bible verse by verse and discusses in those verses what it literally says, what it says about God, what it says about people, how does that apply to him, and how he should apply that in his life.
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Der FC St. Pauli ist nicht nur ein Verein wie kein anderer – er bringt auch einzigartige Geschichte(n) hervor. Wir erzählen sie. Im Trialog mit „Schiedsrichter“ und Live-Faktencheck präsentieren und diskutieren Celina, Christoph, Christopher und Thomas vom FC St. Pauli-Museum am Millerntor die besten Stories aus über 111 Jahren braun-weißer Vereins- und Stadtteilgeschichte, von kurios bis bitterernst. Es geht um Highlights und Tiefpunkte, um Fanszene, Pleiten, Pech und Pannen, um Skandale, P ...
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Le Podcast de Pauline Laigneau

Pauline Laigneau

Côtoyer le succès pour inventer le sien... c'est l'ambition que je me suis fixée avec ce podcast. Dans ce podcast, je décortique avec mes invités leur parcours, erreurs, réussites, astuces ou philosophies. Mon objectif : vous aider, via ces mentors virtuels à devenir la meilleure version de vous-même. Je m'appelle Pauline Laigneau, et suis - en plus de votre hôte sur le podcast ! - cofondatrice de la marque de joaillerie Gemmyo.
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Aesthetic Intelligence Podcast ("The Other A.I.") by Pauline Brown

Pauline Brown, Author of Aesthetic Intelligence

Pauline Brown is the former Chairman of LVMH North America. She currently is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School and head of the strategic advisory firm Aesthetic Intelligence Labs, which helps corporate and entrepreneurial clients build brands that resonate and businesses that last. On her radio show she invites friends from the worlds of beauty, fashion, design & retail to explore how socio-cultural trends shape people's tastes and influence their buying behaviors. The show ai ...
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Discover the tools to achieve your educational goals with VET S.O.S. Podcast's Veteran Educational Resources Spotlight. We connect you with experts from campus veteran programs and resource centers, showcasing how schools and organizations support veterans. Learn about tailored programs, services, and opportunities to make informed decisions about your education. Empowering your journey, one conversation at a time.
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Papo com Paulino

Lucas Azevedo Paulino

Podcast para pensar a reconstrução do Brasil nesse ano de bicentenário da independência do país. Os áudios são provenientes de debates realizados no Spaces do Twitter.
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Pauliina Unlimited

Pauliina Laitinen

Filosofian tohtori Pauliina Laitisen oli tarkoitus tehdä vakavaa analyysiä taiteesta ja elämästä , mutta lähti vähän lapasesta ja lopputuloksena tulikin niin ultrakevyttä lifestylepodcastia että on välillä joutunut miettimään riittääkö oma pokka julkaista näitä. Jälkiruokana on mukana myös äänen ventilointia ASMR-podcasteilla. Voit myös tilata henkilökohtaisempia podcastejani seuraavasta linkistä.
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Paulies' Sleepers

Fantasy football podcast focusing on redraft, dynasty, rankings, and draft kings. Revolutionary, modern content and always entertaining! Support this podcast:
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The Pauliehealth Podcast

The Pauliehealth Podcast

Welcome to The Pauliehealth Podcast! The place to go for quick tips and tricks for your health, fitness and mindset! We chase change on this Podcast and I'm hoping you can come along for the ride! 🔥🔥🔥
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Paulio Jordio - The Session Archive

Paulio Jordio - Dnb & dubstep sessions

Was a 'best of' for a while but will now become the archive, i'll be uploading historical mixes and sessions every month until the whole catalogue is here. Might even do something new at some point... Thanks for the ears
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PAULiticamente INCORRECTOS es un Podcast de Paul Landó con la co-conducción de Mariana Olmedo. Programas todos los lunes, miércoles y viernes. Segunda temporada. Lunes: Criminal Miércoles: Paranormal Viernes:Random Con la conducción de Paul Landó y la co-conducción de Mariana Olmedo Escribinos a para contarnos tus casos y a para solicitar espacios publicitarios.
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The intrusive thoughts are in our nature. Paulina Sevastjanova presents Adult tantrum with Paulina podcast, which is dedicated to all people, who just want to know how honest she could become, and how funny sounds throwing the tantrum in the less fortunate circumstances. Her friends would say she becomes harsh, most of them would just agree. Listen for laugh, fun and tantrum. You welcome, Miss Paulina Sevastjanova
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Two time World Champion and analyst for Showtime Boxing, Paulie Malignaggi, along with world famous Peter Cards give you everything you need to know on the sweet science. Paulie provides unique insight that you will not hear anywhere else. Paulie and Pete are serious about boxing, but don't take themselves too seriously and are committed to entertaining and educating boxing fans every week!
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Circuito Memória Paulistana - Jornada do Patrimônio 2021

Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de SP

Uma viagem por diferentes cidades dentro da cidade O projeto é parte integrante da Jornada do Patrimônio 2021, um evento de salvaguarda da história paulistana que entrelaça ações da sociedade e do poder público para a preservação de memórias paulistanas. A partir de mais de 400 pontos mapeados pelo projeto Placas da Memória Paulistana, que realçam locais de interesse histórico na cidade, criamos circuitos temáticos em uma experiência virtual multimídia. Esses circuitos contam a história e ap ...
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Pauline E. Wallner

Pauline Elizabeth Wallner

Welcome to the Rising Stronger Series Podcast. We write, tell, and share stories that inspire, motivate and encourage ourselves and others to overcome life's challenges, roadblocks, and tragedies. If these topics were taken for granted before, now more than ever we have to develop survival strategies.
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Welcome to NO BS with Pauline Nordin. Founder and President of Fighter Diet, Pauline discusses fitness, muscle and health related topics to give you the motivation and inspiration you need to get fit for life! -with Pauline Nordin and Jeff Bosley See podcast video:
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Heart to Heart mit Pauline und Vanessa

Pauline und Vanessa

Willkommen beim 'Heart to Heart' Podcast mit Pauline & Vanessa! Hier geht's um alle Themen, die uns in unseren 20ern beschäftigen. Wir wollen euch an unseren Gesprächen teilhaben lassen, miteinander ehrlich Probleme besprechen, zusammen wachsen und vor allem aus jeder Folge mit einem besseren Gefühl herausgehen. Folgt unserem Instagram: @heart_to_heart.podcast Schickt uns gerne Hörer*innen-Mails an:
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Speak Brazilian Portuguese with Paulo, Paulinho, Paul.

Speak Brazilian Portuguese With Me

Ei galera , sejam bem-vindos ao meu canal ! Hoje eu gostaria de me apresentar: Eu sou o Paulo ! Eu gostaria de convidar todos vocês para ouvir e praticar o seu Português Brasileiro comigo. Eu moro em São Paulo. Vamos falar sobre muitos assuntos durante os nossos podcasts. Então sejam bem-vindos ao Brasil ! Uhuuuuuu! Support this podcast:
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Der gesangsstarke Paradiesvogel und die Königin des Lachyoga haben sich zusammengetan, um wöchentlich die guten Seiten des Lebens hervorzuheben und ihren Höhrer*Innen den Alltag zu versüßen. Im Gespräch sind Tagesthemen, Bekenntnisse, Albernheiten und Neuerfindungen in spielerischen Kategorien. Gisela Kloppke ist eine echte Rampensau und zurecht, da sie regelmäßig auf der Bühne erstrahlt, ihr Publikum verzückt und zum Lachen bringt. Pauline ist eine sonnige Idealistin, die schon immer das Wo ...
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Un té con Barbara y Ana Paulina

Ana Paulina Maya

En este podcast hablamos sobre educación en casa desde la experiencia que nos da una vida entera haciéndolo con nuestras familias. Puedes apoyar el trabajo que hace posible este podcast, haciendo un aporte equivalente a invitarnos a un café.
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All In with Pauline Hawkins

Pauline Hawkins

All In with Pauline Hawkins features guests who have put their chips in the center of the table—risking it all—to pursue their goals and dreams. They have figured out what it takes to make it in their chosen field and have shared it on this podcast.
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Freibeuter und Pfeffersack. Der HSV und FC St. Pauli Podcast

Ansgar Vaut, Justus von Engelhardt.

HSV und St. Pauli: Zwei Vereine - ein Podcast: Justus und Ansgar schnacken zu jedem Spieltag auf erstklassigem Niveau über Hamburgs Zweitligafußball. Über gefühlte Wahrheiten und wahre Gefühle. Über Aufstiegsträume und Abstiegsängste. Kiez und Raute. Millerntor und Volkspark. Hells Bells und Hamburg, meine Perle. Ansgar trägt die Raute im Herzen, Justus ist Fan der Kiezkicker. Gemeinsam hosten die beiden den weltweit einzigen braun-weiß-blau-schwarzen Rautenkicker-Podcast.
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St. Podcast: Der FC St. Pauli Podcast mit ROCK ANTENNE Hamburg

ROCK ANTENNE Hamburg, FC St. Pauli, Jan-Philipp Kalla, Sven Flohr

Der FC St. Pauli macht Podcast! Exklusiv mit ROCK ANTENNE Hamburg veröffentlicht der Hamburger Club seinen ersten Podcast rund um die große, weite Welt des FC St. Pauli. Die Gastgeber Jan-Philipp Kalla und Sven Flohr sprechen mit Menschen im und um den Fußballclub, mit Fans, mit Sportlern, mit Offiziellen - denn der FC St. Pauli ist mehr als "nur" ein Verein und so gibt es viele Geschichten, die noch erzählt werden wollen. Im neuen St. Podcast werdet ihr diese Geschichten alle hören - jeden ...
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show series
"Die Absetzung von 'Das Herz von St. Pauli' – ein Paukenschlag, der das Millerntor erschüttert. Was steckt wirklich hinter der Entscheidung? Im Millerntalk spricht einer derjenigen, die Licht ins Dunkel gebracht haben: Historiker Christoph Nagel. Er deckte die NS-Vergangenheit des Texters Josef Ollig auf und löste damit eine Welle der Kontroversen …
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:23 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Vous êtes entrepreneur, indépendant ou en profession libérale et vous appréciez le format de ces leçons ? Je mets mon expérience à votre service dans un format plus approfondi ici : Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Aujourd’hui, dans cette nouvelle leçon, je réponds aux questions de Valérie,…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:22 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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¿Podemos realmente revertir nuestra edad biológica y sentirnos más jóvenes? En este episodio, hablamos sin filtros con la Dra. Alexandra Jauregui sobre la medicina funcional y su impacto en la perimenopausia, las hormonas y el envejecimiento. Descubre cómo pequeños cambios pueden hacer una gran diferencia en tu bienestar y calidad de vida. ¡Porque …
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:21 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Mes chers amis, aujourd’hui, je vous invite à une conversation absolument captivante avec un visionnaire du voyage : Jean-François Rial, fondateur de Voyageurs du Monde. Cet homme a tout simplement révolutionné l’industrie en anticipant, il y a 30 ans, l’essor d’un tourisme plus pers…
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Pauline is joined by longtime friend and top-notch wealth manager Jill Schildkraut-Katz for a conversation on what it means to be wealthy and how to achieve it. Together, they cover a range of topics, including what people - at all ages and income levels - can do to build wealth and ensure financial independence; how to assess risk and withstand vo…
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Mes chers amis, aujourd’hui, je vous invite à une conversation absolument captivante avec un visionnaire du voyage : Jean-François Rial, fondateur de Voyageurs du Monde. Cet homme a tout simplement révolutionné l’industrie en anticipant, il y a 30 ans, l’essor d’un tourisme plus pers…
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Redefining Prosperity Interview with Dr Alan Stern, founder of Better, Richer, Stronger, where they help you attain prosperity, happiness and more. Support the show Hey everyone, it’s Pauline from The Pauline Chilton Show! One of the reasons our show sounds so great is because we use Adobe products for editing and production. From fine-tuning the a…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:20 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Join us for an inspiring conversation withRandy Spade, the driving force behind Ashland University'sJack W. Liebert Military and Veteran Resource Center. Learn how his teamrevamped veteran services—growing from just 14 identified students toover 400 military-connected families! In this episode, we discuss: ✔️ The journey ofbuilding a veteran-friend…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:19 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paulie & Tony bring on fellow Eagles fan Andrew "McLovin" Perloff (from "The Dan Patrick Show" & "Maggie & Perloff"), but it's a decision they soon regret, as Perloff gives the WORST INTERVIEW in the history of sports talk and gets KICKED OFF THE SHOW. Plus, Paulie & Tony tell you why the proposed tush push ban is DUMB and they explain why Skip Bay…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:18 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Un episodio muy especial y personal de Momento de Desmadre. Han pasado 22 años desde que mi mamá sufrió un derrame cerebral masivo, un momento que lo cambió todo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. La vida nos puso a prueba de la manera más dura, obligándonos a reinventarnos, a encontrar nuevas formas de comunicarnos y a descubrir que el amor no siempre …
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:12-17 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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In this podcast I am answering a question from an audience on whether or not I write my crime novels sequentially and I talk about my system for plotting my novels. I am the author of the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mysteries, the Art Marvik Mystery Thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga novels. Published by Joffe Books all my crime novels are…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:6-11 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Mon invité du jour est Apollonia Poilâne, dirigeante de la célèbre maison éponyme. Vous pourrez retrouver Poilâne sur presque tous les réseaux sociaux et notamment Instagram. Concernant Apollonia elle est essentiellement présente sur LinkedIn. Pour tout vous dire Apollonia et moi on …
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Mon invité du jour est Apollonia Poilâne, dirigeante de la célèbre maison éponyme. Vous pourrez retrouver Poilâne sur presque tous les réseaux sociaux et notamment Instagram. Concernant Apollonia elle est essentiellement présente sur LinkedIn. Pour tout vous dire Apollonia et moi on …
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Pauline is joined in the studio by Tracey Abbott, who recently decided to step back from her role as an operating partner at a leading private equity firm to become an executive coach for clients in private equity, venture capital and family offices. During the conversation Tracey reflects on her experiences in the world of private equity as well a…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:3-5 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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In this powerful episode of VET S.O.S., we sit down with Andrew Roman, Director of Veteran Initiatives at Columbia Southern University (CSU). With an impressive 32-year career in the Michigan Army National Guard, Andrew shares his transformative journey from enlisting in 1986 to retiring as Chief of Staff in 2018. He candidly opens up about the cha…
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Am Sonnabend (15.30 Uhr/Sky) wird Lutz Wagner auf der Tribüne sitzen, wenn der FC St. Pauli beim 1. FSV Mainz 05 antritt. Der langjährige Bundesligaschiedsrichter (197 Erstligaspiele) ist nach dem Ende seiner aktiven Karriere als Schiedsrichterbeobachter eingeteilt. „Das kann man sich so vorstellen, dass ich eine Art Trainer des Schiedsrichters bin…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:2 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paulie & Tony Fusco do a hard-hitting special report about the NBA All-Star Game DISASTER and tell you exactly went wrong, even though they didn't actually watch the game. Then they open up the Fusco Hot Take Hotline to get some "interesting" ideas from callers on how to fix the game (other than canceling it, which is the obvious solution). Plus, t…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 13:1 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:49-50 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:47-48 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Aujourd’hui, je reçois un invité dont le travail est essentiel, et dont les réflexions méritent une large diffusion : Jean-Pierre Bellon. Professeur agrégé de philosophie, Jean-Pierre consacre depuis plus de 25 ans de sa carrière à la lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire. À travers s…
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Zoltán und Christian treffen sich zu einem Gespräch über das Herz von St. Pauli und das Freiburg-Spiel. Außerdem übersetzten wir eine Woche vor der Bundestagswahl den Wahlaufruf gegen Rechts des Vereins. Den in der Sendung erwähnten Blogbeitrag des Magischer FC könnt ihr hier nachlesen:…
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Aujourd’hui, je reçois un invité dont le travail est essentiel, et dont les réflexions méritent une large diffusion : Jean-Pierre Bellon. Professeur agrégé de philosophie, Jean-Pierre consacre depuis plus de 25 ans de sa carrière à la lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire. À travers s…
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NFL insiders Paulie & Tony Fusco tell you why Patrick Mahomes could be getting CUT by the Kansas City Chiefs after that EMBARRASSING loss to the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl 59. Also, find out why Travis Kelce SHOULD NOT BE ATTACKED for his "poor play", and why everyone's wrong about the Taylor Swift booing incident. Plus, a special tribute to…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:46 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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In this episode of the VET S.O.S. Podcast, we sit down with Joshua Rider, Executive Director for the Center for Adult and Veteran Services at Kent State University. Joshua shares his inspiring journey from a Kent State undergraduate to leading initiatives that support military-connected students. Discover how Kent State serves its 1,000+ military-a…
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Taken from a talk I gave on how I plot and write my crime novels, this extract looks at where my ideas come from and how I turn those ideas into plots. I am the author of the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga historical mysteries. All my crime novels are set against the ba…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:44-45 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:42-43 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Vous êtes entrepreneur, indépendant ou en profession libérale et vous appréciez le format de ces leçons ? Je mets mon expérience à votre service dans un format plus approfondi ici : Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. À vos rêves. Aujourd’hui je vous retrouve pour une nouvelle leçon du mercredi. Comme touj…
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:41 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Paul walks through The Gospel According to John 12:35-36 and discusses what the author is literally writing, what he says about God, what he says about man, and how Paul can apply this in his own life. If you would like to support the podcast check out our donation page! ★ Support this podcast ★Paul Rideout
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Sports talk legends Paulie & Tony Fusco tell you why Jalen Hurts & the Philadelphia Eagles CRUSHING the Kansas City Chiefs is biggest win in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Plus, they show you why Patrick Mahomes was worse than you might think, and how the refs BLEW the Super Bowl for the Chiefs. Also, they name the BIGGEST loser of the night. Rate and r…
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Cet épisode est rendu possible grâce à ma nouvelle formation "Reprenez le contrôle de votre temps : faites plus en moins de temps". Pour fêter le lancement, vous bénéficiez de -25% jusqu’au 10 février avec le temps TEMPS25 profitez en : Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez gr…
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Rien n’est impossible à ceux qui rêvent assez grand. Le stress, l’anxiété, le burn-out… Ces réalités du monde du travail sont omniprésentes. Pourtant, entre discours alarmistes et banalisation, il est parfois difficile d’y voir clair. Quand parle-t-on réellement de burn-out ? Quels sont les signes qui doivent alerter ? Et surtout, comment prévenir …
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