Welcome to Alex Olivares Topic, where I explain some stuff that’s going on in my life and explaining stuff like school,videography, upcoming films and etc. make sure you subscribe so you will be updated on the latest episodes when they are officially available. make sure to catch up on all the seasons and episodes. Enjoy!
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Welcome to the Josue Olivares podcast, where amazing things happen.
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No description Cover art photo provided by Jason Leem on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jleeems
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Haz que emerja de ti una mejor persona.
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Welcome to the Rodimil Olivares podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Carlos Andrés Rubio Olivares, where amazing things happen.
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Oscar Olivares, where amazing things happen, at least I tell that to my self everyday Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/oscar-olivares/support
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My goals for 2025💫, tiktok ban, Mexico trip update🇲🇽, got sick, Crash Adams concert plans, movie update🎬etc…
In today’s podcast OF SEASON 5 THE FIRST EPISODE OF 2025, I will explain my goals for 2025, the TikTok ban and how it affected everyone and EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED, the Upcoming CA concert, how I got sick the day I got back from Mexico, my plans for my LA movie this year “The Return Of Alex Takes Over LA” and so on!!…
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My WHOLESOME UNREAL experience talking to Rafaele Massarelli (Crash Adams) on IG LIVE, quick life update, 2025 goals and plans, December Mexico trip 🇲🇽✨
Welcome to the last OFFICIAL episode of this entire season for season 4! Can’t wait for what Season 5 brings us next year! First episode of Season 5 drops in January so stay tuned! In this episode, I talk about my goals and plans for 2025 (new years resolution), a quick update on my life, my UNREAL experience with talking to the legend singer and l…
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In this podcast for Season 4, I explain why I’ve been MIA on the podcast, and explain further what’s the move for the next few months, new exciting content, Alex Takes Over LA is making a return, etc!!
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Today in this podcast, me and Celeste are going to talk about my childhood memories, why I didn’t go to college, life updates, and other stuff. Listen to the previous seasons and episodes to keep up with the latest updates on my life.
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Today in this episode, me and my friend Celeste will be talking about our high school experiences, my upcoming trip to Mexico, and a lot more! So stay tuned!
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In this podcast, I’m giving you a life update in 2024. Sadly I’ve been unable to record podcasts, but we’re back better than ever with a new season, and a fresh new start. Today we’re talking about life after high school, what’s next for me, music updates, album releases, and more!!
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Spilling The Tea About High School + Life Update, Getting Sick, Storytimes, Unreleased Music And Much More!!
Hey Guys!! It's been a while since I haven't posted due to school, but it's summer, getting to new and better things. This might be our last episode as a duo team (Me, (Alex), Abraham and Jack), We are all taking our own separates routes, but we will sometime later in the future make another podcast together. Trust!! Anyways.... Today in this podca…
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Hi, My Name is Alex, I am a videographer/Vlogger! I make podcasts and vlogs/films and more.... check me out on here on podcasts and music!! Hope you like my podcasts! I’m done with music already so I’ll do more podcasts soon...... Have a nice day!!
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I’m back, better than ever for this 2nd episode of SEASON 3!! I haven’t posted due to school but we are back! In this episode, we are testing to see Who Knows Me Better, Jack or Abraham. Wanna find out who won? Stick around till the end of this podcast and find out!
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In this podcast, we will be going over what will we expect in this Hollywood premiere of Alex Takes Over LA, compared to last years 3 part mini docuseries, this one is way different than the other film. Listen to find out… SEASON 3 IS BACK!!
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This is sadly the shortest, but last episode of this season, but SEASON 3 IS COMING JANUARY 1ST! SO STAY TUNED, I’m going to take a break from podcast for a while, but I’ll be back later in these months or January 2022. Thank you for understanding, have a good day :)
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Here is another update on my life, and birthday docuseries info. Also preparing for 2022 and see what it brings us and new films coming soon…
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Wanna know where I’ve been? What I’ve been up to? Listen to the full podcast to find out!
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Hey I will be talking about why I haven’t made a podcast since November 8, 2020. Also I am posting a new docuseries so stay tuned.
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This podcast explains why Alex didn’t post as much podcasts as he did back in the summer!
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In this episode, Alex explains on how his first day/week of school went and he also updates on upcoming content and talks about the update on the podcast.
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We are already on season 2! Wow! This podcast includes just updates for August and explaining some stuff coming soon and online school!
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In this podcast, Alex talks about tips people should listen to if they wanna travel to LA! Things you should know and tips! Btw this is the last episode of season 1! Season 2 is coming next year or this year... you’ll have to find out...
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In this podcast, Alex talks about his crushes and middle school advice and more stuff.
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In this episode, Alex talks about his plan for the future like when he is done with college and what his plan is for the future and what is up next! That also includes new films and a update for my new documentary, Alex Olivares: Uncut!
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Today’s topic is how I dealt with hate comments, accounts, etc. on social media.
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In this episode talks about my YouTube journey about my vlogging.
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I don’t really make music anymore but I thought it would be a good idea to make this podcast!
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¿Tú tienes algún superhéroe favorito o tú eres el héroe?
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La cincia actual ens permet predir amb fora exactitud com ser la nostra salut d'aqu uns anys en funci dels nostres hbits ara mateix. Agafeu-vos, que venen revolts.
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Sabeu que decidim la quantitat de menjar que posem al plat segons la mida del paquet d'on traiem l'aliment? Sabeu amb quin oli hem de fregir les croquetes? Avui, consells d'organitzaci a la cuina per menjar ms sa, amb l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares.
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Menjar sa s ms car que menjar malament? Avui, amb l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares, receptes per menjar b i no deixar-nos-hi un rony.
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Per qu creiem que ens engreixem i per qu ens engreixem realment, avui, amb l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares. Inclou un "tip" final fcil d'executar per incorporar als nostres hbits d'alimentaci diaris. Per qu no ho poseu en prctica?
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Parlem de carbassa i kombutxa, una beguda fermentada feta amb te.
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Figues i verdures amb Adam Martn i David Olivares. I, de propina, recepta de Paula Mols - 10/09/18
Les virtuts nutricionals de les figues i coses molt bones que li passaran al vostre cos si mengeu verdura sense mesura, avui amb l'Adam Martn i el David Olivares. Amb recepta per llepar-se els dits de Paula Mols inclosa.
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Per qu ens sentim culpables desprs de l'estiu? Idees i pautes per recuperar la normalitat desprs dels excessos de l'estiu sense haver de fer dietes ni invents estranys, amb l'Adam Martn i el David Olivares.
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Come and listen to episode 3 for a fun ironman training update--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/oscar-olivares/support
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Take a listen to my first HOT YOGA or any YOGA experience for that matter. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/oscar-olivares/support
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Creieu que ho sabeu tot sobre l'alimentaci saludable? Poseu-vos a prova amb el test alimentari de final de curs que ens porten l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares.
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Un llistat de les coses que fem malament quan arriba el bon temps i ens agafa l'obsessi per aprimar-nos. Amb l'Adam Martn i el David Olivares.
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Aclarim qu volen dir i com estan regulats legalment conceptes com ara "ecolgic", "bio", "superaliment", "orgnic", "sense sucres afegits", "artesanal" o "quilmetre zero", amb l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares.
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Els protagonistes del primer captol estiuenc de "M'importa un rave" sn els aliments que els propers mesos ens ajudaran a protegir la pell del sol. L'Adam Martin i en David Olivares parlen, discuteixen i debaten sobre els aliments ms rics en antioxidants que ja podem afegir a la llista d'anar a comprar.…
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A l'interior del cos, hi tenim 100 bilions de bacteris i fongs, convivint amb nosaltres. s la microbiota, un conjunt de microorganismes indispensables per estar sans, que podem reforar consumint aliments probitics i prebitics. Ens ho expliquen l'Adam Martin i en David Olivares.
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Si no ho tens, no t'ho menges: primer manament per no afartar-se de galetes de xocolata, cotnes de porc o crispetes de xorio. Adam Martn i David Olivares, estrategues alimentaris, ens confien els seus trucs.
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L'Adam Martn i el David Olivares s'han posat a comptar quilocalories. El David ha fet un estudi de mercat i ha descobert que el Bony s el pastisset que menys en t! L'Adam ens recomana menjar fruita seca i alvocat, entre altres aliments, malgrat que tenen moltes quilocalories. Sn aliments molt calrics i molt sans.…
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Podem anar al supermercat i comprar tranquils. L'Adam Martn i el David Olivares ens fan la llista dels aliments saludables: llegums de pot i verdures envasades, entre d'altres.
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Patates fregides, caf torrat, cereals i molts altres productes alimentaris porten acrilamida, una substncia potencialment nociva per a la salut. No fa gaire, un jutge de Califrnia va obligar diferents establiments a advertir que el caf que serveixen pot provocar cncer perqu cont aquesta substncia. Avui, descobrim qu sn les acrilamides i en quines q…
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Persones ocupades i mandroses, escolteu-nos! Si no teniu temps ni voluntat per voleu viure una mica millor, l'Adam Martn i el David Olivares saben coses que us interessen.
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Diumenge va ser el Dia Mundial Sense Dieta, i dilluns ha estat el Dia Mundial En Qu Venen l'Adam Martn i el David Olivares i ens expliquen dietes per deixar-nos insomnes tres dies, de menjar gel a cosir-se una tira a la llengua pel mdic preu de 2.000 dlars.
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Quant calci necessitem? Amb quins ingredients el podem aconseguir? Sn els lctics l'nica font per obtenir-ne? Avui, tot el que heu de saber del calci, amb l'Adam Martn i en David Olivares.
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