In his weekly Catholic Bible study podcast, Jeff shares faith tips and scripture truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.
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Fr. Al Lauer, founder of Presentation Ministries, teaches through the Old Testament Scriptures book by book
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Fr. Al Lauer, founder of Presentation Ministries, teaches through the New Testament Scriptures chapter by chapter
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Raising up disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ through an in-depth Catholic Bible Study
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World-renowned Catholic Scholars from the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology lead in-depth Catholic Bible Studies to help the faithful encounter the Scriptures to further understanding and devotion to the inspired Word of God. These Bible Studies are brought to you by Formed and are made possible by the Mission Circle giving society. Consider furthering the mission of the Augustine Institute to help Catholics understand, live, and share their faith by visiting ...
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Sharon Doran Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Sharon Doran
Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study
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Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study with Sharon Doran - Discerning Hearts
Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Trusted Catholic Spiritual Formation and Direction
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The Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother of Nebraska City gather with a group of parishioners from St. Mary's and St. Benedict's parishes to read, pray, study, and reflect on the meaning of the upcoming Sunday Mass Readings. Through their Catholic Bible Study, they hope to be able to more fruitfully receive our Lord in Holy Communion each Sunday.
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Learn more about how a man can grow in happiness at, including daily Gospel devotions from the Mass for every day of the year. The podcast can help a man draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father. In every episode, a man can hear the Gospel reading from the Holy Catholic Mass, hear what Jesus is accomplishing, discover what can lead a man to be more awed by Jesus ...
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Teaching 2 of 4 on 1 and 2 ChroniclesFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 17 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Episode 246 - Jesus reveals that men must repent or perish in the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree - Sunday March 23, 2025 - Lk 13:1-9
Jesus reveals that men must repent or perish in the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by fearing the punishment of the eternal Hell and by seeking the Gift of Knowledge so he can recognize and repent from his sins and by pursuing the Virtue of Magnificence so he can become great by being fruitful in Christ. Go…
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Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. Jeff reflects on the power of small acts of kindness in the Body of Christ. He emphasizes how our willingness to endure small inconveniences can make a significant difference and help us become more like Jesus. Snippet from the Show Inconveniences can lead to fruitful outcomes for both th…
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Have you ever wanted to grow in your understanding and devotion to the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary? Join Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Elizabeth Klein as they walk through these Biblical mysteries and seek to grow in understanding and love for Christ through them. This episode on the Transfiguration is the fourth episode of a five part series on the L…
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Teaching 1 of 4 on 1 and 2 ChroniclesFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 16 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 4 of 4 on 1 and 2 KingsFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 15 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 3 of 4 on 1 and 2 KingsFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 14 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 2 of 4 on 1 and 2 KingsFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 13 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 1 of 4 on 1 and 2 KingsFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 12 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 5 of 5 on 1 and 2 SamuelFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 11 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 4 of 5 on 1 and 2 SamuelFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 10 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 3 of 5 on 1 and 2 SamuelFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 9 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 2 of 5 on 1 and 2 SamuelFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 8 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Episode 245 - Jesus is supernaturally transfigured and the Trinity is revealed - Sunday March 16, 2025 - Lk 9:28b-36
Jesus is supernaturally transfigured and the Trinity is revealed. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Humility so he can be humbled and awed at Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist and by pursuing the Virtue of Perseverance so he can frequently anticipate his own glorified body. Go to to grow f…
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Teaching 1 of 5 on 1 and 2 SamuelFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 7 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 1 of 1 on Song of SongsFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 6 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Do you find it hard to be patient? Jeff discusses how hope and prayer are essential in developing the virtue of patience. Through Biblical examples and the analogy of early and latter rains in farming, Jeff illustrates the importance of waiting for God's timing. Snippet from the Show Hope and prayer help us adjust our expectations with Jesus and gr…
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Teaching 1 of 1 on RuthFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 5 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Do you desire to grow in your understanding and devotion to the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary? Join Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. James Prothro as they walk through these biblical mysteries and seek to grow in love for Christ through them. This episode on the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God is the third episode of a five-part series on the Luminous M…
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Teaching 2 of 2 on JudgesFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 4 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Episode 243 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 11 of 11 - The dead body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross and placed in the Holy Sepulcher - Jn 19:31-42; Mt 27:61-66
The dead body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross and placed in the Holy Sepulcher. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Virtue of Hope so he can always trust Jesus to raise his body from decay and death and by building the Virtue of Charity so he can help many to receive life in Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. Go to E…
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Episode 242 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 10 of 11 - Jesus dies on the Cross - Mt 27:45-56
Jesus dies on the Cross. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Gratitude so he can give Jesus thanks that He personally died to save him and by pursuing the Virtue of Piety so he can more fully receive the fruits of Holy Communion. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. See the special ser…
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Episode 237 - POST - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 5 of 11 - Jesus is rejected by the Jewish mob and is scourged - Sunday March 24, 2024 – Mt 27:15-21; Jn 18:39-19:3
Jesus is rejected by the Jewish mob and is scourged. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Counsel from the Holy Spirit so he can make holy choices, especially when faced with difficult decisions, and by pursuing the Virtue of Self-control so he can remember and meditate upon the Scourging of Jesus and grow in Chastity. Go…
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Episode 240 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 8 of 11 - Jesus carries His Cross to the place of The Skull - Lk 23:26-33
Jesus carries His Cross to the place of The Skull. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Sacrifice so he can embrace self-sacrifice and follow Jesus Christ and by pursuing the Virtue of Patience so he can endure the sorrows of his own personal cross. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. …
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Episode 239 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 7 of 11- Jesus is condemned to death after the Jewish mob calls for His crucifixion - Jn 19:4-16; Mt 27:24-26
Jesus is condemned to death after the Jewish mob calls for His crucifixion. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Fruit of Generosity from the Holy Spirit so he can frequently remember to have sorrow that his own sins contributed to Christ's Crucifixion and be moved to pray for all sinners and by building the Virtue of Diligence s…
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Episode 241 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 9 of 11 - Jesus is crucified and suffers on the Cross – Mt 27:35-44
Jesus is crucified and suffers on the Cross. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can imitate Jesus Christ from the Cross and forgive others and by building the Virtue of Sacrifice so he can heroically sacrifice himself to build Christ's Holy Catholic Church.…
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Episode 238 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 6 of 11 - Jesus is crowned with thorns and mocked by Roman soldiers - Jn 19:2-3; Mt 27:27-30; Mk 15:16-19
Jesus is crowned with thorns and mocked by Roman soldiers. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by pursuing the Virtue of Justice so he can always refuse to cooperate with evil and by building the Virtue of Courage by meditating upon the the Crowning with Thorns of Jesus Christ. Go to to grow further in holiness and happine…
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Episode 235 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 3 of 11- Jesus's prophecy of St. Peter's three denials come true - Mt 26:69-75
Jesus' prophecy of St. Peter's three denials come true. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Prudence so he only makes promises he is able and willing to keep and by cultivating the Virtue of Truth so he can always avoid making false oaths of any kind. Go to to grow further in holiness and happines…
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Episode 236 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 4 of 11 - Jesus is interrogated by Pilate and Herod - Jn 18:28-38, Lk 23:6-12
Jesus is interrogated by Pilate and Herod. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he can be guided by God when he is confronted by prideful men and by building the Virtue of Fortitude so he can imitate Christ when facing and enduring persecution. Go to to grow further i…
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Episode 234 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 2 of 11 - Jesus is condemned to death by the Jewish leadership - Mt 26:57-68, 27:1-10
Jesus is condemned to death by the Jewish leadership. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by building the Virtue of Kindness so he can bear love instead of false witness and by seeking the Virtue of Hope so he can never fail to place his hope in God and reject suicide. Go to to grow further in holiness and happiness. See t…
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Teaching 1 of 2 on JudgesFr. Al Lauer
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Teaching 3 of 20 on LukeFr. Al Lauer
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Episode 233 - The Passion of Jesus Christ Bible Study - Part 1 of 11 - Jesus undergoes the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane - Jn 18:1-12
Jesus undergoes the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit so he can always have deep contrition for his sins and by building the Virtue of Obedience so he can strive to conform his will to the Will of God. Go to to grow further in holine…
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Teaching 2 of 2 on JoshuaFr. Al Lauer
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