This is No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce, where one of the most famous names in Premier League management opens up his book of contacts each week to discuss all all the latest topics in the world of football. Each week, Sam is alongside presenter Natalie Pike, who gets to ask Sam and the guests all the questions a football fan wants to know, plus exclusive bits of insight and of course endless off-field and touchline stories!
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Liderança, gestão, autodesenvolvimento, empreendedorismo, protagonismo e otras cositas más. Ideias e reflexões que provoquem sua melhoria contínua! Com Allan Pimenta
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(Kb.) minden második héten a Szex-Akció Hírcsoport műsorvezetői kérdezőkből véleményvezérré válnak, és megfejtik az élet nagy kérdéseit a hallgatók/csetelők segítségével. Bő egy óra lazulás 'round the world! (A műsorban időnként csapongunk a témák között, így leírás nem vagy ritkán tartozik az adásokhoz, de a pontos kezdést és véget így is igyekszünk mindig beállítani.)
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Stu Allan Foundation Podcast service incorporates Stu Allan Radio - OSN Radio - OSN Radio PLUS - Bounce Nation Radio or search your app store for STU ALLAN....
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Debatimos cualquier tema relacionado con el mundo paranormal y crimen.
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Nytolkningar av William Shakespeares klassiker Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Doreen Kanter
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Existe un espacio que se esconde entre las sombras que emitirá desde enclaves extraños y lugares que encierran historias ocultas. Podcast de misterio y de indagaciones sobre el terreno
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Allan Walsh and Adam Wylde sit down each week with the biggest names in hockey to deliver you never heard before stories from within the game.
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Spretig radio från Förbundet Allt åt alla
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La storia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva" e youtuber. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Un podcast che tratta quei dischi che osano, dividono e ci fanno chiedere se siano puro genio, disorientamento totale o solo una moda passeggera. Tra curiosità, ricordi personali e discussioni sorprendenti, ogni episodio è un viaggio tra suoni e storie indimenticabili!
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Podcast by Allan M
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30 Erzählungen von Edgar Allan Poe, dem Altmeister des Gruselns.
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ALLATRA TV è una INTERNET TV di Volontariato Internazionale del Movimento Sociale ALLATRA, i cui partecipanti vivono in tutto il mondo. Storie affascinanti sulla conoscenza di sé stessi, conversazioni sincere sulle cose più importanti per ogni persona, buone notizie, interviste esclusive, programmi educativi, corsi di montaggio video, ecc. Questo e molto altro ancora sul canale educativo, creativo, mondiale è in continuo aggiornamento ALLATRA TV. Per partecipare ai progetti o per esprimere l ...
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With a straight down the middle approach, Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive on Newstalk ZB delivers the very latest news and views to New Zealanders as they wrap up their day.
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Allan McKay is an award winning Visual Effects Supervisor and Technical Director in Hollywood - join Allan as he interviews many of the leading experts in Hollywood about their careers, pitfalls and what they took to succeed, while also gaining a lot of core knowledge to help build your career, money and success and skills to make the biggest impact in your career AND in your life!
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Devaajille suunnattu podcast pinnan alla tapahtuvasta ohjelmistoteknologian magiasta. Puikoissa Markus Hjort ja Yrjö Kari-Koskinen – rakkaudesta lajiin.
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Impostare la lista della spesa su Alexa, ordinare un pacco e riceverlo il giorno dopo, guardare una serie tv. Sono azioni entrate nel nostro quotidiano e che svolgiamo con naturalezza. Di tutto ciò, però, vediamo solo il risultato. Ma come funzionano alcuni dei servizi che hanno cambiato le nostre vite? È arrivato il momento di aprire le porte dell’universo Amazon, con un racconto itinerante che, attraverso la voce di Matteo Curti, farà emergere un mondo fino a ora inedito. Buon viaggio!
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Podden Mot Alla Podds är ett projekt där de två vilsna själarna från Göteborg delar med sig av sina erfarenheter av missbruk, rädslor, tillkortakommanden och blottläggar alla möjliga tabun.Podden är ett verktyg för att hjälpa andra att också krossa stigmat och våga ta steget att bryta farliga livsmönster. Podden är även ett roligt samt allvarsamt projekt där vi leker med koncept såsom fiktion men även killgissningar. Kan innehålla spår av humor och anekdoter,restskatt m.m. Med Jimmy Raussi o ...
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Il podcast di "polaroid - un blog alla radio", in onda ogni settimana da Bologna su NEU Radio! Novità indiepop e indie rock tra un brindisi e l'altro :)
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Join Brett weekly as he chats with your favorite celebrities from film, television, comedy, music and more. Plus, you never know who will drop in! Thanks for listening and being a part of the show!
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Det er næppe nogen overdrivelse at benævne Edgar Allan Poe som gysets sande mester. Her følger et lille udvalg af historier, som fører lytteren gennem en oplevelse af alt lige fra den mest psykopatiske kynisme og over til noget der minder om direkte mareridtsagtige drømme. (Forord af Kristoffer Hunsdahl)
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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RandomMakingMovies Podcast med Jonsson, Kulan och Jonas. Nya avsnitt varje onsdag och specialavsnitt för publicerade videos en gång i månaden på YouTube. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt hittar ni på vår Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Film alla Radio: la trasmissione che vi porta al cinema con le parole. Ti piacciono i film? Ti piace ascoltare le storie? Allora non perderti Film alla Radio, la trasmissione che ti porta al cinema con le parole. Ogni settimana, un team di esperti ti racconta un film in 40 minuti, parlandoti della trama, dei personaggi, del regista, dell’ambientazione, dei costumi e di tutto quello che rende un film un’opera d’arte. Ti faranno vivere le emozioni, le risate, le lacrime, le sorprese e i colpi ...
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Welcome to the Rehan Allahwala podcast, where amazing things happen.
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The latest on the Scottish and UK economy from a leading independent economic research institute based in the University of Strathclyde.
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¡Te doy la bienvenida a ”Más Allá Con Ivelisse”! Soy Ivelisse López, tu apasionada guía en el fascinante viaje de la vida y los negocios. Como Coach de Vida y Negocios, Mentora en Bienes Raíces y Emprendedora apasionada, mi visión trasciende los límites convencionales. Aquí, nos sumergiremos juntos en el terreno donde convergen la vida, los negocios y la realización personal. Mi enfoque como coach se centra en desbloquear tu potencial, cultivar la resiliencia y construir una base sólida para ...
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Prof. Sanel Ramić Serijal predavanja o Allahovim lijepim imenima
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Buscamos el empoderamiento femenino platicando sobre todo tipo temas importantes y necesarios de la mujer en la actualidad. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to the Allana Ferreira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Audioguida NON UFFICIALE per la visita alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano
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Deep dive analytics in the world of music
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Aprende sobre estilo de vida, belleza, espiritualidad y psicología.
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Aquí brindamos información, análisis y entrevistas sobre las artes, cultura y deportes como te gusta a ti.
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Allan Morrow (UK) is a name which has become synonymous with the worldwide Trance community, this talented DJ & producer from the United Kingdom has spent years perfecting his production talents and in turn his music has received support from various high profile DJ’s such as Armin Van Buuren, Simon Patterson & Aly & Fila amongst many more. Allan first got immersed in Electronic Dance music by a visit to the clubbing capital of the world Ibiza; a trip to the legendary Amnesia for Cream follo ...
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My thoughts on the world through my observation, interpretation and understanding
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Love Allah and His Prophet more than anything and get Jannah as Reward.
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Allan experiments with podcasting and makes a new episode every other week.
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ALLATRA TV es un canal de televisión en línea internacional voluntaria del Movimiento Internacional Social "ALLATRA", cuyos participantes son las personas de diferentes países del mundo. - historias fascinantes sobre el conocimiento de sí mismo; - diálogos sinceros sobre lo más importante para cada persona; - buenas noticias; - entrevistas inusuales; - transmisiones cognitivas (de interés); - programas educativos y más.
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Podcast by ALLAN DRAX
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Allan Mandindi
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Allan McLennan shares his stories as a birding enthusiast from the Sapphire Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
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Nu finns ett avsnitt av P3 Klassikern om Stormen. Följ med på en djupdykning i pjäsen som tolkats på så många sätt. Gäst är Nanna Olasdotter Hallberg. Lyssna på P3 Klassikern om Stormen HÄR.Sveriges Radio
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Marco + In quel tempo, Gesù cominciò di nuovo a insegnare lungo il mare. Si riunì attorno a lui una folla enorme, tanto che egli, salito su una barca, si mise a sedere stando in mare, mentre tutta la folla era a terra lungo la riva. Insegnava loro molte cose con p…
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Romerska hälsningar & slagsmålet i Slussen
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Vi pratar om det senaste som hänt i vår omvärld och minns tillbaka till tiderna med gamla Slussen och det stora slagsmålet. Längre avsnitt av podden hittar ni på vår Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nu var det dags för ytterligare ett tema-avsnitt, veckans tema är ILSKA!!! Vart kan man ta vägen när man blir sådär förjodat arg? Hur kan man hantera det på bästa sätt? Det ska vi bena ut i detta avsnitt tillsammans med er lyssnare. Vi delar i vanlig ordning med oss om hur vi hanterar ilska och irritation/aggressivitet men också våra hetaste tips p…
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¿Qué pasaría si en lugar de juzgarte, te trataras con la misma ternura y empatía que le ofreces a un amigo querido? En este episodio de Más Allá con Ivelisse, exploramos juntos el camino hacia la compasión propia en un mundo que frecuentemente nos empuja hacia el perfeccionismo y la autocrítica. A través de reflexiones profundas y prácticas poderos…
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Bentrovati e benvenuti ad un altro appuntamento con la serie Film alla Radio. Siete con Marco Pieroni e Radioincontri inblu Cortona. Basato sull'opera teatrale Everybody Comes to Rick's di Murray Burnett e Joan Alison, è girato e ambientato durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il film narra la storia di un ex contrabbandiere statunitense (Bogart) es…
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Acquista il mio nuovo libro, “Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva”: Cosa accadde in Cina dopo la Prima guerra mondiale? Quale strana e inedita alleanza si venne a formare tra nazionalisti e comunisti? Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:…
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CODEX 11X153 Randonáutica y las brujas
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CODEX 11X153 Randonáutica y las brujas Vía de contacto: Nos puedes encontrar también en Youtube, Tik Tok y en el grupo de Telegram Codex más allá del misterio. Ensayos y novelas publicadas: ENTRE HISTORIAS EXTRAÑAS. Amazon CAZADORES DE MISTERIOS. Ediciones Cydonia CAZADORES DE MISTERIOS 2. Editorial Guante Blanco CAZADORES D…
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“Please forgive me” implorano i Glazyhaze nel loro nuovo singolo che apre la scaletta di questa sera, e se anche voi avete qualcosina da farvi perdonare, almeno per i prossimi sessanta minuti, consideratevi tutti assolti e liberi grazie a questa bella selezione di novità indiepop e indie rock, a cui si aggiungono il prezioso supporto di Benty e del…
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Vi gästas av Håkan Svenneling (V), först pratar vi lite om Nato och lite om Gaza, men huvvudtemat för avsnittet är Trumps uttalanden om att ta över Kanada, Panamakanalen och framförallt: Grönland. Vi behandlar bland annat det politiska läget på Grönland, som har ett vänsterstyre, och reaktionerna på Trumps utspel. Och inte minst: Vilka snabbmatsked…
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Gail Downey: UK correspondent on the UK Government increasing funding for expansions at Heathrow, Gatwick and Luton airports
The UK Government is looking to 'fight for growth' and expand the resources dedicating to funding major airports. British finance minister Rachel Reeves is expected to throw her support behind the expansion of Heathrow Airport in a bid to boost the economy. UK correspondent Gail Downey explained what else people could expect ahead of the incoming u…
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Andrew Curtayne: Milford Asset Management expert on stocks bouncing back following DeepSeek debacle
Over in the US, tech stocks have picked up again after a 3 percent selloff after Chinese startup DeepSeek caused a storm in the AI industry. The stocks took a dive earlier in the week after DeepSeek stunned the tech world by revealing it could compete with US counterparts at a fraction of the cost. Milford Asset Management's Andrew Curtayne explain…
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Jenee Tibshraeny: NZ Herald Wellington business editor on the rise in people shopping around for better mortgage rates
Bank switching surged in December, as those with mortgages appear to have shopped around for cheaper debt at a record rate. Just over $2 billion of mortgage debt changed hands between banks and non-banks during the month - a record amount since at least 2017 when Reserve Bank records began. NZ Herald Wellington business editor Jenee Tibshraeny expl…
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Tonight on The Huddle, Auckland Councillor Maurice Williamson and Jack Tame from ZB's Saturday Mornings and Q&A joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day - and more! The Government is set to bump up some of the speed limits that were reduced under their Labour predecessors. Is this a good call? What do we make of the newest Wh…
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Jack Heinemann: Canterbury University genetics professor on the Doomsday Clock moving closer to midnight
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have moved their Doomsday Clock to 89 seconds to midnight. The clock symbolically illustrates how close humanity is to the end of the world. Canterbury University professor Jack Heinemann says escalating global tensions have increased the threat of nuclear war - and lack of action on climate change has raised c…
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Full Show Podcast: 29 January 2025
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On the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Full Show Podcast for Wednesday, 29 January 2025, will higher speed limits make our roads unsafer? Ryan Bridge asks Transport Minister Chris Bishop if more road deaths as a result would be acceptable. Failing health infrastructure is at a crunch point, Auckland Hospital's main building, including the maternity …
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Chris Kane: Fonterra Director of Global Engineering on the company's plan to invest more into electrification
Fonterra is investing $150 million into electrification over the next 18 months. The collective says the projects across the North Island are a significant step towards its climate goals and operational resilience. It includes electric boilers at the Whareroa, Edgecumbe, and Waitoa sites - and more fleet decarbonisation. Fonterra's Director of Glob…
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Malcolm Mulholland: Patient Voice Aotearoa Chair on the water in Auckland City Hospital being shut off
Patients in Auckland City Hospital's main building are without hot water. An issue with pipes emerged yesterday afternoon - and will take up to three days to fix. Te Whatu Ora says it has contingency plans ensuring clinical care continues. Patient Voice Aotearoa Chair Malcolm Mulholland says the maternity ward's in that building. "They're going to …
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Diane Calvert: Wellington City Councillor on the Doctor Who exhibition joining the list of loss-makers for convention centre
A third major exhibition at Wellington's $180 million convention centre has failed to break even. The City Council is refusing to quantify the deficit for the Doctor Who event, which ran from last June to October. It also won't release specific visitor numbers, citing commercial sensitivity. Councillor Diane Calvert says ratepayers have a right to …
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Rotorua's mayor says cracking down on illegal trolley use is not an attack on homeless people. Police launched Operation Trolley last week, after complaints homeless people with shopping carts were intimidating the public. Officers arrested 13 people, gave out 19 trespass notices and returned 45 trolleys to stores. Te Pati Māori has called it an at…
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Chris Bishop: Transport Minister on the Government's plan to change speed limits on 38 sections of road
More roads could get faster - beyond the Government's planned changes to speed limits on 38 sections of road. The Government is reversing speed limit reductions on those stretches by July, with work set to start tonight. The Prime Minister believes it'll help people get to jobs faster, pushing economic growth. Transport Minister Chris Bishop says 4…
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Jason Walls: Newstalk ZB political editor on Te Pāti Māori MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi copping backlash over comments made to Karen Chhour
A Te Pāti Māori MP is under fire after questioning the Children's Minister's Māori identity. Mariameno Kapa-Kingi made the remark to Karen Chhour in a Select Committee meeting this morning during heated discussion of boot camps, youth offending, and removing Treaty provisions from the Oranga Tamariki Act. Kapa-Kingi claimed Chhour had 'knowledge ga…
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Dan Mitchinson: US correspondent on Google Maps renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America
Google Maps is renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America - as ordered by Donald Trump within hours of becoming President last week. It'll appear once the name's officially updated in the US Geographic Names system. US correspondent Dan Mitchinson says the name will appear differently, depending on where a person is. "In the US, we're going…
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D'Arcy Waldegrave: Sportstalk host on NRL potentially making the jump to international streaming
NRL bosses will put their Australian broadcast rights up for grabs this year in a move that could spark interest from foreign streaming services. The sport's current deal with Fox Sports and Channel Nine across the ditch ends after the 2026 season. Reports from the Daily Telegraph claim the likes of Netflix and Prime Video could be interested. Spor…
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Justine Haves: General Manager of Waste Solutions says lithium-ion batteries behind spring of rubbish truck fires
It's been a fiery start to 2025, with at least nine Auckland rubbish trucks bursting into flames in the first two weeks of the year. Auckland Council says it's likely due to ever-increasing numbers of batteries and battery-powered devices being dumped in bins. The Auckland recycling facility that sorts the region’s kerbside recycling, has two small…
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Tore Andre Flo | The PRESSURE Of Playing For Rangers, Genius Gianfranco Zola & Love For Leeds United
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Former Chelsea, Rangers, Sunderland, Leeds & Norway forward, Tore Andre Flo is our next special guest on the latest episode of No Tippy Tappy Football. Tore Andre Flo sits down alongside Sam Allardyce and Natalie Pike to discuss all things football from his time at Chelsea to the rise of Erling Haaland. Tore and Sam talk about his time at Chelsea a…
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🚀 Aula 06 – IMERSÃO LIDERANÇA INTELIGENTE Líder, você já parou para pensar como seria ter um método claro e eficiente que organize tudo – sua rotina, sua equipe e até sua vida pessoal? Se até agora você se sentiu inspirado com o que aprendemos na IMERSÃO LIDERANÇA INTELIGENTE, chegou a hora de dar o próximo passo: aprender a integrar todos os eleme…
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Enda Brady: UK correspondent on Just Stop Oil disrupting Sigourney Weaver's West End performance
A pair of protestors from Just Stop Oil disrupted a performance of The Tempest, starring Sigourney Weaver on London's West End. The duo got up on stage as Weaver was performing - and unfurled a banner and delivered a speech before they were bundled off by authorities. Weaver was also escorted off stage by a member of the theatre's staff. UK corresp…
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Richard Wagstaff: NZCTU President on the results from the latest Mood of the Workforce survey
New data shows more people are concerned about work, housing, and health, according to research by NZCTU. The council's annual Mood of the Workforce survey polled over 1900 people - and many of these respondents have voiced concern with the direction the Government has taken the country. NZCTU President Richard Wagstaff says there's been a signific…
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Jamie Mackay: The Country host on whether the Government will put The Country on the chopping block
There's speculation the Government may be looking to sell off Landcorp as the asset continues to underperform. Long-standing agricultural consultant Will Wilson has noted it's worth $1.6 billion - which is significantly less than it was a year ago. The Country's Jamie Mackay explains further. LISTEN ABOVE See for privacy inf…
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The Government's hopeful that digital nomads will help grow New Zealand's economy off the back of their recent visa change. Finance Minister Nicola Willis hasn't confirmed how many the nation can realistically expect to arrive - but she's got faith in this strategy. Infometrics Principal Economist Brad Olsen unpacks the current hotspots for digital…
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