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Alessandro Barbero Podcast - La Storia

Curato da: Primo Vassallo

Canale Podcast dedicato al professor Alessandro Barbero focalizzato su interventi brevi, conferenze inedite e podcast non reperibili su altri canali. (Non ufficiale - come tutti) . . // Disclaimer // Tutti gli audio disponibili sono utilizzati negli episodi dopo previo consenso e accordo con i distributori originali di altre piattaforme e/o comunque distribuiti liberamente e originariamente con licenze CC BY 4.0 e affini (o registrati in loco), viene sempre riportata la fonte principale. I t ...
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Alestle After Hours

The Alestle

"Alestle After Hours" is an extension of SIUE's "The Alestle". Join us as we go beyond the 600-word limit and discuss current events that are taking place on the SIUE campus and in the world! *The opinions on this show are individually ours and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Alestle*
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Love notes and soul chats about mindset, personal development, self-help and self-love! This podcast is all about busting through limiting beliefs and taking your power back while embracing the human that you are. You'll learn to love yourself and your unique journey and gain tools for living the life that you've been dreaming of. I'm on a journey to live Wild Free Well and I hope to inspire you to do the same.
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Ailments, Ales and Aliens

Michael Hogg

4 retired old guys (plus the occasional guest contributor) discuss their latest health issues, hot topics, TV/Films and Hearts football news/reviews - oh and sample the worlds finest ales in various Edinburgh pubs.
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INHABIT with Alessia Citro

Alessia Citro

Join Alessia Citro—bestselling author, habits coach, and personal growth advocate. This is THE podcast for women called to a higher level. Here, nothing is off-limits or TMI. Together, we explore habits, healing, and living full out as our higher selves. Discover actionable insights and practical strategies to break free from the cycle of high-achievement pressure. Whether we're exploring science or spirituality, INHABIT is your guide to redefining success and achieving genuine fulfillment. ...
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Enostavno LAJF z Alešem Potrčem je podcast namenjen vsem, ki jih zanima več o tem kako združiti družino, posel, trening in dobro hrano v preprosto življenje. Kot dolgoletni osebni trener, lastnik prvega fitnes centra v Slovniji, ki je bil namenjen izključno osebnim treningom (FIT Tovarna) in mednarodni predavatelj na področju fitnesa, se tudi sam spoprijemam z vsemi težavami poslovnega in družinskega življenja. Z mojimi gosti, ki prihajajo iz različnih področij, vse od life coachev, poslovne ...
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Tenha Cicatrizes - Alessandro Saade

Alessandro Saade | Empreendedores Compulsivos

Empreendedor Compulsivo. Executivo, mentor, autor, TEDx speaker. Agente de Desenvolvimento Social e Econômico. Tenha Cicatrizes é o meu podcast diário, com um minuto de inspiração e provocação para começar algo novo . Aqui compartilho pontos de atenção, cicatrizes, sacadas e gafes de empreendedores, com aspiração de ser a dose recorrente de inspiração e aprendizado, para quem deseja começar algo novo, dar mais um passo nos negócios, na carreira, na vida... Afinal, "sempre existe alguém começ ...
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Lezioni e conferenze sulla Storia come non l'avete mai sentita. Il professor Alessandro Barbero racconta in modo avvincente e ricco di curiosità gli aspetti più o meno noti della storia, dal Medioevo all'Età Contemporanea. Raccolta non ufficiale a scopo divulgativo delle lezioni del prof. Alessandro Barbero al Festival della Mente di Sarzana, più conferenze e lezioni tratte da YouTube. Questo podcast è pubblicato senza alcuno scopo di lucro, e con il solo fine di rendere facilmente accessibi ...
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Podcast Aleše Kaliny

Ales Kalina

Budujte rovnováhu ve 4 oblastech života s Alešem Kalinou Vítejte v podcastu, který má sílu transformovat váš život ve čtyřech klíčových oblastech. Bez harmonie v těchto sférách ztrácíme dobrý pocit a život postrádá tu pravou šťávu. Jmenuji se Aleš Kalina a jsem autorem metody Emoční rovnice (TM). Propaguji myšlenku "Dobrý pocit pro každého". Mé knihy Emoční rovnice a Partnerský manuál si získaly důvěru téměř 50 000 čtenářů. Před 15 lety jsem založil školu koučů Emočních rovnic, kde pomáhám l ...
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The Family Business with The Alessis

Steve and Mary Alessi - Pastors of Metro Life Church, Miami | Authors | Ministry Family Mentors

Learn how to build a stronger, happier family from a pastor's family saying things they can't say on Sundays. Hosted by Steve and Mary Alessi, you’ll hear powerful conversations with their family, who all work in the same church, that will show you the keys to a great marriage, healthy families, and a multi-generational legacy. Now with over 50,000 downloads, we invite you to join the Podience and discover why family is everybody’s business!
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Aleserade Podcast

Alexia Henriquez

Un espacio creado para emprendedoras e innovadoras que desean saber la perspectiva de personas que han logrado crear y mantener sus negocios. Para más información visita:
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Alessandro Baccaglini

Alessandro Baccaglini

In questo podcast farò piccoli approfondimenti sull'insegnamento e la pratica della Via Cristiana Cover art photo provided by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash:
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Hi! I’m Alesha. I’m sharing insights & lessons learned (& mistakes made!) to help you look at the bright side of life 😁 My goal is to always be growing & learning more about myself & the world around me. ☀️ I hope to share a positive message with you each & every time you listen in. ✌🏼 Thank you!
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Wer nicht mit der Zeit (Volta ital. für Zeit) geht, geht mit der Zeit. Das ist mein Motto und gleichzeitig auch die Motivation für diesen Podcast. Mein Ziel ist es hier die neusten Trends aufzuzeigen und mit interessanten Leuten darüber zu sprechen. Seien es digitale Trends rund um das WEB3 oder andere interessante Technologiethemen - hier erfährst du was wichtig ist.
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Step into the heartfelt world of EmotionAL Support with host Alessandra Torresani, where laughter meets vulnerability, and raw emotions blend seamlessly with genuine conversations. Join Alessandra on her personal postpartum odyssey as she navigates motherhood with humor and grace, inviting you to share in the joy, challenges, and triumphs. In this safe haven, celebrity parents bare their souls, experts share invaluable wisdom, and stigma dissipates. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emot ...
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The Alessia Experience

Alessia Scott

"It's hard to sit still while crazy real life situations is happening on a daily, Each week join me (Alessia Nicole) the host with my part time co host Jayla (karma) straight out the neighborhood (suburbs) as we interview artist in the music entertainment world, don't sleep on the knowledge of cutting down the mess in everyone stress. Alessia Nicole the HWIC, comes with the knowledge and the music you would love to hear. Support this podcast: ...
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show series
5 of us in this podcast (Garry, Jimmy, Graham, Colin and Mike) as we finally get access to The Cumberland Bar in Edinburgh's New Town. Great Beers, Hearts, Dunfermline and Rangers memories - as we crown Tynecastle as the official "Best Stadium to Watch Football in Scotland" - our health and current TV/Movies to catch up on. Not much cheer on the su…
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Send us a text Send us a text ( Buy some merch and help the pod…. Or because a subscriber! Any amount gets you a shout out on the next episode! Leave us a review and let us know what you think! Instagram htt…
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Esta temporada é muito especial para mim! Diferente das anteriores onde compartilhei dicas de 1 minuto todos os dias da semana, aqui estou entrevistando os autores que toparam compartilhar suas cicatrizes com os leitores do terceiro volume do meu livro "Tenha Cicatrizes". Neste volume, juntei empreendedores que passaram pela minha vida como profess…
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Dal Festival della Mente 2021, il secondo appuntamento della serie “Le origini delle guerre civili”. Il professor Alessandro Barbero racconta le cause e le ragioni della Guerra di Secessione americana. Video originale: Festival della Mente: Community: https://barberopodcast.i…
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Alessandro Barbero partecipa alla presentazione del libro "Questo lavoro non è vita" con gli autori Dario Salvetti e Gea Scancarello. Si ringrazia Collettivo di fabbrica GKN per la gentile concessione. "Il 9 luglio 2021, i 422 dipendenti della GKN di Campi Bisenzio (Firenze) vengono licenziati collettivamente per cessazione di attività. I lavorator…
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If you're a creator / business owner / artist / healer, you've likely come across some kind of criticism. Putting yourself out there in a big way means that, at some point, you’re going to get criticized. And while it’s easy to let it get to you, the truth is that you get to decide how much power it has over you. In this episode, we’re talking abou…
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Editor-in-Chief Dylan Hembrough, Lifestyles Editor Chloe Wolfe, and Podcast Producer Hannah Ledford sit down to discuss student governments first state of the student body address. They also talk about a couple book stores that will be featured in this weeks edition of Metro East Markets. And Dylan explains why the publishing schedule for the Alest…
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Are you ready to take control of your health, habits, and success? In this episode of INHABIT with Alessia Citro, Alessia sits down with Nikki Corbett, host of the Round Two Podcast and a seasoned leader with over 15 years of experience in corporate roles and startups. Together, they dive into the intersection of health, fitness, and entrepreneursh…
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PANIKA! Nimam časa za trening, hrano, zase! Tukaj je nekaj enostavnih korakov kako počistiš svoj urnik in pridobiš čas zase... Če potrebuješ pomoč pri spremembi svojega življenja in želš končno živeti svoj EPIC LIFE, potem je moj program ULTIMATE ROLE MODEL 100% zate. Tukaj si lahko pogledaš več: Kot se…
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Are you and your spouse struggling to break unhealthy attachments to your parents? Is your marriage feeling the strain because someone is not respecting boundaries? If so, you're not alone. Our episode from Season 3 on leaving and cleaving as married couples has been one of our most popular ever - it's gotten nearly 10,000 views on YouTube alone! T…
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Ta kratek posnetek je tukaj zato, da začneš razmišljat o tem kaj se s teboj zares dogaja in kako pomembno je tvoje zdravje za to, da lahko poskrbiš za svojo družino, podjetje in zagotoviš dolgotrajen uspeh. Če potrebuješ pomoč pri spremembi svojega življenja in želš končno živeti svoj EPIC LIFE, potem je moj program ULTIMATE ROLE MODEL 100% zate. T…
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Are you truly vulnerable, or are you just being transparent? In this episode of INHABIT, host Alessia Citro unpacks the profound difference between transparency and vulnerability, sharing how understanding this distinction can transform your relationships, self-awareness, and personal growth. Drawing from her recent experience at Rebecca Cafiero's …
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Akadémeia – European School for Young Local Leaders ha inaugurato la sua prima sessione con un evento speciale aperto al pubblico: un dialogo tra lo storico Alessandro Barbero e l’eurodeputato Dario Nardella a Firenze, intitolato “Dalle ceneri della Seconda guerra mondiale è nata l’Europa“. Crediti organizzazione: Da…
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Il professor Barbero, ospite dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Shanghai, tiene una lezione su “La Descrizione del Mondo” di Marco Polo, e sui suoi lettori. Originale: Palco del Mercoledì: Twitter: Facebook:…
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O episódio da semana destaca a aprovação na Alesc de projetos de lei para a promoção de campanhas de conscientização sobre a herpes-zóster e para a realização de coleta itinerante de sangue. A gente também comenta os debates no Parlamento sobre a aplicação de recursos estaduais na área da saúde. O programa ainda aborda as prioridades dos parlamenta…
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Alessandro Barbero, prima della Cerimonia per la consegna del Premio alla Carriera, viene intervistato da alcune classi del liceo Manzoni e risponde a numerose domande sulla Storia a partire dal concetto di "Coscienza Storica". Intervista registrata dall'associazione Leggermente: Evento promosso da Confcommercio Lecco: …
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This episode of the Wild Free Well podcast talks about embracing your emotions with self-acceptance and shifting the stories you tell yourself about what your feelings mean. Learn how to release judgment, honour your emotions and show up for yourself with compassion and openness. In this episode, I dive into self-acceptance and why it’s not about t…
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Reinvention can feel intimidating, but it’s also the key to unlocking your most fulfilling and creative life. In this episode of INHABIT, host Alessia Citro sits down with Tracy Matthews, a creativity, branding, and reinvention expert, bestselling author, and host of the Thrive by Design podcast. Together, they explore the art of pivoting with purp…
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What would you do if you had to fight for your life and your country, while you were starting your life with your spouse? This isn't a movie plot. It's the real story of a marriage forged in the middle of a war. Hilla and Arik Nehamkin are a Miami couple who started their relationship just before the attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023. Both of t…
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Struggling to believe in yourself or make affirmations work for you? In this episode of INHABIT, host Alessia Citro re-airs one of the podcast’s most downloaded episodes, diving deep into the science and spirit of affirmations. Alessia explores how affirmations can rewire your brain, boost self-confidence, and help you manifest your goals. Listener…
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V dnešním pořadu se autor věnuje tomu, jak si sám vytvořil jednoduchý test na prognózování vlastní budoucnosti, který se zaměřuje na čtyři klíčové oblasti života: práce, zdraví, peníze a vztahy. Tento test je založen na jednoduchém hodnocení na stupnici od 0 do 10, kde čísla odrážejí, jak se v dané oblasti cítíme. Autor zdůrazňuje, že všechny oblas…
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Dal Festival della Mente 2021, il primo appuntamento della serie “Le origini delle guerre civili”. Il professor Alessandro Barbero racconta le origini della guerra civile inglese del ‘600. Video originale: Festival della Mente: Community: Twi…
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Brendan Simms e Alessandro Barbero (coordinati da William Ward) ripercorrono le tappe, i contorni e le implicazioni di una delle più celebri battaglie della storia, che segnò il tramonto dell’avventura di Napoleone nell’epico scontro finale contro le forze inglesi e prussiane. Dopo la fuga dall’Elba, al generale Wellington e al feldmaresciallo von …
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O primeiro episódio do podcast da Alesc em 2025 traz um resumo das principais propostas debatidas na semana no Parlamento catarinense. São projetos que tratam da simplificação das regras para atividades econômicas de baixo risco e da criação de um sistema que facilita a regularização de débitos de IPVA e multas. A gente também destaca a iniciativa …
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In this episode, I'm talking about the importance of taking care of yourself first and why self-love is the foundation for everything you do. Discover how prioritizing your needs helps you show up fully, give from overflow and create a life that feels deeply fulfilling. In a world where everything is asking for our attention, one of the biggest act…
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Motherhood, identity, and personal growth take center stage in this heartfelt episode of INHABIT with Alessia Citro. Joined by Kelly Kirk, a former mortgage industry professional turned podcast host of Reclaiming Your Hue, Alessia and Kelly explore the profound identity shifts that come with becoming a mother. Kelly shares her journey of leaving a …
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Vsak podjetnik razume, da ne more vsega delati sam in zato delo znotraj podjetja predaja drugim. Vse dokler ne pride dela na svojem zdravju, telesu in razmišljanju, ki vodi v večjo efektivnost dela. Kaj če se sprijazniš s tem, da nimaš dovolj znanja na katerem področju in si poiščeš pomoč?! Mogoče bi tvoj business hitreje napredoval, če bi ti poskr…
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Are you struggling to keep your marriage relationship fresh and healthy despite life's constant challenges? In this powerful episode, Steve and Mary Alessi share a conversation with long-time friends David and Mory Martinez. Drawing on over 70 years of combined experience as married couples, they tackle subjects like embracing change, aligning pers…
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In questi giorni il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron ha convocato con urgenza un vertice europeo al quale parteciperanno diversi capi di governo sulla situazione Russia-USA-Ucraina. Qui Alessandro Barbero è intervistato al Festival Archeofilm di Vieste sull'Europa e sul sentirsi Europei. Fonte e Crediti:…
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Il 23 agosto 1939 Hitler e Stalin firmarono un patto di non aggressione, e il 1 settembre Hitler invase la Polonia sperando che le potenze democratiche, Francia e Inghilterra, non sarebbero intervenute. Si sbagliava: quel giorno scoppiò una guerra che si concluse dopo sei anni di morte e distruzione su una scala che il mondo non aveva mai conosciut…
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Alessandro Barbero è ospite della "Assemblea delle Assemblee" organizzata dalla CGIL con il motto "Il voto è la nostra protesta" per parlare di lotta dei lavoratori, resistenza degli storici e le associazioni medievali. In questo frangente non dimentica di rispondere, in modo indiretto, alla presidente del Consiglio Meloni sulla tossicità degli sco…
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In this episode, we’re talking about how to cultivate self love while in a relationship — staying connected to who you are, making space for individuality and remembering that love is strongest when both partners are whole and complete on their own. In this episode, we explore the importance of self-love within a relationship and how to maintain a …
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Ever feel like you’re living for everyone else and wondering when it’syour turn? This episode features a conversation with Lori Lisai, a human design guide, retreat host, and former educator who’s on a mission to help women in midlife rediscover their spark. We dive into all things human design—what it is, how it works, and why it’s such a game-cha…
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Are you concerned about immigration challenges facing your loved ones? In this powerful and timely episode, we welcome Abe Cardenas, from the Cardenas Law Firm, as we dig into the realities and misconceptions about the raging debate over immigration laws and undocumented immigrants. By shedding light on the rules and procedures often clouded by mis…
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Dr. St. Mart is one the big experts in the field and one of the few who is trying to bring awareness into the messy fitness world on that topic. The Fitness and BodyBuilding world is riddled with opinions and lack of solid information on PED's. Find out what matters, what the risks are, and how to avoid costly decisions on your health. Follow Dr. D…
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Alessandro Barbero viene interrogato dai ragazzi dell'Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Teodosio Rossi” di Priverno sul tema del ricordo e della memoria soffermandosi sugli episodi storici delle Foibe e della Shoah e la loro strumentalizzazione politica. Organizzato da: Video originale: https://w…
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Představte si, že máte možnost začít znovu. Vybrat si místo, rodinu, jazyk i sociální postavení pro svůj nový start. Kam by vás vaše volba zavedla? A co vaše odpověď prozrazuje o vašich nejhlubších přesvědčeních? V této epizodě se vydáme na fascinující cestu do vašeho podvědomí. Společně objevíme: Co vaše vysněné místo narození vypovídá o vašem vzt…
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GSO je za večino ljudi na enaki stopnji kot vso zlo tega sveta in vsakodnevno se odvija maksimalna demonizacija. Ampak kaj sploh so Gensko Spremenjeni Organizmi in kako dolgo se to že v naravi uporablja. Na pogovor sem povabil strokovnjaka na tem področju, ki je pojasnil kaj so GSO, zakaj se to uporablja in zakaj to verjetno ni tako slabo kot ste s…
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Il professor Barbero è ospite dell’Associazione Cultura e Sviluppo di Alessandra, dove presenta “Romanzo russo” e “All’arme, all’arme, i priori fanno carne!”. Originale: Cultura&Sviluppo: Palco del Mercoledì: Twitter:…
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Alessandro Barbero illustra la celebre battaglia di Caporetto dove vincono i tedeschi e non gli austriaci, in una battaglia per loro del tutto secondaria e su un fronte privo di qualunque importanza strategica. Crediti Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino: Fonte: --- // Discla…
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Online Editor Michal Kate Castleman, Reporter Sophie Hawkins, and Podcast Producer Hannah Ledford sit down to discuss the two new "Pawfficers" at SIUE. They also discuss the research that was done by Professor Carr which brings to light a lynching that happened in Illinois.
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Klikni na spodnji link za brezplačen trening ➡️ Tega večina podjetnikov sploh ne razume. Skrb zase, za svoje zdravje, za svoje telo, mindset in s tem boljšo kvaliteto življenja je verjetno najboljša investicija, ki jo lahko nardiš. S tem, ko skrbiš zase pokažeš naslednji generaciji - otrokom kako pomembna je…
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In this episode, we're talking about the power of self love when you're single. Learn how to pour into yourself fully, get clear on what you want and need and create a strong foundation before welcoming someone else’s energy into your life. When you know yourself deeply, love flows effortlessly — both from within and from the world around you. In t…
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