Podcast by AAFCPAs
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AAFCPAs' 2019 Nonprofit Seminar - Keynote Speaker Northeast Arc CEO Jo Ann SimonsAAFCPAs
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Personal Financial Health Check - Carmen Grinkis by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Nonprofit Tax Update - Josh England by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Eye On Cyber - Jumes, Kontoglis by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Employee Benefit Health Check - Davide Villani by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Donor Advised Funds - Jonathan Bloom by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Continuous Improvement Of The Finance Function - Kelley, Ripianzi, Leet by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Anticipating The Fraudster - John Buckley by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Accounting Standards Update - Leases (ASU 2016-02, Topic 842) by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Accounting Standards Update - Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities
Accounting Standards Update - Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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In this session, AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Audit Leaders Matt Hutt, Katie Belanger, and Olga Yasinnik will provide key considerations and best practice recommendations related to the implementation of new accounting standards, including: Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities (ASU 2016-14, Topic 958); Leases (ASU 2016-02, Topic 84…
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There’s nothing like being in a room full of like-minded peers to inspire creativity! In this closing panel session, we will take advantage of this unique opportunity to leverage the collective expertise and experiences of peers to curate new ideas to help nonprofit clients improve their approach to sustainability. AAFCPAs Co-Managing Partner Carla…
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Marylou Sudders leads the largest executive agency in state government, overseeing a $22 billion state budget, twelve agencies and 22,000 public servants. EOHHS services directly touch the lives of slightly more than 1 in 4 residents of the Commonwealth.Sudders’ responsibilities include the state’s MassHealth (Medicaid) program that provides health…
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AAFCPAs Cyber Security Pros Vassilis Kontoglis and Peter Sebilian take a look back at Cyber incidents in 2017, including: Equifax, WannaCry, Campaign Hacks, etc. Vassilis and Peter discuss what went wrong, and how nonprofits may mitigate these risks. Additionally, we share insights on cybersecurity trends, what to expect in 2018 and beyond, and rec…
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In this podcast, AAFCPAs' Matthew Boyle, Partner reveals the key findings from the 2017 survey, and shares insights about what the future looks like.AAFCPAs
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AAFCPAs Nonprofit Assurance Practice leader Matt Hutt, CPA, CGMA, Partner and Amanda Pelcher, CPA, Manager provide attendees with specific implementation guidance for new major standards.AAFCPAs
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AAFCPAs Partner Janice O’Reilly CPA, CGMA, a former CFO, provides best practices recommendations for right-sizing your finance function to efficiently address evolving organizational needs.AAFCPAs
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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, known officially as H.R. 1, (The Act) represents a dramatic overhaul of the U.S. tax code, and includes widespread changes to the tax rules affecting charitable nonprofits.AAFCPAs
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AAFCPAs Wealth Management’s Kelli Grew, CFP®, Wealth Advisor and AAFCPAs' Davide Villani, CPA, CGMA, Managing Director provide insight into how to identify plan expenses, comply with fiduciary responsibilities, and minimize risks.AAFCPAs
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Leading your organization through a more comprehensive financial planning processAAFCPAs
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Fiduciary responsibilities for plan sponsors by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Dashboarding & KPIs for Nonprofits by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Revenue Recognition Update by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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PFP for Executives by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Tax Laws Affect Charitable Contributions by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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AAFCPAs 2017 IT Security Update by AAFCPAsAAFCPAs
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Martha Coakley is former Massachusetts Attorney General and current of counsel in Foley Hoag's Litigation Department. In this insightful keynote, Attorney Coakley provides perspective and insight on the MA nonprofit regulatory landscape, including: coventuring, conflicts of interests, executive compensation, charitable solicitations online, and div…
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Carla McCall, CPA Moderates - A panel of AAFCPAs partners and operations & finance executives from nonprofit clients provides practical advice and guidance from their first-hand experiences on managing risks, and shares exclusive insight into their organizations’ risk assessment and risk management programs. This is an educational podcast session r…
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Matt Troiano, Partner, provides guidance for nonprofits on 8 “must-have” written policies and procedures required under the new Uniform Guidance.AAFCPAs
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Donna Angelico, AAFCPAs Director of Talent Management, provides an update on the Affordable Care Act, and what nonprofits need to know in 2016.AAFCPAs
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The DOL’s new fiduciary rule requires financial advisors to put their clients’ best interests ahead of their own when providing investment advice. Carmen Grinkis, Wealth Advisor, AAFCPAs Wealth Management provides perspective on the ruling and what it means to be a fiduciary.AAFCPAs
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John Buckley, Partner, advises nonprofits to include an analysis in their Strategic Plans of what is needed for working capital, reserves, long term investments, and a proactive plan to build them. Each of these “buckets” has its own unique investment strategy, time horizon, and risk tolerance.AAFCPAs
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In this session, James Jumes, Partner, AAFCPAs Business & IT Advisory, warns of some of today’s most prevalent and damaging IT security risks and cyber threats, and provides advice on how organizations can take steps to protect themselves.AAFCPAs
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Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp, Manager, provides insight into how the IRS is now taking a data-driven approach to reviewing the Form 990 to scrutinize governance, accountability and oversight of exempt organizations.AAFCPAs
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