Hear biblical preaching from a reformed perspective. You can visit our home on the web at www.olympiabp.net. The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia is a member of the General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church (www.bpc.org).
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1-19-25 -PM- Jesus Christ-The Final Revelation - Part 2 - Hebrews 1_1-2 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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01-19-25 -AM- Consider the Work of God - Ecclesiastes 7_13-18 - Pastor Kevin BackusThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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1-12-25 -PM- Jesus Christ-The Final Revelation - Part 1 - Hebrews 1_1-2The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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1-12-25 -AM- Hebrews - Hebrews 1_1-4 - Pastor Tito Lyro by The Bible Presbyterian Church of OlympiaThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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1-5-25 -AM- God and My Enemies - Psalm 59 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12-29-24 -AM- The Conclusion of the Matter - Galatians 5_16-6_1The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12-22-24 -PM- Christ's Return - Philippians 3_17-4_1The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12–15-24 -AM- The Branch of Jesse - Isaiah 11_1—11 Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12-22-24 -AM- God's Gift of Salvation - John 3_19-21 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12-8-24 - Self-Control - Luke 4-1-13 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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12-01-24 -AM- Satan's Purpose Overruled - 1 Thesalonians 2_17-3_3 - Pastor John BattleThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-24-24 -PM- Joy, Gentleness, and the Pursuit of Peace - Philippians 4:4-7 - Pastor Tito Lyro
11-24-24 -PM- Joy, Gentleness, and the Pursuit of Peace - Philippians 4:4-7 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-24-2024 -AM- Gentleness - Matthew 11:25-30 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-17-24 -AM- The Conscience and the Law - Hebrews 9_1-14 - Pastor Dennis LeamanThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-17-24 -PM- Tidings of Comfort and Joy - Psalm 30_4-5 - Mr. Isaiah CouchThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-10-24 -AM- Faithfulness - Hebrews 3_1-15 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-10-24 -PM- God is Faithful - Psalm 31 - Pastor Tito Lyro by The Bible Presbyterian Church of OlympiaThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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11-3-24 -AM- Only God is Good - Luke 18:18-27 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-27-24 -PM-Kindness is Better than Bitterness - Ephesians 4_31-32 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-27-24 -AM- Kindness - Colossians 3_12-17 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-20-24 -PM- Patience with One Another - James 5_8-11 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-20-24 -AM- Patience - Galatians 5 - Pastor Tito Lyro.wavThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-13-24 -PM- The Peacemakers - Matthew 5_9 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-13-24 -AM- Live at Peace - Galatians 5_16-25 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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10-6-24 - The Second Fruit is Joy - Nehemiah 8_8-12 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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9-29-24 -AM- The First Fruit is Love - 1 Corinthians 12_31-13_13The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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self-justificationpriderebellionunbeliefaccountabilityhardend heartexhortationsindeceitfulnessspiritual blindnessencouragementdailycommunitychurchfellowshipgraceexhortationThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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09-22-24 -AM- The Works of the Flesh - Glatians 5_13-25 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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9-15-24 -AM- The Soil in which the Fruit of the Spirit Grows - Galatians 5 - Pastor Tito Lyro
9-15-24 -AM- The Soil in which the Fruit of the Spirit Grows - Galations 5 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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9-8-24 -AM- The Goodness and Severity of God - Nahum 1 - Elder Nicholas AndersonThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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9-1-24 - The End - 1 Peter 5_12-14 - Pastor Tito Lyro-leveledThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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08-18-24 -PM- Pride is Satanic - Luke 9_46-48 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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8-18-24 -AM- Humility is Glorious - 1 Peter 5_1-7 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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8-11-24 -am- Go in Peace - Numbers 6_24-27 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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8-4-24 -PM- Getting it Together - GUEST SPEAKER Pastor David ChiThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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8-4-24 Glory and Singing to the Ends of the Earth - GUEST SPEAKER - Pastor Casey Southerland - Ps 96
8-4-24 -AM- Glory and Singing to the Ends of the Earth - GUEST SPEAKER: Pastor Casey Southerland - Psalm 96The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-28-24 -PM- Faith and Wealth - James 5_1-6 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-28-24 -AM- God's Unwelcomed Command - James 5_1-12 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-21-24 -PM- Trials and Suffering - 2 Corinthians 5_19-20 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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07-21-24 -AM- God's Presence in Suffering - Hebrews 4_14-16 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-14-24 -PM- All Authority Belongs to Jesus - Matthew 28_18-20 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-14-24 -AM- Shepherd the Flock - 1 Peter 5_1-4 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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7-7-24 -AM- Order in the Church - 1 Peter 5_1-4 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-30-24 -AM- Delight in God's People - 1 Thessalonians 1 - Elder Andrew HoyThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-23-24 -PM- Don't Worry About Your Life - Matthew 6_25-34 - Guest Speaker Pastor Carl Miller
6-23-24 -PM- Don't Worry About Your Life - Matthew 6_25-34 - Guest Speaker Pastor Carl MillerThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-23-24 -AM- Worthy Walking - Ephesians 4_1-3 - Guest Speaker Pastor Carl MillerThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-16-24 -PM- Judgment Season - 1 Peter 4:17-18 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-16-24 - Just Keep Trusting - 1 Peter 4_12-19 - Pastor Tito LyroNOTE: There is a break in the audio at 22-23 minutes.The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-9-24 -PM- How Long, Lord - Psalm 6 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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6-9-24 - AM- The Right Thing to Do - Acts 16_25-34 - Pastor Tito LyroThe Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia
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