Death Makes Me Think (We Are You?)
Manage episode 155607849 series 1162660
2012 Theme|Think God
Today’s Message| "Death Makes Me Think _______________"
Scripture| Genesis 3:1-9; Philippians 2:5-8; Proverbs 1:1-7;
Ephesians 4:31-5:2; Philippians 3:13-14;
1 Corinthians 13:4-11; John 13:1, 14-17
Memory Verse| “But the Lord God called to the man and said to him,
'Where are you?'” Genesis 3:9 ESV
· What are the 4 most important things you do everyday in your
walk with God?
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
· The 4 most important things God has taught me - humble
before God:
1. I submit my life to the authority of His Word. Psalm 19:7
2. I surrender my life to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:16
3. I settle the issue of whose I am. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
4. I share Jesus with others. Mark 1:17
· Gary Smalley's 4 most important things:
1. I think humility everyday. Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)
2. I love (honor) God and people more than pleasure and things.
Matthew 22:35-40
3. I keep my anger level as low as possible and my forgiveness level as
high as possible. Ephesians 4:26-32
4. I rejoice in my suffering. Romans 5:1-5
ME S S A G E August 19, 2012
I. Where Are You __________________________?
A. "Until we think humility, _____________." Philippians 2:5-8
1. "We can only give _____________." Proverbs 1:1-7
2. "Anger is a _______________________________."
Ephesians 4:31-5:2
3. Take responsibility for _____________. Philippians 3:13-14
II. Where Are You _______________________________?
A. Until we know _________________ - thinking my spouse is
1 Corinthians 13:4-11
1. Marriages begin and end because __________________.
(They begin with an ________ > leading to ________ >
resulting in dreaming about what they can _________ > an
___________ is made of the wedding date and they get
married. They get married to experience _______ and enjoy
________, but having d____________, d________,
and d_________ and not knowing agape love a d______
occurs. That growing ____ leads them to ____________.)
2. Only humble and _______ by the love of Christ, we learn the
holy privilege and power of ______________________
___________________. John 13:1, 14-17
· So, where are you? _____________________________
· By God's grace, I want to live a life and have a marriage that my
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