Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast – Episode 38 – Bob Dvorchak
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Bob Dvorchak | Drive On
On Episode 38 of Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast, we talk with Bob Dvorchak, legendary Pittsburgh sports writer, national journalist, war correspondent, and author of Drive On: The Uncensored War of Bedouin Bob and the All-Americans.
Bob Dvorchak is an award-winning author and journalist, whose career spans more than four decades from Associated Press national correspondent to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In his forties, he was asked by AP to cover the Gulf War (1990-91) and embedded with US armed forces deployed to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. His latest book, Drive On: The Uncensored War of Bedouin Bob and the All-Americans, is a personal and historical reflection upon his life as a journalist, war correspondent, and the soldiers of the famed 82nd Airborne Infantry he came to know as “brothers” during the war.
This episode was recorded in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. It is a production of The Social Voice Podcast Network. Executive Producer and Host: Kevin Farkas. Audiography: Kevin Farkas. Music (available at Unknown (“Bkgrdloop”), STC Beats (“Reverb”), Pipe Choir Records (“Ancient Whispers”), Dave Delightman (“A Whisper Across the Sand”). Additional sound (available at Saeed Vahedikamal (“George Carlin- Persian Gulf War”), Keith Hughes (“The Persian Gulf War Explained: US History Review”), Jabzy (“First Gulf War | 3 Minute History”), Richard Hogan (“The Gulf War 1991”), WPSU (“Joseph Galloway: Life of a War Correspondent – Conversations from Penn State”). ©Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast/The Social Voice Project, Inc. All rights reserved.
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