British award-winning visionary/director Elizabeth Blake-Thomas is my very special guest!
Manage episode 447342286 series 3219045
British award-winning visionary/director Elizabeth Blake-Thomas talks about her latest release “CtrI AI Delete” as an action comedy about a gang of vintage gamers tasked with saving the world from a rogue AI as chaos erupts in a global tech meltdown described as InBetweeners meets Wargames! Elizabeth is co-founder/resident director of Mother & Daughter Entertainment and founder of the mind-teaching practice Medicine with Words with a diverse portfolio resonating across multiple platforms also a philanthropist based in L.A., also the author of “Arabella”, “Living with Intention”, “Filmmaking with Fear”(includes the podcast!), plus involved with the Sony AFFIRM series “Shadrach”, “Karma’s a Bitch”, “Just Swipe”, “Hunt Club” and the award-winning short-film “Unseen” addressing the role technology plays in the facilitation of child trafficking! Check out the amazing Elizabeth Blake-Thomas and her release coming to many platforms soon and www.wargames and today! #elizabethblakethomas #britishawardwinningvisionary #britishdirector #author #ctrlaidelete #inbetweeners #AI #motheranddaughterentertainment #medicinewithwords #arabella #livingwithintention #filmmakingwithfear #sonyaffirm #shadrach #karmasabitch #justswipe #huntclub #unseen #childtrafficking#spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerelizabethblakethomas #themikewagnershowelizabethblakethomas
2020 епізодів