Beautifully Gifted | Develop Your Gift | Part 2
Manage episode 460931202 series 3331386
Beautifully Gifted
Part 2 | Develop Your Gift
Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
January 12, 2025
Many of our gifts come to us in seed form. They are literally bursting with potential. But you and I have a role in the development of our gifts. Like a seed, your gift must be nurtured and grown into what God designed it to be. Think of it like this. God has gifted you in many wonderful ways. Your gift to God is what you make of your gifts. That’s what this message is all about.
1. Dr . Marilyn Ann Murphree made the observation, “We have garages at our homes where we store worthless junk and protect it from the weather and lock it up at night and then we leave our $40,000 new cars sitting out in the driveway to rust.” Our gifting is a treasure that is often neglected like the car sitting out in the weather while less important things get our attention, protection and occupy the most space in our life. What are some things in your life that deserve more attention? What are some things that deserve less? What practical steps can you take today to make sure that what’s important is not sacrificed for lesser things?
2. Paul encouraged Timothy by saying, “…the special gift of ministry you received…keep that ablaze!” 2 Timothy 1.6. Why does the fire of our gifting smolder? What can you do to fan the flame of your gifting? Have you ever felt “on fire” for God or the things of God? What was that like? What were you doing to nurture your relationship with God during that time?
3. Our gifting may include possibilities we have never even considered as in the case of Grandma Moses and Elizabeth Leyton. Have any of you discovered even more gifting in your life that you never knew you had before? What was it? How and when did you discover it?
4. Why are you doing what everyone else could do while you leave undone what only YOU could do? Are you focused on your unique gifting? What have you chosen or could you choose to fail at in order to succeed in your gifting?
5. Do you have a Paul (mentor), a Barnabas (spiritual friend) and a Timothy (mentee)? If so, how have those relationships contributed to your life? If someone asked you how to find a Paul, Barnabas or Timothy, what would you tell them?
6. Our brokenness, especially the false self, is a saboteur of our gifting. It distorts our gifts into a self-serving tool and turns them into selfish ambition. Jesus had to deal with this in His disciples and their obsession with being the greatest. What were your takeaways from this part of the message? What stood out most? Why is true servanthood the remedy for selfish ambition?
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