Talking with Nadia Ferroukhi and about her project: In the name of mother (ENG)
Manage episode 446302446 series 2846384
Shownotes zu Fotopodcast #425
- Welcome
- Introduction of Nadia Ferroukhi
- How did you get into photography?
- The idea behind the project: Au nom de la mére / in the name of the mother
- A fixer, really helpful – but was does it mean?
- Meeting Mohammed
- DOUNIATOU – helping for more than 15 years
- Going on
- How did you find all these women an their villages?
- The difference between patriarchy and matriarchy
- Three differences between matriarchies
- Getting familiar and beginning to research
- How long did you stay with the women? And what did you notice?
- The first published book: Les Matriarches
- Did the women offer you the way they´ve acted?
- Did you show them the pictures?
- Not always an easy job…
- Preparing the second book
- Do you remember a special moment?
- Photography is a beautyful profession, but…
- What is your personal tip for photography?
- Where can our listeners find you?
- Bye, bye…
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Das Titelbild der Folge 425 wurde von Michael Eloy Werthmüller, alle weiteren Bilder von Nadia Ferroukhi zur Verfügung gestellt!
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Verweis auf andere Folgen:
- FPC430 - "The trawler" - an important interview with Lorraine Turci (ENG)
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1. Start (00:00:00)
2. Welcome (00:00:11)
3. Introduction of Nadia Ferroukhi (00:01:05)
4. How did you get into photography? (00:02:46)
5. The idea behind the project: Au nom de la mére / in the name of the mother (00:06:21)
6. A fixer, really helpful - but was does it mean? (00:08:29)
7. Meeting Mohammed (00:09:27)
8. DOUNIATOU - helping for more than 15 years (00:11:04)
9. Going on (00:12:41)
10. How did you find all these women an their villages? (00:13:49)
11. The difference between patriarchy and matriarchy (00:14:49)
12. Three differences between matriarchies (00:15:30)
13. Getting familiar and beginning to research (00:16:30)
14. How long did you stay with the women? And what did you notice? (00:16:51)
15. The first published book: Les Matriaches (00:19:50)
16. Did the women offer you the way they´ve acted? (00:24:13)
17. Did you show them the pictures? (00:26:13)
18. Not always an easy job... (00:30:14)
19. Preparing the second book (00:30:57)
20. Do you remember a special moment? (00:32:49)
21. Photography is a beautyful profession, but... (00:36:13)
22. What is your personal tip for photography? (00:37:57)
23. Where can our listeners find you? (00:40:06)
24. Bye, bye... (00:40:30)
427 епізодів