Halloween in Italy: Rites and Customs - Come si Festeggia Halloween in Italia
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Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! ll mese di ottobre è ormai iniziato, il giorno di halloween si sta avvicinando. Per questo motivo, ho deciso di effettuare una breve lezione su come halloween viene festeggiato in Italia. Nella puntata di oggi, impareremo insieme un po' di lessico e scopriremo cosa fanno gli italiani durante la notte del 31 ottobre. Buon ascolto!
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! October has begun, Halloween day is approaching. For this reason, I decided to do a short lesson on how Halloween is celebrated in Italy. On today’s episode, we'll learn some new vocabulary words and we'll discover what Italians do during the night of October 31. Have a good time listening!
Rites and customs:
1. The typical colors of Halloween are orange and black. The first one is the color of strength in addition to being the color of fall. The second one, instead indicates the night and death, main elements of Halloween.
2. Regarding Italy, the children asking for sweets and candies from house to house don’t use the English expression “Trick or Treat” but the Italian formula “Dolcetto o Scherzetto?”.
3. The typical elements of Halloween are:
- The witch: The witch is an essential element of this celebration because, according to the legend, the witches make their gatherings during Halloween night, with bonfires, spiders, webs and bats!
- The ghost
- The pumpkin: This vegetable has always been associated to Halloween. Originally, in fact, the event was celebrated in Ireland and it was associated to the turnip, thanks to the legend of someone named Jack o’ Lantern. This one, after deceiving the devil, was condemned to wander in the dark forever with the only help of hot-rods, placed in carved turnip. When this legend crossed the ocean along with the Irish, the turnip became a pumpkin, easier to find in the New Continent and easier to carve. Nowadays Jack o’ Lantern keeps wandering every year in the night of 31st with his lantern, but if you have a carved pumpkin outside the door, he knows that there’s no room for him so he goes away.
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