Finding Your Place: Part 1 with Pastor Athol Barnes | 4.18.2024
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To play on a sports team, you must have the talent and the skill required to play a particular position on the team. If you don’t have the talent or skill set, you might not be chosen for the team, and you will have to become a spectator.
However, if you are a follower of Jesus, you have been chosen to be a part of the Body of Christ; you are already “on the team”. There’s more good news— you have been equipped by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts so that you can play an integral role in the church.
Spiritual Gifts Are Vital
Some people choose to be passive in the church, even though God has equipped every believer to participate. When a believer chooses not to actively participate in the church, we all miss out on their God-given gifts. Sadly, many people in the church act as spectators, not active players on the team. What if every believer actually took the Word of God seriously, believing themselves to be an integral member of the church and exercising their God-given gifts for the ministry of the church and the glory of God?
Spiritual Gifts are God-Given
“A spiritual gift is any ability that is empowered by the Holy Spirit and used in any ministry of the church.”
Wayne Grudem
The gifts of the Spirit are a measure of God’s grace. They are not based on our worthiness or ability to earn them. When we receive the Holy Spirit at conversion, He imparts spiritual gifts to us. In verses 4-6 we note that the whole Trinity is involved in the gifts. “The same Spirit… the same Lord…the same God.” The Triune God has been acting in unity for all eternity, and the Triune God is now actively working in each believer’s life.
Spiritual gifts are given to be used.As we utilize our gifts in the church, we must keep three things in mind.
Spiritual Gifts Require Effort
Just because these gifts are God-given doesn’t mean it is easy to use them in the church, nor is it a passive endeavor in which we are effortlessly carried along by the Spirit.
Using our gifts requires obedience and takes effort on our part. But as we expend energy to activate the gift, God infuses our effort with His power so that the impact of the gift brings Him glory.
Spiritual Gifts are Not a Competition
God has uniquely gifted every believer for certain roles in the Church. Don’t look at someone else exercising their gift and covet them because they are getting accolades, or you think their gift is cooler than yours.
If you try to operate in a gift that you don’t have, you will burn out and others may be hurt.
Spiritual Gifts are Others-Oriented
2 Corinthians 12:7 reads, “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
God gives us spiritual gifts for the good of the whole church. Our gifts are not to be exercised only for our own benefit. We may benefit from using them, but their primary focus is the building up of the church.
Paul rebuked the church in Corinth because some were using their gifts for selfish purposes, manipulating others for their own benefit. Sadly, history has shown us repeated examples of incredibly gifted people using their gifts for immoral and sinful purposes.
Several passages list gifts of the Spirit: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. There is some overlap between the passages, but most scholars agree that the lists are not intended to be exhaustive. God can supernaturally give gifts of any kind to His children; whatever gifts He gives are always purposed for the common good of the Body of Christ.
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