Spending the holidays with the family? Got some non-gamer friends you want to hook on roleplaying? Episode 8 of the Gamer’s Tavern has you covered as our guest Nicole Wakelin, aka Total Fangirl, joins us to examine how gaming with the family is a bonding experience, what games work best to play during the holidays, and how to get your non-gamer friends hooked on roleplaying games. Below we have listed all of the games we talked about on the show and, for the board games, we give our ratings of the content based on art and text depictions of violence or sex as well as the tone, so you know which ones to keep away from the kids. We didn’t rate the roleplaying games this way because it depends more on the adventure and the players involved. G: There’s nothing that anyone could possibly find objectionable in this game. PG: There may be some violence, dangerous situations, or something else that the easily offended or very young may not want to be exposed to. PG-13: Either non-detailed violence is one of the core mechanics of this game, the theme is horror-based with little gore, or the art and tone of the game are more dark and/or realistic. You should be okay playing these games around kids, but I might not want very young children to join in on playing them. Some material may offend. R: Strong language, realistic depictions of violence possibly with gore, and possible non-sexual nudity. Don’t play with the kids in earshot. NC-17: Even I get uncomfortable playing these games sometimes. Strong language, adult content, violence, gore, and other things I wouldn’t even want to expose teenagers to. Adults only! (Originally released November 21, 2013) Full show notes and current content available on http://gamerstavernshow.com…