My 1st webcast “Boston VIP’s” my name is SJ Torres and i’m the publisher of Dirty Water News. What a great time we had at The Greatest Bar last night with Nikki Hirtle and Kayla Harrity doing my first show. We talked about everything from Down Ultra Lounge, Julep, Miami and old School, The Place #TakeOverTuesdays with Nikki to The Rookie Bartender, to SMACKING Andre Haynes in the face with with Kayla… Check it out we have alot of work to do but we will get there.. My 1st webcast “Boston VIP’s” Posted on August 23, 2014 by sjtorres in bloggers, Dirty Water TV, Nightlife // 0 Comments 10516728_603347356443166_700143056566927808_n Dirty Water Fridays Webcast “Boston VIP’s” with Nikki Hirtle,Sj Torres and Kayla Harrity! My 1st webcast “Boston VIP’s” my name is SJ Torres and i’m the publisher of Dirty Water News. What a great time we had at The Greatest Bar last night with Nikki Hirtle and Kayla Harrity doing my first show. We talked about everything from Down Ultra Lounge, Julep, Miami and old School, The Place #TakeOverTuesdays with Nikki to The Rookie Bartender, to SMACKING Andre Haynes in the face with with Kayla… Check it out we have alot of work to do but we will get there.. So come check out our show LIVE Friday nights 8pm at The Greatest Bar “Dirty Water Fridays!!!” We have FREE Apps 7pm -11pm and alot of fun hanging with some of Boston’s VIP’s or just log onto DirtyWaterNews.Com to check out my show and all the other LIVE SHOWS – (actually streaming on our website) from 7-11pm Friday Nights……