EP 16 【 趣味科學】為什麼螃蟹要橫著走路?船為什麼可以浮在水面上?【Fun Science】Why do crabs walk sideways? Why do ships float?
Manage episode 340012110 series 3288740
🎉 在上一個童樂會上,我們聽了家有叮噹廣播劇,叮叮噹噹兄妹正在去海邊的路上,今天我們會繼續聽家有叮噹廣播劇,和叮叮噹噹兄妹到海邊玩,廣播劇後還有快問快答單元,童樂會最後還有一個冷笑話喔~
🎉Why do crabs walk sideways? Why do ships float? Let's find out the answers in the radio play ! Also, we have science trivia following after the science radio play. At the end of the party, we will have a silly joke.
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🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod”
貝媽來自台灣,在美國當臨床藥師,最歡樂的時間就是和小朋友說故事,天馬行空聊天,和孩子一起學習🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜
🎂2022生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form
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