We exist to live as part of God's story as His gospel is making all things new.
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Finishing our series in Psalm 42, Chad walks through the importance of walking with God and developing your spiritual highlight reel, identifying the miracles of your life and developing daily rhythms of encounter with God.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin & Josh dive into all things 1-3 John, including John's focus on love and truth and how we can apply those things today.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad continues our series on Psalm 42. Walking us through speaking truth to your soul.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Pastor Chad walks us through Psalm 42 as we discuss life in a broken world and how growth in spiritual maturity requires lament.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Wrapping up our Relationships 101 sermon series, Aaron speaks on Being Challenged through the lens of Hebrew 3:12-14.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our Relationships 101 series, Chad walks us through 1 Corinthians 13 and what it looks like to be loved, both in our personal relationships and in the Church body.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Pastor Chad walks us through several passages as we discuss how God's growth plan for our lives is dependent on being known by other people.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Kelly discuss all things epistles! This podcast looks at the background for James, 1&2 Peter, and Jude—as well as themes like finding purpose in trials, holding fast to truth, and living out our faith in our ordinary lives.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Pastor Chad uses multiple scripture to talk about how Healthy relationships require us to live together as a body, family and army.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Landon Rogers walks us through Romans as we discuss cultivating gospel ambition.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Aaron King walks us through Mark 10 as we discuss how the life of Jesus is more than enough to release us from everything that holds us captive.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing the series of Advent going into 1 Timothy 3:16Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin & Aaron take a look at how 1 & 2 Corinthians apply to our lives.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our Advent series, Chad walks us through John 10:10 and the new life Jesus has for us as his followers.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Lee Shephered starts off the advent season with diving into Isaiah and how Jesus came to shine light in to the world.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Landon Rogers walks us through Philippians 3 as we discuss the lies of legalism and cultural Christianity and compare that to the truth of a life with Christ.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin & Aaron explore the background, context, and major themes in the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad finishes our series in Jude, over verses 24-25 and the true meaning of resilient worship: in our faith, our lives, and our future.
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Erin and Aaron talk about how the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus bringing people into the Kingdom. It's Good News for the outsiders—which is all of us!Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Pastor Chad walks us through Jude 1 as we discuss how resilient faith requires resilient practices.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad uses Jude to talk about how having resilient faith requires a resilient community.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Aaron dive into the background and purpose of the book of LukeFellowship Jonesboro Church
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Starting our series in the book of Jude, Chad walks us through verses 1-2 and what it means to have an identity in Christ: to be called, kept, and loved by God.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our Teach Us to Pray series, Aaron walks us through Romans 8: 22-28 and the groaning of creation, of us, and of the Spirit as well as practices to improve our prayer life with God.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Trenton speaks on praying with Faith using Mark 9: 17-24 Christ power doesn't waver when our faith does.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our Teach us to Pray series, guest Scott Hollis of Woodstock, Georgia teaches us to rejoice in God through the lens of Zephaniah 3:14-17.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Aaron explore thoughts about encountering God in complex passages of Scripture and practical tips as we finish out Jeremiah.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Aaron continues our Teach Us To Pray sermon series looking at how we are able to pray for others with power.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Gina look at Jeremiah 29 and talk about loving our city, seeking the good of where we are, and being a good neighborFellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad takes us though multiple scriptures to show the power of constant prayer to posture our hearts for our 24hr day of prayer on September 24th.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Gina talk about what it means to lament, why it's an important practice, and how we can do it biblically.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad walks us through Psalm 46 and what it means to be still with God.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin & Lee talk about the theme of hope throughout the book of Jeremiah and offer some application for us.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Chad continues our vision series on the power of the Gospel message for believers and non-believers. It is the only message that will save and change us.Chad Rogers
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Lee & Erin talk about the main messages in the book of Jeremiah, including how the people had sinned, and how God had a plan all along.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Pastor Chad walks us through Timothy 3 as we discuss living in light of the Truth instead of our feelings.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Lee walk us through the background, history, and things to look for in the book of JeremiahFellowship Jonesboro Church
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Starting our vision series, Chad walks us through Matthew 9 and what it means to have compassion for others and how to live out a Jesus Movement.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Morgan explore some ideas to help us read Scripture with curiosity and an open mind.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Finishing our series in Joshua, Aaron speaks on Joshua 24 and the importance of finding God in our story and serving Him through our lives.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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In this podcast, Erin and Morgan look at the theme of ethics—how we are called to live as part of God's Kingdom—in the book of Matthew.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Greg Mitchell walks us through Joshua 14 as we discuss Caleb and four ways to be like him.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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In this episode, Erin and Morgan look at the Kingdom of Heaven idea in the book of Matthew, including how it's different from what we usually think of as "heaven" and how Jesus came to bring it on earth.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our series in Joshua, Chad speaks on Joshua 10 and the sovereignty of God in the midst of our battles.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Erin and Morgan talk about the background, genre, audience, and themes in the Gospel of Matthew as we start this book in our Community Bible Reading Plan.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Aaron King walks us through Joshua 9 as we discuss how we have bought and paid for access to wisdom and mercy directly from God the Father.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Lee Shepherd walks us through Joshua 6 and 7 as we discuss how the path from promise to inheritance is marked by moments where we chose to continue to trust God's promise or chose to trust in ourselves because it looks like God will not provide.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Continuing our series in Joshua, Chad speaks on Joshua 6 and encourages the Church to use the power of the Lord to keep marching forward.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Trenton Hoggard walks us through Joshua 5 as we discuss how God renews his covenant with a shamed people so they can confidently live in and enjoy His promises and power.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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Lee and Julie walk us through some ways that we can apply 1 & 2 Kings today.Fellowship Jonesboro Church
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