OA members share their experience, strength and hope and explain how they have found freedom from compulsive eating.
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Members of OA SGVIE share their experience strength and hope.
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Podcast by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Members of OA in San Francisco share what it was like, what happened, and what life is like now. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of people who through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. OA's twelve-step program works like Alcoholics Anonymous except it helps us deal with food. OA in San Francisco: https://www.oasf.org/ More about Overeaters Anonymous: https://oa.org/
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Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet in order to help solve a common problem - compulsive eating, which includes obesity, anorexia and bulimia. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA Mid-Peninsula serves South of San Francisco to Palo Alto and North of San Jose. Please visit www.oamidpeninsula.org for meeting times in this area.
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Greater Dayton Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
Greater Dayton Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
These podcasts are from the Greater Dayton Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous. The opinions expressed by the speakers are solely the opinions of the speaker. They may or may not represent the opinion of Greater Dayton Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous. For more information visit www.oadayton.org or e-mail us at infodaytonoa@gmail.com.
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Overeaters Anonymous member Susan P. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus Recovery From Relapse meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does…
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Erin F., January 5, 2025 Relapse & Recovery San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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Sage_2.22.25 (Berkeley am Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Overeaters Anonymous member Terri R. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus 100++ Pounder meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does not rep…
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Andrea D., February 18, 2025 Relapse & Recovery San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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Diana_2.16.25 (Sunday evening Century Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Overeaters Anonymous member Rick J. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus Recovery From Relapse meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does …
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Lindsay W., November 19, 2024 Century Meeting - 100 Pounders San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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Overeaters Anonymous member Alan J. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus 100++ Pounder meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does not repr…
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Holly G., November 25, 2024 LGBT Speaker & Literature Meeting San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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Judy_2-2-25 (Sunday 6 pm) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Marge_2.15.25 (Berkeley Saturday am Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Lynn_1.12.25 (Sunday 6 pm Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Silvia_2-16-25 (Sunday 6 pm) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Nancy_2.07.25 (Friday 6 pm Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Kurt_1.05.25_(Sunday 6 pm Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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The members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope. www.oasgive.org
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Overeaters Anonymous member Charles H. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus Recovery From Relapse meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and do…
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Nicole L., November 26, 2024 Century Meeting - 100 Pounders San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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Overeaters Anonymous member Rick K. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus 100++ Pounder meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and does not repr…
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Pam N_01.28.25 (7 am Into Action Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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sarah_02.01.25 (Berkeley Saturday am Meeting) by Overeaters Anonymous East Bay Unity IntergroupOvereaters Anonymous East Bay Unity Intergroup
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Alan K., December 3, 2024 Century Meeting - 100 Pounders San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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Overeaters Anonymous member Charlotte D. talks about recovering from compulsive eating in this OA Special Focus Recovery From Relapse meeting. For more information about how Overeaters Anonymous can help you recover from compulsive eating visit https://oa.org/ The information contained in this recording is one person's experience and …
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Chris B., December 10, 2024 Century Meeting - 100 Pounders San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
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