Podcast a blog společnosti ADOL.cz se zaměřuje na předávání zkušeností s investicemi do nemovitostí. Témata jsou dražby, exekuce, insolvence, hlídání nemovitostí a insolvencí, práce s katastrem nemovitostí.
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You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave. As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians. For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started w ...
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La Noche de Adolfo Arjona es un programa de radio de COPE: En directo, lunes de 1:30h a 4h. Historias humanas, sucesos, curiosidades, ciencia, tecnología y entrevistas.
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Btian Adolfsen
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The Global Child and Adolescent Health podcast is brought to you by Melbourne Children’s Global Health. The podcast is a series of conversations with leaders in research, education, and global child and adolescent health. These conversations place children and adolescents at the center of sustainable development.
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Adolonces teen
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America's Eating Habits
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Using the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology content outline for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam, starting with the most high yield, Dr. O'Leary has created this podcast for anyone interested in CAPS and also to help him study for the boards. Enjoy! Let Dr. O'Leary know what you think by going to https://psydactic.com/ and filling out the form there.
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Problemas de adolescentes Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nahilnaseer
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Este é o podcast do mestre Conrado Adolpho e foi produzido e impulsionado por @gustavopassi
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Each month JAACAP highlights a selected article found within the pages of the Journal by providing a podcast interview with the author. Tune in regularly to this feature of JAACAP, where we strive for a relaxed 'fireside chat' atmosphere in which authors can share aspects of their science that we are less often privy to. Podcasts are typically 15 to 20 minutes in length.
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Três adolescentes se reúnem para falar de problemas gerais, e também sobre o mundo a nossa volta.
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En cada episodio vamos a tener un nuevo tema para reflexionar y darle una perspectiva diferente, problemas que como adolescentes convivimos con ellos pero pocas veces los resolvemos o los tomamos de una manera correcta. Un podcast que busca salirse de lo "normal" para pasar a lo EXTRAORDINARIO a través de experiencias personales las cuales considero de utilidad compartir para aprender juntos. Considero este espacio una charla entre amigos, sentite libre de contarme tus historias en mi Instag ...
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depression in schools Cover art photo provided by Pablo Varela on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pablopunk
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Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)
The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
We focus on bridging the gap between rigorous research and best practice relating to children's mental health. We hold a body of knowledge and act as information hub for sharing best practice to benefit all of those who work with children. Visit our website (https://www.acamh.org/) for a host of free evidence-based mental health resources.
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Welcome to the adolfogusta B podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast que habla sobre la adolescencia
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An analysis of themes adolescent literature, framed by LSU’s ENGL 3223 course
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This podcast is about the life of Adolf Hitler and what he did
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Uma experiência semanal de estudo da Biblia para adolescentes com o Pastor Diogo Brabo
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Hacerte reflexionar de tu vida diaria.
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Gustavus Adolphus College Chapel Podcast
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La Adolecencia
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Aqui você aprende a como fazer sua adolescência ser EXTRAORDINÁRIA. Crush, ansiedade, autoestima, autoconfiança, escola, e tudo o que você precisa saber pra sua adolescência ser FODA!
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Podcast by Adolescence After Alderaan
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Sonho Adolescente é um podcast de conversa. Apresento por mim Maurício, aonde conto as minhas histórias, vivências e pensamentos em sua maioria caóticos. Gosto de pensar que é uma conversa e uma troca de experiência com vocês, como uma fofoca do café da tarde. Além disso conto com os meus convidados maravilhosos. Venha refletir sobre esses Sonhos Adolescentes. Redes sociais : @sonhoadl
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Depois de várias temporadas a mostrar aos pais como cuidar do seu bebé, viramos a página para dar os melhores conselhos aos pais com filhos adolescentes. SARA RODI regressa ao estúdio do S+ com novos convidados, para identificar e responder aos desafios com que pais e teenagers se deparam. Vamos abordar todas as temáticas associadas ao “Generation Gap” típico destas fases, como as mudanças físicas e psicológicas, comportamentos de risco, a importância dos pares, sexualidade e tecnologia.
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El nombre lo dice todo.
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Two life long friends, embark on an embarrassing journey called adolescence. They grow and push through all the ambiguous crap that comes with being a college student in 2019. They share experiences from their past and present, as well as keep up with current events.
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"Não Alinhados", o espaço de opinião depois do jornal das 18h30h. De segunda a quinta na antena da TSF.
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I found a bunch of journals from my adolescence and teenage years - be prepared to cry and laugh at my embarrassing weirdness. What was I thinking? I guess we'll find out together.
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Las redes sociales afectan a los adolecentes de forma mental y psicológica
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Welcome to the Walking Miracles Family Foundation Podcast
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“Los Adoloridos” Es el espacio donde surge una batalla entre el amor y el odio, lugar indicado para todas las personas que padecemos un mal de amores. Podrás comunicarte y dar un detalle a esa persona que tanto extrañas o en su defecto amas con locura.
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Pensar o país e o mundo com marca própria. A Opinião, todos os dias, na antena da TSF.
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In questo podcast parlo della mia vita Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Con ABC del adolescente busco hablar de adolescente a adolescente, contar diferentes experiencias y como fueron resueltas para que te des cuenta de que no solo tu tienes estos problemas a demás de que siempre existe una solución. La razón de este podcast es apoyarte y que tengas una etapa plena, la adolescencia es cuando construyes tu carácter y quiero acompañarte para que logres construir un carácter seguro y honesto, .
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Music can affect teens in many different ways such as mentally, culturally, and physically. Cover art photo provided by Nicholas Santoianni on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nsantoianni
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Abordamos las temáticas actuales mas controversiales, analizamos los posibles futuros y aprendemos como fue la historia entre pares. Subimos episodios explicativos de historia todos los lunes. Y los miércoles tenemos entrevistas con profesionales y jóvenes sobre esos temas. Somos jóvenes con ganas de aprender y crecer en conocimiento. Debates enriquecedores, monólogos explicativos, conversaciones con profesionales, y mucho mas en “Moral Adolescente”.
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With a strong clinical focus, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health will be an independent journal with an international perspective. The monthly journal will present the most influential and innovative practice-changing original research, as well as authoritative reviews and insightful opinion pieces to promote the health of the whole child, from the fetal period through to young adulthood.
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RadioLacan.com | El coloquio EBP/ICP-ECF: El despertar de la adolescencia. Del goce al deseo. Conferencia La adolescencia en cuestión
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Sección de La Noche de Adolfo Arjona en Cope, con Miguel Ángel Almodovar, y en una segunda etapa, José Manuel Frías
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Podcast de la Municipalidad de Adolfo Alsina, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina - Compañía de voces - Audioteca de creación colectiva - Un pueblo en llamas - Radioteatro
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Voy a contar lo que me pasa en la semana, mis gustos y mis experiencias
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Una buena alimentación
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Infotainment Podcast with a funny spin on all the latest news and hot topics. Check back every week for new segments and full podcast episodes! Hosts: Bj Hoke & Mariah Moore
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This is a feed of pages for
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Newborn care in Vietnam and Indonesia
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In this episode, Dr Shiraz Badurdeen speaks with Professor Hoang Thi Tran, and Dr Made Sukmawati about the outcomes of newborns in their different settings and in-particular the positive impact of implementing kangaroo mother care for premature babies. Dr Shiraz Badurdeen is a Consultant Neonatologist at the Mercy Hospital for Women and the inaugur…
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In this episode, Professor Peter Azzopardi speaks with Dr Rachel Devi from Fiji and Dr Braghmandita Widya Indraswari from Indonesia about adolescent health in their settings and the different ways in which their countries respond to the various challenges facing adolescent health today. Peter Azzopardi MEpi FRACP PhD leads a program of research aro…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Social_Media_Experiences_and_Proximal_Risk_for_Adolescent_Suicidal_Ideation/d4b12557-f441-4539-89f1-822fb18e1681 Social media has received considerable attention as a potential risk factor for adolescent suicide. In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Jessica Hamilton discusses her JCPP paper ‘Positive and negative social media…
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(R)evoluce v dražbách nemovitostí? Zásadní změny od ledna 2025! Petr Sefzig
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Відтворити пізніше
Od 1. ledna 2025 začne platit nový zákon o veřejných dražbách, který přináší zásadní změny. Jak se to dotkne investorů, dražitelů či realitních makléřů? Jaké budou nové možnosti i rizika při nákupech v dražbách? Je ze strany státu opravdu vše připraveno? S Petrem Sefzigem (majitel společností OK dražby a OK dražebník, zakladatel a spolumajitel hold…
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Dr. O'Leary reviews the basic developmental milestones children are expected to reach by age 5. https://cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-2mo.html Feedback can be submitted via a form at https://psydactic.com. This is not medical advice. Please see a licensed physician for any personal questions regarding your own or our child's health.…
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Dr. O'Leary introduces PsyDactic - CAPS Edition, explains the goal of this podcast, and how it was produced. This podcast is intended as a study aid for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam. Feedback can be submitted via a form at https://psydactic.com. This is not medical advice. Please s…
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Yearly and Daily Discrimination-Related Stressors and Mexican Youth’s Mental Health and Sleep: Insights From the First Wave of a Three-Wave
Family Study: JAACAP November 2024
JAACAP November 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Jesse Hinckley interviews Dr. Margarita Alegría on the powerful methods of combining yearly and daily time data toinvestigate how and for whom discrimination-related stressors lead to adverse outcomes.Various
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¿Es verdad que el pan engorda? ¿Una dieta sana es sinónimo de una dieta aburrida? A estas y otras preguntas responde Elisa Blázquez, autora de “Toma las riendas de tu salud” editado por Espasa
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Mujeres valientes. Reporteras cambiaron la redacción por la guerra. Nos acompañan Rosa María Calaf, Mónica García Prieto y Pilar Cebrián. Ellas son las protagonistas del monográfico "Reporteras de guerra"
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Esta semana, Guillermo Díaz abre su Biblioteca oculta para hablarnos de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. "El Cid Campeador" es uno de los nombres clave de la Reconquista. ¿Quién fue realmente? ¿Cómo fue su vida? Te lo contamos aquí
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In this episode, Sarah Andersson the World Scabies Program Manager talks to Oliver Sokana from the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services about the collaboration to eliminate scabies in Solomon Islands. The World Scabies Program (WSP) is an initiative of Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI). WSP was established in 2019 to s…
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Associations between Developmental Trajectories of Emotional Problems and Early Adult Alcohol Use Behaviours
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Associations_between_Developmental_Trajectories_of_Emotional_Problems_and_Early_Adult_Alcohol_Use_Behaviours/b43ab080-1dc5-4a54-9b13-ee81a1a9d3ed In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Tong Chen discusses her JCPP paper ‘Developmental trajectories of child and adolescent emotional problems: associations with early adult alcohol…
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Con José Manuel Bautista, recorremos castillos y palacios encantados de España. Destinos como el castillo de Ponferrada al Palacio de Linares, para conocer las historias que esconden tras sus muros.
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Asesinatos. Desapariciones. Casos sin resolver. Crímenes reales llevados a la pantalla. Hoy, en el monográfico “True crimen”, casos que conmocionaron a la sociedad y hoy podemos ver en televisión
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¿Sabes que la fiesta de Halloween no es un invento estadounidense? ¿Y que el “truco o trato” es una tradición muy antigua? En la víspera de la Fiesta de Difuntos, abrimos la enciclopedia oculta de Guillermo Díaz para contártelo.
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Artificial Intelligence and its Potential for Supporting Clinical Observations of Child Behaviour
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Artificial_Intelligence_and_its_Potential_for_Supporting_Clinical_Observations_of_Child_Behaviour/54bf300d-d331-4ebe-8a06-b130497db5f8 How can artificial intelligence be used to support clinical observation of child behaviour? Professor Helen Minnis and Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli discuss their recent CAMH paper…
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La capoeira, el sumo, las artes marciales mixtas o el muay thai. Son algunas disciplinas minoritarias en España que mueven masas en sus lugares de origen. Hoy, en nuestro monográfico "Deportes exóticos"
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Abrimos "La Enciclopedia Oculta" de Guillermo Díaz para conocer a Arthur Conan Doyle, el padre de Sherlock Holmes. Antes de crear al personaje, estudió Medicina. (Sí, igual que Watson, el inseparable compañero del detective)
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Once desconocidos en un barco cruzando el océano Atlántico. ¿Qué pasó en ese viaje? ¿A qué peligros se enfrentaron estos aventureros? Nos lo cuenta Miguel Ángel Tobías, productor y creador de esta aventura
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In the run up to Developmental Language Disorder Day on Friday 18 October we talk to Shaun Ziegenfusz, Lecturer, School of SHS - Speech Pathology, Griffith University, and Co-CEO of The DLD Project, Australia. Shaun discusses: 1. What Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is and the typical age of onset. 2. Common co-occurring difficulties that ind…
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En este video desmontamos los prejuicios que hay entre Estudiantes y Profesores, desde ambos puntos de vista buscamos enriquecer a quien lo escuche para poder así mejorar la educación entre todosEspero que te haya sido útil esta charla y te recomiendo suscribirte para no perderte videos de este estilo con entrevistas a estudiantes y profesionalesRE…
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Adolfo Arjona entrevista al prestigioso doctor Pedro Cavadas, conocido como "el doctor Milagro". Entre sus hitos, el trasplante de mano tras horas amputada o la extirpación de un tumor craneal gigante.
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¿Hubo un rey llamado Arturo? ¿Existió un mago llamado Merlín? ¿Cuánto hay de leyenda y cuánto de historia tras todo esto? Abrimos "La enciclopedia oculta" de Guillermo Díaz para conocer al Rey Arturo
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Jak se zrodil nápad na podnikání s glampingovými posedy? 🏞️ Potřebujete na stavbu takového posedu stavební povolení? Podívejte se na příběh Jirky Veselky, který opustil svět dotací, vybudoval unikátní byznys s názvem Bayaya a na kontě dnes mají více než 100 posedů. Dozvíte se, jak funguje pronájem glampingových zařízení, proč je o ně takový zájem a…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Time_to_Prioritize_Mental_Health_in_the_Workplace%3a_Teacher_Mental_Health_and_Wellbeing/cfb51caf-e43d-4f7d-a7c4-13bf32e4466c In this special In Conversation podcast for World Mental Health Day, we are joined by Professor Jonathan Glazzard. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2024 is ‘It is time to prioritise menta…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Healthy_body%e2%80%94Healthy_mind_Does_exercise_benefit_people_with_ADHD/1af29c01-c497-46f9-a6e7-7c1cff5972e4 Shu-Shih (Stone) Hsieh discusses his JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Healthy body—Healthy mind? Does exercise benefit people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?’ (https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14042). T…
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¿De la UBA a Nueva York? Entrevista con un Estudiante que Quiere Triunfar en EEUU
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Hoy hablamos con un estudiante de Derecho UBA cuyo sueño es ser abogado en NY y te cuenta su experiencia en la Uba con su mapa para llegar a ser abogado en la gran ciudad.SUSCRIBITE AL PODCAST PARA NO PERDERTE LA ENTREVISTA DE TODOS LOS DOMINGOS LLENA DE VALOR PARA TU VIDA COMO ESTUDIANTEMis redes:INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/axel.pomerantz/Tik…
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"Bizcochito", "Motomami" y "Despechá". Son palabras que asociamos a Rosalía. A través de su lenguaje, conocemos mejor a la cantante con Marta Salicrú y su biografía "Rosalía de la A a la Z"
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Fue un estigma para muchas mujeres en el siglo XX: La soltería. El guionista Manuel Jiménez Núñez desgrana las historias de mujeres a las que despectivamente se las conocía como "solteronas"
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De Sherlock Holmes sabemos que toca bien el violín y que es un experto boxeador. Pero, ¿Qué sabemos de su autor, Conan Doyle? Hablamos de los grandes autores de la literatura, sus fobias y manías.
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En "La biblioteca oculta" de Guillermo Díaz, hablamos del conde Carl Gustaf von Rosen. Este piloto sueco quiso salvar Biafra en plena guerra y no dudó en luchar por su cuenta para conseguirlo
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Impact of Type, Timing and Duration of Exposure to ACEs on Adolescent Self-harm and Depression
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Impact_of_Type_Timing_and_Duration_of_Exposure_to_ACEs_on_Adolescent_Self-harm_and_Depression/969af1f1-aa36-4341-935d-8db171153a64 Bushra Farooq discusses her JCPP paper ‘The relationship between type, timing and duration of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and adolescent self-harm and depression: findings f…
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Randomized Trial of an Organizational Implementation Strategy to Improve Measurement-Based Care Fidelity and Youth Outcomes in Community
Mental Health: JAACAP October 2024
JAACAP October 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Rana Elmaghraby interviews Dr. Gregory A. Aarons about measurement-based care (MBC), which collects session-by-session symptom data from patients and provides clinicians with feedback on treatment response.Various
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El Diamante Hope, la Perla Peregrina o el collar de María Antonieta. Estas joyas han provocado asesinatos, guerras y traiciones. Conocemos sus historias con Ana Trigo, autora de “Joyas malditas” editado por La Esfera de los Libros.
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Tres ríos: el Orinoco, el Mississippi, y el Amazonas. Y tres hombres que marcaron sus historias: Francisco de Orellana, Diego de Ordás y Hernando de Soto. Ellos protagonizan el Monográfico "Exploradores de Grandes Ríos"
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En 1845, los barcos Erebus y Terror, se enfrentaban a una misión muy ambiciosa en el círculo Polar Antártico. Pero desaparecieron misteriosamente. Esta noche, te lo contamos en "La Enciclopedia Oculta" con Guillermo Díaz
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/ACAMH_Learn%3a_Revolutionising_Child_and_Adolescent_Mental_Health_Knowledge/bc9b91c2-9c57-4e83-a3fe-a5e7e81f41d3 For this special In Conversation podcast, we are honoured to spend time talking with Dr. Mark Lovell about the launch of ACAMH Learn. Learning Objectives Insight into ACAMH’s vision and mission and how thi…
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Cinco finalistas mayores de 65 años y un desafío en los Andes Peruanos. El creador es Eric Fratini. Con él hablamos del “Desafío senior Santa Lucía”
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Un año después de la muerte de Pepe Domingo Castaño, le rendimos homenaje con una de las personas que mejor lo conocían, Paco González.
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Jak se mění poušť ve zlato: Investiční byty v Egyptě - Pavla Bártová a Richard Kašpar
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Відтворити пізніше
Lákají vás investice do nemovitostí v zahraničí? Koupili byste si byt na dálku, v zemi, kde jste nikdy nebyli? Pavla Bártová s Richardem Kašparem, specialisté na investiční nemovitosti v Egyptě, takto prodají přes 80% bytů a přesvědčí vás, že to není nic neobvyklého.. Jaké jsou výhody této země a arabského světa celkově, jakého výnosu lze dosáhnout…
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In this conversation we grapple with the complexity of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and discuss the Viewpoint published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health on "Asking difficult questions about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, in the context of the child, the mother, and the systems in which they live".…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.35725 In this In Conversation Podcast, Clara Faria is joined by Tanatswa Chikaura, a mental health researcher and advocate, Founder and Director of Ndinewe Foundation, and PhD candidate in the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Cambridge. Tanatswa’s research interests include suicide prevention, trauma, and mental hea…
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Paediatric Sepsis Series contributors Nelson Sánchez-Pinto and Luregn Schlapbach join Josefine Gibson to mark World Sepsis Day 2024.The Lancet
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.33251 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Isabel Morales-Muñoz discusses her JCPP paper ‘Shorter night-time sleep duration and later sleep timing from infancy to adolescence’ (https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14004). There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. Discussion points include: Defin…
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Binge Eating Disorders: Executive Functioning and Treatment outcomes for Adolescents Undergoing CBT
DOI: 10.13056/acamh.33242 In this In Conversation podcast, we are joined by Dr. Andrea Goldschmidt, from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Goldschmidt is a licensed clinical psychologist whose research focuses on eating behaviors that are associated with poor weight-related outcomes. The focus of this podcast will be on her recent JCPP paper ‘Execu…
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Jak efektivně řídit svůj čas? ⏰ Od chaosu k výsledkům - Daniel Gamrot
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Відтворити пізніше
Převládá u vás spíše "řízený" chaos 🤯 a máte pocit, že nikdy nemáte vše hotové? Jak efektivně organizovat svůj čas 📅, abyste byli produktivní a dosahovali nejlepších výsledků 📈 s minimálním úsilím? Zejména v oboru realit to může být někdy složité, protože spoustu lidí jede tzv. "one-man show". Napadlo vás někdy podívat se na rutinní činnosti pohled…
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Remission, Recovery, Relapse, and Recurrence Rates for Suicide Attempts and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury for Suicidal Youth Treated With Dialectical Behavior Therapy or Supportive Therapy: JAACAP September ...
JAACAP September 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Narpinder Malhi interviews Dr. Michele S. Berk about a study evaluating rates of remission, recovery, relapse, and recurrence insuicidal youth who participated in a clinical trial comparing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Individual and Group Supportive Therapy (IGST).…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.33232 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Yasmin Ahmadzadeh discusses her co-authored CAMH journal paper ‘Intergenerational consequences of racism in the United Kingdom: a qualitative investigation into parents’ exposure to racism and offspring mental health and well-being’ (https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12695). Yasmin was the principal …
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.32140 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Barry Coughlan discusses his JCPP Advances paper ‘Risk rates and profiles at intake in child and adolescent mental health services: A cohort and latent class analyses of 21,688 young people in South London’ (https://doi.org/10.1002/jcv2.12246). Barry is the lead author of the paper. There is an …
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Nemovitosti nebo krypto? Jak investují bohatí? Kirill Juran
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Відтворити пізніше
Největší riziko peněz jsi ty sám - jak snadno přijít o 100 milionů korun? Proč u nás zoufale chybí "kryptodaňaři" a advokáti většinou daním nerozumí? Hostem nového rozhovoru byl Mgr. Kirill Juran ze skupiny SMPL, kde mimo jiné spravují portfolio většiny největších kryptoinvestorů v Česku. Zajišťují také správu majetku, tzv. Family Office. Proto jsm…
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