Servicios Para una Educación Alternativa A.C.
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IGCS - enhancing the care of women with gynecologic cancer worldwide through education and training and public awareness.
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O EducaCiências Podcast é uma realização do Projeto Interdisciplinar e Interdepartamental de Extensão EducaCiências, da Faculdade de Ciências da Unesp de Bauru, em parceria com o Jornal da Cidade de Bauru. Com episódios quinzenais, o objetivo principal é debater sobre temas que envolvem educação, sociedade e o papel da universidade pública, trazendo sempre um professor especialista como convidado.
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Katie Petrick and David Fiorazo are here to bring you the facts and provide answers to help protect the next generation of patriots. Stay Educated!
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O Projeto Educa Dor é uma ferramenta de informação em saúde, criada por várias mãos, envolvendo as principais especialidades da área médica que trabalham diariamente com dor crônica.
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Brasil Educação é um podcast da Revista Educação que aborda os principais assuntos da educação básica que todo(a) gestor, coordenador e educador precisam saber, como políticas públicas, inovações no setor, pedagogia e cultura.
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Áudio educativos sobre anarquismo
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Educational wisdom fusing the best of modern research with the ancient philosophers of education.
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Podcast especializado en diseño curricular, competencias profesionales, técnicas didácticas, entornos educativos, innovación educativa, evaluación del aprendizaje para profesores de medicina y de carreras de la salud
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Präsentiert von SAP Training and Adoption
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Willkommen bei dem Podcast, der deinen süßen Zahn auf eine geschmackliche Reise schickt! Jules und Kevin springen mit offenem Mund voraus in das quietschbunte Universum der verlockenden Leckereien, bewerten beliebte Köstlichkeiten und gehen auf Schatzsuche im zuckersüßen Dschungel endloser Snack-Möglichkeiten.
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提供教育趨勢、學校資訊及文教新知等,不可不知的教育事! 師培、家長都必須掌握的教育資訊攏底家! 內容為社區大學資源利用,希望能將在臺灣設置推動將近25年、遍及各縣市超過80所,紮根在地與社區,以形塑公民社會、進行知識解放為辦學目標的終身學習教育場域之實踐經驗,邀請社區大學全國促進會與各地社大共同參與,讓社大的經驗、反思、成果,能再次成為台灣社會的養分,同時激發更多的創新與想像。 國中教育會考即將來臨,教育電臺在考前1個月特別企劃「技職新領航」系列節目,透過在技職教育中表現優異的學生說明學習歷程與各職類特色,讓學生獲得相關資訊決定自己的升學進路。 帶領聽眾認識台灣在地農產品、在地飲食文化與特色,並介紹各級學校及民間團體具特色之食農教育學習與體驗活動,培養聽眾食農素養,包括建立均衡飲食、實踐在地農產品消費、減少食物浪費、瞭解農業生產方法及農業科技與研發等。期望透過「產地到餐桌」讓每日飲食可以「吃出好健康」、「吃出好家庭」、「吃出好環境」。 ----- COVID-19疫 ...
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Profit from resource and precious metals investing as you learn from the best in the industry and discover quality mining investment opportunities with the Mining Stock Education podcast.
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Educatalyst Africa podcast explores the triumphs, challenges, and solutions within the educational landscape of Africa. We aim to spotlight transformative solutions that can stimulate Africa’s development through top-notch equitable and inclusive education. We will have deep conversations with some of the most brilliant minds in and outside of Africa. Hosted by Nneka Otokwala, a Nigerian lawyer and development enthusiast with a passion for building sustainable and equitable education systems ...
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These are the conversations happening inside education that are going to transform education. Covering all aspects of teaching and learning, educational leadership and psychology, counseling psychology, kinesiology and sport management, it’s Education Eclipse from Washington State University's College of Education.
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A weekly podcast highlighting education policy news, hosted by Paul E. Peterson, Senior editor of Education Next
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Pediatric educational resource developed by learners for learners. Founded at the University of Alberta. Podcasts, Videos, Infographics, Cases.
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Aprende sobre economía, política, historia, actualidad, coyuntura, arquitectura, filosofía y mucho más con conferencias y eventos de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín en la que participan profesionales de todas partes del mundo.
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The EducateHer’s Sanctuary is a personal development podcast created for women educators, homeschool moms, and school leaders who spend their days pouring into others. But this space isn’t about the classroom—it’s about you. We talk about setting boundaries, protecting your time, and prioritizing your well-being. Because when you take care of yourself, you show up better in every part of your life—whether in the classroom, at home, or beyond.
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Empowering Teachers. Transforming Lives. Reshaping Education.
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A Weekly Look at the Real Stories and Real People in Education Across North Carolina.
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Visions of Education is an education podcast where education professor Dan Krutka and high school social studies teacher Michael Milton have conversations with educators to discuss their big ideas in education. VoE also partners with the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and associated groups to provide the latest from classroom teachers, education, professors, and researchers on social studies education.
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Education Research Reading Room
Ollie Lovell: Teacher, author, podcaster, blogger, PhD candidate. @ollie_lovell
The most in-depth education podcast available. Each episode host Ollie Lovell takes a deep dive into an important area of education with an educational thought leader from around the world, from practicing teachers to university professors and everyone in-between. If you're looking to build deep knowledge about education and how learning happens, this is the podcast for you.
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Coisas que nos interessam.
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Seatton Education aims to raise awareness and give confidence to parents around the world so that home education can be an achievable alternative to conventional schooling.
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Learn about people, places, and things alongside host, 10-year old Gloria Kell. Don’t worry kids, that’s NOT educational!
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Si estás interesado en consejos psicológicos y didácticos
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Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.
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Financial wellness and wealth education for professionals and entreprenuers
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Educationally Outraged seeks to spark discussions from all sides of the political spectrum and social standing, offering alternative interpretations of various subjects. We will discuss everything from education to mental health, from politics to social issues, and all that lies in between. Each episode aims to provide a platform for voices - primarily mine, but more importantly the voices of others who may have differing opinions on topics that matter deeply to them.
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Podcast by EducationHQ
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Whether you are a beginning or an experienced nurse educator, you will get new ideas for your teaching in this podcast. Experts share teaching strategies you can use with your nursing students.
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Bine te-am găsit! Sunt Mihai Constantinescu, gazda podcastului EducatsiBogat, locul unde găsești informații care te vor ajuta în drumul tău către properitate și către independența financiară! Vei găsi conversații cu persoane experimentate despre Educație Financiară, Economisire, Investiții, Psihologia Banilor și Antreprenoriat! Audiție plăcută!
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Casting a critical eye over the world of digital education, education futures and EdTech. Join Neil Selwyn as he talks to experts from around the world committed to new ways of thinking about digital technology and education
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The Elemental Educator Podcast hosted by Tyler Comeau Explores the alchemy of education, leadership, and pedagogy: Challenging the status quo of leadership norms while redefining learning.
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An Incomplete Education combines, podcasts, blogs, courses, quizzes and crosswords as part of a fun, trivia based learning experience. The brain needs exercise, so either use it or lose it. Our goal is not to be experts in all fields or any field. We run courses, quizzes, podcasts and crosswords for fun, to help you gain a little knowledge to explore more.
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Follow along each week as we change lives through education abroad.
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Decantăm narațiuni, adăugăm opinii pertinente și ne antrenăm curiozitatea și gândirea critică pentru a lua decizii mai bune și pentru a nu fi manipulați. Podcastul face parte din Programul de Educație Media demarat de Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent în parteneriat cu Romanian American Foundation și este susținut prin proiectul BROD – Observatorul Bulgaro-Român de Media Digitală.
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Podcast del Instituto de Finanzas Personales sobre la educación financiera y el dinero para divulgar y fomentar prácticas y hábitos que contribuyan a mejorar tu vida económica.
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[RES]SOURCES ÉDUCATIVES, c’est le podcast d’ESSENTIEL radio qui parle pédagogie, éducation et transmission. Parents, familles, professionnels de l’éducation, animateurs, éducateurs ou tout simplement citoyens du monde… si vous avez à cœur de transmettre, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Professeure agrégée et directrice d’école passionnée, Christine donne la parole au non moins passionné - et passionnant ! - Luc BUSSIÈRE. Enseignant, philosophe, théologien de formation, auteur et conférencier ayan ...
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A podcast about all things education - for teachers, students and parents.
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I’m a high school teacher who loves to travel. I’ll be sharing hacks, itineraries, and crazy stories from all of my past trips. Let’s go on an adventure!
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Podcasts from the journal Medical Education
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Political conversations that matter! Talking to guests about todays increasingly polarized political environment through a progressive lens.
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Two educators with over half a century of experience explore topics related to education for educators, students, parents, and any and all persons interested in the education of all kids.
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A podcast by University School designed for parents & educators who are raising, teaching, & inspiring boys.
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Education Monsters is a podcast that explores the diverse and unconventional paths of multicultural education. Hosted by an experienced educator, the show features interviews with guests from around the world who share their unique experiences with different education systems, cultural adaptation, and the impact of travel on learning. Beyond education, the podcast dives into topics like discrimination, racism, and the realities of local life, offering deep insights into how people live, lear ...
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On the face of it, digital technologies are now integral to university teaching and learning. But to what extent have things actually changed … and are these changes wholly positive? Cathrine Tømte (University of Agder) talks about the impacts of digitisation on Norwegian universities, and why teachers and students should perhaps be joining forces …
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No todos lo saben, pero Miguel Vázquez es uno de los mejores copywriters que hay en España. Migui (así le conocen sus seguidores) se define como introvertido, y es cierto que, hasta ahora, ha decidido mantener un perfil bajo en lo que a exposición mediática se refiere. Pero si estás en su newsletter podrás darnos la razón en que todo lo que compart…
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Is TRUMP Using MCCARTHYISM To DESTROY America? An Interview With The New York Times Clay Risen.
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:25:26Send us a text During the red scare McCarthy used Americans paranoia of communism to create an insurmountable divide between the political parties. Today Donald Trump (Roy Cohns best friend) is using those same tactics to once again divide America. Join me and author Clay Risen of the New York times as we explore the parallels of the red scare and …
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Neste episódio, a pesquisadora Renata Fakhoury destaca a importância de encontrar possibilidades para promover a inclusão de mulheres em espaços públicos nas cidades.
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No episódio de hoje do Projeto Educa Dor, o Dr. João Rizzo e a psiquiatra Lorena Caleffi discutem as alterações do sono em pacientes com dor crônica. Eles explicam como a dor afeta o descanso, a relação entre ambos e tratamentos possíveis, incluindo medicamentos, terapias e o papel da saúde mental. Se você ou alguém próximo enfrenta essa realidade,…
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A prestigious Episcopal all-girls school in D.C. is facing heavy criticism after it hosted an LGBTQ event for children without notifying parents.
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A realist evaluation of prospective entrustment decisions in paediatric residency clinical competency committees - An audio paper with Daniel J. Schumacher
Clinical Competence Committees are found to be deliberate in focusing on trainee development but notably less likely to be deliberate regarding trainee entrustment and advancement decisions #cbme #patientsafetyMedical Education
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Beyond inclusion politics: A critical discourse analysis of sex and gender in medical education - An audio paper with Navin Kariyawasam
This paper addresses how the repetitive and everyday use of ill-defined and uncritical gendered and sexed language upholds systems of cisheteropatriarchy, coloniality, and transphobia within medicine.Medical Education
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Societatea româneasca în prag de alegeri: neîncredere, fragmentare si efectul retelelor sociale. Barbu Mateescu în Laboratorul de educație media
Barbu Mateescu este sociolog și a vorbit cu Julia Nagy despre tensiunile, fragmentarea și neîncrederea din societatea românească actuală. „Este un deficit colosal de încredere în viitor. Paseismul a devenit o boală în societate, nu este dominantă, dar e foarte aproape de a fi dominantă. Și paseismul nu înseamnă doar să te uiți la trecut și să spui …
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¿Qué pasa cuando los profesores y profesoras Baby boomers y Generación X conviven con los residentes y estudiantes de la Generación Millenials y Generación Z en el entorno de aprendizaje clínico? Aquí reflexionaremos sobre situaciones que se viven.
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Beginning Teaching with Alannah Gebron | Season 3 Episode 3Mentors, Math, and Making a Difference: Alannah Gebron's Experience as a New Teacher Join Chris and Rob in this insightful episode of the Educational Currency Podcast as they welcome Alannah Gebron, a fresh-faced teacher just nine months into her career. Alannah shares her journey from univ…
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Estonia ESC 2025:
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Gold stock fund manager and Austrian economist Larry Lepard sees $5,000 to $10,000/oz gold in the next several years. He believes gold stocks present an asymmetrical opportunity for investors. Larry shares some gold stock picks. He also explains the thesis of his new book, “The Big Print” and offers a sound money solution in contrast to the current…
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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to prepare health professions admissions applications is increasing. These tools can improve writing but raise ethical concerns about application authenticity. Drs. Jill Brennan-Cook and Stephanie Gedzyk-Nieman share the results of their scoping review on the use of AI by applicants applying to nursing …
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A school of nursing employed a nurse informaticist in its simulation laboratory to address the complexities of technology usage and aid in data analytics. Mr. Eric Hall describes his role as an informaticist in the simulation setting. Eric and Dr. Jo Ellen Holt share benefits and outcomes of this new role in simulation. Read more in their article.…
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In late January, Sport Management faculty members Elodie Wendling and Tammy Crawford led two small groups of students, totaling eight students in all, to Las Vegas to take part in the COSMA Conference Case Study Cup. We split our look into the Case Study Cup into three parts: one with Elodie Wendling, who served as advisor for both teams; one with …
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Summary In this episode, Dr. Lea explores the power of personal growth and mindset shifts, emphasizing that true expansion starts from within. Using the metaphor of a plant needing to be repotted, she illustrates how staying in the same mental space can limit your potential. She shares personal experiences and practical strategies for breaking thro…
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When nurse educators foster a growth mindset, they help students understand that mindset and attitudes are developed through dedication and practice, rather than fixed traits. One strategy to address this challenge is to modify our language to use words that foster continuous growth. In assessments where students are at the practice level, the term…
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Faculty workload models related to DNP projects have not kept pace with increasing enrollment and program expectations. Dr. Sara Hubbell explains a new faculty workload that was developed related to DNP projects to reflect a more equitable and realistic model. The faculty developed the Collaborative Section-Based Faculty Workload Model that resulte…
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Are video games just distractions, or can they be powerful learning tools? In this episode of Education Monsters, we sit down with Robby, a gameplay programmer and teacher from Québec, to challenge the stigma around gaming. Robby shares his journey from growing up as a gamer to making it his career, and how he reassures parents that video games can…
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雲林山線社大自2014年即開始關心與找尋城市中一條被加蓋20年、消失許久的河川-雲林溪。並在2017年、由社大、社區協會、大學院校、建築師、景觀規劃公司及NPO組織跨域合作,組成了「雲林溪文化聚落聯盟」,透過公民參與、文資保存及河川討論等方式,讓公部門與民眾們認識與了解更多流域的文化與環境。 而此河川議題的社會運動中,有別於以往的缺乏生態觀與民眾參與,在雲林溪治理工程的過程中,正因有公民團體、社區民眾與社大的參與及努力,而讓公部門願意慢下工程施作、傾聽民意;並且針對工程的河段進行了文化資產的調查與盤點,包括了老街、老建築及老樹及老故事等珍貴資源,期盼雲林溪在不久的未來,能成為--城市綠肺與流域新亮點。 #每周三更新 #更多教育現場請鎖定教育非知不可官方臉書 ----- 主持人:周聖心 邀訪來…
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Do you want to become a “keeper of the books”? In week’s episode guests Jennifer Courtney and Timothy Knotts talk about how to build a home library and pass along the love of reading in your family. They also introduce us to some new and old Copper Lodge Library editions that really are books worth holding on to!…
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IGCS nursing workgroup bimonthly tumor board and discussed nursing care options for a vulvar cancer patient with HIV experiencing incomplete treatment and gaps in follow-up. Case presentation by Biemba Maliti (Zambia) Moderated by Anne Mellon, RN (Australia), Chrissy Donovan, RN, NP (USA), and Sarah Belton, RN (Ireland) Join future IGCS nursing tum…
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Struggling to save money? You’re not alone! In this episode of Wealth Education Podcast, host Ola Williams shares practical strategies to help you build a sustainable savings habit, even if you feel like your income isn't enough. Learn how to start small, automate your savings, and use goal-oriented strategies to create financial security over time…
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Episode 54: How to Support Burnt-Out Teachers and Build a Thriving School Culture (With Brittany Thompson)
How to Support Burnt-Out Teachers and Build a Thriving School Culture In this episode of The Elemental Educator Podcast, host Tyler Comeau welcomes Brittany Thompson, an experienced administrator from East Texas, to discuss burnout, school culture, and the challenges of leadership. With over 16 years in education, including 8 years in administratio…
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Nearly a third of the workers at the federal Department of Education are out of a job as Donald Trump works to make good on his promise to end Fed Ed and return all power and money to the states.David Fiorazo, Katie Petrick
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In dieser Episode wird Thomas Jenewein von Christoph Haffner interviewed. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die verschiedenen Formate, um SAP zu Lernen: ob trainergeführte Kurse in Schulungszentren, virtuell und gemischte Formate. Besonders digitale Lernangebote werden gerade stark ausgebaut – sei es kostenfreie online Lerninhalte oder die zusätzlichen An…
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Hey kids! Join 11-year-old host Gloria Kell as she gives you some interesting facts about languages. Create your own language and learn to speak Pig Latin. Don't worry, kids. That's not educational!Gloria Kell
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In this episode of EduCatalyst Africa, Nneka and Desmond explore the urgent need to equip Africa’s youth with skills in emerging technologies. They dive into the policy gaps that must be addressed, the infrastructure needed for tech education, and the role of AI tools in shaping learning. The conversation also highlights opportunities for collabora…
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Welcome to Brick and Mortar: Education from the Inside Out, the podcast where we take you behind the scenes of Maryland's education system. Hosted by Delegate Eric Ebersole and Matt Gresick, we dive deep into the issues shaping public education today, with a focus on the policies, innovations, and key figures that are driving progress. In this epis…
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Feeling too stressed to teach? When student behavior feels overwhelming and nothing seems to be working, it’s easy to feel discouraged. But sometimes, the biggest shift isn’t in your classroom—it’s in how you see it. In this episode Jesica Glover speaks with Trish Zenczak, a high school teacher and mentor, about supporting trauma-impacted students …
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Si les écoles protestantes évangéliques sont encore peu nombreuses en France, elles fleurissent dans le monde entier et contribuent partout à une éducation rappelant la pertinence de la Bible dans les défis éducatifs d'aujourd'hui. Dans cet épisode, nous partons à la découverte des écoles protestantes évangéliques en Allemagne qui, financées à haut…
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El riesgo siempre ha sido cosa de hombres. Y por eso, las decisiones más arriesgadas las han tomado históricamente ellos. Hoy, en estos tiempos y en este episodio del podcast de IFP, nos preguntamos: ¿Tiene realmente sentido tomar decisiones arriesgadas? ¿Hay algún beneficio en ello? ¿Es realmente el arrojo una ventaja y un factor determinante en e…
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Inspírate, crea nuevos proyectos y expande tu conocimiento en Organizado por: Centro Henry Hazlitt Facebook @UFM.CHH Una producción de UFM Studios
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A 19-year-old college student is suing her former high school after she was passed along from grade to grade not knowing how to read or write.David Fiorazo, Katie Petrick
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Aunque este concepto te pueda parecer familar, es importante conocer sus características y las estrategias para lograr desarrollar los instrumentos de evaluación necesarios para realimentar a los estudiantes o residentes y tener elementos que puedan realimentar el plan de estudios.
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Homeschooling, Accreditation & Student-Led Learning | April Huard’s Homeschooling Journey Are you thinking about homeschooling but worried about accreditation, college admissions, or how to transition from school to home education? In this episode, Victoria from Seatton Education sits down with April Huard, Director of Education at Clonlara School,…
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ZEIT zu German Brainrot: Für Bild zum Ton folgt dem Podcast bei Instagram: Snacks Education ist eine schmackhafte Produktion der bildundtonfabrik.bildundtonfabrik
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Starting a new school (as a teacher) | Season 3 Episode 2Navigating Change: Thriving in Your New Teaching Environment Thinking about a fresh start in your teaching career? In this episode of Educational Currency, we dive deep into the ins and outs of starting at a new school. Whether you're seeking new opportunities, a change of scenery, or simply …
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The Art of Junior Mining Investing with 40-year Expert Jacques Bonneau (pro tips & stock pics)
Jacques Bonneau shares tips from his newly published book, “The Art of Investing in Junior Mining” in this MSE episode. He also reveals some junior mining stocks that he currently likes.Jacques Bonneau has over 40 years of experience in the mining industry. He has been involved in all the main stages in the evolution of a mining company, from explo…
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On this episode, we’re celebrating the legacy of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the first iteration of which was signed into law in 1975. We’re joined by educators, advocates and a student to learn more about how IDEA serves students and families across the nation.Guests:Dr. Tiece Ruffin, Chair, UNC Asheville Department of Educati…
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William Ponder never set out to write a book, but when God called he said, "Yes!" In this week's podcast we learn about a high school (and beyond!) resource that will facilitate incredible conversations with your students about their potential and their futures. "Ponder the Possibilities" is an easy read, kosher for public high schools with 6 keys …
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Como a escola deve se preparar para as crises do presente e futuro? O que são futuros regenerativos? Com a inteligência artificial, qual a importância de olhar para o humano? Essas e outras perguntas são abordadas neste episódio por Adriana Martinelli, mestra em psicologia organizacional e diretora de conteúdo da Bett Brasil, tida como o maior even…
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In this episode, Dr. Lea breaks down the real reason so many of us feel stuck—even when we're working hard. It’s not about talent, effort, or even strategy; it’s about environment. She shares personal experiences of major highs and frustrating setbacks, revealing how the people and spaces around us can either push us forward or hold us back. This i…
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Executive Summary: This document provides an overview of the various roles involved in film production, covering pre-production, production, and post-production phases. The sources emphasize the collaborative nature of filmmaking, highlighting the distinct responsibilities of each role and how they contribute to the overall success of a project. Th…
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Last summer, with the addition of Tanzania, I was able to make the claim of having visited 25% of the world’s countries. With this accomplishment in mind, I wanted to rank my personal top 25% of those 48 countries! While it’s all personal opinion, I scored each country on the following categories: People, history, activities, tourist infrastructure…
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Jennifer Hochschild, the Henry LaBarre Jayne Professor of Government at Harvard University, joins Paul E. Peterson to discuss Hochschild's latest book, "Race/Class Conflict and Urban Financial Threat."Paul E. Peterson
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大漢溪這個名字是1966年所改的,在那之前,她稱作淡水河。而淡水河這個名字是1921年由日本人改名的,在那之前,她稱作大嵙崁溪。大嵙崁溪這個名字是1877年由劉銘傳改名的,在那之前,她稱作大姑陷(Takoham)。大姑陷這個名字是桃園的平埔族霄裡社所取名的,在那之前,她沒有名字。無論河有沒有名字,河水都依然流著,無論她流經的地區生存著什麼樣的生命,河水也依然流著,灌溉著生命與文明的種子。本次故事路徑中,帶我們重新體驗大河新莊近三百年的潮起潮落,人與大河由親密而疏遠的關係演變,然後再一一撿拾起遺落在大河水畔人們的純情青春夢。 01.集合點廣福宮&福德祠→02.文德公園(陳舜臣的故事)→03.文昌路橋-舊夢新粧(新莊歌曲)&不同時代板橋婦女嫁到新莊的故事→04.文昌祠→05.萬應堂&厚德宮→06…
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Celebration. Skills practice. Self-confidence. Choices. Accomplishment. Joy. FUN! What are we talking about? The Faces of History project in Essentials, of course. By now most communities are in the thick of preparation for this “capstone” of the Essentials year. If you’d like some guidance, some fresh ideas, or just a little encouragement, listen …
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