A community following Jesus. Gospel centred teachings from our Sunday gatherings.
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For Community Practice Guides & other teaching resources for our Fall series "Deeper In, Further Out", visit somamidtown.com/vision2024
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Welcome to the official podcast for Soma Church. We invite you to join us in person on Sundays at 8, 9:45, 11:30 am or 5 pm. We are located locally in Hickory, North Carolina. You can learn more about Soma at soma.church or follow us @soma.church
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Short Somali Stories for children. In each episode there is something that children could learn. Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed oo carruurta loo turjumay, sheeko kasta waxa jira wax ay carruurtu baran karaan. You can get activity sheets for each episode. https://beacons.ai/sheekooyinafsomali Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sheekooyinafsomali/
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A no-frills collection of sermons from Soma Federal Way.
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Warar iyo Barnaamijyo Af Soomali ah Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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A cool medical podcast focusing on women’s health! Grab a seat and catapult yourself into the heart of the most exciting, intriguing, and downright cool world of medicine. Dr. Soma and her guests will share their unique stories and insights and peel back the layers of issues that women commonly face. Just remember, knowledge is power, and it’s ALWAYS ladies first on Soma Says!
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In this podcast, we'll dive deep into the Somali language, its rich culture, and traditions. Whether you're an absolute beginner or someone looking to enhance your Somali language skills, this podcast is for you. https://sites.google.com/view/learnsomalilanguage24/home - NEW WEBSITE!! Got Questions? You can reach me at khadarosman1441@gmail.com😊
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The Somatic Primer Podcast promotes a cross discipline of somatic dialogues that strive to discover the common threads that run through them all. The Somatic Primer Podcast hosts interdisciplinary conversations from experts in their fields and sharing those ideas within the larger somatic community.
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The Somatic Movement & Mindset Podcast has been created to educate, empower and enhance your health and wellbeing. Within this podcast you will learn how to harness the amazing abilities your mind and body possess. Clinical Somatic educator Heidi Hadley takes these concepts and teaches you in an easy to follow format. The subjects vary from pain relief to posture to improving mobility whilst addressing mindset principles.
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Num mundo noticioso veloz a importância da contextualização é cada vez maior. O Negócios explica o tema mais forte da semana e antecipa a Soma dos Dias da semana seguinte. Todas as sextas-feiras em negocios.pt e nas plataformas de podcasts. A Soma dos Dias - em todas as semanas há histórias para contar.
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A podcast to help you grow your somatic intelligence and navigate change with greater ease. Embrace your body's inner wisdom by tuning in here. Hosted by Cristy De La Cruz, a coach and certified/registered Soma Yoga instructor.
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Bem vindo ao podcast Somaré. Aqui a onda é compartilhar o que merece ser conhecido.
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A sua dose de droga semanal
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Codka waayaha Cusub wuxuu qayb ka yahay hay’ad dadka barta Kitaabka Qodduuska ah, oo loo yaqaanno (Thru-the Bible) ama Dhexmarka kitaabka Qodduuska ah. Taxanahan waxaa isku dubbariday horraan Ditoor J.Vernon McGee, waxaana lagu turjumay, oo lagu jaangooyey in ka badan 100 luuqadood iyo lahjado. Waxaa loo qaabeeyey barnaamijyo ka kooban 30 daqiiqo oo isku xig-xiga, kuwaasoo dhegaystaha uu ku baranayo Baybalka oo dhan. Iminka barnaamijyadaas oo dhan, waxay kugu jiraan internetka. Waxaanan ku f ...
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Stories of Somatic Awakening and HOW-TO Live From The Inside Out! Have you ever noticed that your body communicates with you in many different ways? Perhaps through tension, pain, emotions and subtle sensations? Meet Aimee Takaya, a Certified Hanna Somatic Educator and expert in the field of Somatics, Chronic Pain, Movement Therapies and Soulful Transformation. Join the conversation as she and her guests explore the powerful ways you can work with your body to become more whole, connected an ...
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Rock with industry notable Denny Somach, his audio archives, new interviews with the stars who are still performing, and vintage visuals. The stories and behind-the-scenes content will remind you why you love rock - the only genre to cross generations. Bring the family and share the love! Proud part of Pantheon Podcasts.
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about the drug soma
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Awakening the Body with Jivasu Visit: https://jivasu.org/
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The weekly podcast of the Synod of Mid-America (synodma.org)
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Welcome to Somari Hodge, where amazing things happen.
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A description of Somali MIgrational flows Cover art photo provided by Jason Leem on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jleeems
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Só Mais Um Cast é uma conversa descontraída, mas não menos importante, sobre séries. Estrelado por @ elaine_pierre_ @ Ibabalbo e @ diompiter. Maratone nossos outros episódios no youtube!
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Creativity, Consciousness and the Art of Living
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Your Somatic Life: Love. Leadership. Legacy with Samantha J Rix is the podcast for ambitious women who are tired of self-sabotage, burnout, and feeling stuck. If you’ve ever felt like mindset work alone isn’t enough, this is your space to bridge the gap between deep healing and embodied success. As a Certified Somatic Life & Success Coach and Trauma-Informed Nervous System Expert, I’ll guide you through the missing piece of personal and business growth—your mind and body. Here, we redefine s ...
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Bringing you innovative discussions to change your mindset for the better.
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A Family of Churches Seeking to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples
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Soma Flow: Mind, Body, Heart, & Soul Alignment Podcast Welcome to Soma Flow, the podcast where we explore the art of aligning your mind, body, heart, and soul for a life of flow and purpose. Join Tabitha MacDonald, intuitive healer, coach, and transformation expert, as we dive deep into the mind-body connection, the power of intuition, and the journey to true self-awareness. Each episode is packed with actionable insights, inspiring stories, and practical tips to help you unlock your potenti ...
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This is my podcast!
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Zuhause vom Neubeginn mit Gabriella Rist: Entwicklungstrauma und kPTBS Neuro-Somatisch heilen
Gabriella Rist | GANESHASHALA®
Mein Name ist Gabriella Rist. Ich bin selbst Überlebende und Trauma-Expertin und der festen Überzeugung, dass es für jeden möglich ist, sich einen Neubeginn, – das Zuhause vom Neubeginn, mit sanften, balancefördernden Ansätzen zu eröffnen. Ich berichte über typische Anzeichen und Herausforderungen bei der Heilung von Entwicklungstrauma und kPTBS. Aus fast 30 Jahren Erfahrung teile ich Wertvolles für Dich. Das ist der Kanal für Menschen, die sich danach sehnen, endlich einen Neubeginn im Lebe ...
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Hosted by Yasmin & Hani, the Quintessentially Somali podcasts presents its audience with intellectual conversations from politics and social issues to exciting creative events, exhibitions and social life taking place in the heart of London. Come and join us!
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Το 'The SomaPnevma Show' παρουσιάζει ιστορίες και συνεντεύξεις προσώπων που σκέφτονται διαφορετικά και καινοτομούν στον τομέα τους- από ιατρούς, αθλητές και καλλιτέχνες μέχρι CEO's και πνευματικούς θεραπευτές. Συζητάμε για νέους τρόπους να βλέπεις τα πράγματα, και για φρέσκιες, δημιουργικές ιδέες που μας εμπνέουν να ζούμε ακόμα καλύτερα!
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Welcome to the Saran Soman podcast, where amazing things happen.
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We're gonna talk about the immigrant experience from Somalia along with some other stuff.
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Podcast by Soma Podcast
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Podcast by All Things Somali
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By John, Xavier, Nathan, and Max
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The reality of a refugee living in the US
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Somatics has always been at the core of Ani and Brian’s professional expertise, but that’s not what makes them a dynamic duo. Ani and Brian are life and business partners and the “yin” to the other’s “yang.” They share stories from their professional lives as well as their personal lives to better explain and illustrate the power of somatic techniques. After more than a decade working independently, Ani and Brian combined forces. Together they have over 86,000 hours of client experience, mor ...
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Talks from our Sunday Gatherings at Soma City Church in Toledo, OH. Join us on Sundays in person at 9am and 11am.
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SIP in SOMA is podcast in Maplewood and South Orange, NJ all about people who are connecting, collaborating, and contributing to our communities.
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The Ohr Somayach Podcast. Bringing you the best in Jewish thought from Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem. For feedback and sponsorship opportunities contact us at: podcasts@ohr.edu
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Michael Strickland
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This week, Pastor Tony about how inside of every human heart is an innate need for reconciliation that can only be met by Jesus.Soma Church
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A comissária europeia para os serviços financeiros, Maria Luís Albuquerque, apresentou a estratégia para a União da Poupança e Investimento. Neste episódio analisamos a iniciativa que assenta em quatro domínios: aforro das famílias, investimento e financiamento, integração e escala dos participantes nos mercados financeiros e supervisão eficiente, …
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In this episode, Dr. Dana Gibbs shares her journey from a board-certified ENT surgeon to a thyroid and hormone expert, driven by her personal battle with undiagnosed hormonal imbalances. She discusses her approach to treating chronic fatigue, brain fog, and weight struggles—conditions often overlooked by mainstream medicine. Dr. Gibbs emphasizes th…
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Soma Federal Way
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Ephesians 2:1-10 w/ David Haley.
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Episode 10. Luke 7:1-35 David Miles 16/3/2025
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Do you ever notice recurring emotional or physical patterns in your life? Today, Aimee Takaya chats with Wyld Lee, a certified 5Rhythms teacher, to explore how movement can unlock deep healing and help release trauma stored in the body. The 5Rhythms practice blends free movement with structured energetic exploration, allowing participants to reconn…
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Send us a text What if your body is trying to tell you something? In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the messages hidden behind chronic pain and discomfort. Discover how your physical sensations aren't just random signals but profound insights into your emotional and energetic health. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, we …
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Bartamaha Jönköping oo daadad harqiyeen. Kiis loogu magac daray maxkamad u qabasho ayaa lagu soo oogay wiil da' yar.. Magaalada Malmö ayaa xalay rasaas lagu furay guri dabaq ah.Sveriges Radio
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Do you struggle with chronic pain, stiffness, or poor posture? In this episode, Heidi Hadley uncovers the hidden reasons behind pain and limited mobility—from muscle memory, neuroplasticity, bioplasticity, tension to stress and lifestyle habits. Learn how your nervous system adapts to daily movement patterns, sometimes creating restrictions that le…
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Dr. Shin Lin: The Science of Qi
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:03:39On today’s episode I had the pleasure to speak to Dr. Shin Lin. Shin Lin, PhD, is a world-renowned expert on Tai Chi and a 12th generation heir of Chen Style Tai Chi designated by Grandmaster Chen Zheng-Lei of China’s Chen Family Village, where Tai Chi originated. He is a longtime chair of biophysics at Johns Hopkins and professor of biological sci…
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Ma jiro qof lagu tuhmayo inuu ku lug lahaa dilka ninkii gubay Qur'aanka. Macallin ku dhejiyay warqado foolka carruurta. Labo qof ayaa dhimatay kadib shil helikobtar.Sveriges Radio
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Askar iswiidhish oo ka tirsan ciidammada Nato oo jebiyay xeerka anshaxa. JO: Maxaabiista waa inay timaha xiiran karaan, in loo oogolaado mashiinnadda timaxiirka. Shaqaale uu mashiin ka jaray afar farood.Sveriges Radio
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Grief is quiet, deep, and often overlooked—but it doesn’t have to be faced alone. In this episode of the Somatic Coaching Academy Podcast, hosts Ani Anderson and Brian Trzaskos explore the profound connection between grief, loss, and the body. Discover why depression is the brain’s way of protecting us from pain, how shutting down grief also shuts …
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This episode is Ramadan special, the struggle of fasting as a young adult
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Dilkii ka dhacay xaafadda Märsta. Dhaca deytinka amashukaansiga aaladda internetka. Dhowr ashkato oo loo gudbiyey JO.Sveriges Radio
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Macallin carruurta afka ka sharooteeyey oo shaqada laga eryay. Daawo fayraska RS ka difaaceysaa dhammaan dhallaanka cusub. Warbixinno ku saabsan hanjabaad iyo cunfi loo geystay markhaatiyaal.Sveriges Radio
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💭 "Why am I so exhausted all the time?" You push through, you show up, you keep giving… yet no matter how much you rest, the fatigue lingers. But what if your exhaustion isn’t just physical? High-achieving women like you don’t just get tired—your energy is being drained in ways you may not even realize. In this episode, we uncover the 5 hidden type…
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S6 E6 On Listening to Pain - Compassion as Anti-Inflammatory, Journey through Sciatica and Insomnia (Solo)
Hi Listeners, This podcast has a little background noise since I recorded it outside. Hope you don't mind that but if it's bothersome, maybe skip this episode. Here's a link to the Descript transcript. *** Free Saboteur Self-Assessment from Positive Intelligence Link to schedule Free Saboteur Discovery Session 1:1 with Cristy *** We would love to h…
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Dawooyinka oo qaali noqonaya. Qiimaha cuntada iskuullada. Matoorada doonyo la xaday.Sveriges Radio
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Michael Strickland
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In this episode, Heidi Hadley explores the power of self-awareness and the profound impact of understanding your internal world. She discusses how your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations shape your well-being and how unresolved tension and stress can manifest in your body. Through somatic movement, mindset shifts, and mindfulness, Heidi sh…
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Labo nin ayaa xalay ka baxsaday xero qaxooti xiran oo ku taalla Åstorp, Skåne. Qarax xooggan ayaa fiidnimadii khamiistii shalay ka dhacay guri ku yaalla Göteborg. Xilliga hargabka ayaa si gaar ah aad ugu haleelay bukaannada da'da yar.Sveriges Radio
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Neste episódio analisamos a queda do Governo na sequência do caso Spinumviva. O fim de linha para o Executivo de Luís Montenegro é ditado pelo chumbo da moção de confiança que aconteceu depois de um debate quente e que envolveu negociações na praça pública. Os impasses, suspensões da sessão e argumentos de parte a parte foram criticados dentro e fo…
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Alexithymie/ Gefühlsblindheit als Traumafolge – Was ist Alexithymie? (+Test). Leben ohne Gefühle
Hier erfährst Du alles über Alexithymie und Gefühlsblindheit durch Entwicklungstrauma. Mach mit unserem Test mit und finde heraus, ob Du unter Alexithymie leidest. Teste Dich und verstehe mehr, warum Menschen gefühlskalt oder Gefühls-blind benannt werden! Denn NIEMAND ist ohne Gefühle an die Welt gekommen. Ob Du auch Erfahrungen damit hast? _______…
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In this episode of Soma Says, we delve into the world of surgical oncology with Dr. Malini Sur, an expert in tumors of the liver, pancreas, and gastrointestinal system. Dr. Sur shares her inspiring journey—from experiencing a benign tumor as a young teenager to becoming a leader in minimally invasive and robotic surgery. We explore the complexities…
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Wadarta sicir-bararka ayaa ahaa 2.9 boqolkiiba bishii Feberaayo. Qof kale oo lagu daryeelayay isbitaalka Örebro ayaa la soo saaray. Dhaqtar sare oo ka tirsan cisbitaalka jaamacadda Sahlgrenska ee magaalada Göteborg ayaa shaqada laga eryay.Sveriges Radio
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What if the key to real change wasn’t about willpower, but about how you put on your pants? 🤔 In this episode of the Somatic Coaching Academy Podcast, hosts Ani Anderson and Brian Trzaskos break down the four essential steps to conscious change—and why most people get stuck before they ever truly transform. From hilarious personal experiments (Bria…
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Siyaasadda cimilada Iswiidhan oo uu is bedel ku yimid. 7.2 boqolkiiba xooga shaqaalaha ayaa ah shaqo la'aan, sida uu xafiiska shaqada sheegay. Haweeney ayaa ku geeriyootay isbitaal kadib markii takhtar ku qornaa qaybta degdega oo imanin.Sveriges Radio
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This week, Pastor Tony talks about how we, as Saints, may not always be righteous "situationally", but by God's grace, we are righteous "positionally".Soma Church
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12 qof oo biyo ku qarqamey labadii bilood ee sannadka ugu horreeyey. Dhoofinta qalabka militariga Iswiidhen oo kordhay sannadkii hore 2024-kii. Farshaxaniiste Britta Marakatt-Labba ayaa samaysay mid ka mid ah farshaxanada ugu wanaagsan qarnigan.Sveriges Radio
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