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Spirited discussions of government, politics, and current events without predictable left/right bias. The Smerconish Podcast is for Independent Minds. The Michael Smerconish Program airs live on SiriusXM's POTUS Channel 9AM-12PM ET and replays 9PM-12AM East, Monday-Friday.
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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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Smertesnak er til dig, som kæmper med længerevarende smerter og til dig, som hjælper andre med at tackle deres. Dine værter er specialiserede fysioterapeuter, undervisere og smertebehandlere, som giver dig brugbare redskaber, dugfriske perspektiver og nye strategier til at blive mindre begrænset af smerter. Vi gør vores allerbedste for at punkterer de myter, misforståelser og overbevisninger som står i vejen for at komme tilbage til et liv, hvor smerter ikke er en begrænsning.
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Smettere di lavorare

Smettere di lavorare

Francesco Narmenni vive senza lavorare da molti anni andando nella direzione opposta suggerita dai guru del business e del marketing, ovvero allontanandosi dal denaro, dal successo e vivendo fuori dagli schemi imposti dalla società. Attraverso la sua esperienza Narmenni ci insegna come semplificare la propria esistenza, vivere con pochi soldi e usare il denaro per generare altro denaro. Secondo l'autore si è veramente liberi solo dopo essersi creati una realtà dove poter decidere come vivere ...
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Smersh Pod

John Rain

The film podcast that does a bit of everything. Hosted by John Rain. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I Smell Music!


Podcast dla wszystkich miłośników muzyki, pragnących inspirować się i poszukiwać nowych, muzycznych fascynacji. Wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi eksplorujemy ciekawe muzyczne obszary, odkrywając nowe, nieznane nam oblicza tej wspaniałej dziedziny sztuki. Dołącz do nas!
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The Smellcast

Toppie Smellie

Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled. Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction. Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it. Fascinated by the minute and th ...
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Klasické rozprávky (nielen) zo Zlatého fondu denníka SME, ktoré číta člen činohry Slovenského národného divadla Robert Roth. Ku klasickým textom od Pavla Dobšinského a Hansa Christiana Andersena v dobovom jazyku neskôr pribudnú aj nové slovenské autorské rozprávky.
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I Smerteuniverset vil du lære at smerter ikke altid er så simple som mange tror og hvorfor det er muligt at have smerter selvom man ikke har nogen skade. Dette er en podcast for alle der gerne vil lære mere omkring smerter og for dig med kroniske smerter, som søger viden til hvordan du kan få en bedre hverdag eller blive smertefri. Vi tager dig på en rejse i smertens univers og interviewer både forskere, klinikere og patienter for at belyse den nyeste viden omkring smerter og rehabilitering. ...
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Smell Ya Later

Smell Ya Later

Tynan Sinks and Sable Yong — friends, beauty editors, award-winning fragrance writers, and scent fiends — are giving the world the podcast no one asked for. Smell Ya Later explores every imaginable angle at which we interact with the aromas and odors in our lives, the scents that have seared themselves into our memory, and scents that inform the way we envision our future. That includes everything from fine fragrances to candles to dish soap, and to the world around us. For more info, check ...
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The World of Taste & Smell

World Taste & Smell Association

Discover taste and smell like never before! Hosted by Stephanie Feur and Mindy Yang, this podcast explores the art, science, and innovation redefining our sensory world. Hear inspiring stories and bold ideas from visionaries shaping the future of taste and smell.
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S.M.E. Stories Podcast

Northway Capital Group

Where we tell the exciting stories of the small business owners in Canada, whether it's your side hustle, full-time venture, or monetizing your passion project, it's all in the story. Different business owners from various industries tell you how it is. Our goal is to educate and motivate you to control your destiny. Real estate, pets, healthcare, fitness, and art industries will be on the show. Solopreneurs, partnerships, corporations, and franchise owners are all welcome. Sit back, get los ...
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These are the voyages of three smelly pirate content creators who have done everything from swab the decks to rigging the sails on hundreds of journeys. B2B marketing content comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be aimed at a wide audience or target a handful of key decision makers. The crew at Lion’s Way has worked on every imaginable type of content for tech companies big and small. And now we are sharing tales of high adventure on the high seas and hopefully providing you with some valua ...
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We interview CEOs, business leaders, and thought leaders to get their perspectives on strategy, leadership, management, and other trends that can support your career and help you run a ”best-in-class” business or non-profit. Be sure to subscribe and tell us what you’re taking away from each episode. About SME Strategy We facilitate strategic planning offsite meetings and support the accountability of the plans and the leadership teams who lead them. Learn more at: ...
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Stærk & Smertefri

Jacob Beermann

Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
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Smelly Cats - der "Friends" Podcast. 💜 In unserem Podcast dreht sich alles um die weltbekannte und berühmte TV-Serie "Friends". Wir, das sind Anni und Sophie, besprechen dabei Folge für Folge unsere Lieblingsserie. Ihr könnt gespannt sein auf unnötiges Hintergrundwissen, viel Spaß und eine Menge Gelaber.
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My sme misia

Na každom záleží

Mapujeme Slovenské kresťanské misijné projekty a iniciatívy. Zaujíma nás, čo sa robí, kto to robí a ako to robí :) Chceme sa pýtať na skúsenosti a poznatky ľudí zo šírenia evanjelia a prinášať tak inšpiráciu tým, ktorých táto téma zaujíma. Projekt z dieľne Na každom záleží.
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Ground Up Radio presents The SMEAR Campaign Podcast. SMEAR is an acronym that stands for SPREADING MEDIA EVERYWHERE AT RANDOM. Hosted by QueFourFive, the show serves as pulse to tap into what is relevant in the culture of hip hop, news, and the world as we view it.
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The Josiah Smelser Show

Josiah Smelser

Welcome to The Josiah Smelser Show! Join me as we study and develop the mindset needed to achieve greatness. From accomplishing goals or building a business to achieving financial independence, this show is about conquering limiting beliefs to achieve next level results. Formerly the Daily Real Estate Investor podcast, the show has been rebranded as Josiah uses the financial independence he achieved through his 7-figure real estate investing business to bring you practical advice, valuable i ...
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South West Business

SME SOS is an advice podcast from South West Business focusing on a different issue for small and medium-sized business owners each month. It is hosted by Gavin Thompson, of business news website and the Bristol Post and features expert guests relevant to the topic.
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The Smell Podcast

The Smell Podcast

Welcome to The Smell Podcast, where we explore all things smell. If you have a smell/taste disorder or are supporting a family member who does, this podcast is for you! We'll explore listener stories, news, and current research on smell and taste!
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Golic & Smetty


Golic & Smetty brings you a breakdown of everything in the headlines of sports, pop culture and news from a football player who isn’t sure if it’s a social media app or the sound a clock makes and a woman who had to ask how to dial on a rotary phone. Catch Mike Golic and Jessica Smetana every week for their thoughts on everything from football to fashion on Golic and Smetty.
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show series
Nové vedenie nerozumie základnému poslaniu, ani hodnotám Slovenskej národnej galérie. Je neznalé predpisov a zákonov, ktoré ovplyvňujú jej praktický chod, financovanie aj prezentáciu doma, respektíve v zahraničí. To je len kúsok z vyjadrení stovky zamestnancov Slovenskej národnej galérie, ktorí v pondelok oznámili, že podávajú výpoveď. Väčšina z ni…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 28. januára 2025: Koalícia si zabezpečila väčšinu, Šutaj Eštok čelí vážnemu podozreniu 1.Február o budúcnosti koalície nerozhodne. Koalíciu podrží rebel Malatinec aj huliakovci 2. Šutaj Eštok je podozrivý zo zneužitia právomoci. Vyšetrovať ho bude inšpekcia, ktorá patrí pod neho 3. Rusko aktivovalo tajnú základňu ponor…
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Create a tailor-made digital marketing success plan with Corey Morris and unlock the secrets to driving real results for your business! Create a customized digital marketing success plan with Corey Morris, author of "Digital Marketing Success Plan," and unlock the secrets to driving real results for your business! In this video, Corey shares his ex…
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In this episode, Suzan Chin-Taylor, the DooDoo Diva, sits down with Drew Lewis of Reline America to explore the ins and outs of UVGRP (ultraviolet glass-reinforced polymer) for pipeline rehabilitation. Whether you’re an engineer, asset owner, or contractor, this episode is packed with insights to help you make informed decisions for your projects.💡…
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🏛️ E se fossi io a guidare il cambiamento? In questo video immagino il mio programma politico ideale: proposte concrete per migliorare l'economia, aiutare le famiglie in difficoltà e rendere più sostenibile il sistema finanziario. Un mix di idee innovative e pratiche per un futuro più equo. Sei d'accordo con queste proposte? Lascia la tua opinione …
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Multiple headlines read "A shocking Chinese AI advancement" ... what?! Michael turns to IFi-AI CEO and CNBC Senior Analyst and Commentator Ron Insana for expert insight into what caused US stocks to drop sharply on Monday. Then, hear stories, including from Michael, on how artificial intelligence is affecting people's work across various industries…
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Today's Poll Question at Should transgender individuals be precluded from military service? Listen here to Michael's take, then vote at, and please leave a rating and review of this podcast! The Daily Poll Question is a thought-provoking query each day at on a political, social, or other human interest …
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Robert Fico prstom ukazuje na Andreja Danka či Matúša Šutaja Eštoka a tvrdí: „Ak táto vláda padne, s dôverou sa obráťte na SNS a Hlas.“ Čas do februárovej schôdze sa kráti, v parlamente však rebeluje sedem poslancov z pôvodnej sedemdesiatdeviatky. Podčiarknuté a spočítané, predsedu vlády v parlamente s istotou podporí len 72 hlasov. A o tom sa s re…
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In this episode, we'll be solving everything with a nice cuppa and bringing things back down to Eartha... It's The Protectors, who will be investigating 'A Pocket Full of Posies' - with special guest star Ivan Kirby! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 27. januára 2025: Fico sa pustil do boja sám, prvá šéfka polície sľubuje stabilizáciu zboru 1.Šutaj Eštok Ficovi zúžil priestor na záchranu koalície. Ani premiér nechápe 2. Z prvej generálky je prvá šéfka polície. Maškarová sľubuje, že ju stabilizuje 3. Úžasná prímorská lokalita, vraví o Pásme Gazy Trump. Na mieste chc…
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Today's Poll Question at Should the U.S. use tariffs to pressure countries such as Colombia to accept deportation flights of their nationals? Listen here to Michael's take, then vote at, and please leave a rating and review of this podcast! The Daily Poll Question is a thought-provoking query each day at…
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💸 Bonifici istantanei: pratici, ma sicuri? Con l'introduzione dei bonifici istantanei gratuiti, fare trasferimenti di denaro è diventato più veloce che mai. Ma quali sono i rischi? In questo video analizziamo le potenziali trappole e vulnerabilità di questa tecnologia, dai rischi di frode agli errori irreversibili. Scopri come proteggerti e usare q…
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Štruktúra financovaná zo zahraničia napojená na opozíciu, experti, ktorí stoja za Majdanom na Ukrajine z roku 2014, plán okupovať vládne budovy…to sú len niektoré z vyjadrení Roberta Fica z minulého týždňa na margo protivládnych protestov, ktoré sa v piatok podvečer plánovali v desiatke miest po celom Slovensku. Premiér strašil potýčkami, hovoril o…
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This week we’ll be getting our ass to Mars to find out just who’s been meddling with our minds, and just who sells three cupped bras at this time of night. Yes, it’s Total Recall. Joining me to open their mind, is Kuato Dr. Dean Burnett, and Gwat-o Dan Thomas. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See…
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Prečítajte si Vizita: Prečo je dôležité, že princezná z Walesu hovorí o svojej liečbe rakoviny Neuroimunológ Žilka: Jednou nohou sme už vkročili do éry, keď budeme vedieť liečiť alzheimera Princezná z Walesu je v remisii rakoviny. Znamená to, že je vyliečená? Vedci hľadajú spôsob, ako zregenerovať poškodené nervy. Je odpoveď v gardéniách? Vizita: S…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 26. januára 2025: Fico prišiel o väčšinu, odpor voči jeho vláde narastá po celej krajine 1.Toľko ľudí som tu nevidel od '89. Davy v slovenských uliciach kričali, že sú Európa 2. Fico stráca väčšinu v parlamente, rebelujúci poslanci nebudú hlasovať s vládou 3. Migrantov lákali na výlety, potom ich hnali na hranicu. Ako …
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Vitajte pri počúvaní série podcastu Dobré ráno - Čítanie na nedeľu. Každú nedeľu si môžete vypočuť vybraný text, ktorí napísali naši kolegovia a načítavame ho my moderátorky a moderátori Dobrého rána. Načítaný text: ⁠ Načítal Tomáš Prokopčák – *Podporte podcas…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na Čo týždeň, to šok. Národná rada pod vedením podpredsedu Petra Žigu utajila schôdzu na odvolávanie vlády. Je to situácia, akú si slovenský parlament nepamätá. Premiér Robert Fico totiž počas svojho prejavu čítal správu Slovenskej informačnej služby, ktorá obsahovala utajované i…
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Prečítajte si Víkendový výber: Celý život som sa cítil ako opica, hovorí Robbie Williams 1. Robbie Williams pre SME: Ešte nie som úplne zahojený a nikdy ani nebudem. No už mi je dobre 2. Ich kvalita nebude taká dôležitá ako aféry, ktoré ich sprevádzajú. Kto je oscarový favorit? 3. Kým nepochovala sestru, debaty o smrti neznášala. Dnes pomáha ľuďom …
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In just over 30 minutes, learn everything you need to know about this weekend's NFL playoffs, and all-and we mean ALL-the changes that have happened in college football in the last few years. First, Michael welcomes ESPN National Correspondent Sal Paolantonio to preview the Commanders v. Eagles and Bills v. Chiefs matchups. Then, from the introduct…
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The Daily Poll Question is a thought-provoking query each day at on a political, social, or other human interest issue. Entirely non-scientific, it always begins a great conversation. Michael talks about it in this podcast each weekday.Michael Smerconish
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📚 Un viaggio nella storia dell'umanità e del nostro futuro. In questa puntata esploriamo le idee chiave di Sapiens di Yuval Noah Harari. Come siamo passati da semplici cacciatori-raccoglitori a creature capaci di dominare il pianeta? E cosa ci insegna questo libro sulla nostra società e sul nostro rapporto con il denaro, il lavoro e la tecnologia? …
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Kým prezident hovorí, že nikdy nebude spochybňovať právo občanov na štrajk či protesty, Robert Fico blúzni o štátnom…
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Joe is the greatest guy in the universe. Toppie provides evidence by reading from true life found letters written to Joe. We are sure you will agree after listening... Joe is THE GREATEST GUY IN THE UNIVERSE... EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Write to Toppie at Leave a comment on Toppie’s blog! Friend Toppie on Facebook by emailing …
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 23. januára 2025: Fico sa snaží vytvoriť sprisahanie, podarila sa mu pozvánka na protesty 1.Protesty nezakážu. Situácia je podľa Fica i Pellegriniho vážna, ale o podrobnostiach nehovoria 2. Iba amatéri kradnú voľby v deň hlasovania. Lukašenka čaká ďalšie znovuzvolenie 3. Odišiel, podnikať tu nechcel. Ako sa z Chreneka …
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The tables are reversed when Joel and Karl take over as the moderator-hosts for this episode! Our fragrant buccaneers of marketing content discuss the decline of SEO and the hopeful death of bland, lifeless marketing content. How can good content be created? What can be done to create marketing copy that stands out amidst the sea of mediocrity? Wel…
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Richard Breeden is former Chair of the Securities & Exchange Commission, former advisor to President George HW Bush, and now founder and CEO, Breeden Capital Management, where for the last two decades he has overseen funds for victims of unlawful conduct, including the victims of Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme which was discovered in 2008. He joins M…
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The Daily Poll Question is a thought-provoking query each day at on a political, social, or other human interest issue. Entirely non-scientific, it always begins a great conversation. Michael talks about it in this podcast each weekday.Michael Smerconish
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Kataster napadnú hackeri, ministerstvá a úrady sa medzi sebou obviňujú, kto za to môže, informácie prístupné verejnosti sú len minimálne a ani po vyše dvoch týždňoch online verzia systému nefunguje. Otvorené sú len kamenné katastrálne odbory v regiónoch. Kedy bude kataster nehnuteľností plne funkčný, neuvádza ani Úrad geodézie v rámci otázok a odpo…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 22. januára 2025: Fico blúzni o prevrate a vyhráža sa, Gašpar junior už pripomína Lexu 1. Fico sa po siedmich rokoch vracia k sprisahaniam proti vláde. Jej pád však hrozí zvnútra 2. Prezident v sídle SIS a podozrenia zo zneužívania služby. Gašpar junior napodobňuje Lexu 3. Jediná osoba, ktorú prezident počúva? Melania …
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Join host Suzan Chin-Taylor as she continues her insightful conversation with Andrew "Drew" Lewis of Reline America. Discover the transformative potential of UVGRP (Ultraviolet Glass Reinforced Pipe) for rehabilitating aging stormwater systems while meeting environmental and infrastructure challenges.📌 In this episode, we explore:✔️ How UVGRP offer…
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A firehose of decisions and information has been coming out in just the first 48 hours since President Trump took the Oath of Office. 2WAY Editor in Chief Mark Halperin offers his analysis on all of it in this in-depth conversation. Original air date 22 January 2025.Mark Halperin, Michael Smerconish
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Today's Poll Question at Should presidents have pardon power? Listen here to Michael's take, then vote at, and please leave a rating and review of this podcast! The Daily Poll Question is a thought-provoking query each day at on a political, social, or other human interest issue. Entirely non-scientific…
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