Actions Detrimental with Denny Hamlin will give listeners an unfiltered, honest and bold perspective from NASCAR’s most polarizing figure. Hamlin and co-host Jared Allen will unpack the previous race and look forward to upcoming events throughout the Cup Series with candid commentary and insights from the driver’s seat.
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Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.
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This is the Weekly Services and Special services of Hamer Creek Baptist Church Mt. Gilead NC
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Ken Ham' on SermonAudio.
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Linux in the Ham Shack Podcast in MP3 Format
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Die Staatsoper auf dem Smartphone: In unseren Folgen hört ihr Gespräche, Werkeinführungen und musikalische Hintergrundinformationen aus der Welt der Oper - für zuhause und unterwegs.
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Go Under The Hood Live with Phil Nightingale and Josh Proffitt on Saturday 9 am-10 am central time! Call in or message us for free advice on how to best fix up your ride!
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Two guys from Northeast Ohio talking Browns, Guardians, Cavs, food, and anything and everything in between.
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Join Will Pugh & James Jones for a weekly dose of West Ham chat, with regular guests including ex-players, opposition views and well-connected journalists. New episode every week!
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Join Jason, KC5HWB, as he focuses on 'What is New in Amateur Radio?' during this video podcast series titled Ham Radio 2.0. Talk about new radios, new transmission modes, License classes, Technical talks and trips around the world. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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In der Sendung empfängt Lars Meier von der Gute Leude Fabrik in Kooperation mit der Szene Hamburg, dem ZEITVERLAG und ahoy radio alle zwei Wochen bekannte Hamburgerinnen und Hamburger zum Gespräch über ihre Liebe zu Hamburg, Berufliches & Privates.
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My name is Josh, I’m a dad living in Southern California with my wife and two sons. I’m an engineer and radio amateur. I’ve created the Ham Radio Crash Course to get people involved in radio and to help people keep learning!
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In HAMBURG AKTUELL, dem Stadtnachrichten-Podcast von den Radiosendern HAMBURG ZWEI und Radio Hamburg, sprechen Clemens Benke und Markus Steen immer montags ab 12 Uhr über die Themen, die die Menschen in unserer Stadt bewegen. Außerdem regelmäßig mit dabei: spannende Gäste und Entscheidungsträger aus Hamburgs Politik, Sport, Gesellschaft und Kultur.
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A weekly podcast now exploring Shakespeare's Macbeth. Every episode covers approximately 30 lines of the play - week by week, until we finish sometime in 2023!
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Wie fühlt sich Hamburg an, wie erleben wir Hamburg? Das sind Fragen, denen wir in unserem Podcast "Feel Hamburg" nachgehen. Host Daniel Kaiser spricht mit Persönlichkeiten aus der Stadt - mit Menschen, die eine Geschichte zu erzählen haben. Das können Prominente sein aber auch Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn. Alle Gäste haben eines gemeinsam: Hamburg. Unser Podcast will das Lebensgefühl in dieser Stadt hörbar machen: Feel Hamburg.
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CityLight Hamburg ist eine christliche Freikirche. CityLight zählt sich zu den weltweiten Calvary Chapel Gemeinden. Wir glauben, dass Gottes Wort lebendig und mächtig ist. Aus diesem Grund lehren wir die Bibel Vers für Vers.
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Ich bin oft auf Reisen und freue mich immer, wenn ich wieder auf dem Weg zurück nach Hamburg bin. Während dieser Zeit gehen mir viele Dinge durch den Kopf. Ich gebe meine Sicht der Dinge mal mit und mal ohne einem Augenzwinkern weiter. Es gibt sporadisch eine neue Sendung. Die Themen reichen von Freizeit, Leben, Gesellschaft, Kultur über Produktvorstellungen, Technoligien, Wissenschaft bis zu Politik und Religion.
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Mit dem Mikrofon rund um die Welt. Das ist die spannende Aufgabe, die sich unseren Autor*innen stellt. Um dann in unserem Podcast "Zwischen Hamburg und Haiti" zu erzählen, wie nahe und ferne Länder klingen, was die Menschen dort berichten, wie sie leben, was sie wünschen. Wir fragen unsere Reporter*innen aber auch, wie sie selber sich gefühlt haben beim Reisen, wie es ist, fremd in fernen Welten zu sein. Lassen Sie sich von unserem Podcast "Zwischen Hamburg und Haiti" einladen, mitzureisen u ...
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Brought to you by Dave Walker and ExWHUemployee, this West Ham related podcast offers passionate opinions, exclusive news, fan interaction, nostalgia and banter as well high quality interviews with ex players and celebrity fans. This Podcast has been created and uploaded by The West Ham Way. The views in this Podcast are not necessarily the views of talkSPORT. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Aktuelle Ereignisse, bewegende Schlagzeilen, umfassende Informationen: Im Nachrichten-Podcast von NDR 90,3 hören Sie zu das Neueste aus Hamburg und der Welt.
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Join a group of renegade attorneys as they dive in to the latest cases and statutes; discovering how they affect our day to day lives. Explore the facts. Ask a question or contact the Josh and the team at (800) 659-1186 or visit Sponsored by Whitaker & Hamer, PLLC. • (919) 772-7000
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Spannende Reportagen und exklusive Berichte rund um den Hamburger Hafen, die Schifffahrt und die norddeutsche Geschichte.
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HH-News – Ihr täglicher Nachrichten-Flash aus Hamburg. Bleiben Sie immer auf dem Laufenden mit den wichtigsten Ereignissen in der Hansestadt. Montags bis freitags liefern wir Ihnen um 17 Uhr einen kompakten Überblick über alle relevanten Nachrichten: Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und mehr. Perfekt für alle Hamburger, die schnell und unkompliziert informiert werden möchte
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Dieser Podcast zur Zukunft der Stadt diskutiert mit wechselnden Gästen Themen wie bezahlbares Wohnen, Freiraum, Architektur, Kultur, Mobilität, Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcenschutz, Verkehr, Sport, Arbeitsplätze, Bildung, Mitwirkung, Nachbarschaften und Bürgerbeteiligung etc. Die Stadtentwicklung von morgen wird auch anhand von best practice Beispiele der Gäste vorgestellt. Die Shownotes jeder Podcastfolge ergänzen die diskutierten Themen und Projekte. Die IBA Hamburg als Gastgeberin entwickelt ...
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Entdecken Sie den faszinierenden Podcast des Hamburger Abendblatts "Was wird aus Hamburg? Stadtentwicklung im Fokus", moderiert von Matthias Iken. In unserem alle 14 Tage erscheinenden Format beleuchten wir die Zukunft Hamburgs. Die Themen drehen sich zum Beispiel um Gentrifizierung, historische Stadtteile und moderne Architektur. Wir diskutieren die Herausforderungen der Infrastruktur und die Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit in der Stadtplanung. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Ideen für bezahlbaren ...
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Im Podcast DAS IST KUNST spricht Jumoke Olusanmi mit Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Expert*innen rund um die aktuellen Ausstellungen in den Deichtorhallen Hamburg. In den Shorties beantworten Julia Schulze Darup und Matthias Schönebäumer die wichtigsten Fragen rund um euren Ausstellungsbesuch. In Kooperation mit ByteFM
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STOP! Hammer Time; the West Ham United Podcast for lovers of irresponsible speculation, wild theorising and potentially libelous songs about overweight former players. Subscribe now if you're WTID! Get all the links to this podcast at
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Hörstoff-Hamburg - Podcast der Hamburger Buchhandlungen
Büchereck Niendorf + Schweitzer Fachinformationen
Herzlich willkommen zu unserem Podcast Hörstoff. Wir sind Hamburger Buchhändlerinnen und Buchhändler aus Leidenschaft und lieben besonders die Vielfalt der Literatur. Lasst euch inspirieren und von unserer Liebe zu Büchern anstecken. Viel Spaß!
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Join Ashley and Jasmin as they journey into the Upside Down and explore Hawkins, Indiana and beyond. In this Stranger Things Podcast we explore fan theories, lore, shipping & so much more. Tune in and join the fun! Follow us on: Instagram: @hamradiomedia YouTube: @HAMradio1983 Twitter: @HamThrough Ao3: HamRadio1983 Have an episode suggestion or fan theory you want to share? Email us at
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Bienvenue à hametkro
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Moore Than Just A Podcast - West Ham Podcast
George Bucci, Sean Whetstone, John Bucci, Nigel Kahn & Canning Town Len
An un-official podcast called Moore Than Just A Podcast dedicated to West Ham United Football Club, by real West Ham fans.... Come On You Irons! Support this show Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hamburg is a familiar and award-winning voice in New York radio, best known for her years spent as host of “The Joan Hamburg Show” which was widely considered to be “The Today Show” of radio. At 77 WABC, Hamburg will continue discussing the most important social, economic and political issues that impact listeners’ lives each week. Known as New York’s “First Lady of Radio,” Hamburg was inducted into the New York State Broadcasters’ Hall of Fame in 2012 and has been named “New Yorker of the Y ...
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Pünktlich zum Tagesende geben Ihnen Maiken Nielsen und Ole Wackermann werktags ab 17 Uhr in einer knappen Viertelstunde einen Überblick über das Hamburger Stadtgeschehen, sprechen mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen über ihre Recherchen und geben dabei spannende Einblicke in die Arbeit der NDR 90,3 Nachrichtenredaktion. Unsere Reporterinnen und Reporter sind für Sie sowohl nördlich als auch südlich der Elbe unterwegs interviewen Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik, Sport und Kultur. „Ham ...
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The premier podcast for Amateur Radio / Ham Radio users. News, views, features, upcoming events and Amateur / Ham Radio training. ICQ Podcast is a podcast for you and including you
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We’re here for the amateur radio operator who wants to learn from the hams that went before us. The concept of sharing experiences is core to the hobby. We’re now able to connect with hams around the world, with people that are the best in their class, and ask for help. This YouTube channel is devoted to that core principle of asking for advice, perspective and inspiration. 73, Kevin W1DED
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Hamburger Klinikhelden – der Podcast vom Hamburger Abendblatt und dem Verband der freigemeinnützigen Krankenhäuser in Hamburg – Die Freien. Wer ins Krankenhaus muss, während draußen das Leben einfach weitergeht, braucht Hilfe und Anteilnahme. Dafür, dass den Patientinnen und Patienten geholfen wird, sorgen Ärzte und Pfleger. Aber es gibt noch viel mehr Klinikhelden - Frauen und Männer - die alles dafür tun, dass es den Menschen schnell wieder besser geht. Feedback an unsere Moderatorin gern ...
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Welcome to our inclusive Amateur Radio news outlet. On you will hear all possible news bulletins every week,from such organisation as -: RSGB, ARRL and many more
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Appearance vs Reality in Hamlet
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"We grew up in Hamburg", hat John Lennon gesagt. Und auch: "Live waren wir nie besser." Obwohl der erste Auftritt der Band in einem Stripclub auf St. Pauli ein totaler Reinfall war. Was ist da also passiert auf dem Hamburger Kiez zwischen 1960 und 1963? Wie wurden aus ein paar unbedarften Liverpooler Jungs absolute Superstars? Der Podcast erzählt, wie die jungen Beatles auf den Bühnen der Reeperbahn die Nächte durchspielen. Mit eisernem Willen einen Traum verfolgen. Und für immer die Popmusi ...
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Everyday Ham Podcast: Amateur Radio Conversations
Rory Locke (W8KNX), Jim Davis (N8JRD), & James Mills (K8JKU)
Welcome to the Everyday Ham Podcast, where three friends dive into the world of amateur (ham) radio with a casual, lighthearted twist. From discussing what we're working on, current events, and lessons learned to sharing our gripes and off-topic banter, we bring a mix of fun, relatable conversations and radio expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or new to the hobby, join us for engaging chats that celebrate the quirks, challenges, and joys of being on the air.
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It all started at Connecticut school of broadcasting “in an empty room” and has developed into the most dangerous radio show on the internet, armed with weapons of mass discussion. Tackling the hot button topics or chatting it up with the biggest stars (and even the smallest ones too!) in the entertainment industry. It’s raw, it’s edgy, It’s completely Uncensored, it’s The Ham Radio Show's Best Bits and Interviews. Hear the Full Episodes @ www.TheHamRadio.Show
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This is Ken Ham, encouraging the church to start its thinking with God’s Word. To be able to fly, birds need a special respiratory system made up of a complex system of air sacs that allows them to have a constant supply of oxygen. Essential to this system are hollow bones and a special fused collarbone. No other animal has a system anything like t…
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A new MP3 sermon from Answers in Genesis Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Feathered Dinosaurs? Subtitle: Answers with Ken Ham Speaker: Ken Ham Broadcaster: Answers in Genesis Ministries Event: Radio Broadcast Date: 3/25/2025 Length: 1 min.
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Mar. 25th 2025: Browns and Guards Talk
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1:06:53Join Fatty and Big Bri this week as they talk #Browns number 2 overall pick in the #NFLDraft and also dive into some #MLB talk and see how the #ClevelandGuardians are going to do this season. Don't forget we will always have our #Trivia, #Top3, and #FattboyTuesday.Our show is brought to you by City Dogs Cleveland and Lake Erie APA!!!Give us a liste…
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we welcome Trevor Garner, who shares his poignant journey battling stage four pancreatic and liver cancer. Trevor opens up about his life, reflecting on the choices he made and the experiences he cherished. With humor and candor, he discusses his past, including his struggles with alcohol and the impact it has had on his health. As Trevor shares hi…
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I caught up with Carlson Roof Top Towers at Hamcation 2025. These towers mount to the roof of your home and are quite sturdy. Made in the USA! Let's take a look... Website - Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Jake Maltz, WV4AM, is just 14 years old, but don’t let that fool you—he’s already proving to be a fierce competitor in the world of ham radio contesting. Inspired by his grandfather, Steve Narducci, W9SN, and mentored by seasoned contester Fred Dennin, WW4LL, Jake is racking up QSOs and sharpening his skills at an impressive pace. He’s got the driv…
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This week Dave & Ex revisit some classic clips from famous fans including Kris Akabusi, Danny Dyer and Ray Winstone before getting news from Ex and answering questions from patrons of The West Ham Way.... This Podcast was created and published by The West Ham Way. Views on this show are not necessarily shared by talkSPORT. @DaveWalkerWHU @ExWHUempl…
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Did Everyone Forget Ham Radio Is A Service?
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2:10:04Show Notes (contains affiliate links): Did Everyone Forget Ham Radio Is A Service? On this week's episode of Ham Radio Crash Course, a podcast roughly based on amateur radio but mostly made up of responding to emails from listeners, hosted by Josh Nass - KI6NAZ and his reluctant wife, Leah - KN6NWZ, we talk about VHF/UHF in the car, how we remind p…
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ICQPodcast Episode 452 - ARRL Election Committee Adventures
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2:22:27In this episode, we join Martin Butler M1MRB, Dan Romanchik KB6NU, Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, and Ed Durrant DD5LP to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin Butler (M6BOY) rounds up the news in brief and the episode's feature is ARRL EE Committee Adventures. We would like to thank our monthly and annual subscription d…
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It's time once again for The Weekender. This is our departure into the world of hedonism, random topic excursions, whimsy and (hopefully) knowledge. Thanks for listening and, if you happen to get a chance, feel free to call us or e-mail and send us some feedback. Tell us how we're doing. We'd love to hear from you. 73 de The LHS Crew…
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In today’s episode, Ashley breaks down the ST4 Epilogue and talks about key foreshadowing elements that are found within the epilogue including mushrooms, a Coca-Cola bottle, Holly and Karen Wheeler, The Talisman, and more! *Please note: the “Earthquake” that the News Reporter reported is a 7.4 magnitude not a 4.7 magnitude earthquake as Ashley mis…
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Heartbreak in the David Moyes derby as Everton's late equaliser ruined another clean sheet and three points for Graham Potter's West Ham. Will is back and is joined by James as usual to discuss Tomas Soucek's "optical illusion" and where we are heading under the new manager. Are we sold on his ideas, having quickly patched up a leaky or do we need …
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Crowd Noise Buoys Moyes
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1:02:21Jim reminisces about his trip to Liverpool. Phil, Jim and Pete defend our defence but attack our attack. @westhampodcast Produced by Paul Myers and Mike Leigh A Playback Media Production Copyright 2024 Playback Media Ltd - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Season 14 - Epsiode 33 - Question time and steaks
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1:07:37Len Sean and Nigel talk about Steaks Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Good, The Bad, and The Junk – Swap Meet Scores & DXpedition Drama
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1:03:45In this episode of Everyday Ham, James (K8JKU), Rory (W8KNX), and Jim (N8JRD) dive into the highs and lows of ham swaps, sharing their experiences from the Livonia Amateur Radio Club Swap & Shop. They break down the best strategies for scoring great deals, avoiding overpriced junk, and navigating the chaos of a busy swap meet. But that’s not all—th…
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