Everyday expressions and real English conversations to help make your everyday conversations easier. Find more at bbclearningenglish.com Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
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A entrevista de economia da Antena1, numa parceria com o Jornal de Negócios. Domingos depois das 13h com Rosário Lira.
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As principais notícias do mundo da política às terças e quintas.
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Étienne Klein et ses invités mettent en lumière les savoirs des scientifiques, les questions qu’ils se posent et les moyens mis en œuvre pour trouver des réponses. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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As principais notícias do mundo da políticas.
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As aventuras de viajantes em entrevistas conduzidas por João Miguel Santos. Partilhe as suas fotos de viagem com #conversasdofimdomundo ou #radioobservador
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True Crime Conversations explores the stories and the people behind some of the world’s most notorious crimes.
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Easy Turkish: Learn Turkish with everyday conversations | Günlük sohbetlerle Türkçe öğrenin
Emin and the Easy Turkish Team
Welcome! Maybe you are already learning Turkish with us on Youtube? On the Easy Turkish Podcast, we discuss topics from Turkey and around the world. In our episodes we will discuss a topic we choose, explain an idiom or an expression, recommend a movie, a TV series or a song and we will answer your questions. Members get full transcripts and our exclusive vocabulary helper for each episode.
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Podcasts del programa Via lliure - Conversa
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Os assuntos que mobilizam a opinião pública, com a análise crítica de Andréia Sadi.
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Easy Greek: Learn Greek with authentic conversations | Μάθετε ελληνικά με αυθεντικούς διαλόγους
Dimitris and Marilena from Easy Greek
Welcome! Maybe you're already learning Greek with us on YouTube? On our podcast, we talk about Greek culture, living in Greece today, we answer your questions, highlight expressions and keep you company in casual Greek. Members get full transcripts for each episode. ||| Καλωσήρθατε! Ίσως μαθαίνετε ελληνικά μαζί μας στο Youtube. Στο podcast μας μιλάμε για την ελληνική κουλτούρα, τη ζωή στην Ελλάδα σήμερα, απαντάμε στις ερωτήσεις σας, επισημαίνουμε εκφράσεις και σας κρατάμε παρέα σε χαλαρά ελλ ...
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Tyler Cowen engages today’s deepest thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and everything in between. New conversations every other Wednesday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
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Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français
Hélène & Judith
Bienvenue les amis ! The Easy French podcast was made for you if you love learning French while entertaining yourself with funny and educational content. In it, we explore cultural and day-to-day topics in a light-hearted way. While listening to us, you will learn tons of French expressions, phrases, and even slang to help you grasp French as spoken by the locals! And because we love interacting with French learners, we will also answer your questions and invite you to send us voice messages ...
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Just a mate who loves having conversations. Solo un compa que ama las conversaciones
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Todos os dias uma conversa com um convidado que representa o "melhor de Portugal".
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A show for curious minds. Join us each week as academic experts tell us about the fascinating discoveries they're making to understand the world, and the big questions they’re still trying to answer. A podcast from The Conversation, hosted by Gemma Ware. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A análise do cotidiano político do país.
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Programa de conversa semanal moderado por José Manuel Fernandes, com Jaime Nogueira Pinto e Jaime Gama.
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Españolistos | Learn Spanish With Fun Conversations!
Españolistos | Learn Spanish With Fun Conversations!
Españolistos is a Spanish language learning Podcast spoken in clear Latin American Spanish geared towards intermediate to advanced language learners. The conversations are 99% in Spanish so you can focus on your listening comprehension. The topics are fun and interesting, sometimes controversial, and always educational. We believe that discussing deep and meaningful topics will increase your vocabulary as you learn new and practical words for everyday living. Andrea (Colombian Spanish Teache ...
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A equipe de jornalistas da Ilustríssima, da Folha, entrevista autores de livros de não ficção ou de pesquisas acadêmicas.
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Two women from different parts of the world, united by a common passion, experience or expertise, share the stories of their lives.
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Agora você pode escutar quando, como e onde quiser as entrevistas do Conversa com Bial. O conteúdo em áudio do programa pode sofrer adaptações para este tipo de consumo.
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Áudios de palestras e aulas de Ernani Fornari. Terapeuta e professor de Alinhamento Energético, Terapia da Respiração e Constelações Sistêmicas. Escritor, compositor e músico. www.alinhamento-energetico.com www.youtube.com/c/ernanifornari www.youtube.com/c/ernanifornarineto
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Coloque o fone e venha conversar sobre o universo otaku com 4 LGBTs e 1 mineiro. Twitter: @cdmcast Instagram: @cdm.cast Tiktok: @cdmcast
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"Conversations with Consequences" is the voice of The Catholic Association, offering a weekly hour of thoughtful dialogue—with the leading thinkers of our time— on the most consequential issues of our day.
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Uma rubrica onde falo de tudo o que bem me apetecer, porque a rádio Fundação é fixe e deixa-me ser livre. Segundas e Sextas na rádio Fundação Fm 95.8 às 8.30.
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Podcast semanal sobre videojogos. Nos episódios números pares falamos de notícias, e nos números impares dos jogos que temos jogado. com Filipe Vintém, Simão Fernandes e José Moura (Nandinho)
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Christian, Traditional, Masculine
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Vários assuntos que interessam aos comunistas e ao proletariado. Conhecer a cultura socialista e soviética, conhecer os países socialistas e o conhecer o movimento comunista internacional.
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Porque as melhores Conversas são as de Bancada, juntem-se a nós nesta tertúlia sobre o passado, o dia-a-dia e o futuro da Associação Académica de Coimbra/OAF. Conversas de Bancada - o podcast da Académica.
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Easy Spanish: Learn Spanish with everyday conversations | Conversaciones del día a día para aprender español
Pau and the Easy Spanish team
Maybe you’re already learning Spanish with us on YouTube? On our podcast, we talk about the Spanish language and the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members also get interactive transcripts, early access and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at www.easyspanish.fm. ••• Además de aprender español con Easy Spanish en YouTube, ahora puedes hacerlo con nuestro podcast. Hablamos sobre el idioma español y la cultura de los ...
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Conversations with Bill Kristol features in-depth, thought-provoking discussions with leading figures in American public life.
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“Gente Conversa” traz os podcasts de debate de Gente, a plataforma de insights da Globo. São programas com aproximadamente uma hora de duração trazendo diferentes perspectivas sobre um tema, um estudo. É um bate-papo que conecta.
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Hot-Topics Conversations
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Conversatio is sponsored by Belmont Abbey College and focuses on the way of formation and transformation so that each of us reflects God's image in an ever more palpable and transparent way. The goal of this podcast is to offer a unique perspective on popular topics in the public space and challenge, inform, and enlighten our listeners through these discussions.
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Welcome to ConversationsOver"____".
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Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
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Listen in to daily conversations on current events and relevant topics.
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Commodity conversations explores all the moves in Australian agricultural markets and the stories behind what's driving them.
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Ouça e assista à conteúdos exclusivos de Luiz Gasparetto no Gasparetto Play. Ouça conselhos sobre espiritualidade e desenvolvimento pessoal. Gasparetto conversando com você por Luiz Gasparetto (in memoriam). Transmitidos pela rádio Vibe Mundial 95,7 FM, agora se tornou um Podcast. Toda semana um momento para você entender de vida, consciência e espiritualidade.
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Na voz de Margarida Cardoso, este é um podcast de pensamentos e reflexões sobre temas ou questões que nos levam a um diálogo interno de ajuda ao crescimento da nossa alma.
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Podcast dedicated to understanding how everyday people get up and do amazing things every single day.
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Além de sobreviver ao regime militar, a psicanálise brasileira floresceu durante a ditadura. Esse aparente paradoxo foi um dos pontos de partida da pesquisa de doutorado de Rafael Alves Lima, professor colaborador da USP. O trabalho, publicado sob o título "Psicanálise na Ditadura (1964-1985)", compõe uma história do campo psicanalítico do país nes…
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L'atemptat a Magdeburg i els dos mesos de la tragèdia de la Dana a València
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L'atemptat a Magdeburg i els dos mesos de la tragèdia de la Dana a València
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Fome de conversa, Segundas e Sextas a partir das 8:30 na Rádio Fundação FM 95.8
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Célia Correia Loureiro, uma verdadeira máquina de produção, começou a editar em 2011, e nunca mais parou.Hoje vamos conhecer a sua nova aventura “Erros Crassos da História”
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O músico encerra a temporada de 2024 do 'Conversa com Bial' e fala sobre os preparativos para a última turnê da sua carreira, 'Tempo Rei'.Gshow
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UKM #19: Bleach Pt.11: O arco do Chad sem o Chad!
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Continuamos nos Fullbringers, um arco cheio de baixos e bem baixos, com um plot twist que só mesmo Tite Kubo pode nos proporcionar. Iniciamos também o último arco de Bleach: o famoso arco dos Quincy, que está sendo adaptado neste novo anime. Coloque o fone e venha escutar a nossa análise de Bleach, volumes 51 a 55! Elenco: Andre, Léo Medeiros, Borg…
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O músico Evaldo dos Santos Rosa e catador Luciano Macedo foram alvo de 257 tiros durante uma operação do Exército na Zona Norte do Rio, em abril de 2019. Nesta quarta-feira (18), por oito votos a seis, o Superior Tribunal Militar decidiu reduzir as penas dos militares para três anos de prisão e em regime aberto. Bernardo Mello Franco aborda o caso,…
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Defesa de Braga Netto afasta possibilidade de delação; general acredita em versão que será apresentada à Justiça
Malu Gaspar fala sobre a estratégia de defesa de Braga Neto. O general, que está preso. escolheu um novo advogado, que é o criminalista José Luiz Oliveira Lima. Após reunião com Braga Netto, o advogado deu uma entrevista afastando a possibilidade de delação. Comentarista fala sobre uma versão pronta para ser apresentada à Justiça com duas razões pr…
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Andréia Sadi conta que a expectativa de uma denúncia rápida no inquérito do golpe tem crescido. 'Porque o Procurador-Geral da República, o Paulo Gonet, decidiu que vai trabalhar normalmente em janeiro, que é o período de recesso e férias coletivas no Judiciário'.
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O ministro da Defesa, José Múcio, afirmou que a prisão do general Walter Braga Netto constrangeu as forças armadas, mas já era esperada pelos militares. O ministro discutiu a prisão com o presidente Lula, em reunião na casa do petista em São Paulo, onde o mandatário se recupera das cirurgias da semana passada. Bela Megale traz bastidores da convers…
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#182 - TOP 10 - Melhores Videojogos de 2024 Conversa Lagada
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Neste podcast falamos de quais foram, para nós, os jogos que mais gostamos de jogar em 2024.Podem acompanhar o nosso trabalho em :Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conversalagada/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/conversalagada/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@conversalagada Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/20E11gU0ZHRxXAbSr2QehSe agregado…
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O Presidente da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, António Saraiva, considera que a instituição está a perder dinheiro com o Estado, em muitas valências, devido à fórmula de calculo e à falta de revisão dos protocolos.
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Live do JOGANDO CONVERSA DENTRO no Instagram em 12.12.2024
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O Nordeste brasileiro tem se destacado nas produções audiovisuais nacionais. Novelas como "No Rancho Fundo", a série "Cangaço Novo" e o esperado "Auto da Compadecida 2" são exemplos de como a cultura e as histórias da região estão no centro das atenções. O sucesso dessas narrativas não é só uma celebração do Nordeste, mas também uma mudança na form…
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The Geelong Revival Centre, one of Australia’s longest-running cults, has been hiding in plain sight for years. Led by Pastor Noel Hollins until his death in 2024, the ultra-conservative church controls every aspect of its followers' lives. For the past two years, investigative journalist Richard Baker has collected disturbing audio recordings from…
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Bu bölümde Emin ve Feyza Türklerin de en meşhur özelliklerinden olan misafirperverlikten bahsetti. Misafir ağırlamayı mı misafir olmayı mı daha çok sevdiklerini, çocukken misafirliğe gitmeyi sevip sevmediklerini ve daha birçok konuyu tartıştılar. Sizler de sohbetimize davetlisiniz. Interactive Transcript and Vocab Helper Support Easy Turkish and ge…
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Sommes-nous tous des chimères ?
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durée : 01:00:19 - La Conversation scientifique - par : Etienne Klein - Qu'appelle-t-on le microchimérisme ? Et pourquoi la recherche sur les cellules buissonnières pourrait-elle bousculer les limites de notre compréhension de l'individu ? - réalisation : Luc-Jean Reynaud - invités : Lise Barnéoud Journaliste scientifique…
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Eric Edelman on the World Trump Inherits
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Donald Trump will face major geopolitical challenges when he takes office. In this Conversation, Eric Edelman, former ambassador to Turkey and Finland and Under Secretary of Defense, shares his perspective. As he explains, Trump will face major decisions on all areas of the geopolitical landscape early in his term. Edelman argues that Israel’s mili…
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José Luis Jorge percorreu o Rio Amazonas desde o Nevado Mismi, no Peru, até Belém, no Brasil. Ao serpentear o pulmão da Terra, o viajante encontrou vestígios de Portugal. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Observador
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Christmas Movies
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Catholic animator Tim Reckart joins to discuss Christmas movies & Father Roger Landry talks his new title, Monsignor!Conversations with Consequences
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Patrick Casey joins the podcast to discuss his piece in Chronicles on why "James Lindsay Is Wrong About Wokeness." To Support the Podcast: https://www.worldviewconversation.com/support/ Become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/worldviewconversation Follow Jon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonharris1989 Follow Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.…
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This week Olivia Agar, Ethan Woolley and Rob Hermann talk through the year that was for Agricultural commodities and discuss what's in store for commodities in 2025.Mecardo
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O ator fala da estreia do filme 'O Auto da Compadecida 2' e das novas aventuras de João Grilo ao lado de Chicó.Gshow
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O jornalista, escritor e documentarista apresenta a trilogia 'A Globo', em que conta a história da TV Globo desde sua fundação.Gshow
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Os escritores africanos apresentam seus novos romances, que tratam do domínio colonial em seus países.Gshow
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O artista fala sobre seus 40 anos de carreira e o novo programa das manhãs de domingo da Globo, 'Viver Sertanejo', apresentado por ele.Gshow
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Η Μαριλένα κι ο Δημήτρης συζητάνε, μεταξύ άλλων, για το αν πρέπει κανείς να δουλεύει στις γιορτές. Επίσης, μιλάνε για το πένθος για κατοικίδια και για την πολύ ωραία θεατρική παράσταση Στο Σώμα Της. Σημειώσεις εκπομπής Ancient Memes Στο Σώμα Της Επεισόδιο 198: Οι Κήποι της Αθήνας Επεισόδιο 190: Πώς μιλάει ελληνικά ένα παιδί τριών χρονών Απομαγνητοφ…
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Zimbabwe is on the cusp of abolishing the death penalty after its Death Penalty Abolition Bill was approved by the senate on December 12. The bill is now sitting on the desk of Zimbabwe’s president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, a known opponent of the death penalty, waiting for his assent. In this episode, we speak to two experts on the death penalty, Carol…
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David Whitney and Jeff Kliewer, former pastors with the EFCA, speak out about their defrocking and why it concerns members of the free church. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/conversations-that-matter8971/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy…
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David Bahnsen, Managing Partner of The Bahnsen Group & Author
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John speaks with author and wealth expert David Bahnsen on the moral and economic forces shaping modern society. They explore the meaning of work, the soul of capitalism, and the erosion of cultural values, offering insights rooted in faith and timeless principles. Bahnsen’s vision of flourishing challenges the errors of status quo thought, blendin…
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A Conversation with a Dispensational Christian Nationalist
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Jon talks to Chris Leduc about his version of Christian Nationalism, which includes the government self-identifying as Christian and the support of a Christian culture/civilization. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/conversations-that-matter8971/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://r…
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Après 10 ans d'études et de travail en médecine, Judith a pris la décision de changer d'orientation professionnelle pour travailler à plein temps comme productrice chez Easy French. Nous parlons donc des choix de carrière et de ce qui les influence, de notre vie d'entrepreneuses, de ses avantages mais aussi de ses limites. Interactive Transcript an…
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Carla Silva Oliveira, atleta paraolímpica de boccia Representou Portugal nos jogos olímpicos
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¿Te gustan los regalos? En este episodio Carla y Pau hablan acerca de su preferencia por recibir o por dar regalos. ¡Y nos dan buenas ideas para regalos! Easy Spanish Community Al unirte a la comunidad de Easy Spanish puedes llevar tu experiencia de aprendizaje al siguiente nivel. Los miembros de nuestra Podcast Membership reciben: Vocab Helper: El…
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As pequenas conquistas são como as estrelas num céu noturno. Individualmente, podem parecer insignificantes, mas juntas formam constelações brilhantes que iluminam o nosso caminho. No entanto, quantas vezes paramos para realmente observá-las e celebrá-las? ★ Support this podcast ★Margarida Silva Cardoso
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On this episode, Jon and Matthew discus the arguments for and against celebrating Christmas. The American Churchman exists to encourage men to fulfill their God-given duties with gentleness and courage. Go to https://theamericanchurchman.com for more. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/conversations-that-matter8971/donations Advertisin…
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In the winter of 1999 in Detroit, Michigan, sex worker Monica Johnson entered a Jeep Wrangler with the licence plate 'Baby Doll' with a client. That client, John Eric Armstrong, brutally murdered her and placed her body face down on the sidewalk, before returning home to his wife and young son. Monica was one of several women he killed between 1992…
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Braga Netto: 'Além da responsabilização dos CPFs, é preciso mudança de cultura no CNPJ', diz BMF
Bernardo Mello Franco destaca o distanciamento que militares tentam adotar em relação a Braga Netto após o general ser preso, acusado de tentar obstruir as investigações da tentativa de golpe bolsonarista.
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Carla Rocha que durante muitos anos fez as manhãs do grupo Renascença, anda a fazer uma volta ao mundo E acaba de lançar um livro “Fale para Ser Ouvido”
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