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As traditionally is done for the last session of the Band of Brothers season, today was an open microphone session, where men were called on to share their hearts and what God has done in their lives. Before the session began, a worship team consisting of Jesse Harris, Tim Hunter,...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Michael More’ presented, “Joseph: Bringing Up Jesus,” the last message in the series entitled, “Called to Righteousness (Integrity),” and the last message for Fellowship Alliance Chapel’s Band of Brothers. Not much is mentioned in the Bible about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, and the husband of Mary, but there...…
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Michael More’ presented, “John the Baptist: Bold Humility,” the third message in the current series. As example to us Christians, John the Baptist was not only bold with his faith, even to the point of it costing him his life, but he was also very humble, recognizing that he was...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Pastor Steve Hoadley presented, “Barnabas: Son of Encouragement,” during which he pointed out that the Holy Spirit filled Barnabas and was active in his life, allowing him to be the encourager he was. As Steve explained, Barnabas’ real name was Joseph, but his personality to encourage others was so strong...…
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Jesse Harris opened the final series of the final season of Fellowship Alliance Chapel’s Band of Band of Brothers breakfast ministry, “Called to Righteousness (Integrity),” by presenting, “Boaz: Who’s the Kinsman Redeemer?” As Jesse pointed out, living righteously means acting in accord with divine...…
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Jim Hall presented, “Nehemiah: Leading by Example” during which he pointed out three attributes a Christian leader must have in order to lead effectively for Christ: love of God, love of His people, and willingness to step out of his comfort zone. Nehemiah displayed all three of those as he...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Dave Stow presented, “Ezra: The Team Approach,” during which he gave an analogy of a sports team that needs all members to play a part in order to have success. In the same manner, leaders are called by God to make a difference for God’s Kingdom by causing revival in...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Pastor Seth opened our newest series, “Called to Lead,” by presenting “Joshua: Faith Brings Down Walls,” during which he reminded us that because God created us for a purpose, He requires something of us. God gave Joshua the command to take the battle to Jericho and defeat the Canaanites, and...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Stan Schroeder presented, “Peter: But Who Do You Say That I Am?,” as the final presentation of the “Called to Loyalty” series. Stan talked about the different stages that Peter’s loyalty to Christ went through as he was walking along side of Him on earth. As Stan explained, loyalty involves...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Jesse Harris spoke on the Biblical character Elisha and how he exemplified loyalty to Elijah, his mentor, and especially to God. He focused on how Elisha’s loyalty led to great blessing in his life and ministry, and connected it to how our loyalty to God can and will be a...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Michael More’ presented, “Jonathan: Worth the Cost,” during which the men were encouraged to look at the legacy of Jonathan in the Bible, with respect to his Godly attribute of loyalty. Jonathan was a good example because he lived out his loyalty to his father Saul, to David, and primarily...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Elder Phil Morgan presented the first message of the “Called to Loyalty” series, entitled, “Mordecai: Loyalty Rewarded.” Phil defined loyalty as putting someone else ahead of yourself and sticking with that person through thick and thin. To be loyal necessitates being humble and submitting to God’s sovereignty. God uses His...…
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Michael More’ presented “What’s So Good About That Friday?”: The Easter Story, during which he presented the story of Christ’s resurrection while keying in on the importance of Good Friday and the significance that day has in the perfect plan of salvation that Jesus has for His elect; those who...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Mark Pitchko told his life story allowing the men to hear what his life was like before he knew Christ, how he came to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior, and how his life has been changed since he has been saved. Mark now realizes that through all the...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Jesse Harris presented, “Onesimus: Truly ‘Useful’”, during which he explained how a runaway slave repented and turned to Christ, and then made amends by returning to Philemon from whom he had escaped. All this occurred after Onesimus, the fugitive, met Paul the Apostle in Rome and, under Paul’s direction, became...…
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Michael More’ presented “Zacchaeus: Repentance in Action,” during which he told the New Testament story about how a hated chief tax collector in Israel, named Zacchaeus, had an encounter with Jesus that changed his life forever. Zacchaeus made his decision to follow Jesus and went from being an enemy of...…
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Tim Vibbert presented “John Mark: Repentance to Rehabilitation,” during which he reminded us that Christ, through His work alone gave us the gift of reconciliation by His death on the cross for our sins. While we were yet sinners, Christ willingly died for us, paying our debt in full. John...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Pastor Steve Hoadley presented, “David: A Repentant Heart,” during which he pointed out that David was a man after God’s own heart because he became aware of and accepted God’s grace for his life. As Steve pointed out, we need more than a doctrine of grace but rather a sense...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Coach Jim Horner presented, “Jacob: Repentant Faith,” during which he spoke about how Jacob went from being a deceitful sinner to a repentance that caused him to wrestle with an “angel” all night in order to receive a blessing from God. During that encounter is when God changed Jacob’s name...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Elder Phil Morgan gave his life story which included what his life was like before he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, how he came to Christ, and what changes being a Christian has brought to his life. Phil closed in prayer by leading in a sinner’s...Fellowship Alliance Chapel
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Elder Miguel Lemming presented, “Paul: ‘Stand Firm!’,” in which he quoted a statement offered to him by Michael More’: “The Word shows us that Paul is certainly an example we can follow in putting on perseverance. Even after all the trials Paul went through, including severe beatings, being stoned and...…
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